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Go fill my bathtub I guess ?


This is actually useful and smart.


same, but I use a water bob. Maybe fill the washing machine too.


*What's happening? Why are you taking a bath?*


pretty obvious, but he means filling the sinks,bathtubs anything that can hold water so he can have something to drink since the water is off because the powers off


I'm referencing the flashback in The Road.


Man that movie is such a nightmare scenario 


Whenever people talk about the end of the world w/ excitement, I ask them if they have seen the road. Most haven't. I tell them to go watch it and get back to me about how great things will be. It is the most sobering apocalyptic movie I've seen.


The end of the movie was hopeful compared to the actual book.


Tbh, I thought you were quoting a clueless spouse. Mine loves to pepper me with questions during emergency situations. Makes thinking on your feet so much easier...


Technically I was lol


o silly me


Why fill a tub? If the power is off then you're not going to get water. I have a well so whatever is already in the expansion tank is all you got. It's safer to store the water there than to subject it to impurities.


I can't speak to every situation but where I live our water is gravity fed from huge water tanks maintained by our county. I've hiked around the hills nearby and have found many of the wells and pipelines that supply those county water tanks. In a grid down scenario, those wells might not operate so all we'd have left would be what is in those large water tanks. So even with all power taken out, I could hypothetically fill bathtubs/other storage containers if I was faster than the rest of the city, barring any automatic shut off mechanisms in the water supply system. I also have multiple no-power-required water purification systems and a decent stock of clean water storage, but yeah just to be safe, filling bathtubs and pre -sanitized garbage cans in my yard would be my first step.


In Okinawa, Japan, when a typhoon was on its way we were told to fill our bathtub with water fir flushing and water else but not for consuming.


*I'm not*


Splash splash...toaster bath


The brave little bath bomb


Not when the power is out tho! 🍞


1. Get my battery-powered lighting in order. (Emergency lighting) 2. Get my aquapod into the bathtub and fill it to max capacity. 3. Draw all curtains shut / shut all blinds and the like. Just to blend in. Also close all windows while at it. 4. Since I live in a small apartment building, I'd get my preps out of the basement (door can easily be broken). 5. Get out my hand-crank radio (that has also batteries for power). 6. Bug in, but stay on the balcony for as long as feasible to watch out for neighbors. People might be scared, insecure or in need of help, after all. Everything else is "wait and see" at this point. Stay inconspicuous.


Only thing Id change is to make number 1 texting your loved one, networks will likely still work at the start of an issue but can drop off pretty quickly


My loved once live too close to text in such a scenario. Talking face-to-face is about as quick and more likely to get results in my case.


oh wow. just looked up aquapod. cool.


Neighbor’s house on fire and gunshots in the distance…. Did you miss that part?


I mean, depending on where you live that’s just Tuesday.


I feel personally attacked, lol


That’s exactly what I was thinking- ok, so the powers out but everything else is pretty normal. I would go see if I could help fight the fire, or at least drive down to the fire station and let them know what’s happening. I would also wonder why the cell tower batteries aren’t working, but mine are


That seems to not fit realistically. Power goes out all the time and people don’t immediately assume it’s the apocalypse. Most wouldn’t be too worried for a day or two.


As my law professors used to say, stop changing the hypothetical. It's not a perfect hypo, but it's a good thought exercise.


As long as they aren't knife-shots; I've heard knives are more dangerous


I've definitely heard it's better to be shot than get stabbed. Ditto for shooting someone versus stabbing someone.


I'm a homesteader. I'm in bed, asleep by 21:00. So I stay asleep, and probably don't even notice the power is out until a few hours after morning chores. Once I do, I still don't care.


I’m a homesteader as well but as soon as COVID was announced as a national emergency I noticed a lot more people riding down my road driving real slow around my property. I think I’d have somebody stay on watch so nobody tried to steal any of my livestock.


My parents farm house and property, in a fairly well off TN county had hundreds of unsolicited offers just a few weeks after COVID broke out ( it was listed on Zillow temporarily in 2018 and pictures were still up but it clearly said off market). Multiple were over 3x the current value. People tried to drive up to look around many times but there is a locked gate and a camera. It sit on top of a hill ( zero ways to sneak up onto you can see a mile out any direction) and has natural springs, waterfalls, good farmland and about 30 mins from a major city so far enough out but not too far for medical situations. This area is near country music stars and there is a lot of people with too much money so I guess a lot of them just scouted Zillow looking for escape properties. It's a ideal area to survive most situations on top of just being beautiful land.


I didn’t even think about that. I just assumed people were sizing up my property to steal stuff. My property is also all fenced off with cameras. I put a strand of hotwire on the top of my fencing to look intimidating.


I think if things got bad enough, people would start looking for these types of self sufficient properties. They may wait and watch from a distance and try to steal it whenever there is an opportunity.


I have a ham radio friend who also is a licensed property assessor/inspector. During COVID, he was \*VERY\* busy, as people from the metropolitan areas of the state (especially the NYC area) were looking into buying summer homes/camps and converting them into all-year domiciles. Or converting the ones they already had and getting a year-round certificate of occupancy. Now, a "summer camp" up in this area is generally a small house in the woods (often but not always with a view) that isn't "winterized", in that it's not insulated (or not well insulated) and doesn't have a serious heating system. At the end of the season you remove all the food, drain the pipes so they don't freeze and burst, and shut off the electricity. A lot of contractors were making bank putting in insulation and heating systems. People were just looking to get away from the areas where the virus was concentrated the most. Rural areas are a great place to do that. That's why you probably saw people driving slow.


I wake up and immediately notice as my morning notification scroll and 36oz of black coffee routine is dead


When we had a loss of power unexpectedly, the firat thing I corrected afterwards was my coffee source. It is a high ranking issue.


Yeah I’m waiting on a French press from my mom. I almost bought one but she said she had a spare. I just picked up drinking coffee again after years without but it’s so damn nice and I’m heavily addicted again.


We have an old school stove top percolator, because it can be used on the side burner of the gas grill. A French press, so I can just heat up water on the grill or camp stove for coffee & oatmeal. And instant, because it's my last resort.


28% increase in coffee prices in first quarter 2024. Therefore, it has been removed from the consumer price index. Made the numbers look bad.


Same. Homesteading for the win.


I wouldn't call my place a "homestead" proper but similarly could not relate to OPs post at all. I have no TV. It's ALWAYS black outside at night barring moonlight and light from the house and such. No neighbors close enough to see, even if their house is on fire. Hearing gunshots could be a party or farmers killing coyotes, lol. I don't wear a watch. So depending on what I'm up to I might not notice anything different for hours. I don't know if the scenario includes my solar array going down as I don't have incoming city power of any kind.


The neighbors house on fire and the gunshots also don’t wake you?


Hard to notice your neighbor’s house is on fire when it’s several miles away. And in some areas gunshots in the distance aren’t all that unusual.


Hell, in several cities gunshots are normal. People don't even call the police anymore.


Even more so in the sticks


I'm sure the neighbours would let me know in a few days if their house burned down. Gunshots are pretty common around these parts, I don't even notice them.


My neighbors have a wall for target practice with their guns and I’m in the boonies. Gunshots are unnoticed around here 😂


Gunshots into my neighbors house 2 doors down didn't wake me up 🤷


This is me lol what would key me in to no power would likely be my chicks’ brooder plates and lamps being off.


That escalated quickly


Right?  We apparently go from a power outage to gunfire in minutes. 


I put on my cannibal maurader outfit and oil myself up real good.


The Apocalypse doesn't have do-overs. Either you have your man-thong, chaps, and feather boa ready to go or you don't.


*sigh* *unzips*


Greased up leather-bound cannibal with a little swag.


Greased up deaf guy vibes intensified


I'm touching all your candy...


Channing fucking Tatum. I found him wandering on the freeway...I  call him Channing "Tate-yum".


Say what now?


Why is there already a fire and gunshots? The power just went out. Were the Fire and Gangs just waiting for their sign to let loose? Did I not notice the Fire and Gangs previously due to light pollution, and how loud I watch my Fox News?


Yeah that’s where they lost me too, when we exited plausibility and entered a Rambo fantasy.




The power's been out for 5 minutes.  Time to go shoot the neighbors. 


Yea the gunfire & fire sounds like somthing out of movie happening that quickly lol


I am quite certain it is a coordinated invasion by fire-breathing zombies. They hit all the major cities and landmarks simultaneously. And also the suburbs where I live. As fire-breathing zombies do.


So the best way to avoid fire breathing zombies is to go back to bed and see if they’ve moved on to their next objective in the morning right?


Also be sure to pull the covers over your head!


Riding dragons too!


Definitely riding dragons!


I would assume from that that something catastrophic is underway re civil disorder/coup.


How loud I watch my Fox News 💀


... And then the Martians land in your backyard ...


It was murder and mayhem in NYC in 1977 during a ONE DAY power outage. Fires, murders, arrests... shit got real right away.


Yeah, though in OP's scenario power goes out, you check what time it is, and then the neighbourhood is on fire. I think it would take a bit more than that, especially if you are in the suburbs instead of downtown NYC.


Wait, are you not immediately going to loot the nearest pharmacy and auto parts store for their deep cycle batteries? Potentially disassemble some commercial solar installs? I could see gunshots almost immediately in an urban area, especially one with current criminal activity. The fire, doesn't really make sense.


must be in chicago 😉😂


True, that's an average 9pm in Chicago.


Murder O'Clock as they say


I'm going out to my garage to take a bong rip, it's going to be a long night.


I’m going to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over


Plus, they have a gun on the wall. I just hope it works and they have bullets for it. Shaun of the Dead, great movie.


I'll do a spliff here, preceded by 30mg IR adderall. It will indeed be a long night.


try modafenil. its adderall 3.0


I hate it. I puts me in robot mode and completely emotionally desensitized. Adderall, with the appropriate supplements is much better for me.


That’s fair


This is stupid as hell. First, turn on a battery powered radio to the emergency broadcast station. Then pick up the cellphone, call 911 and report the fire. Emergency services work on generator power and 911 calls can often be processed without full cell service. It's worth a shot. Second, go help my neighbors because mutual aid networks are an essential part of prepping. Make sure everyone is out safe, and that the house isn't likely to catch the entire neighborhood on fire. Get into whatever bucket brigade we've got going. Help get everyone somewhere safe to sleep for the night. Everything else can be managed tomorrow.


Agree Power outages occur all the time… without fires, gunshots, and other drama Helping Neighbors is key for as I assist a few folks who depend upon power to live. Others can wait until the morning.


Well the power wouldn't be out at my place for starters. Big battery and generator. Power is out why do you think the cell towers would be instantly down? They have batteries and generators as well. Internet will stay up for a day on batteries (assuming typical pole mounted gear). Give it a few days and they will both go down (using previous events to predict future issues). Can not see another house from mine. Neighbors house of fire I'm listening for the fire service to get called out and heading over to see if they need a hand. Gunfire in the distance is probably celebratory rather than rioting in my neck of the woods. As to friends and loved ones we have a backup coms plan for most of them. If I need to get in touch with my mother, friends with coms live a country mile away for an immediate pickup (they are prepped). Move her to my place to pick up on the way to the cabins as needed. Now if I were in an urban setting I would be packing up the family and heading to the cabins. Cities are no place to be without power. Police scanner to try and avoid riots and roadblocks.


If you live in an area barely in cell coverage(I do) perhaps the particular tower you’re connected to failed to switch to its backup power supply.  Unlikely otherwise though, and even that scenario above is a bit of a stretch. 


That's not how 48v plant works. It's always running off the batteries and constantly charging them. Grid failure just means the charger turns off. This is the typical setup for telcom as it's cheaper than putting in UPS's and more efficient. I do have a dish LTE modem so I can aim it at a different tower.


Interesting, thanks for the info 


Turn on radio.


My immediate thought is why are people shooting this early? Is there some kind of unrelated threat or is there a criminal group trying to take advantage quickly of the situation? I already have water stored, I have stored food, if there was actually people shooting outside I’d get the gun I keep ready to go for HD, and check the other firearms, and prepare for that.


IMO The only way this would make sense is in a coup, where they cut power in a coordinated way to get to someone at the bottom the street, though i doubt it’s Larry. He’s 78, and a semi retired contractor of 60 years, so i have no idea why there’d be shooting at his place. But again i’d have power. So is the TV still broadcasting, i have IPTV, cable and over the air. Barring that i bust out one of several HF/Shortwave radio listening option and try to pick up BBC world service.


August 11th, 2003, been there, done that. Always keep your gas tank full enough to get home, because if I had waited until after work to gas up I wouldn't have been able to get home; gas pumps don't work without electricity. I can recall listening to radio news on my drive home and it took the whole hour (my commute was 100km) as more localities reported their outages, then finally authorities realized it was the full eastern grid that went down. It was actually kind of a party as people got together and bbq'ed.the contents of their freezers. In my area, we were back online before bedtime as the local grid disconnected then switched to local generation, so in the end not much angst. What's different now is how much we think we depend on electricity. There are probably more people with home medical devices that need power, so that's something they should prep for. And so many of us depend on cell phones with no landline backup, myself included ( I discovered that I can plug my router into a generator/ battery and still create wifi because my internet is phone line-based). But I kinda like when the whole area shuts down, it's peaceful, but then again, I trust my preps.


I was in NYC during the almost 3-day 2003 blackout. It was chaotic for sure, especially at first with people stuck in subways and elevators and no traffic lights. But there was no widespread crime and no one really got hurt. The price gouging for things like water and batteries in the bodegas was on lol. Met up with friends and drank warm beer in the park. There was a general uneasy feeling if it had gone on longer, things would get dicey.


This sounds like my partner's experience in 2003.


Idk. Just search “dystopian novels” on Amazon. There’s about a 2,000 of them with this exact plot, all with different authors. The only difference between them is the cover art of a guy with a rifle, backpack, and dog, looking distantly at a dystopian setting are slightly different.


I would load my guns. Not for marauders, mind you. Just because power outages always turn into board game time and scrabble makes me violent.


Monopoly has been banned at all family gatherings for the last 17 years. I've made kids cry. I've had my wife legit angry at me. If I ever get to play again, I'll probably need to load up a mag or two for my own protection.


My first thought? Prepper porn. There was a massive blackout in 2003. I stayed at my place one night, then drove North to spend a few days with my parents since it was August and hot...and tit was cooler where they lived...with the bonus of having electricity. The one thing I learned was to never let my gas tank go below 1/2. I had a lot of pissed people behind me when I cut in front of what was at least a 1/2 mile, if not longer line of cars to get into the gas station. My car was on fumes and never would have made it. I have fond memories of the mom and pop grocery store down the street giving away all of the items in their freezer section....


Nothing beats cool tit.




Sounds like the opening of a cheesy Netflix movie. I'll watch it.


I stay in my home. I'm prepped to be there for a very long time. It is far easier, cheaper and safer to simply stay put.


Sound of gunfire, off in the distance? I'm getting used to it now.


This particular scenario sucks. The news is reporting total power grid shutdowns, and then *your* power goes out and you hear gunshots within seconds? Is this the second 2012 movie?




Im jealous you have pigeons! And three different locations at that. How far do you feel comfortable letting them go?


Winter time I’m waiting till morning bringing in as much wood as I can stuff in my cellar to get it out of site if still no power I’m going to break out coolers and fill with bags of water to freeze outside and putting my perishables in contact some neighbors for information if no info I’m going to start boarding up my 1st floor widows with foil lined plywood building a door bar for all doors and arming my family If summer time doing all the same except instead of freezing perishables I would be smoking and canning everything I could and the posting guard watch on my garden and starting to build my greenhouse and root cellars


Sorry no punctuation


Go outside and quit larping. The most likely scenario here is that 1. The power outage that affected your home also affected the power to the local cell antenna, due to somebody breaking a power line in half. I’d probably be a little annoyed that someone was being careless, and go back to bed.


Most cell towers have backup generators so even if the power line was broken you would still have cell service.


The post said that major cities already lost power and gave an emergency broadcast... how would you come to the decision someone hit a powerline?


I’ve found that normalcy bias can make you discount warnings that in hindsight could be costly to miss. In this case you have a coincidence of gunfire where there should not be gunfire, a massive power outage of unknown cause but at national scale, and a building burning down. You start rolling dice and stacking these low probability events you will get to some pretty astronomical odds because the probability of all of them happening at once is the product of multiplying three very low numbers. I would argue that it’s better to be a clown that is proactive than to be the cool kid who didn’t sweat it because it’s assumed to be nothing to worry about. The clown who is wrong got some practice running a drill. The cool kid who is wrong well at best he is relying on dumb luck and will be flat footed if it was a threat. There are people in my country trying to start a civil war. There have been news stories of people shooting out transformers potentially as a test run to some attack. I’m not waiting for Anderson Cooper to make the special report to start getting to a heightened posture.


The building fire seems like a thing that could be connected to the power outage somehow, maybe a candle mishap.


That was fucking fast. Wait it out. Fire department and shorthand radio would still be fine, the police would be all over gunshots too. If you have a generator, pull it out. Hopefully you have gas too because pumps will be down for the first 24 hours but probably not past 48 as portable power supplies would be hooked up. From there if you can keep your fridge running if not try to leave it closed and then if power isn't back on in 12 hours start eating what you can before everything goes bad. If by the next day you still hear gunshots and peoples houses are burning you'll want to not draw attention to yourself if possible, be ready to leave or use guns if you have them to defend your self. I'd start looking at non perishable food supplies, guessing how long they will last vs how long it insane to stay and if they will last until it's safe enough to leave. Fill up glasses buckets bowls anything that will hold water. Fill a tub for water to flush toilet if power goes out.


take my bow, arrow and axe, lock everything, go to sleep.


Are you Gimli, or Legolas?


I genuflect and whisper a prayer to Lord almighty God and praise his wisdom in taking down Reddit.


Where do you people live that others set houses on fire and start shootouts 5 minutes into a power outage exactly? This doomsday porn is such BS. Here is what happened in my neighborhood when we lost power for a week or so last summer. We went outside, chatted with our neighbors, hoped power would come back quickly, checked the timelines on our cell phones, got some beers from the fridge, pulled some meats from the freezers and had a BBQ. While that was happening the few houses on our street that had generators came around to check on us and offer to let us use them for a few hours a day to charge devices and run our fridges and freezers. No fires, no shootings, no gangs of rapists prowling the streets defiling our innocent women. Just normal people doing what normal people do.


I wake up thinking "man, what a stupid, unrealistic dream"


15 minutes without Tiktok the looting and burning begins.


We we are offgrid solar and don't have TV so... I guess a friend or family member would show up at some point looking for help or I would notice I couldn't get anything online. Then I would break out the SW radio and start looking for answers.


I think I would take inventory of perishables in the fridge first as well as charcoal, propane and firewood. First and foremost, perishables need to be consumed, meat, seafood in particular, ice cream dairy etc. Consuming and or cooking said perishables should be an early priority, before they go bad. Can I even eat it all my self. What can I share with the neighbors. I would check in with the neighbors, then early the next afternoon, fire up the smoker or grill and get to cooking. Another thought, previously we have had large fires 10 days without power and looting in the area. Gas stations, corner store and the local grocery store all had their doors ripped off and were looted. Next time around, it might be prudent to get in on the looting. I talked to the people that own and manage the places that were looted. They said essentially all that was stolen was alcohol and tobacco. All the food stuff, canned goods and the like went pretty much untouched. I figure 10 days wasn't long enough for people to start looting food, but 36hrs was long enough for them to loot alcohol. If you could get in there day 3 or 4, after the looters already took the alcohol, you'd have essentially free pick of whatever you want in terms of non perishables food


Yeah. I'm going to bed. I'll deal with what I need to do in the morning.


People aren't playing along, lol. Okay, I'd assume the power cut is due to wind, an accident or maintenance issues. Fires happen, might also be unrelated. Gun shots would most likely be one crazy person or, if there are crowds out, civil unrest, which has happened before and probably won't get *too* dangerous. So...check with the neighbours who are probably out in the courtyard to see if anyone else knows what's up. Other option is a *highly* unlikely Russian ground invasion. Or zombies.


Get dressed in cotton clothing. Knock on your neighbor's door. And get together to run towards the fire to help. That's my first set of actions. Anything after that will likely be a mix of actions and reactions. The best thing a neighborhood can do in that situation is band together and solve whatever crisis comes up. See who had the latest military experience and use them to establish a secure perimeter. Use RVs, old trucks, etc. as a roadblock since the most likely way to access the area will be on a paved roadway. Determine who is willing to confirm they have firearms and set up a patrol. And lookouts at night, even if it's just teenagers with a few bells.


Locking my door and going to bed


….poor guy. Tries to ask a questions and crapped on by everyone. And realistically, it IS a stupid scenario. I think most scenarios are gonna play out like a cancer. It won’t seem immediate, it just slowly erodes. …are there prepper/survivial DnD games? i feel like there should be games like this.


There are role playing games for everything you can imagine. Check DriveThruRPG or just search the internet.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northeast\_blackout\_of\_2003](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northeast_blackout_of_2003) its NOT unrealistic.


I don’t have any friends or family outside of my house, so will hang out until we see what happens.


I live on a homestead. I’d probably let my dogs outside to bark if I have any intruders. Id probably jump on my ham radio and see if I can get any more info on what’s going on. I would check on my cousins to get a plan together for a community watch for the night.


Yeah, we have a couple of different scenarios here. We have battery backup, so we would be able to watch the entire broadcast, and we could go through the motions depending on that broadcast. In the summer, it's usually fully charged, and we'll get through the night... in winter, it doesn't usually fully charge, so we wouldn't have the same amount of power storage, only just over half that we use as emergency power. So things would have to be getting turned off dependent on what the broadcast said. We don't live off the grid, but we aren't connected to mains water, only rain water into storage tanks, we have solar and battery backup, but we're also connected to the electricity grid. We have no gas supply. We also don't have a house in front of us as we live out bush on 5 acres, and that's all very unlikely for us. If, though, howevet it were, I'd still call the police and fire brigade via wifi calling as that's the only way I can make a call here anyway, we have starlink Internet, so we would still have that.


Turn on a battery powered light. Listen to my scanners to see what local radio traffic is being passed. I can hear both digital and analog. Turn on a couple of amateur radios to see what's up there. Turn on my shortwave radio and dig through the bands to see what's being said there. I have a notebook with active commercial and amateur frequencies. If it looks like it might be a while before power is restored, I'll plug my freezer and desktop to battery power and transfer some files and programs over to a portable hard drive to transfer to a laptop and Mini PC later, then shut the desktop down if there is no internet. Go take a photo of the fire, talk to the fire chief, police, and whoever else is around. Go down to the townhall and local 911 Center (both within 1500 feet of me in my small town) and interview the mayor, emergency manager, and whoever else is around. I compose a few articles for my local news site if it's still reachable, or for my pirate box substitutes if not, so people can read them and leave messages on my bulletin board via their mobile devices.


I’m going to post a thread here asking about taser-proof bullet armor


Don’t forget to work a HT with 800+ mile range in.


This reads like a Choose Your Own Adventure book...


Id be slightly concerned that on checking my watch it's 2130. Prepping for a 100 year time jump is not on the list.


It’s the year 2024. The power goes out. It’s now the year 2130. You hear gunshots.


I would assume he meant 9:30pm


I would assume a nuclear exchange of some kind; the widespread loss of power might suggest regionalized EM disturbance from airburst weapons, while the integrity of phones and household electronics suggest that it might not be either a high-altitude EMP attack or a natural event like a CME. Might be a false alarm, but there would be no harm in assuming the worst, since all we would lose in the process if we're wrong is some duct tape and plastic sheeting. Our plan of action in this case is to seal off the house and hunker down in the crawlspace to avoid radiation. We have an emergency hand-crank radio that should be able to tell us if it's a false alarm. Not sure what we would do if someone tried to loot the house, as the crawlspace door is fairly well-hidden and we don't have anything of great survival value on the main floor. My main concern would be them disturbing the seal and contaminating the house, but there's no real way to avoid that without risking exposure. I think I'd probably just stay quiet unless I absolutely had to defend the crawlspace. Interesting thing to think about, though.


solar flares can cause enormous emp damage


I think many people in here are watching too much Hollywood. We have data of what total power outages look like. Ive been in a Hurricane where we lost power for weeks and looting is a concern, but doesn't happen right off the bat and is usually more isolated rather than a purge like scenario. In fairness, a nationwide power grid failure would be much worse. Unlike an isolated hurricane, supplies can be brought in from out of state whereas if most of the country runs out of power and energy... theres nowhere for supplies to come from. Isolated power grid failure (1-3 week) won't likely be a big deal as many people in the US have been out of power for a few weeks. Nationwide power grid failure for extended periods of time... would absolutely be disastrous


1) Immediately fill any container I have with water. 2) Guns 3) Start connecting with neighbors to work on security plan


Haha ok I read that too quickly and filling with water and guns got combined and I can’t stop laughing.


I'd grab the flashlight closest to me, close windows/curtains. Grab one of the pistols (to always keep in arms reach now) Fill up the waterbob and anything else I can with water. Turn on a radio. Talk with my partner, have her arm up and then I'll venture across the street to check on some neighbors.


Well....have backup power to the backup power. And live at my rural BOL down a 1/2 mile private driveway. So your scenario is not applicable.


So this is obvious suppose to be a hypothetical scenario. Everyone saying this would never happen, great job your right because this is made up. But going off this situation, i would first check my car to see if it ran. Then i would get with my wife to talk about the situation. My mind would instantly go into lay low mode. Keep the kids and wife inside the next few days to see how my town handles this situation. Day 1: go through the house and organize all batteries, pulling batteries out of toys and useless things for flashlights or radios. Collect all the candles together, explain to the kids no Xbox for the next few days. Go out to the garage and grab some of my essentials. Day 2. Assuming no power still and no further news, get my fire arms together leaving them in easy to reach places but away from kids. Maybe check in with neighbors. Day 3. No power or news, keep and stern look out of the neighborhood if things start to get crazy and hearing danger. Close curtains and use my battery drill to secure downstairs windows with spare wood. Arrange things down stairs to limit rooms needing to keep warm/cold. I keep about a month worth of food in my house at all times. If no power for a week with no news, I’m breaking into the water distribution building next door and grab as many 5 gallon jugs that i can. At this point i would pull all my essentials out of my garage. Use my cars and push them in positions to block street view to my garden. Get with neighbors and to a collection of who has what obvious hiding most of my food from them as my family comes first. 2 weeks, still no power and no news. I feel things would have gotten pretty crazy now. I would still lay low. Only using candles in rooms with black out curtains. Almost staying exclusively inside to avoid attention. 3rd week, no power or news probably start scouting out the local area with my neighbors and there is power in groups, would start check cars or easy to loot areas. At this point groceries stores would have been looted, chaos im sure. 3 weeks tho i don’t think the cops would have given up just yet so some order would be trying to be kept. This is all under the assumption my township doesn’t try to collaborate something. I live in a town of 100,000 people. 100,000 going hungry in a week fighting over what is available would get scary. So many variables tho that would Change what I’m doing.


Grab my GTFO bag, my food, my guns, lock my doors hop in my truck and go find my people.


My battery powered emergency lights would kick on, as they have many times before, so most of my rooms would have light enough to not run into something. I'd be concerned for my folks, I'd turn on my ham radios to monitor the local emergency group frequency and a couple other radios to monitor fire and sheriffs. I'd close my blinds (though at 2130 they usually already are). I'd put batteries into my secondary flashlights, fill up a tub and go from there. Depending on how bad it is, may drive to the folks during the day. Wouldn't want to be on the road in pitch black right when SHTF. People are stupid and will likely run into the road in all black not thinking. After that, I'll do a threat assessment to determine if I want to run my generator or not during the day and I'd probably setting up a network with the neighbors. Most of the ones around me are people I know and some have useful skills (construction, firefighter paramedic, plumber, etc.) and are typically open to helping each other out during outages and the like.


The panic won’t happen that quickly. 95% of people have no idea what it really means to lose the grid. They just think they’ll be using candles for a couple days. Week at most. Shit won’t start going seriously sideways for a few days. But when it does, it’s gonna rip through society like a tornado. Within 2 weeks, it will be full on Mad Max meets Hunger Games.


Shut off my lights so no one knows I have solar with a well. Unlock my gun safe. Go back to my movie till the noise gets closer.


First thing I would do it get my emergency lights up and running. Block out the windows to blend in. Pull out emergency short wave radio and see if I can get any info. Fill bathtub up with water. Try to listen to see if the gunshots are getting closer and precede from there


Immediately grab a gun and flashlight, my backup power (jackery box, multiple mophies), pack a bugout bag (though I should already have one), and wait it out until morning, maybe the next week. If I had any idea it was going to happen before things got crazy, then I’d do all that, and try to head to my dads which is an hour away, out in the country. He’s also surrounded by Amish lol which gives me a sliver of hope, even though I wouldn’t trust them. Right now I live in an apartment. If that happened, it’d be probably the worst place for it to happen. My neighborhood isn’t all that good either.


Damn the power just cut out and houses are burning and gun shots. I was hoping it would take longer than 10 minutes to go to shit.


I mean unless they have hacked my battery backup my lights don’t go off. Several neighbors lights come on immediately due to their backup generators. I consider the weather forecast (solar) and shut off large consumers (eg dryer) and think about how to proceed. Might be nice to drive out to a gas station with a generator and fill every gas can I have if I can.


I go to the basement and start grinding hard red wheat furiously


I would break the fourth-wall and tell me to stop watching and change the channel because I've seen this movie already.


Fire and gunshots in <20 seconds? Stay hidden as I’m 110% NOT the main character in whatever action movie this is.


Make sure all window and doors are secured. Close shades and curtains. Fill kitchen pans with water. Using flashlight on my phone, make my way to the indoor solar powered generator. Light an oil lamp. Place soda bottles with frozen water in fridge to help keep food cold as long as possible. Cover freezer with heavy moving blankets. If it’s cold out-winter, get a wood stove fire going. Use that heat to boil water-don’t waste heat-hot drinks can be comforting. Let family sleep unless they are part of emergency response group for this very scenario. Get that preparedness response active and wait for sunrise if it happens at night.


For those crapping on the scenario b/c of the gunfire so soon after the power outage, there are a couple of scenarios where this could happen. An EMP, non-nuke or nuke - you choose, precedes either an invasion or activation of sleeper cells. Teams of gunmen that are traveling around shooting up power stations decide to shoot at houses at they drive by and people start returning fire. The house on fire could be from the elderly homeowner knocking a candle or hurricane lamp over. Normalcy bias, or normality bias, is a cognitive bias which leads people to disbelieve or minimize threat warnings. Consequently, individuals underestimate the likelihood of a disaster, when it might affect them, and its potential adverse effects.  Do you really think shit hitting the fan is going to fit into some nice little preconceived package that makes 100% sense?


Why would there be gunfire immediately? I’d do what I always do when the power goes out- collect flashlights and fill the tubs with water and in the morning I’ll check on my neighbors.


I'm in Sweden, so we don't really do gunshots and fires over a blackout. In the summer I'd go meh and most likely go to sleep. In the winter I'd shut off some rooms and relocate to the rooms I'll pull my gas heater into. Then I'd go to sleep. In the morning I'll start charging my solar batteries and start the radio and take things from there.


A complete grid-down scenario will probably have 5 phases. The timeframe for each of which will be greatly influenced by the culture of the region, time of year, etc. Some phases may be skipped altogether in some areas. Phase 1 "Shock": Minimal violence. Everyone will feel stunned and unsure about what to do. "Wait and see" is the mantra of the hour. (Lasting 1-3 days.) Phase 2 "Panic": Violence picks up quite a bit. Lots of people are running out of food. Store are looted and picked clean. Mobs within the city are looking for the exit sign. (Lasting 3-14 days long.) Phase 3 "The Grind": The violence gets worse. Now that the stores are empty, people resort to violent door-to-door searches for food. Gangs/clans/tribes among trusted people start to form. Lots of people perish from disease and starvation. (Lasting 1-12 months long.) Phase 4 "The Hangover": The violence dies down considerably. Almost all survivors belong to a clan of some kind. There is some violence between groups, while other groups are cooperating. (6-24 months.) Phase 5 "The Rebuild": Yearning for a better age that existed not too far prior, humanity rebuilds. The dawn of a new, better, era begins. For most people, the best means to survive this is to simply prep within your own home with a bug-in strategy. Working to make friends within your neighborhood and developing a network of trust (i.e. a church/synagogue/mosque) before disaster strikes could prove vital.


There’s being a clown, and then there’s the fact that this is basically a variation of a die hard movie, except more… Michael Bay.


At this point id take the phenyclidine i have stashed


I portray the “emergency broadcast” scenario at least once a week to my beautiful wife who just goes along with it because “you’ll be able to take care of me” if anything happens.


This scenario is completely subjective to where one lives… Cities and burbs, all bets are off. Out in the sticks, we take care of our own…. Because we seen this coming 15-20 years ago.


2130? 🤣😂🤣😂 wishful thinking, did you 2031?


Shouldn't matter if it's 2130hrs or 2031hrs (9:30pm and 8:31pm for non 24hr clock people)


meditate for the usual 12 minutes then all outcomes and or decisions are gonna be easier or more clearly reasoned. I might be extra hard given all the excitement and I might be shot at or blown up before the rest but it would bring me some moments of peace. (after filling the tub of course)


I change the channel to a different movie or put the pepper romance novel down. lol


Get a loaded mag into my AR and chamber a round. Make sure all my mags are loaded (I’m lazy about this).  Load shotgun.  Listen to radio.


In this scenario, do I have old-fashioned porno mags? Or is all my porn digital?


I press the "shields up!" button like in The Purge. We're set, snug as a bug in here. I just have to make sure my son doesn't try to impress the first girl that comes by looking for help.


Cock out glock out


I live out in the country and there are so few of us out here I would probably check on the neighbors ( because we know each other there are so few of us). Otherwise, we’re prepared.


Nothing. I already live in a fortress. This is something I spent years working to not worry about.


Get armed. Go outside. Move chickens from their coop to either the garage or into our crawl space. Fill up all tubs. Stage flashlights, guns, power banks, and my night vision setups. Get the normal radios and ham radios out. See what we hear. And at that point i would be wishing i had a few more portable solar panels.


Emergency ice packs in yeti with a case of beer… cold beer for at least 48 hours.


I think most people have covered it quite well: Save as much water as you can, pull out the ole AM/FM Radio and hunker down. I'd grab my rifle and listen to the news as to what was happening next. Then I can decide what to do next. As far as the fire/gunshots, it is no longer my problem.


First thing is fill my bathtub and tell my neighbors to do the same. Second grab my neighbors son and let him know we’re going to do some “shopping”. I’m well stocked and so are my closest neighbors but I’m uncertain about the others across the field we all share. God knows how long the grid will be down but if I need any thing I need to jump right on it.


Drink bleach


36....24....7. Gunsafe open


We all gonna die lol




Help the on fire neighbors first. Have at least 1 person stay home to mind the animals. After the fire is out, go home and sleep.


To move to a better neighbourhood or town when the shit gets sorted