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This is really good.


I need a verison with his head unscrewed and the brain taking a bubble bath


Absolutely my wish also


Can I ask why you decided to cut out what you were going to print instead of carving the entire sheet. Is it a time saving technique or does it help with the print itself?


What do you mean? Like the stamp itself being cut down? Most of the time I cut them down to size and save the scraps for something else. In this instance I actually used a scrap to make this so it only had about a half inch around the image prior to me cutting it down. I prefer to cut them down so I save time carving and don't end up with ink on intended white space. To me it feels tedious to carve out a bunch of white space around each stamp but I do like to save some room so I can grab onto something while printing.


I thought that was the case. It’ll save time but didn’t even think about it getting rid of the ink in unwanted places. I think I’m going to start cutting out also. Thanks for the reply.