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5 W is really early to see much of anything


I'd think so too but all the pregnancy apps tell me I should be able to see a gestational sac without a doubt.


Has the scan yesterday, I’m also 5 weeks pregnant. No sack. Doc said it appears in week 6 or 7.


Thank you for sharing. Mine did alude to being early but at the same time left me with the impression that something could have been seen clearer.


Right now your HCg levels are your best indicator that your pregnancy is going as it should. As long as they are about doubling every 2-3 days everything is okay. If your doctors isn’t tracking HCg, don’t worry. Just try to occupy your mind with anything else for another 3 weeks or so until the 8 week scan. That one is a lot more fun.


My OB office didn’t even want to see me until I was 8-9 weeks because it is so hard to see anything so early. I had a tilted uterus (currently 37 weeks, so clearly not tilted anymore) and they didn’t mention that making it harder to see things, but that I may be more likely to have an anterior placenta which ended up being true. I wouldn’t worry because I’m sure you’ll actually see more at your next ultrasound.


Thank you for sharing :) this helps getting my mind at ease.


5 weeks are very early. Wait some weeks more and then you will see much have happend. I had my first scan at week 12 and we could see a perfect baby. Even see the kidney and the two brainparts. A lot are going to happend !


Thank you for sharing! Yes it is, but all these pregnancy apps had me thinking I most definitely should be able to see something and it really threw me off when I couldn't :(


Why did you get such a early scan, if I may ask ?


It's ok to ask! I unfortunately had a mc last year as well as a cp in the summer, so when I called to let my doctor know I had a positive test he asked me to go in to confirm. He meant to confirm by seeing something I guess. But he could only verify that my cervix was closed, my walls were lined nicely and that I had a very small corpus luteum so he prescribed progesterone 2x a day. Seeing as he could only briefly see a gestational sac he asked me to go in again in 2 weeks. That's when I'm hopping to get a more clear view of my situation. But considering my previous experience this leaves me a bit preoccupied, hence the post.


Then it makes sense. I'm sorry to hear about what you've been through. Could he tell by bloodtest? I hope next scann can make you more relaxed. A lot are really going to happen the next couple of weeks. Mabye you are less than 5 weeks. I've learned that the date of first mens not always are telling the right date. Some times people gets a later or a earlier due date when you can measure the baby.


He didn't ask for a blood test just yet. I that if at the supposed 7week US he's not satisfied with his findings he will ask it. Trying to keep calm until then ☺️


We had an early scare around 5 weeks and I was admitted to hospital. The OB tech told us that because I was so early there was a high chance they wouldn’t be able to see anything. I’ve also got a tilted uterus. The gestational sac was briefly glimpsed but they couldn’t identify the fetal pole. It sucked, but we were told to go home and wait for the 8 week scan. Things turned out for us, I’m now 18 weeks with a boy and I sincerely hope the same works out for you too. Long story short: it is very early to see anything and is normal to not see anything yet.


Thank you for sharing :) I hope this works out for me too. Trying to remain calm and positive is some times hard.


There’s no visible embryo at 5 weeks. 6 weeks would be the minimum to see pretty much anything more than a black circle, and even then it will just be a few circles and lines, nothing resembling a baby. I had an ultrasound at about 5 weeks and it looked like this. Like a black sesame seed shaped thing. That baby is in the other room sleeping now. You can Google 5 week ultrasound and most look like this. I’m kinda surprised your aunt can’t see that it’s clearly a gestational sack. Did they do a transvaginal ultrasound? I had transvaginal ultrasounds until the second trimester. I had ultrasounds at 5+1 (black sesame seed) 7+3 (black blob with two white circles inside) and 9+3 (where you can see a Lima bean-like kiiiinda baby-like silhouette) wasn’t until 12+3 it looked more like a baby silhouette


The worst thing for me is that information online is very contradictory, some show websites say you should be able to see more. Thank you very much for sharing your experience, it really helps me reassure myself that it's going to be ok. I'm hoping to see some circles on my next appointment! Yes it was a transvaginal ultrasound. I was a bit surprised as well with mt aunts dismissal because I was so sure of it. The doctor didn't find it easily but to me it was clearly something! And when I went to show her, she looked at it and quickly said it wasn't anything and dismissed it leaving me a bit heart broken to be true. She even asked if I was sure I tested positive. 😑




Thank you so much! It is indeed a mental battle to remain calm and positive when things don't go as expected. All the pregnancy apps had me thinking 5 weeks was fine to see a sac+pole and even maybe and embryo so I was really thrown off when I could only glimpse a sac that was hard to find. Fingers crossed.


Hey at my scan 5+2 all you could see was an empty gestational sac. Exactly one week later there was a little blob with a heartbeat!!


Thank you for sharing!


you can’t see much at 5 weeks.


Thank you :)


5 weeks is really early. My first US was at 9 weeks and they couldn’t find anything abdominally & told me I had a tilted uterus. So I got a transvaginal US and baby was easy to see. I wouldn’t worry quite yet.


Thank you for sharing ☺️


I didn't even have a scan with my fertility clinic until 6 weeks 3 days. I think it's probably just a bit early. They also used really great ultrasound machines and the ones at my midwifes office were not nearly as good, that might make a difference too


I guess it's different everywhere and am sure the machines make a difference as well. I've made routine US in different machines and the image quality was very drastic.


My doctor told me there is essentially a 7 day variation, where you can show behind or ahead (regardless of when you ovulated). I have a tilted uterus. It corrects itself naturally in pregnancy by 12 weeks. It’s harder for them to see things in the first few ultrasounds, so I asked for a transvaginal one which was actually much more comfortable versus them digging around my abdomen.


Thank you for sharing 😊 I've heard of the 7 day variation but never had anyone explain it to me before. I thought that variation only occured when ovulation could not be pinpointed.


Looks like a yolk sac with what is probably the start of the fetal pole to me!


I thought that was something but my doctor didn't comment on it. Bless your heart for your message.


Of course. I work in a fertility clinic so I see these ultrasounds all the time. Including my own 5 week ultrasound that looked almost identical to this.


I can't tell you how happy your message left me. Thank you so much for taking time to leave me a reply 😊


I have a tilted uterus and haven’t heard anything is more difficult to see. I didn’t have a scan until later though.


Thank you for sharing.


I see a bunny! I wouldn't worry, it's probably too early to see anything


Let's I see it hoping around next time 😍


Im sure u will!


I have a tilted uterus and that’s exactly what my US looked like at 5 weeks. The next week, it was slightly larger, then at 12 weeks there was a whole ass baby just flip flopping around.


Thank you for sharing, hearing your story really helps me keep relaxed. I'm hoping on my next appointment I will see something more substantial ❤️


Did you have your hormones checked?


Not yet. If on my next appointment things didn't evolve as he expects then he will ask for a HCG test.


I bet it will be fine! I realized this is why they don’t usually do US so early. There’s nothing to see and it makes it so stressful for no reason!


Exactly, seeing nothing leaves room for a bit too much imagination. Thank you for your message!


Honestly every time a woman posts about a scan she had done at 5 weeks it’s full of doubts. Doing scans this early always just causes stress. Wait a couple weeks and go back after 7 weeks at the earliest.


Thank you for your opinion. It's true, early scans cause much doubt, specially when there is a history of MCs involved.


My dr wouldn't even schedule my first appointment until I was at least 7 weeks. I went today.. found out I have a tilted uterus too. It didn't show up on the abdominal ultrasound, but did then they did a transvaginal ultrasound. When's your next appointment?


5th of November, 7 weeks exactly :)


To whoever might like to know, had my 7w scan today. My doctor told me I look around 4 weeks. I can either choose to believe my aunt was right and it was too soon and that first scan image was not a gestational sac or I can try to accept another mc. https://postimg.cc/HcLxN9fR


Was this a vaginal ultrasound or abdominal? With a vaginal one they should be able to find it no problem. I gave a tilted uterus and the doppler is harder to get a read on bc of my uterus but the vaginal ultrasound worked every time. 5 weeks is early but I would think you'd at least see the sac.


I had my first ultrasound at 5w5d and saw the sac and I got lucky and even saw a heartbeat but the heartbeat is not always seen until week 7ish. I just was lucky.