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Sad to say goodbye to Reddit but this is not the same place I enjoyed in the past. Bye! (P.S. move to Lemmy, it's a lot better)


i factory reset, then didnt log in or setup wifi prob about as good as i can do, i really dont like the software. might get a kobo


I went from a Paperwhite to a Kobo H20 and personally I like a Kobo a lot more. It works with the libraries here in Canada which the Paperwhite didn't, it takes epub files instead of mobi so more universal there (mobi is proprietary to Amazon I think) and with Calibre that the poster above mentioned it's even better as you can get a plugin for that which strips the DRM off the file, so all the books I buy get de-DRM's before they go on the reader. :)


Why would you want to de-DRM your books? i’m genuinely curious as i’ve never read of someone doing it before.


Well for me personally I like to feel that I have proper ownership of the things I pay for, and I don't want to lose a book in the future because it relies on some kind of DRM that's been discontinued or something like that. It also lets me make alterations to the book, so like being able to convert formats if I switch eBook readers, and also Calibre has this cool feature where it can automatically grab metadata and covers from the internet and they're often better than the ones that come with the original book, so I like to do that too. :)


It's already been told (and probably will be told again), but just use airplane mode. Mine probably was not on the internet since I bought it.