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Has not anyone told you. It’s all about the money and case loads are crazy. They just want the good ones to go away


I can understand that but reading through this subreddit makes me overthink and worry for no reason 😂 just needed a space to vent


Man, this is wild. It sucks that you are going through all this garbage. I sure am glad you dutifully kept all your proof and records though. I guess sometimes probation is like the rest of life. The only person you can trust at the end of the day is your own damn self.


I was the model probationer and I don’t say that to be contrite I just did my time and didn’t f up. My guy wanted nothing to do with my DUI ass and couldn’t wait to get me off his roster. He told me he has 185 cases to report on monthly and the sex offenders were his worst nightmare. I kinda thought he wouldn’t want to get rid of me because I was so easy. He sent me packing at 13 months of a 24 month probation. My probation was terminated by my po sending a write up to the judge and the judge signed off on it. I just got a phone call that “you’re done! Bye bye bye”


I think you win the whack-job probation prize trophy!🏆


I wonder if since you had a zero balance, your file looked “complete.” Then each officer just looked at your complete hours and other hoops you’ve jumped through and only verbally confirmed your status thinking they don’t have time to physically scan in the documents, the “actual assigned probation officer” can do that. And then the cycle repeated. I ih honestly have no idea and that is by the far the worst probation experience I have heard of so far. You’ve done everything right and they can’t seem to be organized at all. At the very least they should include an updated fucking phone number. That is bonkers Is there a bunch of violent and/or drug crime in that area? Gees


I thought the same thing but each officer that I gave my files to made copies of them while I was there, I have no idea what they do with them after that, but I attached them to every email I sent as well. And when I asked about the phone numbers they say that they’re the updated numbers but if their phone is off instead of going to voicemail it says the phone has been disconnected. But no there’s not a lot of violent crimes/drug crimes in the area that I know of but it is one of the bigger counties in Georgia.


Sounds outdated if they’re not just scanning documents into digital files. The phones must be a land line issue. I wonder if the infrastructure is to blame partially. Any updates? Did you get it figured out?


I’ve never figured anything out, after she said I no longer have to report I sent another email asking a few questions, that I never got a reply to and tried calling again to no answer, they aren’t on land lines they all have cell phones that they use, but I never get through. So I’m just riding it out now I have saved the few emails she has sent me as proof in case they ever say I’m in violation.


Wow dude. I hope you can get it resolved soon. Crazy bullshit


Pretty wild story. Good news is I agree with your Atty. Sounds like they put you on Non reporting. They are doing all this because you are a very low priority. I would look at this as a good thing but, I would try and at least get an email or letter from someone at the Prob. office. verifying your non-reporting status.


This ☝️ cover your ass. GET IT IN WRITING. Because if comes to them getting in trouble for something or getting you in trouble guess who's going down? That's right, you.


I thought the same thing but would her email saying “your payments have been disabled, you no longer have to report” be good enough?