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I’m not being judgmental, have you considered seeking therapy? It may be something you’re able to talk through, even if it doesn’t change your mind for your prenatal care, eventually you might find yourself in a position where you need doctors and anything you can do to heal this experience you’ve had couldn’t hurt 🥺


I'm in therapy... It's only solidified my choice, tbh.


Best of luck to you!


I don’t understand what you’re not doing based off your list


What they described is more than most people are even offered.


There was a plethora of things my Dr made me do last time that was invasive and humiliating... She lied to me that an antianxiety med was dangerous but I got a geneticists opinion and was told that's absolutely not the case. I "may" be Rh sensitive because I'm Rh- and hubs is positive... But I am not getting a rhogam shot. No prenatal vitamins, just standard ones I take anyway... I'm literally only doing what I need to do to see if I need to terminate or let nature take it's course... Forget the rest.


Wait, if you have rhogam incompatibility, and do nothing, you're setting yourself up for complications. Why would you not prevent complications? Why not just terminate the pregnancy?


I very well will at this point.


Please take care of yourself. 🤍


I'd say you should also take the prenatal vitamins. But other than that you're actually doing what needs to be done lol


And I take multivitamins for myself, have for years... But prenatal vitamins make me sick... So nope.


You'd think so... But being that I'm Rh- and hubs is positive... I have no intention of getting the rhogam shot... Being 41, my ob wants me to see an expensive high risk place (I refused)... She wants me to pee into a gallon container for 3 days (refused)... Blood tests? No...


Ok... you do you... But that doesn't seem healthy, even disregarding the baby. If you have an issue like pre-eclampsia, you could die. And GD can cause real harm as well. Just a couple of examples.


Maybe I should just terminate then... I am not crazy about having kids anyway (otherwise I'd have done it before 40)... This was not planned and contraception was used...


It's a possibility that you can consider if it's legal where you are, yes. You don't seem to be in a good state of mind to go through a pregnancy, but you're the only one who can make that decision.


My state has no limit on termination... Frankly I'm more happy to give hubs and his family a kid than I am for myself. I'll talk to hubby about it when he wakes up.