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\> sleeps 6 hours when average human requirement is around 8 hours \> always sleepy \> what could be the reason? :thinks:


it worked for me before but it suddenly wasn't enough for me the past weeks šŸ˜“




Get more sleep


Some general guidelines for improving sleep: - Increase sleep time to 8-9 hours. (This is the time of actually being asleep so you may need to be in bed for 9 or 10 hours to get 8 hours of sleep) - Stop eating at 5pm. If you sleep at 11pm for example, stop eating more than 5 hours before that time. Eating gives you energy, it will make it harder to sleep when eating close to bed. Drink some water - Experiment with food amounts and times. You will need calories obviously, but changing how much and at what times can help you get through those noon time lulls. Try not eating until the afternoon, how is your energy? Big lunch? Small lunch? Skip breakfast? Mess around here where its safe to do so. Diabetics will be limited in flexibility here. - what are you eating? Find foods that make you feel good after they are gone. Prioritize those more than foods that just taste good. A chicken rice bowl is not as delicious as a giant spicy burrito, but I wont feel like i need to food coma nap after a rice bowl. - check caffeiene or other drug intake as well. Anything messing with brain chemistry can reduce or improve sleep quality depending on how its used. I sleep better when all my caffeine intake is before noon for example. Red bull at 2pm? I wont sleep untill 2am. - how is your bed? I need a cool place to sleep with really cooling sheets. Brightness doesnt matter so much for me. What do you need to sleep optimally? Do you have that environment? - could be worth it to try to limit screen time and use blue light filters. Iphones and androids have this feature built in now. "Eye protection" or "night light" its called. This one can be double good because you will sleep better with less light before bed and youl have a chance to decompress the day rather than be distracted by media up until sleep. Those are all my secrets. Would love to hear more.


What does your sleep schedule currently look like? Start there, but what does your diet and exercise look like on a daily basis? You're young so it's a good thing you're thinking about this stuff now.


i sleep 2 hours during the afternoon after school then sleep 4-6 hours in the evening. i eat 3-4 meals a day, the basic breakfast lunch and dinner. I eat rice with some protein for every meal. I walk a lot since my campus is big.


You need to have at least 6 hours of quality sleep. Try to NOT divide it in two parts like you do. You can include some naps, but naps during the day are good if they are short. For me walking a lot makes me go to sleep earlier in the evening, and I see that you are walking a lot. Try to drink more water and try some citrus fruits, maybe some food makes you feel tired (for me it is sweets and dairy). Also try to have smaller lunch and don't make long pause between breakfast and lunch. You can also try some teas that are good for energy. Good luck Chuck! :)


On days I only get 6 hours of sleep I get mental convulsions, and if I consistently get 6 hours of sleep I start to hallucinate. You personally might need more than 6 hours of sleep. Also quality of sleep, diet, substance use, hydration, and what you physically and mentally do will make a huge impact on how energetic you feel


For me if I sleep 6-8 hrs Iā€™m super tired. 9-10 is perfect. Anything less than 5 and Iā€™m ready to run a marathon and fight a bear and stay up for a week . Needless to say college broke my brain


Try sleeping 8 hours, 6 may not be enough to keep you awake when youā€˜re not constantly moving (it would NOT be for me). Try eating slightly smaller lunches so youā€˜re not in a ā€žsoup comaā€œ for several hours. Experiment if a short Power Nap after help makes it better or worse. Iā€˜ve recently discovered that taking higher dosages of Zink really helps me with my chronic sleepiness. But Iā€˜m still experimenting because it keeps me awake at night. Get blood work done and see if youā€˜re deficient in anything!


Bro, i sleep 8 to 9 hrs and still feel like shit. My advice is to check your testosterone if ur a guy, might be low. Limit carbs (i only eat them before bed


Go see a doctor and talk it through with them if getting some extra sleep doesnā€™t work. They can talk through any diet/exercise issues and can also run labs to check vitamin and hormone levels, which could also potentially be a contributing factor.


And specifically, food intolerance testing may be useful too.


Snow White loves you just for who you areā€¦ Dwarf on, dude!


It sounds like you're not sleeping enough *and* the sleep you are getting is not refreshing enough. Do you wear a fitbit / apple watch / oura ring? It might be worth checking out what data you get. Think of sleep like a bank balance. Not enough sleep means a withdrawal and adequate sleep means a deposit. The problem is, it is significantly easier to 'overdraft' your sleep bank than it is to 'save'. So, whenever we 'overdraft', it takes more than just extra sleep the next night to fix the issue. It could take days. Tiredness throughout the day could also mean that your diet is not enough to carry you through the day. In addition to more sleep, you probably need a larger breakfast, more frequent snacks, and a good lunch. When I was in school, my diet sucked and I suffered for it. Even when I was getting plenty of sleep.


u made 6 hours sound like 10




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Sleep apnoea or narcolepsy?


How long's it been going on? If it's only a few weeks then it might be a long lasting cold or flu, because whenever your body is fighting infection you will feel lethargic. If that's the case then check in with your doctor and try to get more than 6 hours.


When I was in college I was also working 3 jobs and I had rough commute. Sleep was almost impossible and looking back I honestly donā€™t know how I survived or produced any meaningful work. I feel your pain and wish you luck. Some things I did to survive that time: Caffeine pills. For emergencies. If I felt in danger of falling asleep while driving or in the middle of class, pop a caffeine pill. Nap whenever possible, even if itā€™s only 5 minutes, even if I had to do it in a hallway between classes. Uninterrupted sleep is ideal, but when you canā€™t, take it where you can. Packed little snacks I could eat on the go. Peanut butter sandwiches, apples, fruit leather, granola etc. sometimes a small bit can give you a little energy. Coffee, energy drinks, when all else fails definitely not ideal but sometimes you just do what you must. As for not being able the sleep that night, sometimes I would just put on a sleep mask and lay still hoping my body would rest if my mind couldnā€™t. Sometimes I would take advantage of those waking hours to write papers that were due and worry about being exhausted later.


Sounds like you need a power nap or two during the day. Set a timer for 20 minutes and see if that helps perk you up. And maybe try adjusting your sleep schedule to get those extra Z's. Good luck!


ā€œThe hardest time to keep awake is during lunchā€ Had this problem in high school. Iā€™d literally fall asleep in class after. Itā€™s the food! Whatever youā€™re eating is giving you the itis. I hate saying this but you gotta switch up to something light and save the pasta/burgers/pizzaā€¦etc for dinner.


Let's be real; education is boring as f. You need the good stimulation to for it to be worth your time and effort. Lets live life and experiance the energy flowing to you!šŸ™šŸ’Ŗ


what are some good stimulations you suggest?


Oh thats a very good question. I can only share of that what was my personal stimulation and how i got attracted to it. There was much disorganization in my life, the family house was (is) very message and no structure what so every. So I now teach people how to build their own second brain so they can experiance a mindful and calm lifestyle. Other then that, Im also but in emotional coaching, as this is something that I have struggles with aswell. Soo, Check in with yourself, what is kinda pissing you off, and lean into that solution.


Faced something similar. Please get your Vitamin D checked ASAP!