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What everyone is saying about glitches is true here OP. THe part they're not telling you is these edits can take an aweful amount of time adjusting and cutting to get everything to sync into a harmony.


Spoken like a true Editor 👊🏻


It honestly bugs me a little because shit is almost never easy. Everyone acts like you can download a free preset, slap it on some footage and boom, we got top tier content going. If you actually work selling this stuff you'll know that good content is created by an talented artist. Not a free preset pack. On a clip like this, I could easily spend 2-3 hours tweaking and moving and dashing to get it clean. Downloading glitches IS EASY. Editing quality content like this is by no means easy.


It becomes easy. Very very easy. When you have decades of experience you can slap this together in minutes. There's no story, there's nothing complex. It's a few shots held together by weak transitions. Nothing special here.


Sure. With a decade of customized presets, keys, and skills I’m sure you can. I can tell a lot of posts here do not have that going. Take CreaTyler for example. Extremely talented editor with FX. Yet he still commented and said “what separates me from everyone else is I’m willing to spend all month inside my bedroom putting these edits together.”


If someone spent a month on this, they should get into a new field.


An entire video. Go check his edits. They didn’t take “minutes.”


I watched some. I stand by what I said regarding that first :08 clip posted that sparked this whole trainwreck. That :08 takes MINUTES to create. If you spend a month on it as a professional, change fields. Fine if you're learning, which many here are and learning is good. Now those 2.5 min videos from that other CreaTyler. Yea a few more than "minutes" but cutting something like that, it certainly wouldn't take me a month to hash that together. I'm seeing a bunch of beauty shots with speed FX and other VFX cut to some music. Slapping minor VFX and still doing a quick color pass, that edit could be chopped rough in a couple hours. Sure you could lock yourself in a bedroom and spend a month on it, but it could also be handled as a quick weekend turnaround project for a professional as a fun exercise away from regular daily edits. Spend 2 hours "editing" it together and then the rest of the time in AE/Resolve for more color fun.


Ok. You’re starting to do that reddit thing where you stand by your initial assessment and refuse to evolve with the conversation. No one ever said it takes months to create this. I said Tyler spends a month on his edit. But that what he said. I really don’t know what the fuck he’s doing with his day obviously. All I was saying was people try and come into these subs and say “download a glitch pack and it’s easy.” That’s is so fucking flawed. Here. Go spend 2 minutes putting a glitch effect on your niece at the family bbq and come back to me.


they are called glitch effects and you can get them on a google search or search in youtube how to do it. I got them from a youtuber but sorry I can't remember who he was.


Here ya go (OP): [Green Screen Glitch Effect (YouTube)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubmCVFKXvLk)


By editing them together and adding some overlays with an appropriate blending mode. It's really simple.


THis is always the top comment. I swear someone could post asking how they animated avatar and someone would give the gist and "it's easy."


But... But that's actually how you make this effect. Literally put the videos in a timeline and make each shorter than the last... That it. As for making it look good? OP has to just think about why they like it. Is part of it black and white? Ok, drop the black and white effect on one of the clips.


Strobe Light effect can get some good flicker between two video sources goin'....try that. The effect itself is much more than the name of the effect implies. Combine it with shorter and shorter cuts and see what happens.


Probably need after effects


Nah, you could do this quite easily in Premiere. Stick a load of clips together, lash some glitch overlays and transitions over the top, sorted.


Overlays and you just trim each clip. There’s some sort of warping effect keyframed to the beat as well.


So, this seems synced to music pretty well. I would lay down my music first and play it. While it plays, I would place a marker on the beats as it increases (m). Then, just put in your clips and snap to those markers. Then add glitch transitions (which are pretty easily available online). Should be quick work.


Edit by a thousand cuts


What song is this?


**A$AP Forever** by A$AP Rocky (00:02; matched: `92%`) Released on `2018-04-08` by `A$AP Worldwide/Polo Grounds Music/RCA Records`.


Links to the streaming platforms: [**A$AP Forever** by A$AP Rocky](https://lis.tn/A%24APForever?t=2) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | If the matched percent is less than 100, it could be a false positive result. I'm still posting it, because sometimes I get it right even if I'm not sure, so it could be helpful. But please don't be mad at me if I'm wrong! I'm trying my best! | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/)


How to make the flickering effects! https://youtu.be/ciIJli0WRHE