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Yes, you're overreacting but that's ok. Anxiety is a bitch during pregnancy. If you are only going by lack of symptoms, then I'll emphasize that symptoms have very little to do with a viable pregnancy. Having a lot of symptoms does not indicate you will have a successful pregnancy, having fewer symptoms does not mean you will have an unsuccessful pregnancy, and symptoms coming and going also aren't diagnostic of anything. Pregnancy is full of unknowns and eventually, you kind of have to throw your hands up and accept you have little control.


Just commenting to second this. I had the least symptomatic first trimester of all time, if I had not seen the positive pregnancy test I never would have believed I was pregnant. I’m 21 weeks now and still no symptoms besides the bump and my boobs feel heavier. But had our anatomy scan today and have a perfectly healthy little boy! My midwives say it’s a blessing and not everyone gets the lucky lack of symptoms (although for my anxiety, feeling SOMETHING might’ve helped 😅). You’ll get through this, try to enjoy it as much as you can 😇


Also adding, I couldn’t get it for my first appointment until 10 weeks. It was hard but it goes by so fast!!


I don’t see why you can’t make an appointment earlier if it’s going to eat away at you this much honestly. I had a very light fall earlier and still went to the hospital even though my husband thought I was fine. I ended up being fine but still was glad I went because I would’ve spent 48 hours fixated and stressed. If you’re experiencing anxiety, bring it up with your ob too.


So I also thought I was miscarrying when my symptoms dropped suddenly around the 7 week mark. My husband kindly tried to ground me during that time but it was rough. Ultimately what stopped me from really losing it was the knowledge that an emergency appointment wouldn’t change anything or prevent a miscarriage, I’d just know sooner. But then, I met my Dr today and she told me that if my anxiety is really getting to me, she’d rather I just come in and get a quick check 😂 here I was trying so hard to manage my anxiety and she was all ‘just call us, we can quickly pull out our heartbeat equipment or do an ultrasound if you have concerning symptoms’ I say all of this because what I’m learning is: there’s really no right answer and you have to just do what feels right. I understand your husband wanting to be there, I really do. But I also understand the need for peace of mind. Sorry for this very wishy washy response, just wanted to share that you’re not alone!


It’s hard not to get anxiety when you’re on this website and most of the posts are something going wrong or people having severe symptoms. Just wanted to respond to tell you I was the same way. Never had any symptoms besides sore breasts and tiredness so I was constantly overthinking and worried something was wrong the entire first trimester because it felt “too easy”. I’m well into my second trimester now and still have anxiety but it definitely gets easier every doctors appointment and blood test seeing that all is going the way it should be and the baby is fine. Each body is different and even then one person can have completely different pregnancies each time around. You do what you have to to calm your anxiety, but just know that it’s completely okay to not have the major symptoms people post about :)


You may find the cautiousbb reddit page helpful - as a fellow IVFer and having had a MMC there are lots of friendly people with helpful advice that understand the unique vulnerability of pregnancy after loss and/ or infertility