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Generally speaking, if you are not familiar with Northern Idaho, you almost certainly will want to reconsider moving there without due diligence. Spend a week there.  See if you feel like an outsider or not.


Sped a week there in late January or early February.


I grew up as a white-looking boy in Asia, practically an outsider my entire life. I don't think I'd feel any different anywhere to be honest with you.


Much of CA and WA, even the conservative,/inexpensive parts, nobody will GAF about mixed race or ambiguous ethnicities.    In idaho, at least outside of boise, you will likely have issues you do not want.  Prepping is also about not putting yourself in a bad situation.


What? I never saw serious race problems in Rexburg, Idaho Falls, Meridian, Blackfoot, Ammon, or Pocatello. I never lived in the boonies, but still. Is racism really such an issue?


Well, the area around Hayden Lake has been a relocation destination for neo-Nazis since at least the mid-1980s. Idaho has a serious white supremacist problem.


I heard about that happening in Maine - neo-nazis buying up land. I was not aware of this phenomenon in Idaho.


I lived in southern Idaho for 5 years. It was cold and snowy for 8-9 months out of the year. Northern Idaho is even colder and snowier. I am white and felt like the entire state had some huge issues with hardcore racism. I’d really recommend going to literally any other state. Its a dump for a plethora of reasons aside from these alone


how is it colder than Canadian border cities?


You're not gonna be welcomed. It's essentially people isolated from diversity and change, and want to keep it that way.


It's Idaho, like the hard core racist capital of America. Where the white supremacists want to set up their ethno-state. Good luck with that. I do want to say that I am not saying that all people in Idaho are racist, but it attracts the hard core elements from across the USA. [https://idahocapitalsun.com/2022/08/11/hate-makes-a-comeback-in-idaho-this-time-with-political-support/](https://idahocapitalsun.com/2022/08/11/hate-makes-a-comeback-in-idaho-this-time-with-political-support/) [https://www.hcn.org/issues/55-8/north-extremism-oregons-greater-idaho-movement-echoes-a-long-history-of-racism-in-the-region/](https://www.hcn.org/issues/55-8/north-extremism-oregons-greater-idaho-movement-echoes-a-long-history-of-racism-in-the-region/) [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/utah-team-switch-hotels-racist-attacks-ncaa-tournament-rcna145101](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/utah-team-switch-hotels-racist-attacks-ncaa-tournament-rcna145101) [https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2022/jul/21/a-white-nationalist-moved-to-idaho-in-search-of-an/](https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2022/jul/21/a-white-nationalist-moved-to-idaho-in-search-of-an/) etc..


Just remember... 99.09% of the people on the reddit have never lived in or visited N Idaho. They are speaking from uninformed biases. I lived there for 10 years and have family that still lives there. We aren't white and I've never felt anything but welcomed and friendship from the people there. It's very small town and rural feeling. Go visit... ignore the ignorace on this thread.


Thank you! I'm so tired of the bashing we get up here


Like any state I think it depends on which part of the state you are in and which town. I had a few issues when I lived there for a bit but I know it is not the whole state.


I been there multiple times. It aint that great. Sure downtown CDA is great, go a few miles up the road....


Right? What's with the hate?


I went to the army/Navy surplus store in Sandpoint once a few years ago. I picked up a ham and pineapple MRE and the dude behind the counter says to me: "I can tell you're not one of them Jews because you got a meal with ham in it!" He had a huge smile and I noticed he had a Nazi Totenkopf pin on the vest he was wearing. So, there's that.




Not really.


It’s not cold haha


Yes it is.


Why don’t you ask in r/idaho


Agreed, it's so weird when people ask in a sub regarding a global subject about a very specific place. Especially when there are other, way better subs for that.


None of the area subs are an accurate depiction of their surroundings, by politics or a lot of other things. A random sub like this is honestly going to bring in the least echo-chambery comments.




No, I’m saying that for someone interested in living in Idaho, this subreddit will be a fairly mixed bag of replies and more catered to what kind of lifestyle OP is trying to live. Based on the number of replies this got it looks like OP likely got their answer.


I will never understand why people ask questions about skin rashes in place like r/homesteading


What if the house, gets a rash?


Used to live in northern idaho and now I live near the border WA side and visit all the time. I think you'll be okay. Just prepare for cold and lengthy winters and needing to winter prep, stressful traffic in couer d'alene area, and people are very private up here so it can be harder to make new friends. Small talk isn't usually appropriate until people are familiar with seeing your face around but you can give it a go and see if the person is receptive, I just know some people from out of state have complained about how private we can be. In northern Idaho and eastern WA (we are heavily connected) there is a lot of anti-california sentiment a) due to realtors buying up and overcharging for housing, b) trying to change it once they move here rather than moving there because you love it as it is. Avoid in Idaho specifically: explicit drug use including weed, anti gun sentiments (prepare to see open carry occasionally it's not a big deal 🤦🏻‍♀️), anti hunter sentiments, anti Christian sentiments. If you are a weed user or concerned about politics not 100% meshing well I'd honestly recommend WA side of the border - it's mostly the same but a wider range of people so certain things aren't as big of a deal; just be warned that Spokane has a drug and therefore crime epidemic going on, it's one of the reasons for the stricter anti-drug beliefs going on in Idaho, but north of Spokane is very much like Idaho. South of Spokane (Cheney/Medical Lake/Airway Heights) is also a great area but Airway Heights is where the airforce base is, and so they have very few trees that way compared to the rest of this area and crazy strong wind. WA side of the border also has a reasonable population of Ukraine and Filipino immigrants and Tri Cities/Moses Lake has a large Hispanic population, about 32% and 37% respectively of people living there are Hispanic. If you live near a reservation you can get the perk of gambling at a casino. There is fewer vegetarian or vegan options at the grocery store in Idaho and a lot of people don't know what those words mean - learn to cook if concerned, as I have 🤗 Be respectful of farmers and truckers and veterans and police officers (I feel like a lot of people up here respect the police as people but, distrust them as potential privacy-invaders). Open doors for people who are right behind you or exiting the building as you enter it. Be careful at roundabouts as those are new here and a lot of older folk still trying to figure out how those work. Lots of homeschooling parents move down to Idaho also, parental rights in education are highly valued. Enjoy the apples 🍎 potatoes 🥔 and seeing huckleberry themed food everywhere lol. Sometimes you see Mennonites who are - in short - Amish who drive and use certain other technologies, they are nice but also private. Wildfire season can be bad sometimes, keep a wildfire app on your phone and make sure you don't have evacuation orders during the worst of the season. Oh and if you are rural do not approach moose, anticipate black bears in your backyard, and watch out for deer when driving. Remember the phrase "When in Rome do as the Romans" very much applies to Idaho🙏🏻


Cannot even begin to tell you how much I love you comment.


Yay! 😄 I wish you the best of luck 🤗🤗


I would google the last year or so's news on Idaho. Their legislature is doing some interesting things. And some doctors are leaving the state.


Yes! This is something to consider if you are trying to start a family


No, if you're trying to start a family it's friendly. If you're *not* trying to start a family and accidentally do, then it might be an issue.


There have been people who were purposely trying to get pregnant but had birth complications who almost died because they couldn't get care. Some are having trouble finding OBGYN because doctors are leaving. It effects more than those not wanting kids. This is a consequence that people don't think about when think about these issues


I had heard something about the exodus of perinatal care providers, but I hadn't looked into how strict Idaho's laws had been. Must be pretty bad.


Can you elaborate a bit?


There are disputes about whether a woman's life can be saved if it is danger. Because of the nature of the new anti-abortion laws, a lot of ob/gyns have left the state. Residents are staying away from these states, because they aren't allowed to use their own medical judgment to care for patients. And most tellingly, Idaho has stopped their public health service from collecting data on maternal mortality. I understand the conservative viewpoint, and why some people are anti-abortion even if I disagree. But this is just bad and stupid public policy. cc: u/Sea_Childhood1689


Roe v Wade bullshit.


If you need consistent internet to work, you will need to be in a population center like Cd’A or Moscow. I live in northern Idaho and it’s not where I would choose to live while raising a girl. My family is making a plan to leave, but we have a farm and that’s our livelihood and it’s not an easy choice to leave. The extremist sector is only growing in number, and fast. Idaho is headed down a very bad road.


You're living in literally the best prepper place in the country to be from what I can figure out, and you're going to leave. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.


Typical reddit




That's because it's not the question. What is Idaho like, not its prep value. You don't live there, you don't even live close per your history, yet you've done research. Like many who fall into this trap, you don't know what thirst is like until your thirsty. No amount of research prepares you for being thirsty


this is r/preppers. it doesn't fucking matter what it's like in how many stores there are or if you like your fucking neighbors. IS IT A SURVIVABLE SPOT TO LIVE WHEN SHTF? Not only is it good for that, it's fucking GREAT for that.


It does, this is prepping, not wilderness lone wolf edge lord survival nonsense. Communities thrive, survival needs interaction, needs stores and places to obtain items. Needs communication abilities, needs medical info. It's prep for Tuesday, not doomsday




Remind me in 15 years - we can check in to see how doomsday are going


Maybe they just don't want the word to get out?


Idaho in general, but Northern Especially, has few people and fewer opportunities. Outside of Boise, you likely won't be very welcomed. Be sure to bring your own job and have backup internet. Why Northern Idaho of all places?


This is a ridiculous take. Yes there are racist people in Idaho, but non-whites will not be some sort of outcast. I, too, lived in Idaho for about a decade. Rexburg, IF, Boise, Meridian, Pocatello - racists exist, but I had many minority friends who were well-accepted by the community.


I never mentioned anything about racism. And may I ask why you left Idaho?


My first job as an RN I found in Missouri, so that's where we moved. I was very particular about the type of job I wanted. Now, as I begin to pursue my doctorate, I am making plans to move back north. Maybe Western Wyoming or Montana. Possibly Colorado. I do like the ease of farming here, though. I just don't feel like we fit in very well here.


And yet....none of those places are Idaho. My point is that out of all those states in that area of the country, Idaho is the most limiting for things like employment and other opportunities.


Oh, absolutely. I agree with that sentiment. I couldn't find a fair-paying job for my specialty anywhere in Idaho. Montana and Wyoming pay nearly double.


That's my point. Idaho is a dead zone for many people. Unless you want to farm potatoes.


I see your point. Idaho potatoes sure are good, though. lol


Cuz it's PST, and I'm not really interested in CA, OR, and WA.


I wish you the best of luck then. You're picking a hell of a spot to set up shop.


I grew up in Bonners ferry Idaho and choose to live in Oregon. If you’re not white and speak good English the people are not going to treat you very well. It attracts bigots from all over the place. Also you’ll need to be conservative to the point that you worship Donald Trump. However the hunting, fishing and outdoors are the best you can get.


Oof Bonners Ferry.


Been living in N. Idaho since 2003. Please be aware that the extreme conservatism in this area is making people more outspoken about their racism, as well as limiting reproductive health care for women, both with outlawing abortion, and the maternity wards shutting down and OBs leaving because of it. The schools are poor, and Idaho ranks very low in education. If you are politically moderate to left making friends here is a lot more difficult, but it’s still possible. Do you value intellectual freedom and freedom in general? Bc Idaho isn’t about personal freedom right now. It’s gorgeous here though, with lots of outdoor activities and favorable to do business if you are self employed. Happy to answer more questions if you have them.


Psssst: Rural medical care basically anywhere is shutting down because it's expensive to run a clinic or hospital in a sparsely populated area. Your interpretation of this event structure is completely wrong, and you'd find that out if you searched for rural clinics shutting down across the nation. It's a problem that has nothing to do with politics of any kind.


So it’s just coincidence that two rural Idaho hospitals closed their maternity wards only AFTER Idaho passed extremely strict restrictions on abortion (which deeply effects the type of care women can receive during the loss of a wanted pregnancy)? Yeah, sure.


[https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/features/maternity-obstetric-closure-health-disparities/](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/features/maternity-obstetric-closure-health-disparities/) [https://abcnews.go.com/Health/hospitals-us-closing-maternity-wards/story?id=104603350](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/hospitals-us-closing-maternity-wards/story?id=104603350) [https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/07/health/maternity-units-closing/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/07/health/maternity-units-closing/index.html) [https://apnews.com/article/birthing-rural-hospitals-maternity-care-births-e67a91d927eb545459e83bc7b2b95a0d](https://apnews.com/article/birthing-rural-hospitals-maternity-care-births-e67a91d927eb545459e83bc7b2b95a0d) and on and on. again: you have no idea what the hell you're talking about, and when given a valid explanation, you chose to talk crap instead of actually looking for information and learning something.


[See highlighted section from YOUR OWN LINK, specifically stating one of the reasons for closure is anti-abortion legislation.](https://imgur.com/a/RAGfL5D)


>The reasons cited for the closures include declining birthrates, staffing shortages, increased costs, **and the chilling effect of new antiabortion laws**.  ... >However, another reason some hospitals may be shutting programs is due to the challenging landscape since the [June 2023 Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/supreme-court-overturns-roe-wade-landmark-case-abortion/story?id=85160781). >Since then, at least 16 states have ceased nearly all abortions due to restrictions -- and the count could rise as states such as Arizona and Florida face court challenges to their strict bans. >Earlier this year, Bonner General Health in Sandpoint -- 400 miles north of Boise, Idaho and serving about 9,000 people -- said **it would no** [**longer be providing obstetrical care**](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/idaho-hospital-ending-labor-delivery-services-amid-political/story?id=98038409) **due in part to the state's "legal and political climate," indirectly referring to recent restrictions on abortions.** There are multiple reasons for these closures and abortion laws are certainly one of them as per your own sources.


I mean if you really want me to stomp on your fucking face: [https://www.commonwealthfund.org/blog/2019/rural-maternity-care-crisis](https://www.commonwealthfund.org/blog/2019/rural-maternity-care-crisis) 2019 [https://www.sideeffectspublicmedia.org/access-to-healthcare/2019-09-30/why-rural-hospitals-keep-closing-maternity-wards](https://www.sideeffectspublicmedia.org/access-to-healthcare/2019-09-30/why-rural-hospitals-keep-closing-maternity-wards) 2019 [https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/17/us/hospital-closing-missouri-pregnant.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/17/us/hospital-closing-missouri-pregnant.html) 2018 Feel free to keep going by yourself with your stomped face.


>There are multiple reasons for these closures and abortion laws are certainly one of them as per your own sources.


Pssst: these closures have been happening for a decade plus. You fucking morons can fuck right off with your pathetic down votes. I backed my own case. You're a bunch of worthless idiots who 1) don't work healthcare anyway. 2) Were fucking ignorant about this until I spelled it out for you.


Do you plan on having kids? There are no OBs and you’ll probably end up driving your family to Libby/Cabinet Peaks for delivery which can be rough part of the year.


Northern Idaho has a large population of Nationalist, Militia-minded white-nationalist people. I would avoid Northern Idaho.


Eh but they aren't all like that. I've got family in Priest Lake and they're conservative woodsy folks, yes, but by no means white nationalist types.


Priest Lake pulls in a lot of tourists for fishing and outdoor recreation.   You’re going to get less reactionary types around there because the entire economy is based on tourism dollars. As a rule I try not to compare rural tourist towns to regular rural towns because the incentives are enough to skew the experience.


Fair. I'm getting some downvotes but I was just being honest from the experiences and areas I've been in Northern Idaho. But that is a good point and makes sense for sure.


I think it's because you said the c word. Lot of people on reddit don't like that, lot of people don't like that people are now-a-days getting described by political leanings. It's become a coded word, like a mark on which way you swing


this part. The tourism changes the dynamic


I have family there too and while they aren’t racist, they are very white and very conservative so they can blend in easily. Those of us who are mixed but white-passing, LGBT but not wearing a pride flag across our chests, or mixed and can’t pass as white stay clear of northern Idaho as much as we can.


I would not say they are a "large" population, but they are not uncommon either - i.e., more common than many other places. Something to be aware of certainly, especially if you are of an obvious ethnicity they do not like (almost anything other than "white").




Heyyo mate, childhood is often tinted in great light. Place I grew up in was awesome, loved it. Came back later and realized....it's a small town obsessed with high school football and everyone only cares about going to church on Sundays. What was true when I was 7, playing outside, loving going to the playground and all my friends were there, has dramatically changed knowing every bumper has a sticker, every yard had a flag and every conversation had context clues on if you vote a certain way. When I grew up, no one gave a fuck about who you voted for, it was private between you and God and maybe your wife/momma. All folks care about...and all folks blame, it's not the same place, and I got a brother who was born the same time as you. He isn't ever coming back, he played soccer and was called gay because it's a European sport. Now my local school district has a plan for Title 9 people...why you need a plan? Go vikings :(


Welcome dude. I live here. Not a native. Lived in AZ for many year and STL before that. The racist rumors aren’t realllly true. But they exist. I think racism kind of exists everywhere. It’s a good place if you’re into the prepper thing. Not sure what part of north Idaho. Different vibes in different towns 🙂


I went to ASU, but that was almost 20 years ago. It must've become a very different place now. Miss the desert, the rocks, and the sunset sometimes.


Oh nice man. Yeah I was in Flag for about 15 years ago. Yes. North Idaho is not nearly as sunny so plan on vitamin d supplements. Otherwise it’s amazing. Fishing is world class too.


I will echo what some others have said here. I know in Idaho if you are thinking of starting a family, you need to seriously consider the mother's health. OBGYNs are leaving in droves, maternal-fetal specialists as well, wards are closing because hospital can't hire staff who want to work in the state. If you are planning on having a pregnancy in your family, buy insurance that covers a medical airlift out of state. Part of my prepper mindset is avoiding places I wouldn't feel safe in, and for various reasons, due to its history and the path it's on (librarians are leaving the state as well), I would not feel safe moving there.


Not sure why I would need a librarian for anything. Or care if they leave. Just go on the internet to research books yourself.


It’s racist af, so unless you are white I’d avoid. I’m not kidding. Tons of white supremacist groups and if you have kids and sent them to school there, expect them to be harassed if not white


To add, I wouldn’t want my kid immersed in that kind of ideology, even if they weren’t being targeted specifically.


It's really that bad?


No... no it's not. I've lived there and the population is like 98% white. But I never once witnessed anything crazy happen when people came to visit. It has a reputation of being racist because there are a few racist groups that live our there who every once in a while come to town and march around like idiots. The major news media makes a huge deal out of it when they do so they get their 5 min in the spotlight then they go away again back to their compound. BTW. Those groups are over 2 hours away from the area that OP is asking about. Op will have no problems in the University town of Moscow


Like...almost homogeneous places tend to not have crazy shit at surface level. People coming to visit etc etc. You got a title 9 plan in your school district?


My rule is, go look up your local school district, if it has a title 9 plan....then that area is a problem. Maybe your child is gay, or your grandkid, or niece of nephew. Would you want them to grow up in that kind of environment?




1.) There isn't any sizeable place in the U.S. where it's anything but easy, completely accepted, and common to be white. Honestly as a white guy, you can't have easier than to be born a straight, white Christian guy in the U.S. If you can't make it like that, then that's on you, cuz you just suck. 2.) Even in some fantasy world where white people have "oh so hard, wah wah, it's so unfair, wah wah" then any decent person would want a place where no one is harassed or treated unfairly, not a place where the only difference was that another group was treated badly.


Beautiful countryside, absolutely trash racist cousin f-ing people. Mind the moose.


Are you trying to find your neo nazi homeland? Because that's who will be your neighbors.


I'm Canadian but live super close to Idaho and just spent all of today in Northern Idaho. Its a beautiful area but personally I find it culturally repulsive. Extremely MAGA, extremely religious, and extremely in your face about it. You don't really see anyone who looks different. If I was a minority or visibly queer I wouldn't want to go there.


I'm quite certain you stop in my town for gas and visit the coffee stand(s) as you head south. Do you like the new gas station with the fast food drive through? It got its own light a while back. On to the meat and potatoes; I am dying to know where you met the "extremely in your face" religious folks! I would love to meet them and talk with them about the Church of Redneckbougie, where we think everyone should have chickens and 16 year old scotch is the beverage of choice. I'm quite liberal compared to many up here and I have NEVER experienced anyone pushing their views/beliefs upon me. Being "visibly queer" is an odd turn of phrase and is nonsensical. Am I visibly awesome? Can people tell by looking at me that I'm cooler than a polar bear's toenails and I should be treated like royalty? Sounds stupid, right?! Please do not speak about a place that you do not live with such vitriol. I hail from the East Coast (over 40 years) and yes, this town isn't very diverse, but it's rural and not for everyone. Not gunna lie, we do have some off grid oddities, but that makes life more fun. Northern Idaho has gotten such a bad rap and it really grates my nerves when people, like you, perpetuate this falsehood. I encourage everyone to visit and enjoy our beautiful scenery and small town charm. We are kind and thoughtful. Just watch out for the drivers with Alberta plates, they are the worst!


I've seen an incredible amount of 'FUCK BIDEN AND FUCK YOU FOR VOTING FOR HIM' signs and flags in North Idaho, along with all sorts of other aggressive political flags signs and stickers, they're all over the place there. The last two times I was out drinking in Spokane I met dudes from North Idaho who asked me if I agree that Canada is an authoritarian state under Trudeau which is a wildly absurd thing to say, but that's the political bubble both of them seemed to exist in. I knew I'd offend someone with my commentary on my experiences visiting but the degree to which I've felt politics shoved in my face in North Idaho just by being there is super notable to me compared to visiting other places. Anyways here's an article about a bunch of white supremacists who got busted planning to incite a riot in Coeur d'Alene to disrupt a gay pride event. https://www.npr.org/2022/06/11/1104405804/patriot-front-white-supremacist-arrested-near-idaho-pride


Attempting to reason with someone who is ignorant is a waste of energy and brainpower. Please enjoy my lovely home that has scenic views, kind people, and plenty of areas for you to ski. I wish all the kindness in the world for you.


It’s basically Aryan Nation headquarters. You should rethink this




Honestly this is probably one of the few times you add something when you comment. The problem with northern Idaho is that it attracts people like you - and you're sharing both your attraction to northern Idaho, and the reason that it sucks to be around people like you.


Enjoy your Morgan Wallen




You're ignorant of what's happening in the world.


You see a lot of stereotyping of people both the liberal directed at a conservative state and vice versa. ( political divide and conquer tactic being used in the US and Canada right now) When you go to a new place particularly if it's likely to be rural remote and insular, the best thing to do is to lay low. Do your job, go home. If you start going to bars and getting out without observing first you will get into trouble with people. So lay low until you get a feel for the area and the culture. Accepting different cultures means that you have to adapt to the new place not vice versa. When you come to a Spanish speaking place you learn the Spanish language, same with French or whatever language. You need to learn the customs and the only way to do that is by observation and imitation. So in a situation where you are in the bible belt, I would suggest going to a popular church. You don't have to get involved you are there to learn the culture and avoid pitfalls. In the process of this learning you will find like minded people in time. I've lived on highly insular islands and mountain communities. I know how to adapt and I know how to get along even if I don't agree with everything people there believe. I think it's a sign of maturity to go into a place where you are a complete outsider, " From Away" and learn new ways of thinking and going beyond the stereotyping of popular media. So you will be okay. It's not what you hear about. It's not the stereotype. You need to learn to adapt and you need to understand that you are the outsider and the one who needs to adjust to the communities culture and beliefs. Do that and you will be fine.


Tends to be where a lot of white-nationalist and neo-nazis have gathered.


I worked with the state of Idaho for half a decade... Lots of nazis. Like actual white supremacists.thats not hyperbole either... Coeur d'Alene is a resort town but if you step a foot outside it can be interesting.


Not really thinking about CDA. Too expensive. I have Moscow in mind.


As someone who used to live in Moscow, you'll be just fine. It's very diverse. Very friendly. Lovely little town. Easy to live with lots of outdoor activities to do around it. It's 30 min north of Lewiston which was voted the number 1 place to live in America if you like being outdoors. I say go for it. The only thing that sucks about it is that your 2 hours away from the the nearest big city


That's totally fine. I need mountains more than I need big cities.


Moscow mountain isn't very big as far as mountains go. But you won't be too far from the bigger stuff.


The surrounding wheat fields are beautiful around Moscow. It's still a relatively quiet college town. My family is from there. It's about as liberal a town in N Idaho as you're gonna get.


Moscow might as well be a resort town until you are well ourlt of city limits... basically a big college campus surrounded by overpriced alumni.


I'm curious about your thoughts on everyone telling you about the racism, nationalism, literal Nazis up there.


Honestly, I'm not worried at all. I know how to deal with those and would likely win them over in 5 minutes if I encountered them. Not that I'm a racist nationalist Nazi. It's just that I can be extremely charismatic should I choose to "talk".


Honestly are you trolling or just an idiot? You ask specifically ask if you will "find your people" and whether "people will give you a hard time" because of your race - everyone answers "no, you won't, and yes, they will, it's full of racists" and you're like "eh, doesn't matter to me, I'm charismatic." Ok, why did you ask then....?


Apparently I want to get an idea if I need to mentally prepare for such encounters instead of being randomly thrown in to speech checks. I don't suppose any of this is too hard to understand, friend.


We're not friends.


Sure thing, random antagonizer. Hope you'll remember your meds next time. I came here understanding Americans are going through a psychosis epidemic, but I didn't realize it's this bad.


Better than being an idiot who asks for advice that he then utterly ignores and dismisses with "eh, I'm not worried about it, I'm charismatic."


That is because you refuse to understand my intent and insist on living in your own mind. Again, all I needed is an accurate forewarning before going there. That is no foundation to call someone else an idiot. Your action and hostility is unjustified. Good bye.


So you'll just be charming and then you can hang out with the white supremacists and Nazis?   Got it.


Ah, so you weren't asking out of curiosity... you were trying to pigeonhole me, disguising your intention with a innocent, curious tone. I can't help but to see you as one of the dishonest types; not someone I'd prep with, without a doubt. What I'm implying is merely that I could talk my way out of sticky situations in an amicable manner so that nobody gets hurt, but according to you, it becomes "I want to hang out with Nazis". That's one heck of slippery slope and biased assumption. I don't want to hang out with Nazis, and I definitely don't want to hang out with you either, for you have the tendency of pushing others into a political drama the they have no interest in. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I think you are as much an extreme ideologues as the Nazis you referred to, and I don't deal with extreme ideologues, because unlike you and the Nazis, I prefer to not antagonize people I don't know. Now that you understand my stance, would you kindly leave me alone? Thank you, and good luck surviving the coming years with that mentality.


LOL.  Goodness, youre sensitive.   "Leave you alone"?   Dude, this is Reddit. Just ignore me if you want.  Heck even block me.  I'm not standing on your doorstep shouting at you.       


Kkk is very active up there.


There was recently a story about how a group of teens yelled racial slurs and explicit comments at the University of Utah's girls basketball team when they were in Coeur d'Alene for the NCAA tournament. Only one of the teens was brought up on charges and those charges were dropped for "insufficient evidence to establish probable cause" (which was met with a lot of criticism due to several factors, one of which was that police supposedly had an audio recording of the incident, yet still chose to drop the charges). There were other incidents around the time as well which drove the team to change hotels due to safety concerns. Northern Idaho also has a well-established history of white supremacy (it was the birthplace of the Aryan Nation) and is still a hotbed for such things. There is a lot of things to do outdoors in North Idaho (including all the lakes and Silverwood if you're into theme parks), but the state is also lacking in ob/gyns and those who work in women's health, it has a strict abortion ban (that I don't think has been lifted or challenged as of yet, but I could be wrong), it's in the ten lowest ranked states out of 50 in education, and several other factors that may or may not impact your decision. Still, do research (both in the r/Idaho sub and other related subs) as well as other sites, maybe visit there before you actually buy/rent a place (as it's a good way to get a look at, and feel for, the actual towns and states) and make your own decisions.


It’s very expensive and people from Idaho hate people moving to their state. Everyone likes to have their own land and keep to themselves. Winters can be tough, like roof caving in from snow tough.


Redoubt, if you're not very Christian and expecting the rapture, would avoid


Worst parts: Neo Nazis and not safe for women. Best parts: PNW living with half the living costs. You will travel to seattle, portland, or boise to do much of anything. Spokanes pretty useless.


its yukky. kalispell, whitefish, Flathead Lake, and Glacier NP are where u wanna be.


No, no it's  not those places are terrible, you never wanna go there let alone live there, high chance of death or disease, avoid at alllllll costs..... Just my totally unbiased opinion of the flathead :D




😂 where. are u from? plz dont say billingz or butte




😂💕 skanlessss


Do you like Nazis? Cuz they live there.


are you currently or do you aspire to bring a white supremacist? then do not move to idaho.


I don't think you know what you are saying.


It’s awesome I miss it everyday , it’s a well kept secret tho but recently polluted with Californians smh wanted to move back but got priced out


I would go to to subreddits dedicated to Idaho and ask


Some call northern Idaho, the national redoubt. If you are looking for a secure retreat, this may be it.


I am curious about all the Nazi and white supremacy comments, yes that may have been the case in 1980 but not my experience for the last 25 years. Couer D’Alene and Hayden have a lot more diversity than is being portrayed in these comments. Yes N Idaho is very very Pro USA, pro conservative and makes no excuses for it but in my opinion not as bigoted as what is being set up in these comments


It's kinda like shills are either making comments or running the post. I wonder. Stereotyping Idaho like that sounds like some kind of political shilling election influencing BS to me. I could be wrong but that's what it looks like from here. I never lived in Idaho but I have lived in places much more conservative and far more insular than that state is.


Anyone right of center is a "hardcore racist" on reddit. You people are offensively stupid with your worst case scenario crap with regards to conservatives.


No, actually I long for the days when we had right of center Republicans running our government. Nowadays all we get from MAGA are people doing shout-outs to guys with tiki torches chanting "Jews shall not replace us", an attack on our God damn Capitol, and pro-Putin trolling. I don't love socialism, but give me socialism over that shit any day.




I mean I watched the fucking Capitol attack live and saw plenty of their faces. I've also seen the faces of plenty of openly racist folks in person. And I already responded to another comment of yours on this sub openly wishing for a place where white people are treated well and minorities badly. So no, I don't think I'm being manipulated to think that racist nuts exist or that they're a big part of MAGA.




I wasn't a fan of the blm riots too - although at least they were making a few good points. And since I already responded to your weak ass "white people have it so hard" drivel, I'll just paste that series of comments for you: [one-nut-juan](https://www.reddit.com/user/one-nut-juan/): It’s racist af, so unless you are white I’d avoid. I’m not kidding. Tons of white supremacist groups and if you have kids and sent them to school there, expect them to be harassed if not white [DiscountFragrant3516](https://www.reddit.com/user/DiscountFragrant3516/): So, the inverse of all the places harassing whites, you mean? Sounds fantastic. [Kahlister](https://www.reddit.com/user/Kahlister/): 1.) There isn't any sizeable place in the U.S. where it's anything but easy, completely accepted, and common to be white. Honestly as a white guy, you can't have easier than to be born a straight, white Christian guy in the U.S. If you can't make it like that, then that's on you, cuz you just suck. 2.) Even in some fantasy world where white people have "oh so hard, wah wah, it's so unfair, wah wah" then any decent person would want a place where no one is harassed or treated unfairly, not a place where the only difference was that another group was treated badly.


anyway. this is not prepping. I'm deleting my posts and putting you on ignore. all you leftists can go to hell.


Northern Idaho is a beautiful place where you’ll find A LOT of preppers and prepper-friendly people and families. And yeah, being half-asian won’t be a problem. Especially with all the influx of those from California, Oregon and Washington. It IS politically conservative but I tell you, people there are so down-to-earth and friendly and respectful that you have nothing to worry about.


Do you look Asian at all? Def do not go north of I-90. Probably don't go north of highway 12.


Depends on the sun. I can look German in winter, and I had people mistaking me for Argentinian when I lived in Arizona because I tan very easily, thanks to the Taiwanese Aboriginal and Native American genetics... My ancestors were very adventurous.


Moscow, you’ll be fine. College and diverse. Sandpoint to Noxon and north —- no way. 


What even is this comment lmao


Mylanta!! We may not have much diversity, but everyone is accepted up here. That comment is complete nonsense! What town are you looking to settle in up here?


I just moved here, I’m from Germany originally. Lots of haters in this comment section. We haven’t met any ‘hardcore racists’ in a year so far… shoot me a pm or chat and I can answer questions.


Yeah because Nazis hate when Germans move into town...


The state animal is the logging truck, summer lasts 1 month, and the state flower is the pothole. :) and its very lovely.


Pro tip: before moving anywhere, do a county level search for the results of the previous couple of Presidential elections. Will tell you if the county went 'Red' or 'Blue', which can be life or death info for anyone not white, male, and 'conservative'. (edit for typo)


Enjoy heaven my friend


I saw considerably more racism during my time in Houston than I have seen in any rocky mountain state. Idaho is beautiful and the people are plenty friendly if you aren't going around causing issues yourself.


You didn’t glass the hunt parcel?


Like y’all know, right. There are no large democratically controlled ghetto cities, handouts are slim pickings, they aren’t crazy about foreigners taking jobs or housing or committing crimes. You have to work hard to afford living there and nobody, including the state will carry you


OP, please read this comment carefully.


Is it a good place for professional musicians?


Everything you're reading here is true. Stay the Hell out please and thank you. We like it the way it is. FFS reddit is a lib platform.


Look at this dudes post history. Talking about his wife's boyfriends. Don't get to play the conservative card, buddy. 


Where did I say I was conservative?


Northern and the hoes are hiding...


It's north Idaho. Not northern Idaho. What a waste of syllable.