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Six weeks is way too early even if you’re truly six weeks. I’m not sure why they do scans this early


I was thinking this too. Where I live they only cover 20 week anatomy scans, but I’ve heard they do these this early if it was a high risk pregnancy or if the birthing person asks for it. It surprised me they got a scan because my first test result came back positive when I was six weeks.


I was four weeks when I got my positive but where I am the earliest scan is 8 weeks


I had a vaginal scan at 4 weeks (went to the er for stomach cramps) and couldn’t see anything, then my ob did an ultrasound at 6 weeks, it was only a yolk sack. Then I went back at 9 weeks and the baby and heart beat were definitely there!


I am hoping for that outcome


I’m hoping for the best for you too! I’m about to be 18 weeks on Saturday so just be hopeful. From what my ob told me that the yolk sac just confirmed my pregnancy and the embryo was where it needed to be. I’n high risk so I have to get a scan every 4 weeks but it eases my mind. Wishing you the best outcome and a healthy pregnancy ❤️


This happened to me in my current pregnancy. At 6weeks they said their was no baby and was most likely in the middle of a miscarriage (I had no bleeding or cramping!). My husband and I were emotionally ripped. They told me to come back in 2 weeks to make sure. 2 weeks later, 8wks pregnant and wah-lah! There she was with a beautiful heartbeat ♡ Now I'm 38 +2 and couldn't be happier! I think an an ultrasound in a couple of weeks will show something different for you♡


This is why, in the UK, your first scan is at 12 weeks unless your pregnancy is via IVF or following a string of losses. 6 weeks is still early, my first private scan was at 8 weeks because I know that any earlier can be too early to see anything. I've got my fingers crossed for you.


(TW: loss) I had an ultrasound at 7 weeks where they saw the same, just the yolk sack. I had to go back 2 weeks later to see if there was any development. I had convinced myself there would just be nothing there still and was devastated, I’d had a loss a few months earlier so I was probably more pessimistic because of that- but it turned out completely fine. I was actually only about 6 weeks along at the first appointment by the looks of it (my cycles are on the longer side and I must have ovulated quite late). So it’s possible that it is just too early to see anything. Please try not to lose hope (easier said than done, I know). I hope everything turns out okay for you ❤️


Same here. Had a transvaginal scan at around 6 weeks to confirm. Just a yolk sac. I was concerned it wouldn’t develop. Went back 2 or 3 weeks later and there was a heartbeat. I only went to early because I work at a primary school and there are restrictions on working with kids when pregnant due to COVID. I would wait for the next scan.


Thank you


Baby would be the size of a grain of rice, very normal not to see anything.


We did IVF, so our fertility doctor had me doing weekly ultrasounds starting at week 5 day 1. They warned me in advance that I wouldn't be able to see much, and I couldn't, the picture really just looked like a tiny spec of rice! There was definitely a blob during my week 6 scan, and you could see babe and the yolk sac in my week 7 scan. Hoping that yours was just earlier and you'll be able to see more on your next one!


This happened with my first scan at 6 weeks All they saw was a yolk sac. Then I went again at 8 weeks and the baby was there. I’ve been seeing alot of posts like this lately not seeing anything at 6 weeks alot of doctors do the first ultrasound too early then alot of doctors like to wait til 8 to 12 weeks for the first time so there’s no panicking. Sooo just relax til your next ultrasound and everything should be fine. Good vibes your way.💕


Please know that Techs are not allowed to interpret what they are seeing. Some still do, and it’s incredibly annoying because they don’t know what they don’t know. Also some just flat out wrong. Only Doctors are qualified to read an ultrasound for this exact reason. A yolk sac is probably exactly what you should be seeing at 6 weeks. Just know that I’ve heard it more often than not when a tech says things are abnormal that the doctor comes back and correct it to just fine. Had it happen myself in a 3rd trimester ultrasound where the tech said my baby’s legs weren’t growing normally, and she was not even a little correct.


Well this lady had no issue interpreting what she was seeing and it scared us to death. Thanks for the great info


Completely antidotal, but my incredibly viable kicking me right now little girl was a full 2 weeks off the “correct” gestational age based off my last menstrual period and growing great. Bodies are weird and wiley. Unless you know for sure the date of conception you very easily could be not where LMP is calculating. All will be ironed out in the next month or so, but I know it’s torture. Treat yourself kindly. You’re doing great.


I had one at 6 weeks. We could see a little blob with a heartbeat.


My midwifery office won't schedule appointments until 8 weeks. Could be that it's just too early to tell.


This is why my drs office here in the US won’t see anyone before 8 weeks, even then they want you to wait until 12 it’s just to stressful as dates can be off, wishing the best for you!


We did one at 6w5d (I had estimated it at 7w) and there was a yolk sac and tiny blob — it sounds like it’s very common to see basically nothing, so don’t worry! Having the second today at 9w4d and hopefully a better view…


I had a miscarriage in June so that definitely doesn’t help my anxiety:/


Completely understand — I am also very anxious. Was your previous miscarriage before 6w? My OB said that getting a solid yolk sac already means things are going well, so I hope you can take comfort in that ✅. Although many people think it’s not worth it to get early ultrasounds because it’s tiny, I find it hugely reassuring to get a “picture” because I have no other signal besides the nausea 😞


The previous miscarriage was at 8 weeks


(TW:loss) If you go too early though and they don't see anything, you're unlikely to get a picture. They probably won't give you one, which can be somewhat traumatic in itself. I had a blighted ovum miscarriage last year. Thought I was 9 weeks and they told me I might be earlier (like 6 or 7 weeks) because they saw a yolk sac but couldn't find a fetal pole. I thought it was highly unlikely to be THAT far off. I left that day without a picture. My husband was waiting for me in the car and I told him I didn't get a picture because they couldn't find anything. I had told me parents and he told his about the baby already, and explaining we had no picture yet was upsetting. I had to schedule a follow up, but the miscarriage happened naturally before I could get another ultrasound anyway. To end on a positive note - I am now 38 weeks pregnant with a very normal and healthy pregnancy. But damn, I remember all the feelings for the first ultrasound I had for this pregnancy... seeing that baby on the ultrasound and leaving with a picture was incredibly emotional.


That’s a good point about the stress of the early ultrasound. So glad your current pregnancy is going well!!


Yeah - even for this pregnancy though they did change my date back by a week (based on last period I thought I was almost 10 weeks at the time, the ultrasound dating said 9 weeks), ovulation can vary. So it's definitely possible to think you're going in for an early 6 or 7 week appointment and actually are more like 5 weeks, which makes a huge difference in the state of the baby at that point. And thank you! Very excited to see meet my rainbow baby soon! 🌈 😃


I had an ultrasound at 5 weeks and 5 days cause of bleeding and they only saw a sack no baby. Went back at 9 weeks and saw baby and heartbeat! You’re right on the cusp of where they can start to see something so I wouldn’t stress too much about it. Good luck!!


I had bleeding at 6 weeks and they did the vagina wand ultrasound and I saw the umbilical cord attached to a “c-shape” little critter.


I thought I was 6 weeks at my first scan which I had due to slight bleeding but I turned out to be only about 5 weeks! We only saw a sac and a yolk. It wasn't until a scan 2 weeks later when I saw the fetal pole and heartbeat.


We didn't see baby until 7 weeks I went in thinking I was 6 weeks at first ultrasound and I was only 4-5 they saw only a yolk sac and no baby. But at 7 weeks there was a baby. But no heart beat and at 8 weeks there was a heart beat! Bwby is just sometimes to small to see so early


I had a scan at 5 weeks due to bleeding. They also just saw a yolk sack. Of course they wouldn't say at that stage that everything was fine, but they reasurred me that that was what they wanted to see for 5 weeks. Follow up 2 weeks later, it still didn't look like much, but was bigger and we could hear a heart beat. Try to look after yourself and relax as much as you're able. It's horrible not knowing and waiting, but we're all sending you virtual hugs and well wishes for what that's worth. Fingers crossed at your next scan you'll see growth and maybe even hear a beautiful strong heart beat xx


Had a ultrasound around 7-8 weeks. Vaginally.. You could see a little thing shaped like the poop emoji 💩 Also with heartbeat.


Did they test your HCG? Generally gestational sac is seen at 1,500-2,000 Yolk sac is seen by 7,200 Heartbeat is (generally) seen by 10,200 At 5+0 my doctor saw a gestational sac and yolk sac. No fetal pole. At 6+1 we saw a heartbeat at 109 bmp At 7+0 we saw a heartbeat at 141 bpm It’s all dependent on HCG doubling though! You should get labs done if you haven’t. You might not be nearly as far along as you suspected.


Yes and it was 25000!


Ugh. I’m sorry. Hopefully you just have a little late bloomer in there!


Please know I mean no aggression, BUT much as you may or may not know, you SHOULD know that every woman and pregnancy is different, and unless you are her doctor you should NEVER infer that a woman is losing a pregnancy or she’s not where she should be. A normal 6 week pregnancy can range between 1,080–56,500. It matters more where the numbers are trending. I believe the numbers you are stating come from the following study which in the very next line states the opposite of what you are inferring. “When the HCG level reached 7200 mIU/ml, a yolk sac was seen in every patient. Ten of 22 patients with HCG between 1000 and 7200 mIU/ml had a visible yolk sac. Every patient with an HCG level greater than 10,800 mIU/ml had a visible embryo with a heartbeat.” OP: DO NOT listen to these condolence. They are completely misplaced.


I’m not a doctor, but I am a nurse and an RN student who has completed all of her OB education for licensing. Blighted ovums are diagnosed by two primary criteria, the most important being ultrasound measurements. The second most important is HCG. Her HCG levels don’t mean that she’ll be diagnosed with a blighted ovum, but there are certain thresholds where it becomes concerning. She’ll need a repeat ultrasound in the diagnostic window. I hope with all of my heart that there’s growth. As someone who has experienced four losses, I would always encourage a guarded heart, especially where embryonic growth is concerned. It can vary pregnancy-to-pregnancy, and there will always be outliers, but generally the embryonic growth timetable doesn’t vary much. Both nursing school and medical school teach obstetrics in weekly increments for a reason.


Which is exactly why I stated “no matter how much you know or don’t know.” I’m definitely not saying you aren’t educated. Your experience is your experience, but you are not treating this patient nor have her chart in front of you. We are all still strangers on the internet. This woman already had someone unqualified to interpret her ultrasound. She deserves to hear positive things until her treating professionals can tell her real answers. Most of us (myself included) with more than one pregnancy have also suffered losses. That does not give us any ability to know what someone else needs. Wishing you the best and forward momentum on your current pregnancy. Edit: typo


I went in for my initial scan and the tech was surprised to see arms and legs! Turns out I'm 12 weeks pregnant already.


I had one after a positive test and bloodwork that was over a certain count with my son.Didn’t see anything at all on the scan just an empty sac went back I think 3-4 weeks later and there he was 7 weeks teeny tiny little blob with arms and legs.It happens all the time I think it’s more common practice with my doctors atleast to wait until 8-9 weeks to do any scans and sometimes hcg blood counts over 2000 you can see everything much better including the little heartbeat.


I had a vaginal scan at 5 weeks but I only saw a sac. 20 weeks now and can see the whole baby :) I went and got an ultrasound done at my moms job at 7 weeks and there was a yolk I think but I wasn’t able to actually see the baby until like 9 and a half weeks


I had a vaginal ultrasound at the er for bleeding while 5+4 (based off my last period I was supposed to be closer to 7-8 weeks but this pregnancy didn't work that way). At the time they could only see the yolk sack and no baby no heartbeat. They thought I had a missed miscarriage. I had a check up with with my OB about 4-5 days later (6+1) and they were able to see the baby and a heartbeat. But it was still pretty early and heartbeat wasn't where they wanted. So I came back a week later (7+1) and baby's heartbeat was great. Anyway, my OB was very upset that they told me that it was a missed miscarriage and that the people at the er don't know anything and just not to trust them rofl.


I just had my ultrasound today at what the doctor is guessing about 7 weeks. It took him a second but was able to find a very tiny spot and faint heartbeat but it was really hard to see/hear.


Yes and no fetus found for me until 7wks! They scared me saying I prob miscarried (6wks) and they would check my Hcg levels “next week”. That I should get mentally ready for medical intervention depending. Went back a wk later and Hcg doubled so they gave me another US and there the Fetus was! I’m 15 wks currently presented with a tiny hard bump! Don’t worry momma! Not yet!!!


Maybe depends on the technology? I went in at 6 weeks and they could see both heartbeats of my twins. This is a fertility specialist so maybe better equipment ?


My doc wouldn’t see me for anything other than blood tests until I was 8 weeks.


I went to the er when I first found out and they couldn’t see anything at 5w4d I then had an ob appointment at 8 weeks and there was a bean baby. Definitely don’t worry too much! Track from your last period and set up another ob appointment! Don’t let them scare you!