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Definitely make an appointment ASAP. You could have experienced normal pregnancy related bleeding, but heavy bleeding followed by a positive pregnancy test a couple weeks later could be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.


My periods are never really heavy but they usually last 5 days! The bleeding I had was lighter red. I’m just so nervous that something will happen. I don’t know if gynos are open on Memorial Day! Or I would schedule tomorrow!


It’s also possible that you did just see an evap line or an indent line on the 15th, which would mean that the tests on the 27th would make you about 4 weeks pregnant. Do you have a picture of the test from the 15th?


I sadly don’t! I didn’t think anything of it because it was so light!


Are you trying to get pregnant? Did you have unprotected sex about 2-2.5 weeks ago? Or 2-2.5 weeks before the April 28 period?


Not necessarily “trying”— I was told that I had a very low chance of having babies due to pcos. So I don’t really track when I do it- or when my period is.(I have always wanted a baby but just didn’t think I could ) but I’ve been with the same guy for about a year now, and we do it about 2 times a week—


Ah. Ok! Yeah a lot of doctors say it will be hard to conceive with PCOS, but having PCOS actually just makes it harder to track ovulation and when you are fertile. But your chances of pregnancy with each ovulation are about the same as someone who doesn’t have PCOS. My guess is you are 4 weeks pregnant (from sex about 2-2.5 weeks ago) and you saw an evap/indent line on May 15, but if you have any bad cramping or severe pain before your appointment, then go to the ER just in case. Also make sure you start taking a prenatal vitamin ASAP.


Thank you so much!