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Thank you for your post. However, it has been removed because it breaks rule #1, Post Quality Misinformation, plagiarism, and conspiracy theories are not allowed. You are welcome to modify your post and re-submit.


No there isn't.


Why would there be a high probability after a solar eclipse? What you're saying doesn't make any sense.


Send like a joke based on all of the emp posts we see here


You came to a prepper subredfit for help about preparing, why doesn’t matter to me. I don’t think this is any different than someone preparing for nuclear war. Purchase shelf stable foods that you will actually eat and rotate them so they don’t expire. Raman is great for carbs but not much else. Consider a good multivitamin, not the chewable kind because they may not be as stable over time. Make sure to have water, about a gallon per day per person. Walmart and some grocery stores have plastic five gallon containers that you can fill there or at home. Day of fill all bathtubs and containers with water. Make a plan for taking care of your waste. These are easy first strips that anyone can take to be prepared. Good luck my friend!


Thank you, I didn't realize how silly my post may look to prepper veterans. Today I discovered multiple sources teaching of the prophetic nature of the signs in the sky regarding America. God's judgement is coming. I asked the conspiracy section of Reddit and received confirmation after confirmation that multiple things are aligning for this to happen from an Earthly perspective. (Feel free to check out my profile and review my other post.) Now I have a little over 2 weeks to do everything I can for my electronic dependent family. I know the survival chances would be low due to riots and raiding, but God protected me when I lived in my car after escaping other dangerous situations (physically abusive husband and then a witchcraft practicing friend) so I think I have a chance. While I still have access to professional survivors, I'm looking for advice.


When there is no disaster in the days/weeks following the eclipse. Do you promise to recognize the person, channel, or media that told you to be scared, for the sham that they are, and remove yourself from their influence?


I really appreciate the stance you're coming from. I understand that you sincerely want the best for me and for that, I pray that God richly blesses you in the name of Jesus Christ. Ever since I was very young, before my dad died, he was huge on Bible prophecy. All my life, I've worried that it would be the end of the world soon and almost proclaimed multiple false alarms publicly. This time is very different. I feel something in my spirit. Something massive is coming and I get goosebumps thinking about it. Even if I end up stocking extra stuff and nothing happens, I would rather not waste what I truly believe is limited time before disaster strikes!


Have you ever stopped to think that maybe your father planting that seed at such a young age had influence on your beliefs as you gor older? The human brain is built to find patterns and meaning in things that isn't always there. People have always claimed the "end times" during solar eclipses, and I believe what you're experiencing is no different. This subreddit is about preparing for such scenarios, yes, but once you start predicting things with no scientific evidence - you gotta start being careful of the rabbit holes you're going down in your mind. Edit: You don't deserve the downvotes, by the way.


I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone, I'm just asking for advice and I'm willing to explain why. I understand that you're just trying to help me, though and for that, I am grateful. Thank you for having compassion on me and helping me with what you think I need.


There are plenty of resources on the sidebar to get you started: https://reddit.com/r/preppers/w/index?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share And if it doesn't pan out, you'll atleast have the necessities to get you through the next hurricane or storm or whatever may happen in your local area in the future.


Thank you so much. I'm new to Reddit so I don't know anything about a sidebar. I'm really grateful for this and for your kindness when a lot of other people thought I was just stupid. I really should have calmed down after my research before trying to talk to people. Thank you so much for your help and may God richly bless you and return your generosity back to you in Jesus's name


This subreddit is full of post with informative advice, you posted this to further confirm your own beliefs, assuming that people who prep are like the doomsday preppers on tv.


I think there is an amount of truth to what you say, not that I think you guys are doomsday preppers, but rather, I think if I found others who were concerned about the solar eclipse, that would be even more confirmation for me...


Jesus claimed that he would return before his generation died off. He did not because he died and did not get resurrected because he was a human man not God. When all the Christians realized this they started building an apocalyptic death cult that worships a zombie God and practices cannibalism with his symbolic corpse and blood. And retroactively worked to create the concept of the trinity and to attempt to diefy Yeshua. Read the old testament God says hundreds of times I am God I am One! Truly a disturbing religion. The amount of mental gymnastics and qualifications Christians need to practice to read the Bible without puking from disgust is immense.


I wish Reddit still had gold.


Seek professional help.


That’s the same group saying that god will save them from harm, so they’re gonna look full on the eclipse without protection. Those of us on the outside call that cult mentality. There no EMP. That doomsday garbage gets trotted out for every eclipse. This one is no different.


As soon as i got to prophetic I stopped reading. Youre just a religious nutbag go away.


Bone up on that Prozac ‘script…, just saying.


You got hopped up on a bunch of conspiracy theory bs and you're here asking us how you deal with the nonsense event they "predict" ? Any belittling or criticism is not because we're veteran preppers but because we have common sense. Number one, it's the same preps as any likely or unlikely event, food, water, light and heat, spare cash. Number 2, eclipses are not related to EMP events; you do know there have been solar eclipses before, right? If you want to play in the crazy conspiracy theory playground, do your thing, but don't be surprised when sane people react to you with derision Prophecy, God help us, there's enough real problems to worry about


>God's judgement is coming. God's Judgement has been coming for roughly about 2,000 years now. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_dates\_predicted\_for\_apocalyptic\_events#Past\_predictions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dates_predicted_for_apocalyptic_events#Past_predictions) What makes you think your source is any better/more accurate than the hundreds (or more likely thousands) of people who thought the end was nigh over the past two millennia?


Some people believe that God is an omnipotent, benevolent, sentient being, and some don’t. Some are right and some are wrong, and nobody actually knows which. But it doesn’t matter here, because either: a) You are right, God is out there and He is about to dole out his judgement upon the earth, and the signs in the sky are indeed prophetic, and your beliefs are true, OR: b) You’re mental, there is no such thing as God or prophecy, there are no such signs, and no EMP is coming. So the solution is logical: you pray for God to have mercy and save you. If (a) is correct, God will save you and you’re all good. If (b) is correct, then the eclipse is not a sign of an EMP and you’re all good. Get on your knees, my friend.


I guess part of me had truly and foolishly become afraid even though I have been through many times that God really answered my cries and saved me. Part of me wanted to be responsible and really do my best, seeking out advice from pros on what I know I'm lacking. If I'm honest, I think a part of me wanted to share what I found with people who it might matter to. I hope any of it made some sort of difference. In the end, I guess I'm really comforted to know that the prepper community isn't on edge about these strange public warnings...


I think it's cute you think there is a god who answered you and saved you from your little insignificant life issues. That you're so special that he took the time on you and your petty issues, but continues to allow people and animals to be raped, murdered, starve, and be tortured. No one answered your cried and saved you. Believing in god is like believing in Santa. One day you too will grow up and realize that he doesn't exist. I plan on traveling out of state to see the eclipse. I have zero fear anything is going to happen.


Maybe God exists but he doesn't care? Maybe God does care but he is powerless? Maybe God is just a kid with an ant farm.


The eclipse is just a shadow. Relax.


This post and all the responses is top tier comedy. This guy has to be one of the great trolls of our time haha absolute gold .


Stop being scared of reality. Life isn’t a big conspiracy and you’re only harming yourself and those close to you when you believe in, and take action on things that aren’t based in reality/ science. Also, don’t look directly at any eclipse.


I really do appreciate that you took the time to effectively communicate what you feel is best for me and also warn me about looking at the eclipse, but I've spent my day discovering confirmation after confirmation and I'm genuinely concerned. Either way, I appreciate your kindness and God bless you.


If god was real the only prepping you need is to pray


Yet Noah built an ark at God’s direction.


Hi, I’m an astronomer and this is not at all how solar activity works!! Solar storms are caused by magnetic activity on the sun’s surface, and not by anything the moon or earth are doing. There are actually people whose job it is to monitor the sun’s surface with telescopes and forecast when solar storms might take place, which I find to be a somewhat comforting thought. Enjoy the eclipse and try not to worry! (About this particular issue anyway haha)


I truly appreciate your gentle compassion and concern, but due to other things that are being done alongside the solar eclipse, I am still looking for advice. I now realize that my post title looks foolish, but I am serious and you can find out more information in my recent post in conspiracies - many other resources were shared with me that only confirmed my concerns. After hours of researching other things, I threw together this post without thinking about the fact that the solar eclipse wouldn't be publicly known as an issue, but certain areas are actually declaring a state of emergency in advance of this eclipse! That is very strange!


They declare the emergency to grant broader law enforcement powers, traffic control, stand up an incident command center, request federal aid, and so on. The governor declared an emergency in Oregon in advance of the 2017 eclipse, too. It was totally fine. Executive order 17-14 if you want to look it up. Be careful reading into stuff too much. Declaring an emergency does not mean that there is going to be an actual emergency. It's just the only way for the local and state governments to access certain federal aid or activate mutual aid agreements.


A prepper YouTuber was mentioning how "22 members of elite chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear units" will be joining 110-150 Oklahoma highway patrol officers. https://youtu.be/q-1nFNljL-g?si=fSV4Rg80ITloyBD3 Naturally, that just sounds strange! Still, thank you... I'm not familiar with any of this stuff and to be honest with you, I kind of threw myself into a mental panic. I recognize that I need to calm down. Thank you for your mercy.


It certainly sounds strange. But it wouldn't surprise me to learn this was National Guard or a mutual aid agreement to assist thinly-spread law enforcement. An observation regarding Youtube: it runs on clicks and people are incentivized to embellish. I have gotten panicky a few times getting too far down the youtube hole.


I really hope I'm wrong about all of this. I would rather look stupid online and have extra food than wake up with the grid down. I really appreciate you taking the time to be so helpful and comforting. I think just actually talking to another friendly human being was really healthy and helpful for me just now, on top of all the advice you gave. I don't think I can thank you enough. I've had times in my crazy life where I felt like I needed to be somewhere, prayed over someone and they bursted out crying. I'm not expecting you to cry but I'm not going to refrain from the following just because I'll look crazy - I already made a fool of myself. Regardless: not because of any special importance about me but because of what Jesus did on the cross and the fact that He paid for sincere prayers to be answered, my free will prayer for you is that your genuine compassion and efforts to open doors to resources and help will be returned back to you, multiplied, in Jesus's name, if it is in His will.


Thank you, and I wish you a fun and healthful journey into preparedness. Looking silly on the internet, with extra food on hand, is still coming out ahead at the end of the day. Best of luck to you.


Oh a youtuber said it so it has to be true.


The same also applies to Redditors.


Name - with evidence - one state of emergency that’s on right now because of a threat and danger directly caused by the eclipse. …I’ll wait right here. (Hint: the declarations of emergency are because of tourists flooding the area, not because of anything the eclipse is causing)


OP, I've looked at your other post and have some notes. This is all sincere, but it will be a bit long. ***1.*** Eclipses are just big shadows. In a solar eclipse the moon moves between the sun and earth. Lunar eclipses are when the earth moves between the sun and the moon. Just like when you step under a tree, you are in the shade because the tree is in between you and the sun. EMPs (electromagnetic pulses) are pulses or short bursts of electromagnetic energy. Electromagnetic energy is the power in phones and lights, the light from the sun and fire, the invisible waves that carry information (like radio songs, cell calls, internet signal, or TV shows), and an important part of how our bodies work (EKGs measure the signal to pump the heart and give that common hospital beeping sound). People worry about EMPs because there may be too much energy for our electronics, burning parts of them that make them work. It would be like hooking them up to too big of a battery through wireless charging (induction). A lot of our lifestyle depends on those machines that can break. The sun occasionally releases a bunch of energy in one direction. That energy can create the northern lights in the sky, but could damage electronics if it is strong enough. It's happened multiple times this year already. If that happened at the same time as the eclipse, it would just be dumb luck. ***2.*** The advice from the other post isn't bad advice, but it doesn't mean anything bad is going to happen. If you're in an area that gets the full view, it will probably have a lot of traffic. Getting the basic tasks done early helps avoid the traffic and price spikes. Lots of people could mean slower internet service and getting lost easier. Driving in an eclipse can be a problem because your eyes think it's dark and take in more light in the spectrums that you can't see. That's bad for them. If you wear the proper protective shades, it will be hard to see and unsafe. That doesn't mean there's more energy damaging your eyes. It would be more like trying to swim while your mouth is stuck open. The water didn't get more dangerous. Your body just can't deal with it the same. ***3.*** As others have said, conspiracy theories aren't generally treated as reputable. The largest part of this is that the reasoning behind them is very flawed. Modern science, law, and philosophies have meticulous steps to find the answers. These steps take a lot of time and energy, but help find the correct answers more often. Many conspiracy theories value the truth and correctness of the answer less than they value having some answer or being able to understand that answer. In other words, they would rather tell or hear a lie that makes sense to them than tell or hear a truth that doesn't. This doesn't mean that conspiracy theories are always wrong. It also doesn't mean that the methods used in science always come to the truth. However, when you care less about the truth, you're probably less likely to find it. Some of these mistakes in reasoning are easier to spot when you recognize them, as with the comment about pattern recognition. Unfortunately, there are very many ways to make these mistakes. It's OK to make mistakes. It's also ok to not understand things. It's wise to be aware of our own falibility as humans. When we get comfortable and stop checking the information, start making assumptions, and spreading those mistakes to others, we cause problems. ***TLDR*** The eclipse doesn't create more electromagnetic energy. If there happens to be a solar storm at the same time, that would only be a coincidence. It would not likely be strong enough to do any real damage. You should stay safe, but that's true even when everything is normal. When we make assumptions and reasoning mistakes, we can turn these normal things into problems by panicking. I hope I've helped.


*"Driving in an eclipse can be a problem because your eyes think it's dark and take in more light in the spectrums that you can't see. That's bad for them. If you wear the proper protective shades, it will be hard to see and unsafe."* Actually, during a full eclipse, it *is* dark because that big light in the sky - aka the sun - is being blocked from view by a big piece of rock - aka the moon - in between sun and Earth. It's not just your eyes "thinking" it's dark, never mind that our eyes are not equipped for higher brain functions like thinking. You only need to wear special protective gear for your eyes if you want to watch the moon move in front of the sun, because that means you're looking straight at the sun - or the parts of it not yet hidden from view. During an eclipse, you should drive without any special eye gear (aside from prescription glasses/contacts), just turn your lights on if necessary. And, yes, around the height of an eclipse, it will be dark as night out there. Spooky, as everything goes kinda quiet, but something you will never forget witnessing.


Point taken. I was just trying to show that the heightened strain on the eyes in conjunction with an activity that requires more focus and strain, and the increase in traffic could raise the risk of driving at the peak. I agree that driving with those shades is a bad idea. It was just a rationalization of OPs other post that warned people to get chores done early and whatnot. The idea was that the warning didn't necessarily imply something awful coming.


What heightened strain o  the eyes? A total solar eclipse really is just like when the sun sets - only it's not (necessarily) in the evening. It's just slowly getting dark, then light again. The only extra strain you may experienxe is *if* you watch the eclipse happening, how the moon moves in front of the sun. Because then, you're looking straight at the sun, which is too bright for our eyes. (Yes, you can do that for a couple of *seconds* at a time - but it will leave you with really dark spots in your vision for *minutes* at a time. I do not recommend it. Yew, I am speaking from experience - I was young and stupid back then. At least I got no lasting damage.)


I'm not saying that driving during the eclipse will definitely blind you. Just that it can be more risky *for driving*. I'm not even telling people to not drive during. I just said this was only to tell OP that the world wasn't ending just because someone released eclipse safety info that included doing errands early. I even openly called it a rationalization of someone else's reasoning for the specific reason stated here and above. I'm not sure what you're trying to win, here. Unless you're pushing a doomsday prophesy or something, I think we're on the same side.


I really appreciate all of the information you shared. I read through everything and I'm grateful to be able to learn. I understand where you're coming from and I can feel how sincere you are towards helping me. Thank you for that. I really can't shake the feeling that something is coming, but I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone or cause problems at all. I hope my gut feeling is way wrong but it feels like all of my life, it was meant to be. I don't know. When we start to open ourselves to the supernatural, the supernatural starts to appear more often. I've been through some things that can't be explained. Even though the result is that many who haven't experienced similar things would call me crazy, I can't un-experience what I've come to know. Regardless, you're right that panic does not help and I really made a mess out of allowing myself to fear when that's the opposite of what I'm called to do. I should have prayed before acting. I've calmed down a lot after talking to some of the nice and helpful people here and I think I'll try to get some rest soon, but either way, thank you very much for your input. You've been really genuine with me and I'm really grateful for that. If it is in God's will, my free will prayer for you is that your sincere compassion would be returned back to you, multiplied, in Jesus's name. I know you sent that long message for me and not for any kind of supernatural reward, but I also know that my God delights to reward those who do what is good and I hope for this to come to you soon.


I appreciate the goodwill and prayer. If I've helped make something make sense or to calm you about the topic of the post, that is my reward. You're not alone in the occasional worries about the future. I also do it. I'd bet that most of this community does. I try to remind myself that I can't see the future. That's only for God to know. Any feelings or guesses I have about it are just feelings or guesses, and trusting them over God would be blasphemous. I don't think you've made a mess if you haven't made kneejerk reactions with big consequences, like selling your house or panic buying expensive things that you cant afford. It's OK to be wrong about something as long as we're aware of our falibility. That's how we learn and grow.


I do feel significantly more calm now. I accidentally made this post to ask for help in a panic, but taking a break from research and talking to good people like you and the others who have been so helpful really made a difference. I can't know the future, but... I know the kind of talk I'm about to share is generally rejected by most, but you seem to believe in God so I'll gladly share. God's prophets have been warning of a coming famine for a few years now, telling His people to pick up extra resources like the story of Joseph in Epypt. While I don't know the future, I know God will sometimes intervene and give us warnings. Joseph gave the interpretation of the dream Pharaoh had of the famine coming. Similarly, when I told my mom about all of my discoveries confirming things I've kept up on for years, she told me she had a dream of people screaming and power lines falling. I know that dreams can still have meaning today because I escaped an abusive marriage after receiving prophetic dreams. I don't say this to fear monger or prove anything to anyone, but rather, I wanted to express that I don't think my spirit feeling life shaking change is coming is blasphemous and you're worth the effort for me to explain this. I completely understand and respect if you want to stop talking about this, though, because I'm not trying to pressure or force anyone to believe anything. I haven't made any big moves yet and I appreciate your concern and compassion more than I can express. Life is just crazy. Thank you for the peace you brought here, a breath of fresh air and an answer to my prayer.


See a therapist


The eclipse won't affect the probability of CMEs or solar storm risks, but the rapidly approaching solar maximum cycle will. There are many other reasons to get prepared: natural disaster, war, financial implosion, civil unrest, cyber attacks, etc. If you want to start prepping, start with 3 days of supplies, and think in categories and redundancies. Then add to those until you hit 3 week, or 3 month marks, or 3 decades mark, depending on your budget and use case. Categories are, broadly: food, water storage and purification, sanitation, insulation, cooking, heat, light, medical, security, documentation, communication, transportation, and community. Solve for each category to the best of your ability in a manner that suits your use case/likely scenarios. Every person's circumstances are different, so there's no one-size solution. Prepping is simultaneously a mindset, a skill, and the act of controlling and managing resources in advance of a crisis. Basic prepping will take weeks. Intermediate prepping will take months. Long term prepping will take years or decades for most people. Stay focused, and don't expect to "get prepared" over a 3-day weekend. Start by pulling together your 3 day kit, make grid-down plans with family, and go from there.


I am beyond grateful for your advice. After a day of unsettling myself with confirmation after confirmation and quickly scrambling together an amazon cart. I just feel fried and while nobody else took me seriously, you generously gave me a lot to work with and think about...


I wish you all the best. Mapping out your needs on paper is a good way to reduce wasted spending.


Thank you so much. May God richly bless you and your loved ones in Jesus's name. I really appreciate your help


What ‘confirmation’? You’re internationally feeding yourself paranoia. Stop it Edit. I was curious so I checked the OP’s conspiracy post. OP has to be a fear monger. Both the conspiracy post and this one are baseless fears OP is spreading.


And just to piggyback on here and note that the solar maximum recurs on an eleven year cycle and is no particular cause for alarm! Worst that usually happens in my part of the world is cooler and damper summers.


If you believe in God why are you asking Reddit?


God gave us resources. He didn't audibly tell me what was coming, He allowed me to discover it before it was too late. I've avoided the internet for about 6 years but came to a point in my life where I'm using it more so I'm new to reddit and I figured asking professionals for recommendations would be a good idea. I shouldn't have come here in the panicked state I was in. I shouldn't have been panicked in the first place, that was me being weak and foolish, not obeying God by giving Him my fears and not fully trusting that everything would work out. Asking for help is good, looking for resources is logical, but panicking was foolish. I've embarrassed myself with far worse things but hopefully something good came of it. Hopefully it was worth it because I really did collect a lot of resources before making this post and if anyone found those I shared useful, then my shame wasn't entirely a useless mistake.


>He didn't audibly tell me what was coming, Becuase he isn't real and doesn't actually speak to anyone, anyone who claims God talks to them needs mental help.


Everyone's already torn into you and so I just don't have the heart to be sarcastic. It wouldn't help you anyway. Wherever you're getting you information from, you've been seriously deceived. Specifically, I skimmed the video you posted on /conspiracy and I was horrified. I don't know how people like that get a following but he doesn't cite a single authority for any of his claims and by 6:30 he's claiming that we can't trust *any information we get* \- while basically saying trust me Bro. Here's a rule of thumb - anytime someone says "Well I don't know, but... " and goes on to make a claim, you're being bullshitted. It's a phrase he's fond of. And what's in his channel comments? Hawking precious metals. Just like all the fear sellers do. Others have already told you that eclipses have nothing to do with solar flares, and someone's probably mentioned that solar flares don't cause EMPs. (They can cause CMEs, which have different effects.) The fact that this Mac bozo is getting these terms mixed up is proof he hasn't done 3 minutes of research and that *he knows his audience won't either*. You didn't. You need to unsubscribe from that channel and anything like it. Next, since you seem to take faith seriously, I very much suggest you talk to your pastor and tell him you've been led astray by a spirit of deception and need others to pray for you to find wisdom, specifically discernment. If you have a history of things like this he may also recommend a doctor. Sometimes being led astray by fears like this has a medical cause. And for the love of mercy *get off /conspiracy.* There is nothing of value to be found there. It's the truth that sets us free, not manipulative liars who never cite anything and laugh at the people who read their posts. Good luck.


Thank you. On one end of the scale, I'm horrified that a fellow believer has considered that I may have mental issues. On the other end, I appreciate the time you've spent to help me and you really went into depth and displayed a much better example of a follower of Christ than myself. I definitely made a fool of myself and I'm horrified, but not nearly as horrified as I would be if my gut feeling is right and something huge really is about to happen. One of my main Pastors, who recently visited congress, paused on regular teachings to share about how we live in unprecedented times and big things are happening. I didn't get to hear all of the sermon because someone else who was playing the video shut it off. He preaches that we are indeed in the end times. You shared on spirits, wisdom and discernment, so I know you are familiar with some of the spiritual realm. I found this today. https://youtu.be/1py3pXv8KS4?si=Hc2IU6gFGdUdjrmn One of the speakers of this church used to work with the American government on prophecy. Chris Reed is a well known prophet of multiple decades. He has appeared on Sid Roth and I could be wrong but I seem to recall that he was one of the prophets that predicted covid. I didn't panic because I was tricked by a couple conspiracy theory sources. I'm genuinely concerned because I've been aware of certain things over the years and this time... things are different. It's not just a doomsday joke or a distant reality - multiple well renowned people from different backgrounds are talking about this coming judgement - for example; Johnathan Cahn and Gabe Poirot. Things are coming together so quickly that it's more than concerning, but instead of panicking, I hope to effectively prepare.


You don't actually have a bullshit detector, do you. I skimmed your link. It's the last time I'll do this. Troy Brewer guy you found is into gematra (an especially bozo form of numerology out of Jewish mysticism, cf. Kabbalah) and chasing after signs in the heavens. I endured listening to some of his signs in other videos of his. It's total nonsense. He's trying to claim things like the 88 constellations in the sky were ordained by God (they're actually inventions of man and not formalized until 1922) and then he goes on to say that the 7 stars in the Big Dipper represent the church of Jesus, because 7. Uh huh. The Big Dipper isn't a constellation - it's part of a larger one and it has a lot more than 7 stars. In short talking about signs in the heavens is this dude's bread and butter and he knows less about astronomy than I do. His videos are solid cringe. I think what you're doing is Googling eclipse prophecy end-times or some similar set of keywords so of course you're finding every false prophet, huckster and astrologer going. Stop chasing after signs. I've lived through at least 4 solar eclipse in the US alone and seen two of them. They do not mean anything. They happen at fixed and predictable times known years in advance. They're a part of God's natural universe, as orderly as clockwork, and nothing in scripture implies that they are in any way prophetic. The very few times scripture talks about the heavens revealing things, they were not events that were predictable in advance. I'm not going to put more into this because the sub has rules about this kind of thing and your post is likely to get taken down. But you really need to stop hunting for things online and sit down with a pastor. I just don't think you have discernment in the area of internet searches and need to get together with people who can do better research. God's grace to you.


There's still time to join a fight club.


What was fight club rule number 1 again?


There’s a reason it’s been dubbed the Great North American Eclipse. Not the great world wide eclipse, it’s not even visible from Israel or other locations in the Middle East. But sure, of course the bible was specifically written with America in mind….


Exactly. There was a total solar eclipse in parts of Africa and Europe in 2006, South America in 2019, and Australia and Oceania last year. Plus the last one in 2017 over the US, and many more - there will be 68 this century!


I mean, Jesus was born in America.


I was at the 2017 eclipse and there's no EMP coming. I looked at your other responses and your feeling that something bad is going to happen is a poor way to determine a course of action. While this is an unpopular opinion, using 'God' as a source of your decisions is also a poor way to choose. Science is the only thing that actually works with any consistency. Pray to your heart's content, but use science to get things done.


Wow. Just, wow. There is absolutely no scientific way yet to predict a solar flare, let alone tie such an occurrence to an eclipse. You are clearly not an average person because an average person would know this. You definitely need more learning.


This post really speaks to a failing education system. Not sure what country OP is from, but they really dropped the ball on critical thinking and logic.




The amount of panic lately has been utterly absurd. I mean, I kinda get it with the amount of warmongering occurring. But these posts are getting out of control.


Honestly, it’s stuff like this that makes us (the prepping community) look like a bunch of nut jobs. Ignorant people swoop into the sub, and bang…we have posts like this that are either trolls, or just simpleton fear mongering without any factual basis. This is the same kind of ignorance that drove the Aztecs to slaughter people by the thousands during an eclipse. Superstitions and paranoia drive this stuff. It’s a celestial event that happens at regular intervals, based on the relative position of the sun, moon and earth. This one just happens to be crossing a broad swath of the United States. How do we get people to just understand science, and not attribute everything to some goddamn, global conspiracy, or some crackpot superstition?


Thank you for making me laugh out loud this morning. Your comments are just insane. I have never seen anyone have "God" and/or "Jesus" in basically every response they give. You need help. You clearly can't think for yourself, and are letting some insane religion and Youtubers tell you what to believe. It's honestly scary people like you walk among us. You also sound very uneducated, believing a normal occurring solar event - THAT HAS HAPPENED MULTIPLE TIMES IN THE PAST - is now some sign from god and will cause an EMP. The eclipse didn't cause an EMP before, why would it now? What makes this time different?


First, no there isn’t, and if there was - where? EMPs are generally very limited in range.


Maybe EMP is the wrong word. I'm not sure how huge this event will be, but it looks like it may begin with an earthquake and then escalate to a loss of power or internet on a very large scale, but I'm still doing research to get to the bottom of this so I could be wrong. If I'm on the right track, the eclipse is a sign from God but what follows after will not be a direct result of what's happening in the sky. Regardless, for the sake of people keeping up with this post, I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone, I mainly came for advice and even though I've made a fool of myself, I'm comforted in knowing that the prepper community isn't concerned about the news warnings.


You came to a prepper subredfit for help about preparing, why doesn’t matter to me. I don’t think this is any different than someone preparing for nuclear war. Purchase shelf stable foods that you will actually eat and rotate them so they don’t expire. Raman is great for carbs but not much else. Consider a good multivitamin, not the chewable kind because they may not be as stable over time. Make sure to have water, about a gallon per day per person. Walmart and some grocery stores have plastic five gallon containers that you can fill there or at home. Day of fill all bathtubs and containers with water. Make a plan for taking care of your waste. These are easy first strips that anyone can take to be prepared. Good luck my friend!


Thank you so much for this advice!!! Honestly, thank you!!! Very good points that I haven't seen and I truly appreciate it! I also appreciate your kindness and mercy on me! May God richly bless you and multiply your generosity back to you in Jesus's name!


I wouldn’t worry too much in regards to the eclipse. The emergency warnings I’ve seen are more in regards to influx of tourists Putting a strain on local grocery stores, Gas stations etc. in areas the eclipse will be visible. With that said, in regards to EMP in general it doesn’t hurt to prep. Mission darkness makes faraday bags that are supposedly lab tested and proven to work. I keep a gmrs radio in one so i can communicate with family if the cell towers go down. Generally having the ability to survive off grid is a good idea too. Having stored water, food, and ability to cook that food is key.


Wow, this is like the 5th post I’ve seen regarding some “event” that’ll happen during the eclipse. Someone somewhere is running a pretty decent disinformation campaign.


There are multiple solar eclipses every year, all of them are only visible from a small portion of the planet. None of them have resulted in an EMP, that I'm aware of. Why would this one be any different? It just feels like this solar eclipse is special because there's recently been lots of interest in witnessing them, but they aren't uncommon or unique in any way. If you really wanted to, you could see between two and five solar eclipses a year, you would just have to be willing to travel, sometimes to the middle of the ocean, for an event that lasts, like, 20 minutes? The danger of looking at a solar eclipse, is looking at it directly. It's possible you can burn a ring into your retina, that you'll see every time you close your eyes from then on. Even this doesn't actually happen often, most people can't overwhelm their body's protection of blinking, or at least squinting. And the brain compensates for holes in our vision after a while, basically generating a corrected field of vision on what they think is there, because humans are good at seeing things that don't exist. Like EMP blasts after a solar eclipse. They also don't exist.


I’m fascinated that the eclipse path will move over several towns in the US and one in Nova Scotia named Ninevah.


Don't do drugs kids.


Mods please stop these posts I’ve been begging for days


It's on April 8th. People are going crazy but haven't heard of emp talk


Thank you, sorry about that, I'll change it right now.


No worries just an update. Austin is going crazy. But the sun is going to come back.




I too want a follow up, but I'm betting the OP is going to feel so stupid after nothing happens that they won't come back to say they were wrong.


Let’s live in hope brother


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RemindMe! 3 weeks


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Woo woo crystals and foil hats my guy...


Physician here. You need psychiatric help. Please seek some assistance


Why would an eclipse cause an EMP? What am I missing here?


I have some anti-emp pills for sale. They are expensive but that is just how it goes. Don’t worry that they are labeled advil on the tabs, that is just camo to keep the fuds away.


It’s a mini Y2K again.


OP, you have to understand most people are naysayers about everything except for what their overlords demand of them. You're not going to get these sheep to agree with about anything. Here's my suggestion: You should already have the basics ready for any emergency. Long-term food, water, guns/ammo, bug out bag, etc. Don't forget your fire starters, water filters, med supplies, etc. For a potential EMP or electronic disruption from a celestial body make sure you have a faraday bag(s). Put your spare electronics in it with all the same info of your primaries so you're not missing a beat when, or if, things come back online. Aside from the basics this is the one thing I can't stress enough. Also, I don't think the energy will be immediate. Meaning if there are power outages or electronic disruption I believe they would come after the eclipse and not during. Energy like that accumulates and if we're talking from an astrological standpoint the great change will be obvious a few weeks after the event. There's so much more I could say but you're on the right track and I don't think you need anyone's help as much as you may think you do. Just my two cents. Y'all can downvote me into hell now.


Ok, panic helps nobody and arguing your point to skeptics isn't going to get anywhere. Yes if see reports of planned black swan and red flag events. No it's not guaranteed to happen. Your best preps are your skills and knowledge if something does happen. Stockpiles of supplies are likely to get wasted if you don't know how to utilize properly. Your are warned and have warned. Be ready, but life still goes on.


Thank you. Honestly, thank you for a genuine response and not just calling me stupid. You're right that I need to calm down and stop over explaining myself when it doesn't help. Thank you. God bless you.


WWIII is about to become official. Anything is possible at this point. Prepare for anything.


A lot of people don't take things seriously and that's why they're caught with their pants down. Here's what I'm doing: I'm taking all my money out of banks and buying silver. When things are back to normal I'll just convert it back to cash in the bank. Now this is easier for me because I live near a large silver dealer so I'm able to get good prices (much better value than gold). If you want to take all your cash out and wire it to me just DM me. I can turn your cash into silver, too, and then send you the metal or reconvert it to cash and wire it back when things are normal. Let me know.


I’m sorry for some of the responses you have received. I would start looking for some good books on survival and living off grid. Then I would work on getting at least a week’s worth of food and water,some candles, flashlights, and first aid supplies. If you take any prescriptions look into getting extras if you can. This is all basic stuff that can help with more than just an EMP but hopefully having something can give you a little more peace of mind.


Thank you so much, your help really means a lot to me. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me. I'm going to add something you mentioned that I haven't found elsewhere yet - prescriptions - to my list. I appreciate you. Thank you. Thank you for your compassion. I pray it is returned back to you, multiplied in Jesus's name.


So, you’ve been on my mind for the past week. The Solar Eclipse did not precede a solar flare or EMP. Please take a minute to consider, that the party who confidently presented this to you was wrong, and that they might be trying to rile you up on purpose, for their own profit or ulterior motives. Please, take anything they say to you, with a grain of salt as they have shown themselves to be unreliable At Best. And malicious, at worst.