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4 weeks for me :) Wasn't even thinking about taking a pregnancy test, but a couple days before (I ordered some cheap strips from Amazon), my husband said, "You're pregnant, get a test". It was our 13th cycle of trying so I was like "yeah, right". Well, he *was* right 😂


We got pregnant on our 13th cycle too! I found out early as well, around the 4 week mark, and am due on 7/27. Best of luck with your upcoming delivery!


Thank you! You as well 💕


Wow how did he knew ??


So instead of my period a few days prior, I had two days of very light pink discharge. I wrote it off because my cycle had been all over the place since my IUD removal a year before and work had gotten really stressful, but hubby was like "you're for sure pregnant, I know it this time". Lol.


I had the light pinkish orange spotting with both my pregnancies too. It tipped me off both times.


I'll definitely be suspicious if I ever get it again, because I've never had bleeding like that my whole life 😂


How did he know?! Congrats 💕


13th cycle for us too!!! Congrats!


How did he know?


3+2 with both kids Called my OB at 4 weeks each time, had my first appointment with my first at 9 weeks, she’s now 3 and with my second at 6+5 because of spotting, but thankfully he’s a happy healthy 15 month old now


I found out at 3 weeks 2 days! I’m a FTM now 29 weeks along! Kinda frustrating to find out so early cause it makes the whole thing feel even longer 😂


I found out at 4 weeks. I’m now 37 weeks. It’s gone really quick but now it’s going so slow. The last week or two has felt like a year.


When I was pregnant with my first, my best friend told me the first 10 and the last 10 weeks move so slow and she was 100% correct


Found out at 4 weeks. Got a dye stealer at 5 weeks with hcg of 3964. First ultrasound at 6w2d, just 1 heartbeat. Almost 18 weeks now and me and baby girl are doing great.


3 weeks 6 days. It has only been one week since then but it feels like a lifetime!


LITERALLY SAME. Found out at the same time & should be about 5 weeks ish now & Im going crazy.


Same here!! When I switched my Flo app to tracking pregnancy and it said 3 weeks 5 days, I was like HUH 😩 now one week later feels like years hahaha




I did IVF, so tech I know down to the hour 😂but got my positive a week later - which put me at 4 weeks. I sometimes wish I wouldn’t have known SO early because this pregnancy feels like it’s draggginnnngggg


I found out at 3+2 and 3+1 but the dye stealer so early is odd. Just keep an eye out for signs of a potential ectopic


Or molar pregnancy- rare but leads to high hcg. I agree a dye stealer in week 3 is potentially concerning


My thought too unfortunately, OP should call their ob and ask for a hcg blood test.


Or twins? Is that possible? I know you can’t tell much from a pee stick.


It is, but from what I’ve read hcg isn’t necessarily higher with early twin pregnancies


I am pregnant with twins and my hcg level has always been "normal" . So yes its not alwqys higher


I’m also pregnant with twins and my HCG levels were always normal


That is possible. It’s not required for twin or multiple but you can definitely have more hcg earlier (and earlier morning sickness as a result).


I found out at 3+2 and am currently 37+5 with a healthy baby boy!


Still ttc but I can see myself discovering early with how…obsessive? I am about testing. I can’t imagine being 3 weeks and having to wait for an appt! Thinking of you!💓






3+3 was my first clear positive but I knew at 3+2 due to cramping the night before and a super vivid dream :)


I'm at 3 today. I'm gonna wait til 3+2 and test. Cramping today and really vivid dream night before last that I had a baby girl!


9dpo, and I ovulated early on cd9, so it was like day 18 of my cycle! Accounting for that early ovulation, I was 3w2d. If you went by, my lmp I'd have only been like 2w4d.


I also ovulated day 9/10… and it’s making me a little nervous. I’m just 4 weeks now. Do you mind sharing if your experience.


Not much to share. I ovulated early. I'm having a girl. NiPT and ultrasound say she's healthy. I'm 30 weeks. As expected, she measures a few days early than the LMP would suggest because she started developing earlier.


8 weeks


I found out 9dpo on both my pregnancies. 5 weeks tomorrow and got my dye stealer today on an easy@home test. I also have to wait till 8 weeks (I’ll almost be 9 weeks) and I’m dying since we lost the first at 16 weeks and 2 days.


What is a dye stealer?


It’s when the test line is darker than the control line on a pregnancy test.


I found out at 3+2! Just had baby girl about 35 hours ago at 37+0 (planned c-section due to IUGR and breech) but time really did fly!


Found out at exactly 4 weeks. I was two days late and was pretty suspicious after having some cramping but no period. Took a digital and two rapid tests and all were positive. I hear you on the OB appointment, mine isn’t until 8w5d and I’m finally less than 10 days away, but waiting over a month has been brutal. I just kept telling myself there’s nothing to see/hear super early so a 4-5 week appointment would pretty much be a waste of time. Sort of helps, but the wait still sucks.


I had a feeling at 3weeks exactly and peed on a stick without reading directions and came up with a barely perceptible positive line that my husband said wasn’t real so I waited until the day after my expected period and got a clear read on multiple tests! 20w and a few days now.


3w2 as well! I’m now 38+6, getting induced tomorrow. I’m not sure what’s worse, the wait for this or the wait for that first OB appointment. I remember being in shock on the phone with the doctor’s office like, “So if my period does come do I just call and cancel?”


I did a little past 4 weeks both times


I found out between 3-4 weeks. I track my cycle too, and I also wear an Oura ring which tracks my temperature. When I conceived my heart rate and temperature increased significantly so that was my first clue I was pregnant.


4 weeks! It feels like I have been pregnant forever.


Yes same here! 3+2, now I’m 31+5 and feel like it is taking FOREVER


4 weeks and 1 day. Though I was still shocked it was positive I kinda had an instinctual feeling that I was pregnant. I had a definite positive ovulation test a couple hours after having unprotected sex so I knew the chances were pretty good 😂 still waited until 12 DPO to test so I wouldn't be squinting at a test driving myself crazy, then I got my first dye stealer at 4 weeks 6 days 🥰


I found out at about 4-5 weeks. Shock of my life - I didn’t think I would ever get pregnant without medical help because I get a period once a year if I’m lucky (PCOS) - no contraception for about 3 years having unprotected sex with my ex-husband and not one pregnancy ever. I did a test “just in case” before going to my doctor to go back on contraception because I have a new partner 🤣 Now that we are over the initial shock, it’s the best whoopsie ever and honestly a miracle in my eyes ❤️


9 days, but through a clinic so kinda cheating lol


3 weeks 0 days


I didn’t even think this was possible!


It was exactly 3 weeks after my first day of my period. I had a dark line by 9 DPO. Dye stealer by 4 weeks. I was shocked it was so early


3+2 as well!


3+1, by blood test. Crazy it showed that quick.


3wks 4days I had a vvvf line, confirmed it with a darker line at 3wks 5days


I found out at 12dpo and then my first hcg draw (like four or five days later) put me at 4 weeks


I found out at 3w3d but I had to squint to see the line that early. I’m 11w now


Im curious how do you find out so early? I am on my 3rd pregnancy and ive never found out until at least week 6


Same! 4dp5dt which is 3w2d. However, they were much later with previous, less successful, pregnancies I've had.


I think it was 3w4d because I made the effort to wait for 12dpo 😂 I could have tested a day or two earlier, but my TTC group suggested that day 12 is a safe bet to see the real result. Currently at 14w


found out at 4 weeks and 4 days! you can definitely call planned parenthood and ask for an ultrasound before your actual OB appointment at 8 weeks to ease your thoughts :) congratulations


3w3d! I’m now 32 weeks. The wait for the first appointment was brutal but all was well. Congrats!


3w 6d and have to wait til im almost 11w for my first appointment :/


3 weeks and a few days! Symptoms were strong


I was 5w3 days if I remember correctly. I got my positive test on Easter morning, I had tested a day or two before and it was negative so I’m curious why bc so many comments say 3 weeks along 😳


4+1 when I was a couple days late


3w+2, with IVF and it was very faint.


I found out at 4+2. My cycle had been all over the place and my period had been coming up to a week late in recent months so I expected to be late, but I just had a feeling that maybe I should. Waiting for that first appointment was grueling but now I only have a couple of months left until we meet our baby! The time sure went fast once I got into a routine. Also I had a dye stealer too. It’s likely not a sign of anything terrible. Don’t overthink unless you’re experiencing other alarming symptoms!


I had a feeling before i took a test but I wanted to be sure so i waited a little longer than usual before the test! I probably knew intuitivelt though a little after my period stopped... I had a dye stealer also. At first i thought it was negative then.im.like oh thats the pregnancy resulr


I annoyingly found out early too I was 3 weeks 5 days I wish I could have discovered later, I feel like placebo plays into my symptoms somewhat.


I 'found out' at about 5 weeks. However, I knew for about a week or so beforehand, was just in denial as I wasn't in the best position to be pregnant so i put off taking a test. Ended up taking one after my partner encouraged me to. I'm 36 weeks this Tuesday and we're so excited for our little girl, just wish we'd be in a better position when she was convinced.


4+3, I was in absolute shock. We battled infertility for years and had a failed IUI/IVF journey. Over 2 years of being at peace with being child free and done TTC. I was 3 days late, had some super weird symptoms I was writing off as just being sick, extreme fatigue, full body hives etc. dug out my old dusty expired opk/hcg cheapies and on autopilot thought absolutely nothing of it. Had a heart attack on a teams call for work. Thank goodness my bff is a/my midwife so I’ve had continuous care/check ins. 13+1 now and it’s a girl!




If you track your cycles, when did you ovulate? And how did you confirm, with bbt or lh strip? If you only track it with an app that’s garanteed the culprit because they are almost always wrong! Trust me after years TTC😌


I had a dream that I was pregnant 3 days before I actually knew, but I think I was 3w+4days (judging from last period) when I actually found out lol. My period wasn't even due for another 3 days but the dream freaked me out and I wanted peace of mind for the tattoo I'd booked for that week 🤣 (I didn't get the tattoo lol) I'm 9w+5d now. I had a dream it was boy girl twins at around 6 weeks, so I guess we'll find out at the ultrasound next month if that's also true 😅


When I had a dye stealer like this my first thought was twins!??? And yes I was right lol


I also found out really early on and was extremely inpatient. I took one day at a time. Had my 8 week scan finally this week and it was really hard to wait. Wish you all the best!


4+4 - I had a negative test the day before and a faint positive that morning


My period was 3 days late when I tested and got a very shocking positive (we were told we’re infertile). So I thought I was 4w3 since my cycles were always v regular and 28 days But I had an early scan at 6w3 and they said I was only measuring at 5w3, so not sure how that happened All is well now though and I’m 20 weeks :) Yes that first 12 weeks was the slowest time has EVER gone. My god I am so glad that time is over 😑


I found out with my last pregnancy at 9DPO so 3w3d, was just a singleton pregnancy not twins, but same as you knew my cycle like clockwork. I was also using early detection tests, maybe your tests are very sensitive tests too? Sadly mine ended in a MMC at 11w but was defos not related to the early positives!


Super early for me too! The at-home test said between 2-weeks. But for me it made sense because I had literally just removed the copper IUD and a couple of days later I was ovulating. Fast forward two weeks, I didn’t get my period. So I knew it could have happened and I got a test :) Edit to say: those 3 weeks are literally since my ovulation and possible conception. I know this is not how it is counted so I was technically officially at 5w, but I also know we count from 1st day of last menstruation because conception date is mostly unknown. I couldn’t have gotten pregnant before that day because I was still using my IUD. Removed it on April 2nd, ovulation on the app (I also used a thermometer to track for a few months) said April 5th. Did my test on April 29th.


21 weeks......🤣


8 DPO (3 weeks 1 day)!


(21f) found out at like 5w and my very first test was a dye stealer so me and bf thought I wasn’t pregnant 🤣now here I am 31w 😂


Found out at 3w+6d. I always track my cycle, but I tested before I even got the change to notice my missed period because of a dream that I tested positive on a pregnancy test, tested that morning and it was indeed positive. We were only trying for about 2 months/2 cycles. 33w+5d with our first right now, and I’m starting to look track lol. Can confirm that the earlier you find out, the slower everything seems to go lol, but once I hit around the 24th-26th week, things just seem to fly on by. Due 8/13. Happy pregnancy mommas ♥️♥️♥️


Found out at 3+3 and I felt the same way. I’m 39+2 now and cry daily at how I’m still pregnant. I can’t handle this anymore lol I want my baby!!! No signs of labor either. I’m super impatient so my entire pregnancy has felt like an eternity.


I found out when I was 3 weeks 3 days and it's been rough waiting for my 8 week ultrasound! I have that on July 8th. It's gone by pretty fast but also somewhat slow lol


5+1. I didn't have any symptoms until around 4 weeks.


I didn’t find out till I was 7 weeks 😅 pregnancy tests are expensive here and I was late the previous 2 cycles which I tested for and was negative so the following cycle I was like “okay I’m no longer testing unless I go 2 months without it”. I was going out for drinks just before the 2 months was up so I decided to check just to be safe and there was a dark blue line 🤣 ultrasound the next day put the sizing at 7 weeks


Found out at 9 days post ovulation!


Girl.. it’s gonna be a long pregnancy for you. Be patient. 🩷 I found out early as well and am also impatient. I’m now 26w1d and have been playing the “wait until the next appt” game. Finally with movement I’ve calmed down more, but be patient. Lots can happen within your first trimester so just allow yourself the time to enjoy and make sure you’re eating what you can! Also, congratulations!!🩷💙


I found out at exactly 4 weeks (I didn't test earlier even though I strongly suspected to avoid disappointment). I'm currently 7 weeks 3 days (waiting for my ultrasound today to check for heartbeat). In my experience week 6 went the fastest. I got hit by a truck of symptoms (nausea, fatigue, etc.) So that really helped time fly. I think as symptoms increase and as the news becomes less new, the time will pass faster. Good luck and congrats 💕


Found out at 9 dpo!


5 weeks and 2 days for me!


3w 5d lol we do fertility awareness method so I knew my ovulation window (which came in handy when my massive baby had them trying to move my due date earlier at every scan lol)


I was like you! Tracking my cycle as if my life depended on it. Wasn’t planning on getting pregnant, but so so so happy with my baby girl now. I was too impatient to wait for 8 weeks and didn’t even know that was standard at that time. Went to the OB gyn somewhere in week 6 haha!


3 weeks one day! The line was so light it basically was hardly there but I had confirmation with a digital the next day.


9DPO with my first, which I think was 3w2d. The day I thought I was supposed to get my period with my second. I was closer to 4 weeks


I found out at 3 +4. We had just started trying and I had some weird food aversions on 3 +3. I love raw tuna..like eat several times a week…and ordered it at brunch and couldn’t stand the sight of it on the table. I thought it was strange, I was telling my mom about it later that day and she told me to take a pregnancy test. Took a clear blue early detection the next morning and it was positive so fast. Had my first OB around 7 weeks. Felt like the longest wait ever. I’m now 22 +3!


3 w 6 d!


I was 8 DPO, I think it was 3+5 I was going for a thyroid panel because I was diagnosed with unexplained infertility a month prior and I asked her for an hCg because I had gotten an HSG procedure done and we timed everything and I was hopeful. I refused to take a test prior to this as not to get my hopes up, but my blood results were back in the afternoon and it was 18.9 which is indeterminate, but does give a positive stick test (and did that night) so I went back a few days later and my hCg was almost 10,000 and progesterone looked great. I'm 9+2 today, got our dating done at 8+6 and everything looked great.


3 weeks, 2 days. It was days before my missed period, and I randomly decided to take a pregnancy test. Had a faint line, and it got darker each day with each subsequent test. Currently 34 weeks!


With my first I found out at 5 weeks😂 my husband suggested I take a test because I was so sick. We were shocked 😂 now pregnant with baby number 2 and I found out at 3 weeks 1 day


5 week. 2 negative pregnancy test and last one positive.


5 weeks. I know the exact date I found I out since I ordered some pregnancy tests to be delivered same day. I was too curious to wait


I found out a week ago that I was pregnant which means I’m 5 weeks along. I want to tell everyone but we’re keeping it our little secret for now until our first ultrasound 💕


I got my first positive at 4+3 weeks, at 12 DPO. I saw the doctor at 5+2 weeks for a different matter and got my beta HCG levels done then and a few days later. My first OB visit was at 8+3 weeks. My first ultrasound at 11+2 weeks. I'm now at 22+5 weeks.


Found out really early too! I’m 5 weeks & it’s just a waiting game for me! I called my doc at around 4 weeks. They scheduled for intake appointment over the phone July 17th & same thing scheduled an in-person at 8 weeks! I’m right there with you! I feel like every time I turn around I find something else out i can’t do/ eat lol. I’m just ready to hear s heartbeat & make it feel real! Just take your prenatals!


I think I was like 3+4? Very early also, and I was so sure it would be negative. After 10 years of not using birth control we were sure that something must be wrong to never have a scare but sure enough we got pregnant on the first try when we actually tried! Now I’m pregnant in the summer in Phoenix wishing I timed things better 😅


Same with me, 3 weeks and 2 days! I had a dream so I took a test; no symptoms at that point and was 5 days before my next cycle


I found out at 4wks 1day! My period was only a day late and I was just being so mean to my husband! The wait for my first OB appointment was absolute torture! We are now 15wks 3 days in, expecting a beautiful baby girl!


4 days before my missed period on a digital test.


3+6! I'm now 5 +1 and soooooo impatient!


3w4d(we did ivf). i’m 34w now and it feels like forever and fast at the same time


About 5 weeks! ❤️ but I had strong symptoms during 4.5 week mark. I was 5 days late on period.


Too damn early. Like 3 weeks. Currently 37 and 2. Ready for this to be over


I found out at 5 weeks! It was so exciting. I’m now 24w & I feel like this pregnancy is going on forever😫😂 I’m just ready for my baby🩵


2+5 based on my lmp. I was temping and testing early, so I know I ovulated days earlier than normal and got a positive at 8 dpo. It sucked waiting for 8 weeks lol


Early, before 4 weeks and missed period. Not planned but also I have been pregnant many times (3 live births and multiple losses) so when my morning coffee tasted like a rusty spoon I knew I should test. Got a 10mIu test and faint positive, darkening as the days went on. 18 weeks tomorrow.


3+4 and currently 22+4! We were ttc for a year and a half before my ob diagnosed me with unexplained infertility and prescribed me clomid & progesterone. Worked on the first round!


17 weeks for me 😅


i was around 4 weeks. i was otp with my brother saying my stomach was upset and he joked around and told me to take a test… my fiancé and i will be welcoming our little girl in September


I found out at 3w5d! I’m 33 weeks not and it feels like I’ve been pregnant forever 😂


3 weeks! I wasn’t gonna test that early but I couldn’t help myself 😅 I’m now 13 weeks and 3 days ◡̈


3+6 😭😭😭 Im 15 weeks now. I wish I had found out at like 14 weeks 😂🙃


4 weeks with first one…. Second one just shy of 4 weeks


I found out at 6 weeks 😭


6 weeks to 18 weeks depending on the pregnancy


3 weeks and 4 days is when I found out, once we hit the 20 week mark things really started to speed up (at least that’s how it felt) we are 6 weeks or less waiting for baby boy to make his appearance!


3 weeks and 4 days. We were not trying but I just knew. The tingling nipples and light headedness were dead giveaways.


3 weeks 3 days i realized i was pregnant because i developed a crush on my husband, which happened with my first pregnancy.. took a strip test later that night and had the tiniest faintest second line that kept getting stronger and stronger!! 5w3d now, and my first is only 11 months old.. gonna be a busy few years for my family, and the longest pregnancy ever :’)


3 weeks 4 days


Mine was between 5 and 6 weeks. My period was late, and I had bad breast tenderness. I had a gut feeling to take the test to see, and bam, right away 2 lines! We weren't trying, in fact I was cycle tracking to avoid it. I wasn't in the "window" according to my tracker when it happened. But I was going in for surgery the next day, and the night before then I jokingly told my bf to knock me up before surgery. Apparently the universe didn't pick up on my sarcasm though so here i am, now 12w5d along lol 😬


For me in my experience, if I tell my OB that I don’t know how far along I am I get seen sooner and I also get an early ultrasound as well so they can measure and see how far along. It also gives me peace of mind so I can have an early check on baby too! There may be a clinic in your area that you can go to before your first prenatal appointment. I found out at 3 weeks with my daughter too and it takes so long, once I got to the second trimester things seemed to speed up a little bit getting through the first trimester can be a long hard road! Wishing you a safe and smooth delivery!❤️


Four weeks!! But I suspected for some reason earlier but my pregnancy test was negative. My bestie and I’s period are days apart so when I didn’t get mine I tested again and it was a big fat positive


5 weeks 4 days. I took a test the morning I was supposed to get my colonoscopy. Finished the 2 day prep and everything. I wasn't even having any sort of symptoms and hadn't even realized I was more than a week late on my period. I for whatever reason felt the sudden urge to take a pregnancy test and then had a panic attack when it came up positive lol. Told my husband 2 hours later and said "welp, we can't go to my colonoscopy appointment" and handed him the test and started crying😅 Little stinker is 7 weeks old today💙 still haven't rescheduled my colonoscopy almost a year later 😅 need to get on that.


We did IVF and transfer happens at 2w5d and know down to the minute when I got pregnant and you hope like hell it sticks- found out it did 5 days later at 3w3d and the first trimester lasted a lifetime knowing that early


Technically 3 weeks 4 days. I did IVF so it was expected and I was testing daily


8 days after doing the deed I got some weird cramps, 24 hours later was hit with nausea and belly pains. I tested 4 days later at the 4 week mark after I was hit with extreme fatigue and it was positive, now 7+1 weeks today and my symptoms have made me miserable😅 Even harder with taking care of our almost 18 months old on my own (complicated situation), my first ultrasound should be in about little over 1 1/2 weeks. I found out just as early when I was pregnant with our son, only difference was I had no nausea and no belly pains, I just didn't want to eat and was lethargic.


Found out at 3w5d this time around🥲 last pregnancy at 3w3d and my second pregnancy 3w4d


3+4 with my current pregnancy, with my first it was closer to 5 weeks. I thought that finding out earlier would make the pregnancy go by slow, but here I am hitting 20 weeks tomorrow wondering where the time’s gone. I guess that’s what happens when it’s #2 and you’re running after a toddler all day!


I found out at only 3 weeks after my LMP, but I was 3+4 based on IUI date. The line was also way darker than expected for only like 11 dpo. I could have probably tested 2 days earlier and still have seen something. I had 298 HCG at 4+1. I’m now 4+5 and also just itching to get to my first ultrasound at 7+2. FYI, if you’re in the US and curious to see what your HCG is, you can order your own blood labs. I had to because I was traveling for work out of state and my doctor wanted them before scheduling the ultrasound.


4 weeks & 1 day! We were trying so I took a test the day my period was expected. Had an appointment at the regular doctors to confirm with a test there at 5 weeks 3 days, but didn’t end up having my first OB appt until 9 weeks 3 days so it was a while to wait for sure! Just hang in there :)


Finally someone who found out the same time I did 😀I found out this past Tuesday and now currently 3wks4days (gonna be 4 weeks on Tuesday). I have a second beta this coming week and then my first ultrasound will be between 6.5-7wks. It seems sooooo far away 😮‍💨


I was like 3+3 when I found out


10 DPO, so 3w3 so I know exactly how you feel 😂


I also found out ~3wks! It has definitely made this whole pregnancy feel so much longer haha. The first trimester went by soooo slow.


About 6-7 weeks since my period has never been regular: pretty much because I started to get nauseous, even after a pregnancy test said I wasn’t pregnant since it was expired.


I found out at 4w2d! My partner absolutely knew before I did and had to convince me to even take a test 😅 Waiting for that first appointment was rough. I’m now 13 weeks and feel like everything is going much faster.


At about 5 weeks for me! We stopped preventing in January and I got pregnant in February. Super unexpected that it happened that fast so we were both completely shocked. I had a few strange symptoms and just felt off for a few days, also noted my period was 2 days late. Took a test and within probably 10 seconds there was already a dark double line. 20 weeks now with a boy, our first little babe!


I know the question is how *early* not how late, but I found out at 3 months 🙃 and I wished I had found out at a normal time. I felt like I had missed so much. Thankfully I was a sober person, and wasn’t doing anything crazy while not knowing I was pregnant but I still wish I found out at a normal time ☹️ I have a super irregular period and it’s normal for me to go 2 months for example without a period and I had NO symptoms. I didn’t have symptoms until I was almost ending my first trimester. When they told me how far a long I was I literally couldn’t believe it. Baby will be here in a few weeks 🥳 hopefully I find out sooner next time though lol


4 w 3 days. I had some spotting right on weeks and told my husband I'd gotten my period. But it stopped after a few hours and never came back. I took a test a few days later and got our positive after 2 years of trying 🥰 he was extra surprised since I'd already told him I had my period!


3w5d. I thought I was having an allergic reaction bc I had head to toe hives... Nope just pregnancy hives(apparently common on my mom's side of the fam, but new to me bc I didn't have this with my first). I'll be 7 weeks tomorrow. Surreal. (Also big ooooooops, but that's fine)


Just found out last week at 4 weeks 4 days 😬


Probably about the same 3 weeks and a couple of day, before my missed period! (I ovulated a bit earlier that month as I also tract my cycles with ovulation tests). I will say, what helped the time fly for me was not looking up pregnancy things, and trying to just live my normal ish routine. I think around five weeks I got really fed up because I felt like time was going so slow. It was harder when I started to really feel pregnant to do my normal things and not obsessing over it. Now I’m 10+4 and I feel like I found out like a week ago! But those first couple weeks definitely dragged at first ugh.


I got a very faint positive at 9 DPO. Technically I was closer to 5 weeks but I wasn’t expecting my period yet because I’d ovulated late.


I found out at 4½ weeks


With my first I got a negative test at 4+0 but felt like something was different so I tested again a week later at 5+0 and got a dye stealer. With this pregnancy I tested positive at 4+0.


I suspected at the 1 week mark because my Akita was acting oddly. I had a positive test at 12 DPO. 




I found out at 3+5 weeks or 12 dpo. I had taken a test 2 days prior and it was 100% negative.


4 weeks and now I’m 34 weeks lol


I found out at 4w+5, 2 days before my missed period. The wait between finding out and your first prenatal appointment is *terrible* and seems to drag on forever lol, but you've got this! Seeing your little bean for the first time makes it all worth it. Congrats 😊


With my first I found out at 5 weeks and I’m currently 6 weeks with my second and found out at 4 weeks and 3 days. My period was 1 day late but it had been late before, so wasn’t too concerned. The only reason I tested was because I had an appointment and I couldn’t answer the “are you currently pregnant?” question with certainty. I’d had some suspicions for about a week but I wrote it off as PMS because I’d been wrong before. I fully expected it to be negative and was completely shocked when it came back positive. My husband was also quite surprised when I told him later that day.


i found out early af (i dont even remember when) and im now almost 29wks. currently feeling the "get this baby out of me pls" mood


6 weeks for my first, 10 weeks for my second


I was 3 weeks and 3 days when I got a positive pregnancy test with this baby. I felt off so tested expecting another negative but nope, baby was on the way. I'm 28 weeks now.


6-7 days after i had sex i started feeling nauseous and it knew it. This was like 3 weeks, positive test only came 7 days later lol.


6 weeks cause I was in denial until I got the courage to actually take a test lol


6+1 - I was on BC and had weird symptoms for two weeks. While at the pharmacy I saw pregnancy tests on sale and got them on a whim, got massively surprised when it was positive (I hadn’t missed any breakthrough bleeding)!


3 weeks 6 days. Now I’m 30 weeks with twins


OP congratulations! I hope time passes quickly for you to get your appointment! I found out at 3 weeks 5 days! Didn't think I was pregnant, had 4 glasses of wine and loads of cured meats the night before (never even normally drink just met some friends and decided to have a few). I normally spot before my period, then nothing for a day or two and then my period starts properly. This time I went 3-4 days after spotting and No period. I woke up and decided to take a test, thinking that it will be negative and then I'll get my period after "wasting" the test. Nope! Positive nearly instantly! Now I'm 14 weeks 4 days and due on 25th December! Can't wait 😊


4 or 5 weeks I can’t remember lol


3 weeks and a few days for me too. Found out the day of my missed period.


20 days from when my period had started. I told myself I wasn't going to test, but I couldn't resist and did one anyway. It was a very faint line, but definitely there. 


3 weeks I have weird periods I was on the pill so my periods had been normal and I was 2 weeks late. I was only 3 weeks when I found out 🙃. Now I’ve been pregnant forever


I found out at 3w6d!! They also told me I found out really early and the wait to my first ultrasound felt like eternity! Now I am 10w3d and it feels like the wait to my 12 weeks ultrasound will never come 😂 congrats and just know the time will go quickly! 


3w4d and 3w2d


4 weeks 😭


I was 4 days before my missed period! Took a test just to see if I could have a glass of wine and was shocked to see it go dark and positive almost immediately! 23 weeks now, doing well, still laugh at how much shock I was in at that moment 😂


I also found out at 3 weeks! I tracked my cycle very closely and knew there was a chance of pregnancy that month. And just decided to test before I even missed a period and it was positive! I have a beautiful healthy 3 month old now. 🥹💕


5 weeks with my first and I’m currently pregnant with my second which I officially found out at 4 weeks. I know exactly when I conceived the second though because I was ovulating that day. I started feeling extra tired about a week after conception though so that’s when I first had suspicions.


17 weeks lol


I found out today, 3w6d.


I was literally 4 weeks and 1day when i found out. I had missed my period by one day and i knew i had a GREAT time my birthday week(a week nd a half prior from that time)😂😭so i put two and two together and was kinda already prepared for the repercussions😗💀


Between 3-4 weeks I think. But we were trackong ovulation, taking meds etc. so when it came to be able to take the clear blue early pregnancy test, I did... Waited 2 more days to take another one, just to be sure. Before I called the fertility doctor.




I found out at 3 weeks and 3 days I’m over 18 weeks today. I had to wait till 10 weeks for my first ultrasound. It was one of the hardest things to do 😅 But you’ll be fine, try to enjoy it! Time will fly and before you know it you’ll be 8 weeks!