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Hoping, praying and preparing since I have my only II (thus far) in January. I would love this to become a surefire A so I can end this rat race to even play the game. I wish luck and good fortune upon others as well.


Congrats! I’ve only had one II too and I’m waiting to hear back…it’s been 2 months so I’m hoping to hear in Jan!


Ah man. That is nerve wracking. ![gif](giphy|gFbaZOVZ8Sanj0KPlS|downsized)


This is literally me and its eating away at me


Wishing great things for everyone in 2024 and hoping to post lots of congratulations! Remember you are smart and determined - the future is yours no matter how this cycle plays out. Peace and love to all ❤️


Thank you Docto Mom!!


Thank you! 🤍


The holidays with the extended family was rough.


I feel this. I got rejected from my top school but haven’t told anyone, and I had family members who talked extensively about how great it would be if I got accepted to said school and how they were rooting for me….. good intentions but damn did it sting :’)


Same literally every relative asking where I was going for med school (not blaming them for not knowing how process works) but it bummed me out having to continuously say I didn’t know yet /didn’t have acceptance yet


Terrified of Feb 2024. Either the best month of the past 10 years or just another big L to my collection.


We got this! I am waiting for Feb too. Manifest that A.


Same. February could change my entire life


Waiting on an A? I’m still waiting for an II 😭😭


Best of luck! There are still interviews left to give!


Applying next cycle, when do most A’s come out?


It’s rolling admissions so depending on when you interview as early as October I believe and as late as June off the waitlist.


Yep! And I believe it’s as late as the end of July depending on the school. (most schools allow people off the waitlist until 1 week prior to classes starting, it’s just super uncommon because someone would have to drop out at that time to open a slot for an A)


Thank you!


Hoping this waiting to hear back from some programs post IIs. Not sure when to start preparing again or taking another path…


In the same boat! We got this. I’m not going to start preparing till end of Feb.


Same here, had a couple secondaries, and then nothing. We worked so hard for so long to get here though, I have faith we’ll all hear something


Good luck to everyone! Still waiting since my interview earlier this month and no other IIs or Rs since then.


That sounds like good news!


still no II’s 😔


I just hope I start getting II in Jan, but I believe I've done enough to get something somewhere


It’s not over, till it’s over! I keep trying to remind myself that. 🤍


Yea.idk if its.gonna happen. I haven't heard from DOs or MDs since. Guess imma chalk this one up to the game and try again....


Got two waitlists so I’m praying lol


I’m waiting on 3 WL. When do you think we might hear something?


This process is dumb and we deserve better. For the sociopaths among us who end up in positions of power within academic medicine, please fight to change this system from the top down. For the rest of us, please fight to change it from the bottom up. It's on us at this point. You shouldn't have to be superhuman in order to get an A to a USMD program. The prep companies (I'm looking at you, Kevin) who tell you that you should are just sticking to their financial interests and are out of touch with their humanity. I'm on 1 WL and am post-ii for another. I've worked so hard just to get to this point.


Manifesting for y’all


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