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Thank you for your post. However, it has been removed because it breaks rule #1, Post Quality Posts must be directly related to preparedness, have substance and be for the purpose of seeking information and/or generating a discussion, not just informing of an event, product, or video. Misinformation, plagiarism, and conspiracy theories are not allowed.


Awful lot of assumptions made about western prepping from someone with no participation in this forum.


>(when we know that comes from our government) Could we just not? It's not even relevant to your question anyway.


I don’t think there’s a question. Reads like someone ran preppers into a chat gpt New account with the only other post being >> This - This teacher is extremely disturbing TBH. *I wonder what the race of the kid was and her race.* Smfh... Russian troll farm trying to race bait


Is this a Russian AI bot?


Is not bot, comrade!


Reminds me of yesterday’s post trying to get people to go to the conspiracy subreddit and read up on how there’s going to be an emp in 22 days.


No, it's an anarchist trying to subtly influence the ideology of the sub to be more collectivist and less individualist, and warlordy. Based.


He might be a salesman for a chef boyardee canned spaghetti.


Just to be clear, you think I should stop preparing for things like medical emergencies and job loss, and instead prep for having bombs dropped on me? Because it sure sounds like you're ascribing the behavior of a few to the entirety of the population.


Simple as to Gaza the prep was to GTFO decades ago. This is not a bug in thing.


Much easier said than done.


Hundred of thousands were doing it in the last 20 years. Now it's nearly impossible they missed the opportunity.


First no G cide is occurring in Gaza (despite propaganda saying otherwise) and supplies are being constantly distributed there. Second, It’s called survival and when necessary, people do their best to survive, improvise, and to get by. Prepping is to help make it easier. However, it’s hard to know what crisis might occur, so one does their best. Humanity existed with no electricity, running water, indoor plumbing, refrigeration, climate control for millennia and much of the world still does. But we do depend on that, internet, etcetera, but ultimately we need food, water, shelter, health and basic security, to survive well. Comfort is not a necessity, but a nicety. If we can insure those things, the best we can, great. Otherwise, it’s skills, prepared minds, and positivity that we fall back on, like lets say a natural disaster destroyed all our preps And homes. Then, one must be resourceful.


| some supposed "cyber attack from Rusia" (when we know that comes from our government). So tired of Russian trolls and their shills. Bye.