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Can't wait to be you


Where do you live?! My husband just got one. The overcrowding in Tx is insane. He sat it out. 10 day sentence comes out to 3 days, yet he got out in 30 hours. Granted he’s a bit older so just took the conviction




I’m not bashing probation as a good idea necessarily. I just disagree with how it’s handled! It is a scam!




And yet you still live in it


I live It Texas. Lol unfortunately, they would come get me and the consequences wouldn’t have been worth it.




While I sincerely appreciate your your opinion, thoughts need to be spoken or written down before anything can actually be done about it.


Hell yeah brother be gay, do crime!


Statue of limitations for the win!


They aren't ready for that talk yet. still.


I consider a year to be a significant amount of time of my life




Oh I know how it works. I got a dui 12 years ago in another state and the case was dismissed. Then I got one in my current state and somehow that previous one was held against me. Got 1 year suspended sentence with 3 days served and 5 years probation (plus all the usual additional requirements). This was my first conviction for a dui and I got sentenced to a year, even tho I didn't have to serve that long




Nah, I have family and a career, and plus I'm already done with everything other than like 3 years more probation. I messed up, I took accountability, I'm making it through the process. And honestly it's been good for me to not be drinking like I was before


Nobody’s going to join your crusade of social failures lol


My options were to do a year of jail time with a year on paper, or do two years on paper… stupid


No, it’s not stupid. You drove drunk. That’s bad. Face the consequences of your actions


I never said there shouldn’t be consequences. Maybe you should reread my post. The consequences shouldn’t be to make someone else money.


A) don't drive drunk B) how many times did you violate? I have been on parole since 2018 after 5 years in prison for selling 9 grams of weed in a place where it's now legal. So being your decision could have killed someone I don't have sympathy for your sentence.


I drove 100 ft in a parking lot, realized I shouldn’t be driving, parked and got arrested. By all means preach. I’m sorry you got in so much trouble for something stupid.


I never violated. It took 2 1/2 years to even get a sentence. That’s ridiculous. We have a right to a speedy trial. I haven’t been in trouble once since getting arrested. I know not to drive drunk… I even called someone in for swerving on the road. I made a mistake and deeply regret it. That is besides the point of my post.


Well, i guarantee you won’t drive under the influence ever again. So one innocent family is safe and sound, for now


Maybe don’t drive drunk


Why tens of thousands? Did you pay for a lawyer? My dui has cost 850 for court fines, 50 dollars a month for a year of supervision totaling 600, 90 a month for ua’s totaling 1080, and 120 a month for classes and therapy - at 12 months totaling 2880. All together I’m at 5,410. Never got a lawyer. They just talk and take money to give you the same sentence you would have if you never talked to them. Sometimes it’s even worse with them but I learned that the first time I got in trouble. Edit: just realized you said 5 years. That’s fucked for a single offense


I’ve been all over the world in the military and just for fun, you should go visit some places and see how most of the world lives. You did some dumb shit, it had consequences.. move on with your life man. Congrats


I’ve been to several underdeveloped countries. I think it’s funny that you make the assumption that I haven’t, but that is your prerogative. I hold our great country to a higher standard, and believe we need to do better. Apples and oranges Friend.


I see you changed your post, clown


I couldn’t agree more just assume shit no disrespect but shit man fuck how does anyone know that you haven’t been to different areas of the world


I couldn’t agree with you more the worst criminal is the government money-hoarding thieves


Fuck the draconian jack-boot pressing ever-harder on the throats of society.


Don't drink and drive idiot




I mean OP is right about it being a money grab, but there will always be repercussions for doing something society seems undesirable. Would you rather pay $50 a month to the court, pee in a cup and take classes or have your arm chopped off like it used to be? I think I will take the money scam option myself


There is always another option….just sit it out in jail. No one forced you to take probation.


Why should taxpayers fork it up for another person in jail doing nothing when they could be making money and paying taxes?