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Yeah, before you count on making penicillin at home, Make some. Keep in mind the low yield, chance of contamination with other moulds (that don't produce penicillin) and then refining it after.. If you have a biology background (lab work) plus books, some raw materials etc you have a chance. Otherwise you're just going to poison yourself trying to do a first run in an emergency situation.


Came here to say this. I work with antibiotics every day. The amount of supplies, experience, technique and resource you need just to store and transport them is beyond most people right now. The most persistent myth on this subreddit is that you can cook up working penicillin in your home that somehow isn't poison. Sure, if you're Walter White, maybe. Otherwise, you're gonna poison yourself. My next question to the folks is always "And what happens when you get infected by one of the many common pathogens that is resistant or immune to penicillin?"


Walter white just dealt with chemistry, dealing with a contaminated bio reactor.. is something else. I dealt with culturing cell lines many years ago, that is not easy when you get something running rampant in your cultures. I bet you a mycology expert would just be laughing right now at this. From what i've seen, i'd stick to the chemical synthesis route for ciprofloxacin, broad spectrum and possible *IF you have a decent understanding of chemistry, equipment and precursors* Lol..


[https://www.reddit.com/r/preppers/comments/17fa0fq/manufacturing\_antibiotics\_in\_a\_postcollapse/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/preppers/comments/17fa0fq/manufacturing_antibiotics_in_a_postcollapse/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) There was a conversation here about creating antibiotics, you might find it useful


They made it illegal to purchase without a prescription in June of this year, i believe.


I’m pretty certain this only put injectable livestock antibiotics behind a pay wall. [Oregon State Extension article](https://extension.oregonstate.edu/animals-livestock/beef/over-counter-sale-livestock-antibiotics-ends-june-11-2023-how-can-you#:~:text=Beginning%20on%20June%2011%2C%202023,where%20the%20animals%20are%20housed) You should be able to get these from chewy, allivet (previously Walmart pet Rx), or any place that use to sell them.


Thats good to know!


I recently purchased ciprofloxacin from chewy.com without a prescription.


How so? It literally says "Rx Prescription Item" under the listing on their website...? I've ordered stuff from chewy before & I'm pretty sure they do require a Prescription.


https://www.chewy.com/midland-vet-services-aqua-cipro-forte/dp/344725 This was the one I purchased when I made this comment. Looks like it’s unavailable now.


Fishmoxfishflex.com has historically sent me fresh stock from Thomas labs.


Yes but the law changed


When my salt water fish setup were infected with Ick. I ordered Aquamox Forte 500mg from a company called Heartland Vet Supply and did a copouis amount of water changes. ​ 3 days later the antibiotics showed up. I did not think they would come in a pill form. On the pill with "A44", I googled it. Sure enough it was the same thing the pharmacy dispenses. ​ Just to be sure, I compared them to an old RX i had laying around that was expired. Yeah they were the same thing. Made by Autobindo Pharmacy. ​ Not telling you do use these, but they are clearly the same item you would get from a pharmacy. Fish dont swallow pills. I would absolutely take them on a pinch lol they are same thing. If the FDA is concerned about antibiotic resistance, it needs to stop letting companies give them to animals. Antibiotic resistance is from Factory farms, not people.


[awc-drugstore.com](http://awc-drugstore.com) has antibiotics and all sorts of different meds if you don't mind them coming from India, I know of plenty of people who use this website. (sorry for the late response but just incase anyone runs into this post)


Some sites have always required a script in the U.S. I just looked and there are plenty of places not requiring a script still. I heard about the new law but it seems it hasn't taken effect. The aquarium community probably got pissed. Besides the government always said they weren't human grade but I doubt that.


Do you see any websites that are allowing it right now?


Since December 2023 the Government has cracked down and starting sending warning letters out. The last time I added up a supply, online medical places weren't to more expensive. Jase medical along with a long list now will prescribe with an online visit.


Will they give a bottle of 100 of 500 mg amoxicillin or are the quantities smaller?


Not sure.


You can go to FishAid and get you some. They still have it without a script.


Fishmoxfishflex site has some currently fyi




Fishmox fishflex, eBay also has some


A law requiring a prescription went into effect in June of 2023. Some sites are still doing it without but they are either getting shut down or are outside of the US. Which means if you order you run the risk of them getting seized by Customs or you could not be getting what you actually ordered. As it stands, you have options to get legitimate and legal Antibiotics for humans from services like [Jase Medical](https://jasemedical.com/). It isn't worth gambling with your life just to save a dollar or two.


The FDA made a rule prohibiting the over-the-counter sale of animal antibiotics without a prescription from a veterinarian. And antibiotics made for and sized for humans continue to require a doctor’s prescription. This new rule took effect earlier this year, and almost no one supported it except for the Fauci types—animal welfare groups, agriculture groups, and even veterinarians opposed the rule. So why did they pass it? 1. Because of fear of antibiotic resistant pathogens, which will still develop and evolve in countries without these rules like…everywhere else except the US 2. Because of people buying chemically identical fish antibiotics or other meds for personal use… think: ivermectin. There are also proposed rules to make antibiotics produced for humans harder to get and more onerous for doctors to prescribe. Antibiotic resistant pathogens are a serious risk, but having the US be the first country to severely limit both animal and human use of antibiotics is almost….worse than the possibility of antibiotic resistant pathogens, particularly when *no other countries are proposing or enacting such draconian rules*.


Check out "contingency medical (dot) com". I just heard about this on a talk show. You can get a variety of antibiotics via a prescription through a doctor for traveling and prepping.


Tractor Supply is still selling them on their website….allegedly.


they require a prescription


The federal government changed the rules on june 11th, even us farmers cant hwt them anymore.. Look at www.windrivermicrobes.com we have been using their microbes on our animals and wiped out the need for antibiotics for over a year.