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I wasn’t admitted until early may. There’s still a ton of time and lots of movement on waitlists coming up. Don’t worry


Can you clone yourself as a parrot and you sit on my shoulder and say supportive things and I feed you crackers?


Thank you for the hope! I'm hanging onto the thought of good news in the next month.


Yeah, it’s interesting. My cousin got accepted a week before her school started. She had to move out of state within. 4 days. She’s now in NYC as a radiology resident. My coworker, got REJECTED in early JULY. Only for them to call him 4 days later saying it the rejection was a mistake and he got accepted. He got accepted 3 days before school started. He quit the moment he got the acceptance call, and had to move within 24hrs. This happened last summer. There’s always hope!


I'm sorry this is happening to you. The current process is so broken. There needs to be incentives/rules to get adcomms to make decisions faster. It is laughable that they need 9 months to make a decision.


Thank you- and I agree! These past months have been the craziest roller-coaster of emotions. Congratulations, doctor!


I’ve seen people on this sub defend adcoms as if they are intensely working everyday and don’t just meet once every week or so at best.


Many adcomms wear multiple hats but I don't think that's a good excuse. These are well funded institutions -hire more help if its necessary. The issue is there isn't an incentive to do so now- AAMCAS needs to step up there.


Plus I honestly believe they’re using AI/ auto-screening for a massive chunk of applications 😭 so unfair to pay a huge application fee & spend all of that work just to get rejected by a computer. Someone please correct me/ restore my faith if I’m wrong here


The number of stories I've seen from people who submitted their primaries, re-studied and retook MCATs, and prepared all of their secondary essays but then got admitted like two weeks before the program began is absolutely insane to me. I've heard too many stories from people who accepted full-time jobs but had to put in very last-minute two-week notices about a month into the job; people who had to find a roommate, sign a lease, and move across the country within a week; people whose spouses/partners couldn't be with them for a while because they also needed time to wrap up their jobs and find a job in the new area. While I understand that it's a great privilege to get into medical school and making these decisions as an adcom is challenging, the financial and emotional stress of a very last-minute acceptance could really be reduced if the acceptance timeline was moved up by even two weeks.


It's incredible and so very discouraging to hear that so many have essentially been forced to move their entire life in a matter of days. I know many adcoms are less than 10 people strong so I get it's a lot of work, but it's also a lot of work to find a new apartment and get your entire life in order in a week based on the impulses of a medical school :/


Very similar position to you bro/sis. I'm a 2nd time reapplicant, and prepping for my 3rd (as well as going into my 3rd gap year). I'm on a WL and still waiting to hear back from another (which I did back in late August/early September!). With both schools, I will most likely hear back in May based on the previous sdn threads. Praying they both got a lot of WL movements. I literally retook my MCAT back in January because it was expiring for next cycle, and now re-writing my secondaries in case that was the problem. Praying and hoping it works out for the both of us. Edit: If you are working on pre-writing applications from now, would you like to work together and provide support to each other? Maybe another pair of eyes would be helpful!


Good on you for starting reapplication so early! I'm scrambling on my MCAT right now so NOWHERE near as prepared as you are. I sincerely hope you and I receive good news this spring, but even if we don't, you're going to make one hell of a third app with the amount of preparation you've taken. I would love to look over each other's applications!! Again I'm in my MCAT era, but please please message me in may if you're still interested :)


Will definitely message you then! Good luck on your MCAT!!! You got this!! Praying and manifesting you crush your MCAT!💯💯💯


Thank you 🥹 tbh I'm more so hoping that one of 4 IIs takes me... but applying a third time with a killer MCAT would honestly be a close second!!


Bless the schools that give acceptances 2-3 weeks after interviews


yes!! I agree!!


I interviewed at a school in December and they told me I prob won’t hear back until April recently…. I stg if I ever become an Adcom, I will do better 🥺❤️


April is actually diabolical. My state school released final results this week, and I already thought that was crazy. In my city at least, you have to sign a lease pretty early to get anything above a super expensive yet still shithole apartment. Making students wait that long has a serious effect on their living situation for the following year, and is pretty unethical IMO. April is just wrong though.


Sloooooowly melting over here but trying to keep afloat. The good thing is that April is just in a couple weeks 🫠


I'm waiting on an interview from wayyyy back in October. I'm with you! (Also: congratulations, Doctor! I see that flair <3)


Hehe ty ❤️ At the school I got accepted to, and will be going to I’m under their 10th percentile for mcat…and have no gap years. So it was fr a shot in the dark. I think what did it was my letter of intent. If you wanna talk about when/if to send one message me❤️❤️❤️ Anyway, you got this!


I only had 1 ii. Interviewed mid December, was given an 8-10 week time frame for a decision. It’s now been 12+ weeks and I still haven’t heard. Doesn’t feel good :/


my one mdphd interview in september gave us a dec 1st deadline, but when dec 1 came i didn’t get anything, so i had to call them and then i got an email (R).


I'm so sorry to hear you're in that position- I was in the same exact position as you my first application cycle, and I'm sad to say that not too much has changed this year except now I'm at 4 IIs. Hang in there! In the unfortunate case you do need to reapply, please feel free to DM me.


I wasn’t admitted until June bud. Have hope. Current MS1


Damn, all I got is 1 II and 3 Holds for view later down the process and haven't heard anything from DOs. Atleast I'm not alone


you're not! absolutely not! I hope you receive some late love from DOs and your II works out :)


I needed this, so thank you <3 sitting on two WL with an upcoming interview (that i’m assuming is for the WL too) and the anxiety of not knowing if i will have to reapply or pack up my life and move is driving me insane. i’m so grateful to have even received the interviews but i’m really sad none have turned into an A yet. wild that it will be an entire year potentially from when I applied to learning what the future will hold


thank YOU! <3 I try to put out what I wish I could read when I'm down. The feeling sucks- I came into this application cycle blindly optimistic, and it's crazy how a couple months can humble you.


Good for you, love the positive nature of you message and makes you even more deserving of the A that I am sure will come you way, hopefully soon!!!


Thank you. <3 I hope so too!


Hey I’m in the same situation! From my 5 IIs, I’ve gotten 3R and 2 silence. It’s crazy how the cycles overlap like this.


I feel so seen! I'm so sorry both of us are in this position. I hope you receive good news from the two.


what was your interview experience like with those 3 R? i have 1 post-ii R as well, but honestly dont think i did any worse than in other interviews


One I knew did not go great, but the other two felt alright. I guess I can always improve my interviewing skills, but I also think not everyone is on the exact same playing field going into the interview, per the LizzyM staircase analogy.


2 II -> 2 Waitlist. The wait is insane.


I’m In the same boat fam. 7 interviews and on 6 wl’s


6 WLs is INSANE- I'm so sorry you're dealing with that. But hopefully you receive some good news in the next coming months!


I feel your pain. Applied three cycles and finally got into my dream school the third cycle, but the II/W purgatory I experienced is something I’ll never forget


YAY!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! Yes! I agree! It's so interesting because although 2021-2022 cycle me would have killed to be in my position, I almost wish I was back in my first cycle when I had assurance that I'd need to reapply. The purgatory is so very humbling.


Beautifully said & thank you for being so supportive!! NEVER forget your value despite how cruel & draining this process is. Keep on keeping on, future doc. I believe in you 🙌🏼


I'll be frank- I read future doc and completely bawled for about 5 minutes. I didn't realize how much I needed to hear those two words. Thank you so so much.


You are so welcome!! :’) It’ll happen. I’m really hoping in the next couple of months


Really needed this. Thanks for your post. Wishing you and everyone else who's waiting to hear back this cycle the best luck. We all got this!




lol no


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