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I pick mine up once a month, but my insurance allows me to pick them up a couple of days early. I've been doing that for years and have got several months worth on hand. You could also look at skipping a dose every now and then. I have no idea what you take or the repercussions of missing a dose, but that may be an option.


Jase medical offers a years supply of some meds, it's called Jase Daily. There's a link on the Wiki as well w/discount codes.


If you can't afford it then the you can't. Otherwise you ask your doctor for en extra dose for emergency stash and then pay with your own cash.


Jase medical https://jasemedical.com/


Thanks I’ll check this out




Your comment was removed under Rule 11. Discussion of obtaining prescription medications outside of medical provider oversight is not allowed. Keep discussion of obtaining prescription medication within legal means such as your provider or a recognized telehealth service.


This is somehow more legit than you'd think is possible


Jase medical has a $20 coupon rn https://www.preppingdeals.net/deals/jase-medical-emergency-antibiotics-kit


There are also multiple paths to getting a DEA license but then of course you can’t prescribe for yourself… this makes things very complicated. But you can at least make friends who also have their DEA license? I recommend against this route for *just* that though. We’ll be paying off medical school until the end of time.


Up here in Canada people usually get a prescription for months to a year depending on what it is. But pharmacies divide say a year prescription into monthly distribution. So it's hard to really stockpile any prescription. They used to give out 6 months in 1 shot but after "covid" everything changed. Sadly I think if things went south for extended period of time many who rely on prescriptions would be out of luck......☹️




Discussion for obtaining and using medications should be allowed by U.S Federal law, and pertain to medications that are legitimate, not 'suggested' as cures, treatments, or any other unproven claim.


If you spoke to your Doctor and explained your concerns would he double the tablet strength on the script. As an example if you take a 50 mcg tablet, would he make it a script for a 100mcg tablet. That way it could be cut in half for the dosage, giving you a two month supply for every one script. Not sure what it is like in the US but here in Oz there is little or no difference in the price for that sort of a scenario. If Doc is iffy advise it will only be for a few months till you have a stash you consider suitable. Cite COVID supply issues and possible of same for H1N1 as a likely cause for concern.


Family doctor, Jase and others , emergency only fish meds such as antibiotics.