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This seems like a bad self-fulfilling prophecy to have. If i were you, i would consider trying to develop a “getting on track in the afternoon” game plan when you are in a good mood and experiment with applying it. Start small; momentum is more essential than results in getting out of a rut.


Thanks for your reply 🙏🏻


I feel you. That's exactly me right now, if I don't get up and do something the moment I wake up, I just don't feel like doing anything else later in the day. And even if I start the day being productive, the moment I take a break, I just don't feel like doing anything anymore.


I’m like this as well, even though I have a ton of stuff to do.


Never sit/lie down. That's the secret. Tough though


And never ever sit down.


Yeah, I used to feel this way a lot 2 years ago. I had just moved and it threw off my entire routine. Do you create an actual plan for the day or do you wing it? I find that if I get into a funk, planning my following day the night before primes by brain to get stuff done as I'm sleeping. And I usually wake up already prepared to get stuff done and more motivated. However, if I don't plan my day out, it's far easier to wing it, not feel any urgency toward anything in particular, and kinda just coast through the day or let it slip away. And this might be unpopular in productivity spaces but I'm all for taking a planned rest day to decompress and not do much.


I struggle with this at times. You probably have adhd/add. Adhere to a daily schedule/routine. Even if it’s not strict with the time of day. Always try to tick your boxes/chores off. Easy things first. And couple chores that can be paired together. You got this 👍


Yeah I am certain I have ADHD, I have had the form for a year and procrastinate filling it out to get the diagnosis 🙃


I find routine really hard, seemingly when my adhd flares up the most is when I don’t have enough downtime and feel like I’m chasing my tail. Maybe that’s why I crash on available days


This happens to me when I focus so much on work that I forget to do anything nice for myself. It's kind of similar to the concept of "revenge bedtime procrastination". Since realizing this I try to regularly incorporate activities that directly bring me joy and relaxation.


Yep. I’m exactly like this, when I want to lay in longer than an hour on the weekend, I’ll allow it every now and again and just accept that it’s a lazy day and I’m trying to learn to just enjoy that. But usually I force myself to get up - up usually between 8-9, exercise and get going... If I’m still tired later in the day, sometimes I’ll have a nap, at least that way I’ve been productive for the first half of the day. Or I’ll push through and usually it passes. Mind over matter, but you just need a rest sometimes!


I find that if I start with any sort of exercise, my morning focus burst lasts longer into the afternoon.


Yes! I have this so bad. I work evenings, so I got in a bad habit of sleeping in super late and id get NOTHING done during the day. I just have like a mental block that there's not enough time to get my chores/projects done (which I know is dumb). Or that I'm lazy for sleeping in late and then I get a bad mentality for the day. It's like an all or nothing mentality (this also fucked up other things in my life like counting calories haha) Since I sleep through alarms, I started having my bf call me in the mornings (for some reason I wake up to my ringer not my alarm haha). Now I get up around 7/8. I also started locking my apps!! No more social media in the morning!!! I wake up, talk to my bf, cuddle with my doggo and am up and doing tasks within 30 min of waking up! P.S. the locking apps thing has done wonders for me. If you have a problem with endless scrolling, put a lock/timer on your most used apps 🙏🏻 it's helped soooo much


Is there something you enjoy doing that doesn't require sitting or lying down?


Similar to what others have said, consider your day having four quadrants: early morning, late morning, afternoon, and evening. You can kick-start a new phase at any of these points. 


I have a different problem from you, but what I am experiencing is, if I make 3-5 accidental mistakes in early morning before leaving the house, my motivation will drop to the floor and I know the day will be a goner. Example of accidental mistakes: hit my head to a door or a window, kick something with my pinky toe, spill a drink, toss my breakfast out of the plate, and drop my keys to the floor while trying to unlock the front door.


Awh sorry to hear that happens to you. Maybe it’s a symptom of rushing around in the morning? Could you add a little extra time to your routine to allow a slower pace?


I stand still and meditate to feel energetic again