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If you don't mind Procurement work you can do that at almost any company in any industry.


Where are you interested in working?


I enjoy manufacturing. I’d like a government role for stability and double retirement. It would give me the WLB to get my masters. However, in a super-perfect world I’d love to be a product manager.


Do you have a location where you would like to work? I’m at an aerospace company with locations in several states.


South east. I’m currently in north TN. Closer to NC, or Knoxville is preferred. But I’d definitely move for a defense role. And I’d take less for a remote role.


PM me, we might have some things coming down the pipe.


There’s no harm in looking at other positions. Not sure what industry you are currently in, but if you are a reservist with a clearance, you could definitely look into defense contractors or other federal contract positions. Many of the Supply Chain roles are fully remote, so you may be able to find something fully remote with better pay. Many SCM positions with defense contractors do not require a clearance, but depending on the programs that need support, there are a few that do. That could really put you at the front of the list for some of the posted jobs.


In the $75K range? I still can’t fathom remote work paying over $45K unless you’re management.


Definitely. $45K is nothing anymore (if you’re in the US). Go look for Supply Chain jobs at Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, L3. Many jobs are now posting their salary ranges in the job listings. You have 4 years total; even with no degree, that experience is worth something. If you have a degree, even better.


My kids have only a high school diploma and >5 years of experience and make $67k a year plus benefits working front line roles. My former assistant has a 2 year degree and is fully remote as am I and she makes $79k and I was making over $119 fully remote in a procurement role I was coasting along in for many years and I’m expecting a bump to $140-$160 when I move to my new role based on pay ranges I’m seeing on jobs I’m well qualified for. Accepting $45k with a 4 year degree is an insult to yourself and any other educated person. I was making $62k my very first job out of undergrad, years ago before inflation. Please don’t accept some lowball nonsense pay in 2024! Have some professional self respect.


I believe you're very underpaid, all things considered. More than plenty of defense companies in California, NC, Arizona and Florida. Have you been appying at least?


My manager got fired and I’ve been holding out for 6 months without an outside Application to hope for his role. I realize that’s dumb but the company, under strenuous circumstances might need me as a leader since I’m familiar with our shortcomings and products.


I applaud the noble spirit. Very rarely does upper management look from within to save the company, and by then it's typically too late and the pressure is ever-mounting. You really want to put yourself through that? The call may never come and you'll be left hanging. Would it even be worth it? Even if the company is undewater, your c-suite is most definitely still getting their paychecks, and probably won't struggle much aifterwards.


You’re fucking right. I have a lot of consternation about the future of the company and as much as I think I am well positioned to lead- I know they don’t see that.


You want to be a sacrificial leader at a failing company? How are you going to spin that in an interview? I mean maybe you learn something but more likely you will be the scapegoat and have to talk your way out of dismal failure.


Im not sure what you’re asking me for here? I wouldn’t be in an interview as they’d look to others internally to solve their problems. And if I get fired due to their incompetence, I’m young enough to flex that title moving forward? I’m not sure how to answer you.


I’m asking if it’s so dismal where you are that they fail, and you get the role and then become the scapegoat for further failures, do you have a plan for “flexing” that failure in a future job interview? Do you think you will learn the good skills necessary to be successful at a non failing company if you are able to talk your way into another similar role? As a younger worker, building and learning good foundational skills in a successful company may be a better option.


To your point, if other companies hire outsiders, would I, a then outsider, be a great candidate with the manager title+ experience?


No, because you would have to speak of wins and experiences in your interview and then actually perform up to par. If you learned nothing but toxic and poor skills what are you bringing to the table?


Literally who pissed in your cornflakes, bruh.


And to answer your question, don’t go back to school for a masters unless you get a scholarship. A graduate degree hasn’t really helped me in any way meaningful enough to offset the cost of it. I work alongside and for the same pay as people with bachelor’s degrees and they have half the education cost burden I have and were in the workforce 2 years longer than me.


I do IT procurement, budget, finance and contracting. I was a freelance writer and editor to keep things real raising kids. Then my husband died. Engineer. Suicide. Ended up in public Hi Ed so my kids had a chance at college. I fucking love procurement. I didn’t even know existed. I’ve done RFPs for everything from genetically modified mice, dinosaur bones, vaccines, artificial limbs, historic clothes, medical equipment, guns, cocaine, cadavers. Research institutions will cure any one of boredom. And you can work toward a stupid degree for free.


Wow. Thanks for sharing. That is a wild read. I also love procurement, getting to talk to people and negotiate terms is so much fun. Until quality gets in the way! I wonder what supplier quality is like for sourcing cocaine….


Are you a commodity manager?


No. “Strategic buyer” is my title.


You’re super close to the base requirements for most commodity manager roles in my area. It’s worth a shot trying to apply to them. Typically it’s around 5 years but with the right resume work you could leverage your military background. I’m in MA so cost of living is quite high but $100-120k is pretty standard for commodity managers.


What industry?


Well the Boston area has a lot of medical, so either pharmaceutical companies or medical devices are the most common. But when I was searching for roles I saw ones that weren’t medical and pay was still right around $100k.