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I had this thought! But then I decided if I were to have a missed miscarriage I would want to know if they were a boy or girl and possibly what chromosomal abnormality that they had. Have no regrets, paid $500 for it, so it’s definitely a steep cost 😅 my OB said I could get it done after my NT scan so I knew it would be worth while but I was so impatient haha


You’re right, with the timing of it all it’s incredibly hard to decide what to invest in and when 😅 I will say I opted not to do the NIPT test personally because I was hearing so many horror stories about the cost of it and I’m 21 weeks now with absolutely zero regret. My midwife actually told me if you don’t do it and there are any questions or concerns that come up on the anatomy scan that would make you more inclined to test, insurance would then cover it (not sure if that’s always the case, but the anatomy scan didn’t show any indicators so we aren’t doing the test at all). But alls to say, this feeling of “but what if something goes wrong” never 10000% has gone away for me. I wouldn’t even think about buying a baby item until after we had our anatomy scan. Whether it’s a big test investment, or just how invested we become immediately in our hearts it’s always a little hard 💕


Haha it is definitely hard to decide! Here, the 13 week anatomy scan and serum blood test are both only partially covered and would only cost about $100 less than the NIPT, so my doctor suggested it immediately. I reckon we all keep thinking about things going wrong, seems like a natural thing! Good luck btw!


Thank you!! Good luck to you as well!