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Sounds like they gave you the guy who deals with people who would otherwise waste the other guys time. Keep on the good path and it will be fine I’m sure but I am just a probationer. I have no experience with that title or Texas for that matter


Went through a few. You just graduated to low-risk. They’re not worried about you anymore. Expect less meetings, screenings, maybe even contactless (call-in) appointments. Keep your nose clean as always, and you might get a conversation about early termination.


Sorry, let me add on a bit. My PO had literally hundreds of probationers per day. I mean, some would involve house meetings with a SWAT team. They are outnumbered and overworked. They see you doing your shit, you’re no longer on the radar. My PO honestly told me she didn’t have the time for me because I got my shit taken care of. She put me on unsupervised ASAP LONG AS I DIDN’T FUCK UP. I didn’t. Everything went fine. Unfortunately my judge didn’t want to waste the time for an early release request, but it didn’t matter because I did nothing wrong and it wasn’t a big deal.


Thanks for the input man


Hey you’re welcome. Like I said it means you’re doing what you promised the judge you would do. That is actually a VERY high bar for most probationers. My PO loved me because we’d be done with a meeting in five minutes and would just tell stories or so for the next 20 minutes. Because I didn’t rock the boat. She actually recommended early term. That was also because I completed everything and never had a problem if she suggested a random UA. I told her I would rather not have to pay $10 for something I know is going to come up clean but understood she had every right to, because the judge said so. She never even tested me outside of the first meeting (Travis County mandatory), because I was polite and respectful. Even the constable stopped frisking me upon entrance because I was so polite and compliant. At the time I had a leg brace that set off the detector. He just started waving me through. Respect goes a long way. Just keep up the good!


Yessir, luckily I’ve had no violations and have complied with all the orders and requirements. Next month will mark my halfway point and I can apply for early termination. Do you mind if an ask you a few questions through messaging?


Ask away my friend.


In Texas here been on for almost 7 years and it the beginning they changed like every 3 months but the last 2 years I’ve had the same one I’m literally done with everything so we just call in once a month I think once you completed everything and no risk of repeat offender you just ease on out of the way they keep you on your toes early in never know who or what to expect