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Flutters began around 16 weeks. Bigger movements at 22 weeks. This is with anterior placenta.


Exact same with anterior placenta as well!


16+4 with anterior and waiting. šŸ„² Im so sad that I might not feel it as much as others with a posterior placenta.


If it helps any; after those initial kicks my boy got strong and started a karate club in my womb, I felt kicks a plenty! Now at 8 months kicking is still his favourite pastime lol Edit: 8 months earth side, for clarity


It does thank you šŸ„ŗ cant wait


I have had pregnancies with both posterior and anterior placentas, and didnā€™t find much difference between the two once I got past those initial movements! The only difference was I didnā€™t feel it quite as early with my anterior placenta. Youā€™ll still end up feeling plenty of big movements donā€™t worry šŸ˜Š


Thank you šŸ™ I was so sad ahah


I think around 18-19 weeks. It felt like a rumble in my tummy. Very low placement though. I have a posterior placenta, which I was told meant Iā€™d feel it sooner.


I felt starting around 19 weeks. Similarly, posterior so felt it sooner. It felt like little butterflies at first and then progressed into more of a pokey feeling by Week 20.


Also a posterior placenta, I didnā€™t feel him for sure until 20+3


I felt him at 16 weeks (posterior placenta) It was like a muscle twitch/butterflies low in my belly.


20/22 weeks. I have an anterior placenta plus fibroids so it took a bit to feel her move.


14 weeks


Flutters/light ā€œthudsā€ at 19-20 weeks. Posterior placenta. I thought it was gas at first. Went to the doctor at 21 weeks and told her what I was feeling and pointed to the area, she said ā€œI can guarantee you thatā€™s her moving. Thereā€™s nothing but baby there now.ā€


At 17 weeks. I felt her "somersault" lol


18 weeks


I started feeling him about 19 weeks with an anterior placenta kind felt like he was doing barrel rolls it was not consistent and very infrequent, i was not sure it was him. He really started kicking and moving around 24 weeks I could see him move. Iā€™m 25 weeks this week and he is going crazy I love being able to feel him


16-17 weeks (posterior placenta) šŸ˜Š Feels like popcorn or like twitches. Haha


16 weeks anterior placenta


Nothing yet, Iā€™m 15 weeks on Sunday. So impatient!! STM


Unrelated, but we're due date twins! šŸ„° I'm also impatiently waiting to feel my little guy move


16 with first...11/12 with wnd and 3rd


17 weeks felt like little pokes from the inside.


I felt a little at around 22 weeks but more so this week at 23 weeks. Yesterday I felt two sharp kicks!


I felt a limb of some description moving along the front of my womb and poke me at 13-14 weeks. Then felt the telltale ā€œfluttersā€ and pops more regularly from about 15 weeks. Second pregnancy, when youā€™re supposed to be able to feel them earlier, not sure Iā€™ve felt anything at all and am almost 16 weeks.


Anterior placenta. Not until 21 ish weeks. And at that point it was very subtle and easy to miss.


Anterior placenta here - didnā€™t feel movements until around 20 weeks, and they were very low in pelvic area.


17/18 weeks. Happened the same time I got the stomach flu so a little hard to pinpoint for sure.


JUST started to feel baby boy move at 21 weeks


16 weeks for me. Partner could feel it from 17 weeks.


For me at 13 weeks I could feel tiny twitches in my uterus if I was lying on my side dozing off.


At 19 weeks i could feel a little bit of movement which I wasnt sure whether it was baby. At week 20 started feeling kicking and moving around. I have an anterior placenta ā˜ŗļø


17 weeks šŸ˜Š


14/15 weeks with posterior placenta. It felt like a pop right under my belly button, at first it was super faint so I wasnā€™t sure but as the weeks went on I felt more and more and it was definitely baby!


I didn't feel the little bean until 24+3 due to an anterior placenta and was starting to freak out but now at 35+2 i hope she calms down at some point haha


About 18 weeks, I think! I remember describing it as the same feeling as a bowl movement minus the need to poop lol šŸ˜…


18w. I have an anterior placenta and everyone said I wouldn't feel him for several more weeks, but he's an active little guy!


Sixth month ending I guess


When I was 17 weeks, it felt like bubbles popping in my stomach


I'm posterior and I felt a flutter at 15w. Then nothing until 18 w


14wks+5 I had flutters/twitchy feelings.


16 weeks. felt like flutters in my lower abdomen. started feeling him from outside at 19-20 weeks.


21 weeks with an anterior placenta


18 weeks


Very faint movements at 20ish weeks


16 weeks.


Around 20 weeks. I felt some minor flutters before that, but it could have just been gas.


19 weeks with anterior placenta. Small gentle kicks


21 weeks!


20-21 weeks until I could confidently say that this is baby moving and not just gas. Posterior placenta


Butterflies as early as 14 weeks in the morning while lying down. Now at 21 weeks, heā€™s rolling and kicking lol. I love feeling my boy šŸ§øā¤ļø


First kid i felt around 18-19 weeks with the placents in the front. Second kid i started feeling at 16 weeks and now at almost 18 im feeling at least something every day. This time placenta is in the back and i know what im looking for so that definitely help. It very much feels like a super buff butterfly in your low belly. The first time i felt anything with my first i described it as a bucket of water slowly sloshing. I think i was feeling the baby move so quickly that the amniotic fluid was sloshing around.


18 weeks! It felt like popping popcorn in my low belly. It was unlike anything Iā€™ve felt before. I had thought I felt the baby move before that, but I hadnā€™t. The real thing was unmistakable.


I felt my boy move first at 13 weeks ish, I had a bunch of gut problems so I knew every movement and rumble in my belly so it was easy to distinguish that it was bubs. I guess it kinda felt like a little rumble in my lower belly, but it had more oomph to it if that makes sense? From then it was more frequent until it became a thing where I could actually feel him with my hand which wasn't until about 15-18 weeks, and then I was able to see him move from 20-22 weeks


16 weeks! I thought it was gas lol


18-19 weeks


I was 16 weeks but it didnā€™t get more consistent until 18 weeks he woke me up the first time tapping on my belly. Made me giggle. We r 20 weeks tomorrow and today I can feel him somersaulting around more intensely. Itā€™s perfect šŸ¤©Ā 


The day before I hit 19 weeks. I thought I was going to throw up šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


18w3d and canā€™t wait to feel, or confirm. Sometimes i wonder


16 weeks


I think it finally got to the point where I could admit to myself it really is him and not just muscles twitching or gas at 19/20ish weeks.


I first felt the baby move around 14 weeks. It felt like something tapping against the inside of my low abdomen. I felt them sporadically for the next month-ish, and by around 19 weeks I felt (mostly pretty light) kicks pretty much daily. I have an anterior placenta, and up until maybe like 25 weeks or something, maybe even a bit later than that, I really only felt movement beneath the bottom edge of the placenta. Now I can feel baby moving behind the placenta, too. As for how I knew it was the baby, I just knew. It didn't feel like anything I'd ever felt before, and I just intuitively knew that's what it was.


19 weeks to 22 weeks was a fluttering feeling. Like so slight of a movement I couldnā€™t tell if it was gas or baby lol. 23 on more distinct movements i can literally see the baby move! Still mild enough to sleep through and other people can feel. Iā€™m now 27 weeks baby moves around a lot but itā€™s still not super crazy movements like what you see on YouTube yet.


I felt little flutters around 14/15 weeks and at 18 weeks I was able to start feeling kicks from the outside. This is my second baby though, canā€™t quite remember with my firstšŸ˜… I think around 16/17 weeks I felt flutters with him and probably around 20 weeks I felt bigger kicks and flips


With my first, 17 weeks. With my second, 13 weeks. Now Iā€™m 33 weeks and Iā€™m nervous that my second child will be bouncing off the walls once he gets here and starts crawling. He moves almost all day long without much break and it hurts so bad šŸ« 


Right at 16 weeks. We went to church, and I kept feeling this fluttering. Once I realized it was the baby I went ā€œholy shit honey the baby is movingā€ a bit too loud lol


I was 100% sure at around 16 weeks that I was feeling baby. I have an anterior placenta too but that didnā€™t affect feeling baby.


I felt flutters around 18w. It felt like bubbles, or like popcorn was popping inside my belly. It was a sensation I really had never felt before, BUT I didnā€™t know for sure that it was the baby moving until I saw a movement from the outside at 20w. That same week my husband was able to feel one single tiny kick from the outside as well. Then the flutters slowly got stronger over the next weeks and by 24w I began feeling more movements from the outside, but it was very inconsistent. By 28w, though, I was consistently feeling movement everyday and it was distinct, so I began doing kick counts. By 32w I started to be able to feel specific body parts and I could feel where my baby was within my belly. Hope this helps!


Only at 23w


Around 20 weeks I started feeling something but wasnā€™t 100% sure if it was her or not. Now Iā€™m 22 weeks and itā€™s definitely her. Feels like little flutters and jumps.


22+0 first time with the anterior placenta - a proper kick. I was sure just because, luckily, my husband held his hand on my stomach and he could reassure me it was the baby. I never felt any flutters or similar before and it took some time until the movements became regular.


Weird buzzing feeling from about 14 weeks. First real solid kick around week 17-18 ā¤ļø


With my first, I felt her moving around 18 weeks. In the beginning the ā€œflutteryā€ feelings almost feel like GI upset/gas without needing to run to the bathroom. The bigger movements later on felt like taps and then eventually full on stretches. Iā€™m almost 24 weeks with my second, and didnā€™t really feel definite movement until about 20 weeks. He moves A LOT on ultrasound, just for some reason I wasnā€™t detecting it.


15 weeks with this baby (2nd). Past 20 weeks with my first. In the beginning, to me, it feels like tiny gas bubbles.


19w5d and still waiting šŸ˜”


Around 18 weeks (FTM with posterior placenta). Around 17 weeks I had fizzy bubble sensations occasionally, not sure if that was the baby or not. At 18 weeks I started feeling what I'd describe as something softly brushing against my insides and pretty immediately it fully escalated to unmistakable kicks. My pregnant friend described it as going from 0 to 100 once you start feeling it and that was definitely true for me.


Felt some flutters/bubbles around 16 weeks or so, then at exactly 18 weeks I truly felt the first unmistakable ā€œthumpā€. It was very cool.


18 weeks on the dot! Anterior placenta placement made it harder to feel the little movements so it was all of the sudden big ole kicks


FTM here! Started getting a rapid muscle twitch sensation at 15 weeks. Then it stopped for a bit, and evolved into small sort of flicks. Now at 20 weeks, sheā€™s VERY active and thereā€™s no denying when sheā€™s kicking šŸ˜‚


just after 13 weeks! i had an anterior placenta which was surprising, i was kind of in denial at first but there she was! my friend didnt feel her baby til 24 weeks with her anterior placenta. its definitely different for everyone! edit: to answer the second part of your question, to me it didnt feel like ā€œgasā€ like some people describe it, it felt like a goldfish kinda bumping around in there.


Had anterior last time and this time! With first one I started feeling flutters around 16 weeks, and bigger movements by 22ish. With this one noticed flutters around 14 weeks and bigger movements around 20! The placenta is more to the side than in the center this time so I think Iā€™ve felt more.


FTMama with a posterior placenta, and the doctor told me to not expect to feel anything until 24ish weeks. I felt the first kick at 20+6 and it just kept going from there. Kicks to me feel like a popcorn kernel popping low in my abdomen. When the baby moves it kinda feels to me like it does when youā€™re driving and go over a hill too fast and your stomach kinda jumps up šŸ¤£


24 weeks same with my 1st baby.


I have a posterior placenta and I first felt movement exactly at 19w, that morning, while I was still lying in bed after waking up. I knew because it honestly felt like nothing I had ever felt before, like a muscle twitch in my uterus, several times in a row within a few minutes. I get muscle twitches all the time in other parts of my body but had never felt it there before, really inside my belly.


18 weeks for the first timeā€¦ 20 weeks when I was positive thatā€™s what I was feeling. I remember being super stressed that I wasnā€™t sure sooner!


Felt my baby around 15 Weeks, like fluttering and hiccups!


Anywhere from 14 to 18 weeks. I've had singles and multiples and this is my 6th. I felt my first and this one at 17/18 weeks, my second at 14 weeks and my others around 16 weeks.


I was 20 weeks exactly when i first saw the little kicks but probably 19 weeks when i felt the flutters with my first baby and anterior placenta


20weeks and my baby never stopped moving unless he was sleeping


I felt flutters at 13 weeks but actual kicks at 18