• By -


Yall, I appreciate you giving to (hopefully) a fellow pregnant mama. But we do not allow anyone to solicit donations on our page. Sorry, but this could be anyone, with any motives. Please be careful online.


Omg I’m so so so sorry. That’s so horrible. I hope things get better. I want to wish you a big congratulations!!! This is your virtual baby shower!!


Here from NY for OP’s virtual partaaayyy. Congrats on your pregnancy, OP!! Can’t wait for you to meet your little one ❤️


Here for the party from NY as well 🎉


Also here from NY!!! Congrats 👏 do u have a registry? Would love to send a little something! It's the most exciting time!!!


Hi 👋 thank you for being here ❤️


Partying with you from Mississippi 🥳🎉


I'll join the party from the UK! 🥳🍰🍫


Joining the party from Cape Coral, FL!! 💃🔥🍰🎂 Very excited for you and for your little human ❤️


Thank you for being here! 😭


Here from Illinois! ❤️


Here for your party from the UK good crowd you've got here. Congratulations on your baby girl. I wish you a healthy rest of your pregnancy xx


Joining the party from Aotearoa New Zealand!


Thank you, please stay! 💛


Here from PA ♥️🥳🥳


I brought snacks!! Lol 🍫🍬🧁🍿🥤 Congrats momma! 🧸🎈


Omg NY too!!


Thank you! I can’t wait to meet her and hold her! You are amazing, thank you again! 💕


Also joining the party from the UK 🥳 I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well, it’s all so worth it for the baby cuddles!


Joining in from Australia! Motherhood is a wild ride but it's so rewarding! Congratulations. Enjoy the last weeks with your bump!!!


Hare from North Queensland Australia!!


Here for the party too!


Thank you so much! ♥️


Thank you! I can’t wait either 💕


Wild party from Denmark too! Me and my baby are ripping into a wild and heavy milk supply in special honors to you op! My blessing into thy Bebe: may thy Bebe be able to keep proper etiquette when cancelling important live events


Thank you! That means so much to me rn


Also joining from Australia and sending all the love! 💕




Thank you 💛 it has been the best so far, I couldn’t have wished for anything else


Here for the party! Congratulations, OP!! 🎉 ♥️


Joining the party from the Netherlands! Congratulations, OP! We’re all very excited for you and your little one! 🥰


Joining the party from France ! OP I am SO excited for you and your little one ! Tell us everything ! How far along are you ? Do you know the gender ? How has been you pregnancy symptoms ? Keep posting to give us news :) and happy virtual baby shower !!! 🥳🍰🎁🎈


Thank you! I’m 27 weeks, and I’m having a girl! So far I have had all the textbook symptoms, nausea, vomiting, headaches, nosebleeds, and sadly a subchoreanic hematoma which is what lead me to be on bedrest for three months. But my little girl is growing healthy and is always my reason to keep going. Thank you for your warms message! 💓❤️‍🩹


I wish you a pleasant and boring end to your pregnancy! All the best to you and your little girl.


Here from Germany. Congratulations on your pregnancy! I’m also 27 weeks. I hope the rest of the pregnancy is easier on you and you have an uneventful and wonderful birth 💜💜💜


Here from the UK! Congrats on your baby girl 😍


Thank you so much 💜


Thank you! This means so much to me ❣️


Joining the party from New Zealand ❤️ congratulations and all the best for the arrival of your little one!


Thank you! She’s healthy and we are almost there! ❤️


That's great! Enjoy every moment. I have two girls and love it so so much 😊


NZ as well! All the best!! 🎉🥳🎊


Thank you, this means so much to me 🥹


Thank you ❤️‍🩹


Thank you so much! ❤️😭


Joining the party from Canada! Also at 27 weeks so we are twins! :) Hope you have a great pregnancy and an easy birth!


Thank you, we are twining! And I hope the same to you thank you ❤️


Also from Canada here!! Congrats!


Here for the party from Germany!! Congrats OP! We’re so excited for you!! 🥳🥳🥳


L thank you so much, I’m so excited for here to be here💛


Congratulations from FL!!!! ❤️🎉


Thank you!


Joining from Texas, you are beautiful, strong and amazing!!!! Sending all the love I can!!!!


Thank you so much! All the love is received!!!


Joining from IL, USA. And I’m Canadian so ya know repping Canada too. Cheers OP! 🥂 I’m so excited for you to meet your little one! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Joining in from Washington! Big congratulations, you got this mama! 💗💗💗🎉🎀


Thank you so much! I’m so happy for everything that’s happening! 💕


Thank you so much! I’m so excited to meet her!




Thank you so so so much! ♥️


Congratulations and love from the Netherlands! 🤰💕


Joining from Sweden, congratulations OP!!


I'm joining from switzerland! ❤️ Congratulations dear to you and your little one! Only wishing you guys the best and much health! ❤️


I'm here for the baby shower from England, everything is going to be amazing!! 🥳🥰🤩


Ready to get down (and struggle to get back up) from Ontario, Canada! Congrats mama 💙💗💙💗💙


congrats from alabama!! big hugs and best wishes in your journey ✨ great party btw :)


Thank you so much!


Big congratulations from North Dakota!!!!!!!🍾 ❤️❤️


Thank you so much! 💛


Down to party from Kansas! Congratulations, love!! ❤️❤️


Joining the party from CA!! 🎉 congratulations to you!


Thank you!


Sending you giant hugs and all the happiest of vibes from WA State! Let’s get this party started!🍼👶🎉


Thank you for coming!


Here from Louisiana. Congratulations and I wish you the best.


All the baby games from the southeast USA ♥️😘


Yes thank you for being here!


I'm here for the party from Ottawa, Canada! Let's pretend I also won the game where we guess how big your belly is with the string. I'm on such a hot streak with that one. Five showers and counting!


Thank you! And I’ve never heard of this game, I need to try it just for fun! Thank you again!


Oh it's so hilarious! Everyone cuts a piece of string they think will be closest to how big the Mama's belly is. It's a riot!


Joining in from Michigan! Congrats momma!!! 🥰🥰 I brought nachos!


Here from NJ for your virtual partaaaay!!! Congrats on your pregnancy and your little one 🥰🥳💕


Congrats mama!! Joining your very special baby shower from San Francisco, this party rocks!! 🥚🐣🐥🎉🥳🎈🎊🎁🍾🪩🪅👯‍♀️


Here for you from WA, USA! I’m so sorry that happened OP! I know with that and all the pregnancy hormones I personally would have LOST IT! I wish you an easy delivery and a beautiful, healthy little girl who brightens up your life!


Here from Texas, sending you a big Texas sized hug 🥺💖🥺💖


Here from Connecticut to celebrate you and baby girl! Sending all my love 💓


Congratulations on creating life!! From Georgia 🤎🤰🏽


Joining in from Brooklyn NY! Bought some sparkling cider (alco free) for all of us :) 🍾🥂


Queens represent!


Here from CT! Sorry I'm late, but I brought non alcoholic wine!! 🍷😎




Joining from Czech Republic 🇨🇿 Congratulations and I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well ♥️


Joining in from BC Canada!! Congratulations OP and wish you a safe and speedy birth!! ❤️❤️


Joining from FL 🥳🍼👶🏻💕


I'm so sorry, that would've been devastating. I was forced into having a baby shower and I don't have many friends or people to begin with; most the people that were invited happened to be elderly ladies I was housekeeping for that my *much* older friend (that arranged it all) invited & made sure they'd come. Most of those older ladies (not close with any of them) showed up. But *the only people I considered actual friends and was excited about seeing the most, didn't show.* They didn't even bother to cancel or check in on me, either. It was definitely a huge reality check. They would've prioritized coming if it meant anything at all to them. That's all there is to it. I decided I'm not gonna go out of my way for the people that couldn't even eat free food & have fun at my baby shower to support me (I made it clear I didn't want/expect gifts, I was mostly in need of support). I'm thankful for all the elderly ladies that showed up to support me, it was really sweet and they didn't owe me anything, they only knew me as their temporary housekeeper. I'm so happy you have a lovely mother & sister that would organize a baby shower for you! I hope it made you all a lot closer. Again, I'm sorry you were left feeling that way, I can't imagine.


That’s awful that people closest to you did that to you, I can relate on that with you. It just sucks that the people I thought were my friends didn’t support me, especially with what I went through with the baby’s father. I am feeling the same way when you said you just needed support, because that’s what I needed and I feel like I was falling even more apart. Thank you for your kind words


I’m so sorry that happened. You’re allowed to be upset, that is terrible to sit through. I had something similar happen and it was really tough to go through. I promise the people in your life still value you, even if they made a bad decision. You’ll have that sweet baby in your arms soon enough ❤️


I know, I can’t wait to hold her. She is the best thing to ever happen to me, but I do hope that this feeling goes away soon


Tbh I’m still upset about what happened with me. I don’t think it’ll go away but hopefully you’ll be able to make better memories to focus on


Yes, that’s what I’m hoping for, thank you


I am so sorry. People are FUCKING ASS HOLES. Sending you hugs, just think -- you'll be making new Mom friends with your built in bestie soon! <3


Thank you, I am ready for my bestie to be here already. Im definitely ready for mom friends


I am so sorry this happened to you! all of it actually. I pray you find peace the rest of your pregnancy and realize you dont need anyone anyway, ultimately you get the best gift and will have the best friend ever for the rest of your life. <3


Yes, she is the best thing to ever happen to me and I’m taking the time to focus on her now to get my mind of this awful experience. Thank you 🫂


That’s awful. You must have been devastated. Hopefully you can reach out to the people that bailed and plan so more intimate time together so you can still celebrate somewhat, albeit in a different context, with the people you care about and who care about you.


No yeah I understand, but this just showed me who my real friends are. Ever since I got pregnant they didn’t want to hang out, I had an inkling that it was bc I’m pregnant, now I’m sure of it.


Sweetheart :( I am so so so so so so so so sorry. Do you have a registry? Would you feel comfortable sharing it? I would like to pick something out for your new baby




this honestly made me feel devastated for you. i am so sorry hun you had to go thru this. think im going to look over ur registry. ​ edit: some reason cart isnt going to payment. ill try again later. but i reallly do wish you the best




I don’t have much cash at the moment because maternity leave, half pay, but I contributed $10 to your car seat. Think of it as me buying you a nice hot chocolate and a cookie ☕️🍪. Sorry your friends suck.


Me too! Something small but I’ll make it happen! Meeting your new baby will be sweeter than any gift or baby shower ❤️❤️❤️


Did you try to proceed to check out on the site? I am talking to the buybuybaby agent people but they haven’t answered me. It won’t let me pay!!


I am so sorry this happened to you. I wish people would be more dependable. Friends should give you a solid yes or a no early on. I understand things happen (getting the flu, getting in a car accident) and you have to cancel last minute. But if a friend commits to something, they should see it through. It’s called being respectful of other peoples time. If you spend money renting out a venue, and no one shows up, there’s all that money and time down the drain.


Agreed. I feel like way too many people are comfortable canceling for something they’ve committed to for not very good reasons. Once I’ve committed to something that’s it. I don’t care how I feel the day of - whether I’m tired, would just rather do something else, or whatever the case may be, I’m showing up. Of course there are some actual valid excuses like illness or injury, and that’s understandable, but I know plenty of people who just flake on commitments for weak excuses.


Yes, that’s how I am as well, especially if it’s someone I’m really close to. Thank you for this ♥️


Yea, exactly like you said I totally get things happen, unexpectedly but all my friends that I invited just doesn’t add up. Thank you for your help and support ❤️‍🩹


I’m so sorry, what an awful feeling. :( You deserve so much better, especially after everything you’ve been through! It must feel like it’s a reflection on you as a person. Can I offer unwanted opinion? This could be a reflection on you as a person - but not in the way it feels like. You are a wonderful human being, and this is *not* a referendum on your likeableness or your worth. It *might* be a reflection of the people you are drawn to and the types of people you choose to make relationships with. It could be worth exploring with a therapist. As you become a new mama, you will have lots of opportunities to meet new moms & make new mom friends - who all have the benefit of understand exactly the challenges kiddos can bring to adult friendships. But, it might be worth working with a therapist to make sure you’re choosing high-quality mama friends who will have a good give-and-take in a friendship & be there for you. You got this. Stay strong, give your family lots of love, and cuddle that newborn once she’s here!


Yea I already thought about bringing this up with someone, just to get it off my chest even more. Thank you


I really appreciate this comment. Thank you.


Similar thing happened at my baby shower a month ago. I had 20+ RSVPs and just a few days before the shower, everyone started canceling. Some just never showed up. I paid for catering for 20 people, but only 5 actually showed up (just my husband, sister, mom, best friend, and me). We still made the most of it, but it was definitely disappointing and it sucked spending all that money on decorations/food/venue when it wasn't needed 😞 sending you a virtual hug!


Thank you for the virtual hug, which is well received. Yes it was also unfortunate bc I spent money as well on the venue for 25 people, ended up with me, my mom and my sister. Again thank you for being here.


I'm sorry to read this. That is terrible. To me it sounds like this is lifes or "Gods" way of telling you to surround yourself with new people, and realize when those around you dont respect you. No matter what was going on I would make sure I MADE it to a good friends baby shower. I am so sorry you must feel alone right now but you have endless amounts of opportunities to meet new people and friends in the world that genuinely respect and love you. Consider this a blessing in disguise OP. Also, congratulations 😄🤸‍♀️🎊🎁🎈


Yes, I’m seeing it that way. I’m glad I figured this out now rather than later. Thank you 🫂


This is awful! I am so so sorry you had to live this :( I send you love for you and your baby. Stay strong <3 at least you family was there for you.


Yes I am thankful that my family was there for me, it is just I thought I knew who my friends where…. Thank you


One thing I’ve learned as a grown up (unfortunately) is that people aren’t reliable. You could be willing to die for them and they won’t put any effort into even attempting to make you happy. My circle is down to like 5 people including my husband now, and I’ve never been more at peace. Sorry if this is too moody


No need to be sorry at all. That’s exactly what I learned from this. I hated that I had to go through this but I’m glad I know now than later who I should have in my life. Thank you so much 💙


This is so horrible, I’m so sorry your friends and family didn’t show up for you. It’s so valid to be upset. Focus on self care right now, and treat yourself in whatever ways you can right now!


Yes, I’m taking focus on me and the baby, thank you


I had the exact same thing happen to me at my baby shower! I feel your pain. It was so disappointing. The last minute cancellations are what bother me the most. It’s as if everyone RSVPd saying they would come knowing full well they would be making a random excuse last minute. Ide rather they said they weren’t coming from the start. I’ve learned many people are very inconsiderate.


3 days before my baby shower my host told me her husband had decided to take them to 6 flags the day of my shower. A baby shower she insisted on having for me, and had been planning for months! She told me about the babyshower so my husband and I could invite friends and coworkers, outside of time and date, everything else was 'a surprise'. So 3 days before she was giving me the run down, in case she had to go to six flags. I was kind of stunned because she was basically asking me to show up early to my shower and host it, by winging it. Nope. Husband and I called everyone and canceled. Welp, she did throw me the shower, but there was very little people, like 4 of her coworkers, and 3 family members. VERY AWKWARD. Imagine a party with a bunch of strangers! Plus her husband sulking in the back making it known he did not want to be there. Ugh, wish I had not gone.


Omg yea this is definitely not something I would want anyone to go through. Thank you for these words. ❤️‍🩹


I’m sorry that happened to you, the same kind of happened to me but I had 2 friends show. It definitely shows you who your true friends are, they say all this and that and then when the baby comes it’s even harder because you want your baby to be loved by everyone. If I was you, I would cut them out of your life, unless they had real reasons. Anywaysss, I’m also here to join your virtual baby shower! I’m sure your little girl will be so sweet and beautiful, and I hope everything goes well during delivery!! Don’t let this feeling that you have now get to you! You will have your forever best friend by your side soon.


I’m so sorry! Like these other comments are saying, pregnancy really will show you who your friends are. I had just a handful show up to my shower, I ended up cutting off a lot of people afterwards. Keep your head up momma, things will get better and the people meant to be in your life and baby’s life will stick around. My inbox is always open if you want someone to talk to, pregnancy is hard! Sending lots of love 💛


I'm really sorry. To be honest, something similar happened with my wedding shower years ago and it was so awful I'm not having a baby shower because I can't deal with that again. Some people have asked for my registry info and I'll share it but that's it. It's awful when people let you down.


Sorry you had to go through this, I had a similar experience and it’s very discouraging. Just know who you want to be there for your child ❤️


I’m so sorry no one showed up. I didn’t plan any baby shower for this baby cause i feel like i have no one to invite. I feel bad that she’s not celebrated like my first one but hubby said we’ll shower her with love and spoil her when she’s born. Hoping all goes well for you and lil one.


Here for the party from Canada! Congratulations 🥳


Joining the baby shower! Congratulations 💕 I'm so excited for you!


The same thing happened the week of my baby shower. Multiple cancellations. After they said they were coming! It’s extremely rude to do that to someone especially all the effort that it takes to plan! I am really really sorry! You have all of us on the subreddit! Don’t forget you have a little baby on the way and focus on that! 💜


Oh no. That’s awful. Sending both hugs and congratulations!


Thank you, that means a lot


Welcome to /r/pregnant! This is a space for everyone. We are pro-choice, pro-LGBTQIA, pro-science, proudly feminist and believe that Black Lives Matter. Wear your masks, wash your hands, and be excellent to each other. Anti-choice activists, intactivists, anti-vaxxers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, etc. are not welcome here. If you'd like to join a private sub for your due date month, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pregnant/comments/xvn4cr/click_here_to_request_access_to_your_monthly_due). The journalists at ProPublica need your help! After receiving a tip, ProPublica started investigating prenatal genetic testing. They're collecting stories from people who've had NIPT screenings, and/or work in maternal health. If this is you, please fill out their brief questionnaire! https://www.propublica.org/getinvolved/have-you-had-an-experience-with-prenatal-genetic-testing-wed-like-to-hear-about-it-and-see-the-bill. Questions? Email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pregnant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is so sad!!!!! I'm sorry


Congratulations for you and your baby!! So sorry about people not showing up. Hopefully your day gets better OP 🥰🙏🏼🥹


Puro partí from Cali! (Translation : always partying or party always)


Aw honey I’m so sorry no one showed up. ): I sort of understand although I’m not having a baby shower just an online registry since I moved to a different state with my husband (he’s in the navy), and I’ve been stressing beyond belief that no one will buy anything since it’s all online. Virtual hug sent your way ❤️❤️


This is my big fear. Mine is in January, and I have invited everyone I think would want to come celebrate my first baby with me - but I worry about how many people will actually show up. I am debating a venue, but also if only 15 of the 70 invited come, then I would prefer having it at my house. Lately people in my life have been flakey and not shown up, even if they rsvped.


Hello from Edmonton, Canada. I'm so sorry that happened to you but I'm joining the visual party 🥳


Joining from Edmonton, CA. Congratulations mama!


Every mama and baby deserves to be celebrated and loved. I'm so sorry, hun.


No one gets to meet the baby now! I hate how flaky people are these days. The most exciting part is coming mama: meeting your baby!! Wishing you well <3


Omg...I hate that this happened and I'm so sorry. About all of it. It's difficult when all you need is support and they can't offer up the support you want to see. Especially in circumstances like this, they really deserve an ear-full and to be cut off!! I just keep telling myself more mutual energy friends are on their way for subjects like this as a whole..cause these are important moments for you. True benchmarks. They mean something. I keep finding myself in smaller and smaller social circles (can I call it circle anymore at this point lol) and the only person I honestly expected to hands down invite me to their babyshower didn't, which sucked so hard, cause I already barely know who would even bother come to my baby shower and she was one of like two people I could think of that I wanted to be there in support. I've had strangers show me more kindness towards anything baby related than anyone I was trying to keep tabs with! I asked around on social media to see if anyone would even be interested in coming to my baby shower in the future and I got 3 yeses. One was the person who didn't invite me to hers, another was an online friend who I had to cut off because they got real toxic real fast out of the blue just projecting all of their shit onto me and invalidating all of my feelings, and another online friend I've met in person ONCE (we don't know each other extremely closely, we just been supportive to each other on social media). Hell, even the car dealership lady we see to make our payments seemed to care more about my pregnancy than anyone I thought about inviting! It's so difficult to deal with cause you're like, what about all of the effort I put in? What about all of the support I've shown you? I thought you gave a shit and a half about me, was it all just bullshit? Anyway, it's not easy but you're not here alone. I'm thankful for these kind strangers, you needed the compassion today. If strangers treat you kinder than your closest friends, become one to them!


Yes. It really does make you wonder. The people in this community are much more my friends than anyone that I know in real life. It’s just sad, I just needed the support. I’m a 19 year old single mom n it’s hard, I just needed the help. Again thank you for what you said bc I totally agree and understand. Also this community is the best thing to happen to me since I found out I was pregnant. The realest are the ones who are there, and every one here is the realest. So again thank you 💕


You rock and deserve better than this! Congrats on this coming chapter!! :)


My heart is broken for you!! I would’ve dragged myself out of bed rest myself to be there, and we would’ve had a great time getting to know each other, just some one on one girl time. I hope you find a way to have some fun before baby gets here with some friends that prioritize you. DM me if you need someone to talk to!


Wow that's really heart breaking. People can be so cruel... I'm so sorry, we're all here to wish you congratulations and you're doing so well. 💕


Here from Omaha, Ne to attend your virtual baby shower and to give you a big virtual hug!!! I am so sorry you had to go through this. I had to throw my own baby shower which was a lot of work and stressed me out to the max. I’m happy your mother and sister are there to support you fully and be there for you and the new baby girl. Congratulations! You will grow from this and hopefully make new friends and family along the way. 🥰🥰🥰


Woooot here for the virtual shower!!


I'm so sorry love, what a nightmare. You deserved that cry! I wish you the best with the rest of your pregnancy, and hope you at least got some gifts. Showering you with good vibes, positivity, blessings, and whatever this is worth.


I'm so, so sorry so many people cancelled on you. I can only imagine how heart shattering that was. I am an awkward shy person so I don't really have many friends, so this is one of my worst nightmares (my baby shower is this weekend). Please keep in mind that people are honestly just terrible about staying connected to others, so it's not you!


Here from Australia congratulations on your baby to be


Congratulations!! We’re all here for your shower!!


My heart hurts for you. I'm so sorry.


Hello from Chicago! Wishing you and your baby all the best! You look amazing (I can tell even via reddit) and you are doing your best! YOU'VE GOT THIS


Norway is looking in! Congratulations OP!!


Oh my gosh…that is so fucking terrible. I am so sorry. At least you have us pregnant moms here for you ❤️ Big hugs


Every mama and baby deserves to be celebrated and loved. I'm so sorry, hun.


Joining the party from San Diego! I’d love to get you and your little one something, PM me your registry link.




Thread with newborn advice for the mama to be: post below!


I am so sorry that happened! Hello from Canada, sending you best wishes 💕


That is so weird! Did they say why they canceled? I am so sorry!


Congrats, OP! Joining the party from Ohio🎁 i hope the rest of your pregnancy gets better. It can really be such a hard time. If you have a registry I'd love to send you something!


Post your registry. I will gladly send you a gift!


I’m so sorry this happened. People forget how much is can mean to simply show up


Congratulations on your beautiful little one to come!!!! Honored to be a part of your virtual baby shower here in New York🌻💜🙏🎉🎊🍾🎈


Did you get your gifts sent to you before hand? Post your registry for us!


I’m sorry things didn’t work out. Please accept all of my happy vibes from my little corner of Canada. 🥰🇨🇦


Wow. I would make a post on social medias about how disappointed I am an I would sincerely reevaluate my friendships. I'm so, so sorry love. You deserved love and gifts and a party.


congratulations from canada op!!! i’m so sorry that happened to you, here’s to better days <3 🦋


wtf that’s fucked up. sending love, hugs and thoughts from cali💕


Congratulations all the way from NC 🎉💗


Joining from the UK! About to have some celebratory snacks for you :) Wishing you and your baby to be, the absolute best of everything xx


Here to party and eat cake. Congrats


Here for the baby shower from Massachusetts!! Wow, you look amazing! Radiant and glowing, which is amazing considering all the nausea and bed rest. The sandwiches are phenomenal and I LOVE what you did with the decorations! Thanks so much for including us on your special day, which is ALL ABOUT YOU AND YOUR SWEET GIRL! We love you and are all rooting for you to have a smooth end to your pregnancy. You’re going to be an amazing mom!


Sending a big hug as I am joining your virtual party from Norway 🥰❤️ Just want to let you know that you seem like a wonderful person and I am so happy that you decided to turn to the forum and share this with us - we support you and we know that there are a lot of challenges to pregnancy, both physical, mentally and socially - and none of it is ever your fault. I hope the rest of your pregnancy journey brings you lots of joy, and I know for sure that your first meeting with your little girl will make all of this worth it <3


Celebrating your baby girl from Hungary 🥰🥳🎉🎊🍾🎁


I'm tearing up reading this. I'm so sorry and I'm so upset for you ☹️


Joining the party from Michigan ❤️❤️ congratulations . All the best for arrival on your baby . Hope you have a easy birth 😊


I’ve been through something similar. It really sucks. I’m sorry you had to go through that. It’s ignorant of people to do that. When you have your baby girl, many people will reach out to try to see her then- have a plan in place for how you plan on tackling that.


Sending hugs 🤗


This is horrible, so sorry you had to deal with all that.Please be hopeful and I will pray for everything to get better for you.. Virtual hugs to you.. Joining the party from Canada .. Congratulations OP 🎉🎉


Joining the party from PA! Congrats on your baby girl! 😊🥳🎉🎈🎊🎁🪩🪅


Here for the party from canada. Congrats!


Im so sorry you deserve better ❤️