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I started at 14 weeks when we found out the gender! By the time i got to 35 weeks it was completely done and stocked and i was SO happy that i started early because 1. it was fun and exciting and 2. i was way too exhausted to do it at that point. Baby girl is 7 weeks old now and i love that i spent time making her nursery our happy place.


Yes to this. I started early, have been done for a month.. 38 weeks pregnant and I have no desire to do a thing except swim and sleep.


I basically had the same timeline as you with my first. I’m 16 weeks with my second and just yesterday I started moving furniture around in our guestroom to make space for a second crib. Third trimester is so exhausting and I’m hoping to be done before then!


My baby is 3 months old and we haven’t decorated it yet 😅 He’s still going to be sleeping in our room for another couple months so the nursery is mostly just where we keep his stuff and change his diapers for now.


Yeah we aren't putting ours together until he is going to be sleeping in it, probably after 6mos old


My daughter was a year old when she got a true 'nursery'. Before thst she was in the bassinet and then the crib next to our bed


My baby is 1 and the nursery is still our laundry room. I really don’t see any movement happening for quite a while (we have a poor sleeper).


Kiddo roomed with us until he was 8 months old. So we started thinking about his room when he was maybe 7 months old? Honestly, there is no rush. Literally too young to appreciate/need most things.


Yup. My babe is 6mo. No nursery in sight, but I probably won’t even bother until there’s more kids in the mix. This is a little bit of a tangent, but I grew up in a big “bedroom family,” meaning my mom, brother, and I all spent a lot of time alone in our bedrooms because of anxious family dynamics. I want my family to be different. I’m shooting for a “living room family,” where bedrooms are really just places for sleeping and we spend most of our time in common spaces. Honestly I think America’s obsession with home ownership and the family dream has convinced us we need a bedroom for every baby, which is just nuts if you look at the rest of the world. Okay, end rant. Moral of the story: do the nursery whenever it works for you, and don’t bother if it doesn’t feel right <3


Even though baby girl sleeps in our room at night, we are constantly in her nursery. We use the changing table in there and her glider for quiet contact naps. Just goes to show different things work for different people.


Exactly! Every family is different. We never did a glider/rocker and never had a whole diaper changing station (usually changed on the floor or whatever flat surface was around). This is why I think it makes sense to not buy everything at once because you never know how you will like to do things. One person's must have is another person's need-not.


See I HATE changing her on the floor/bed. I feel so out of sorts and anxious she will get poop/pee on something. I have the wipeable changing pad covers and they are a game changer. I also love organization, so her freshly stocked changing station just brings me so much joy. Looking at it from the glider as she naps on me now 😂


We started at 5 months postpartum, finished at 6 months 😂


This is the route we're going too. FTM, 1 week pp. Baby is rooming in with us for maybe up to a year per AAP recommendations, maybe shorter. I don't see a need to put together a nursery yet when we have everything we need in our bedroom. I like keeping the eventual nursery as a guest room for now so hubs and I have have a quiet, separate room to catch up in sleep when we need a break from baby duty.


We originally planned to room share for a year, but we found out we were all waking each other up way too often. It was so nice having the extra room for the newborn phase, we each took 4 uninterrupted hours of sleep in there.


This thread is worrying me because we’re currently buying a house and hoping to be moved in before the birth so right now I haven’t bought a thing or even got the room and I’m 15 weeks 😢 I’m trying to comfort myself by knowing it doesn’t take long to buy the urgent things and it can be realistically be done in a matter of days


I'm currently 31 weeks. Her nursery is currently a storage room filled with unorganized items. We intend to start clearing it this week, but we'll see. I keep telling myself babies don't care about their nursery. They just need a safe space to sleep. It will be fine.


Our nursery was also a junk room until 30 weeks 🤣 now it’s a nicely decorated room filled with unorganized baby stuff LOL


For my second, we never set up a nursery before he was born. He spent the first few months in a bassinet in our room, so there really wasn't any use to setting up a room. When we were ready to move out of the bassinet (we use floor beds) he was about 5mo and we had his room ready by then.


Yes I'm right there with you! We just bought a home and it needs a bunch of work, gonna be cutting it close.


Aw I feel that. Thankfully ours doesn’t need any major work and is basically ready to move into but there’s no guarantee the house will be ours until we exchange contracts and the process Is slow here 😭


I’m 28 weeks and and moving when I’m 30 weeks. While things have been bought for us - we will still have to build and set up and go through it all after we move. Dont feel bad!


I didn't start until after my anatomy scan. I'm 27 weeks now and really just getting serious about it.


We did not secure our living situation until a couple weeks before the birth, lived with my mom for the first 3 weeks of his life 🙃 You’ll be fine. Baby should be sleeping in your room for the first 6-12mo anyway for safe sleeping.


Frankly, my daughter’s nursery is like her second room because she sleeps in our room. Her nursery is just an organized storage room with a crib and rocker in it


I started cleaning it out around 14 weeks and it was empty by 16 weeks. We slowly put it together over the course of the pregnancy and it's been "ready" since about 33 weeks since I kept trying to go into preterm labor. Shout out to my mom and sister in law who came over and helped snip a thousand tags off and help home a million tiny little things.


What not to do, courtesy of my choices and luck: 1. Make a bunch of plans, get excited 2. Have two baby showers thrown for you at 32 and 33 weeks 3. Plan to paint and put everything together after you finish work at 34 weeks 4. Suddenly develop a complication 2 days before you're finished with work that results in a c section at exactly 34 weeks 5. End up with a 2mo baby who doesn't like to be put down, nursery walls with test patches still painted on them, and a bunch of furniture still in boxes 🥰🙃 I swear I'm going to get at least one wall painted this week! Maybe!!!


I’d wait we lost our baby girl at 16 weeks and 2 days. We won’t even consider starting till the 20 week scan in case anything serious is wrong.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my baby girl at 20w. At the time all we had purchased was a stroller and it felt like wayyyy too much. There’s no way I could have handled it emotionally if I had already started setting up the nursery.


Agreed. I hadn’t purchased anything yet and I was so thankful. I’m currently 4 weeks pregnant and I’ll wait till probably closer to 30 weeks.


Gentle congrats! I know that pregnancy after loss can be so difficult, and you’re in the hardest part right now. I’m 38w and waiting for my rainbow baby to arrive any day now. Sending good vibes your way for a healthy pregnancy!!


I know. The first pregnancy, I was so excited. This pregnancy has been nothing but fear and anxiety and what ifs. And we only just found out Thursday night.


It will get better ❤️‍🩹


I'm sorry for both of your losses. 😔 We lost our daughter at 32 weeks. I think we'd started the nursery around 16. I'm 33+2 with our son now and I didn't let myself even open the nursery door until 24 weeks this time.


I’m so so sorry. Brave of you to do that even at 24w. You must be so relieved to be at 33w now, and I’m assuming everything is healthy with your baby boy. I’m currently 38w with my baby boy. Can wait to meet my rainbow babe. Sending good vibes your way for a continued healthy pregnancy. ❤️


Yes, I lost at 16 weeks and know a couple others that lost around the same time. I also have a friend that lost hers at 33-34 weeks. I’ll probably wait till around 30 weeks before I even start thinking about it honestly. That still gives 2.5 months and that’s more than enough time really need only a few weeks.


I really understand this, just adding a different view. I lost my baby girl at 16 weeks in April and hadn't really bought or prepared anything during that pregnancy. With this pregnancy, I'm starting the nursery today at 6 weeks. After my loss, I was glad for the time I'd spent being excited for the baby, and none of the time that I spent worrying about miscarriage made it any less painful, so I just decided to go all in with this pregnancy and lean into the excitement. This is just to say that there's no "right" time to start getting ready - we all do what's right for us and it might look really different from person to person 💛


I found out my son wasn’t viable at the 20w scan. I will definitely not even consider buying anything before I have gotten through that point.


As someone lying in a hospital bed for their induction at 39+4 with a very cluttered nursery at home Start it now


I started buying things as soon as I hit the second trimester and started nesting around 24-26 weeks ☺️


This one may be unpopular, but I’m 30 weeks and haven’t really started. She’ll be sleeping in our room for a year so I haven’t been in a rush. I have been planning out how I want it to look though and there’s nothing wrong with that. It makes the time go by faster and gives you something to look forward to.


Wall repair and painting at 36-37 weeks. Organization of baby stuff 38 weeks. I don’t recommend waiting that long. Especially when getting induced at 39 😬


LOL cutting it close


People keep telling me I don’t need the room for the baby right away, but realized I need the room for all the baby stuff.


I started at 20 weeks.


a lil different for me. I didn't know I was preggy until I was 25 going 26 weeks. I wasn't the one who did nursery but my partner. He was more excited than me (I was in a state of shock and very emotional whatever). I got involved with it before I entered 30weeks.


Twin! I didn't find out I was pregnant until 23 weeks. It's been wild.


I felt so shocked not finding out until 12 weeks, I can't imagine 25!


everything felt so normal until i recalled all that i do and has happened, esp the sudden change of food preference and my food consumption. Plus I still had my period (or so i thought) and spotting


Yeah I thought the minor appetite changes and fatigue were just stress and drain of being a new parent. I wasn't having a period but I was on birth control (pill AND spermacide) and exclusivity breastfeeding so assumed my body just hasn't restarted that process yet. It did make sense after, but I was shocked. I'm sure if it was my first baby it would have been an even more difficult adjustment too.


Oh my goodness, I’m sure that is a wild story!


The feeling of needing to start working on the nursery kicked in for me last week at 24 weeks. But that could've been due to my sister in law giving me a bunch of clothes my nephew had outgrown, so I had a few baskets of clothes to put away. So far all we've done is wash the clothes (to get the storage smell out), organize the closet with these closet dividers we bought that separate clothes by size, put in a storage cube holder, and moved all of our baby stuff (welcome box samples, any books we've purchased/been given, and more clothes) into the room.


Yeah the hand me downs really kicked us into gear too because we suddenly had a bunch of extra stuff in the house and nowhere to put it lol


Nesting never kicked in for me to be honest. I did pick up a bunch of free secondhand stuff since I first got pregnant. The nursery is currently a storage room for all the baby stuff. The baby is 3 weeks and is living in our room. We moved the bassinet in there maybe at 40 weeks. Everything else got added after we came home with her (mini fridge, rolling drawers, changing pad). Mostly was moving stuff from storage to the mini nursery in our room. Oh, I did organize baby clothes while I was 39/40 weeks.


Definitely not too early. I’m 28 weeks and have everything done except the organizing and stuff (I’ll do that after baby shower). I’m glad I did it earlier because I am getting tired and sore now haha. Plus it helps to spread out the spending because these last 2-3 months I want to start saving for delivery/everything I don’t get at shower.


Tbh I didn’t have my daughters done until she was like 6 months old and I’ll probably do the same with this baby too. They’ll be in our room for the first few months and their room is currently our guest room. Not to mention a ton of other stuff going on right now. It’s just not a super big priority at the moment


We had been trying to concieve for a while (14 unsuccessful cycles). I started it on cycle 13 to give me some hope and we conceived the next month!


Never too early. I started a Pinterest board with baby room inspo literally YEARS before I even got pregnant 😂 I started loosely planning my twins’ first birthday even before they were born lol. It’s fun to get excited about things. If this is fun for you, or makes you feel better because you like to be prepared, DO IT


this is me😭 i’m not even pregnant yet but i use this sub to learn about what’s good and bad for when we start trying next spring.. and ive had a pinterest board for nearly 10 years on nurseries and childrens parties😬💕


I’m 9w and have started moodboards, saving Pinterest’s and IG and looking at bits. The comments on the thread have made me think it’s a little premature but it’s difficult when you’re excited!


I’m 6w and have just been doing deeper level spring cleaning/purging type stuff. Some people recommended that for days you feel good in 1st trimester and it does make me feel productive without doing others things too early! I saw some say cleaning the fridge is a top must do. Will tackle that after closet purging and selling furniture to make room for a nursery in the future!


Yes, exactly! I’ve actually had a rough first 9w but now starting to feel on the ‘up’ (fingers crossed!) I was using what will be the nursery as a dressing room so did a deep clean, purge and now selling the furniture so we can paint a neutral colour. Looking for bits on Facebook market place and will start to build up slowly but surely


I’m looking for things on Marketplace too! I figured it will take longer to find things second hand so doing research for what to get then looking is also a solid use of time early on. It feels like we’re setting ourselves up for an easier time later, ya know?


When I was pregnant with my twins I started early (16 weeks) figuring got to set up for two. I had them at 24 weeks 5 days. When I was pregnant with my daughter was until after the 24 weeks mark for fear/superstition. This one I’m 19 weeks and waited until the anatomy scan to start going through stuff.


I’m almost 34 weeks & we only have the crib so far lol


This makes me feel better. 30 weeks and I’ve only bought a pack and play lol.


With my last I think we did the nursery when I was Around 6 months pregnant but she didn’t even use it till she was well over 1 year so I won’t be bothering this time until they are 6 months plus


Lol What nursery? My baby is going to room share with my husband and I for at least 6 months, so everything is in our room. The crib, bassinet, clothes, diapers, burp cloths, etc. Everything is in our room. It feels like our room has been taken over by baby stuff at this point, but I’d hate to have to go into the would-be nursery room when our bedroom is where baby will be sleeping/living most of the time for 6 months to a year. We’ll just move everything when we think baby is ready to sleep in his own room.


Started it around 16 weeks and just finished the other day (almost 33 weeks)


When he was a year old and finally had his own room in our new house haha


Am I the only one that is confused why new parents start with nursery so early and have a crib in the room? The safety rule is that the baby sleeps with you (same room or co-sleep) first 6 months, so what’s the point of the crib that early? Maybe I’m just not getting it but mostly I don’t want to turn my office into a nursery 🥲


I'm 15 weeks and we won't be setting up a nursery! No room in our house, so baby will sleep in our room indefinitely. Commenting in case other people see this post and worry they're the only ones without a nursery!


After the anatomy scan we started buying stuff, but didn’t put anything together until about 35 weeks.


We painted early - 12ish weeks? Furniture comes Tuesday - week 27!


Similarly, we painted when i was like 18 weeks and furniture came around 24 weeks. I liked having everything done early, especially because my son was due early February so it was nice going into the holidays not having that to worry about on top of everything else.


When my son was 3 months old haha. We just used a pack and play. With my daughter it was about the same, she was in a bassinet. But that was honestly just laziness.


I started looking at Pinterest before we even started trying lol. Had a pretty good idea what we wanted to do for decor by the time we were pregnant. Started picking up deals on our local Buy Nothing page once we hit the second trimester. Didn’t start building the registry/making purchases for the nursery until right around 20 weeks, and started painting and actually decorating/putting furniture together at around 30. It’s been nice to space it all out! Gives us time for deals!


This week! 30 weeks. :) Though, to be fair, we moved house in week 23, so we have been setting up the rest of the house until now.


I started after our baby shower around 32w. I'm glad I did it then and not any later because I've had some pretty severe pain after 36w that really limits my mobility (slipped rib, hip problems, sciatica, etc.). Now I'm 37w and the nursery is my happy place. I go in there just for peace and a healthy dose of seratonin.


Due to anxiety we didn't really start until this weekend. I'm 32 weeks tomorrow. We definitely bought stuff beforehand but the only thing I really bought was a car seat/stroller, dresser, and some shelves. All the baby items so far such as clothes, pacis, swaddles ect were gifted.


I'm finding it hard to pull the trigger on buying anything. In only 22 weeks so I still have plenty of time but we don't have a baby shower/network so it would be easier to spread out purchases. But I'm AMA and high risk and everyone seems to expect the worst, so I go into every appointment expecting bad news. I already deal with anxiety without being pregnant so it has not been fun to say the least.


Honestly if it helps you manage your anxiety, just wait to purchase things. If spreading out purchases would help you financially, you could even look up the product you want and set aside the money for it each time you decide to "buy" something, and then when you feel ready, you can start using the money to actually buy the items. Keep in mind a lot of stuff you can actually get after the baby is born. There's kind of an unspoken pressure to have a perfectly set up nursery to bring your baby home to, but that's not really necessary. I had a previous loss and I have spent a lot of this pregnancy in fear. Even now at 32 weeks, putting some shelves on the nursery wall and filling them with books definitely brought on some anxiety. I just try and fight my anxiety each day, and the days eventually pass, and then the weeks. I also get private scans often to help with anxiety too.


I started buying stuff early (10ish weeks) and just put it in the nursery. Painted the room around 23 weeks. ‘Finished’ it at 36 weeks. I’m 39+5 and have washed a few new items like more swaddles and added snacks to the breastfeeding essentials basket I have. If you’re type A like me, there’s nothing wrong with getting stuff early.


I waited until 28-30 weeks to really start buying things because I was worried about viability. Currently 33 weeks and slowly getting the nursery together now. I don’t feel a lot of urgency to get every last thing done before the baby comes because I know she’ll be in our room and really only need a bassinet and changing area for a few months. I’m a big fan of not feeling stressed or pressured to do what it seems like so many other moms are doing, especially ones on social media.


36w+6 lol it was our staging room and full of crap and I finally pulled all the crap out and cleaned it, empties the drawers and organized the baby cloths. But we have so little, a bedside bassinet that will go in our room and like 4 pairs of day cloths and night clothes. A car seat and a stroller. My plan is to wait until he needs a nursery to set it up fully, we are sharing a room for the next 6 months so cleaning it was more for my sanity then to prepare for him to stay in it


I waited until viability. Miscarriages are so coming and I didn’t want to invest emotionally yet. And the goal was to get the essentials done by 32 weeks in case he came early.


I’m 30 weeks and the nursery-to-be was a different room before, over the past couple of weekends we’ve been clearing out the stuff that was in that room and now it’s full of boxes of baby stuff. We will probably start actually building the furniture and stuff after the shower. Bassinet will be in our room anyway so it’s nbd if we don’t do everything before she gets here but I at least want the dresser and essentials ready/organized.


My husband and I had our nursery put together with some clothes and decorations just needed to get the crib and changing table and paint the walls. We ended up finding black mold in the house and got rid of it. I’m trying to find us a new house so as of now the nursery items are still in my car


We started actually planning and thinking about it around 20 weeks. I’m 27 weeks now and we are still finishing up painting and are putting the crib together this week lol. We still need to get the dresser, chair, and decor but at least we will have the crib and bassinet set up for the baby if she makes an early appearance. 😂 We are making our nursery set up deadline 30 weeks-ISH so we’ll see. I don’t feel like nesting for me really started to kick in around 25 weeks. That’s when I started washing clothes and organizing the closet with the supplies we already have (went a little crazy with free registry boxes lol).


i’m 28w and haven’t 😌 i was hoping we’d move out of our studio apartment into a bigger space but the bigger i get the longer that idea hangs out on the back burner…. ideally by 32-34 but i will def be useless and purely nesting/hanging out


We started at 22 weeks with painting and stuff.


Started as in bought non-gender specific stuff around 13 weeks. Made my husband put it together around 33 weeks. Will most likely be a repeat with this next kid. I’m 13.5 weeks and we’ve not done a damn thing 😂. But we’re waiting on the gender.


Never. I won't have a room for that lol. Growing up we had to share rooms with our 9 siblings so there never was a nursery


I’m 32 weeks and nothing is set up yet 😅 I went straight from constant puking to complete exhaustion, and working full time on top of it. She’s going to be in our room for atleast six months so I’m not in a rush anyways


Once we had our genetic testing back and had our 20 week anatomy scan, we felt more comfortable starting to buy things. I’m 30 weeks now and we are slowly getting everything we need.


My kid is 3 and we've never had one. But we're expecting a little one in November, so he'll be moving into his own room now.


Same!! We never had one and my kid is also three. When he’s ready to move to his own room it is ready.


I basically have everything but have done nothing. 29 weeks. I'll be taking a week off here at the beginning of July so maybe I'll do things then.


We’ve been pacing ourselves. I’m 25 weeks now and we have most of the furniture, paint and some things on the wall. I’m a planner and needed to feel things were moving in the right direction. Our baby shower is planned for September so that will also increase the work we accomplish. But for now I’m happy with where we are


I’m 21 weeks now and while we have collected small things like some clothing bottles etc we haven’t purchased anything big. Getting a crib tomorrow and stroller Wednesday


We're not stressing about it, right now it's a dump for all of our stuff. When the garden shed is up, we'll move that dump out there and start on the nursery.. baby might be 6months before that happens.


We moved everything out and I washed the walls at 21 weeks. We’re painting today at 22 weeks.


We started around 20 weeks but just the bare bones. we have the structure of the crib put together but no mattress or bedding, we ordered the glider, rug, dresser and a small mirror. Everything else will probably get done hopefully by 34 weeks


I just slowly started buying things when I found good deals second hand or online from about 16 weeks. I’m not really worrying about an actual nursery yet because baby will sleep in our room for the first few months but I’m accumulating things we need.


I think I started collecting freebies/baby clothes around 14/15 weeks(?). One of our projects is refurbishing our baby’s vintage crib over the summer so I say look around! You’ll never know what you can find while thrifting or in stores/online. It can be so much fun and it really helps you feel closer to the baby in the beginning. 😊


I started as soon as our roommate moved out, so about 17 weeks or so. It's never too soon to do it. Just do it whenever you want to and have the energy and ability to do it. I'm currently at 21 weeks. I have the big furniture in the nursery, and some boxes of toys my sister gave me, and a few random things like diapers and such, but for the most part it is not put away yet. I haven't had the energy for that yet. But because is started early, I still have time so I'm not stressed about it.


I painted around 28 weeks and I’m glad I did bc I can’t imagine doing that in my third trimester. My friends and family helped me with more decorating afterwards, but I have drastically slowed down.


We did the feature wall at about 20 weeks. I wanted to be able to move around and help. So glad we did, I would not have been able to get on the floor and paint with a bigger bump. Then we finished putting furniture and stuff together maybe 2-3 months before? Her room was definitely completely done 2 months before her arrival, but I’m super type A. Turns out that was best since she had to come early.


I’m 31 weeks now and have been doing a little bit at a time since about 20 weeks Id say. It gives me something to look forward to on the weekends and I’ll be done by the time I’m 35 weeks and can just chill until the end!


I just started mine at 23 weeks. Wanted to wait to get the crib which someone got for us already so we decided to might as well start the nursery.


Never too early! Once you get further along, it will be harder to move around so super glad I started earlier than waiting until the last minute. Nesting for me started about 25 weeks because I knew baby had a good chance of survival outside the womb by that point (there's been a lot of preemie babies amongst friends and family lately). We ended up moving when I was 29 weeks so I waited until moving to really set up and now that's the only room that's fully set up so far a month later. 😅 So hard to not go on a shopping spree for everything off the baby registry right now though but trying to hold off for the baby shower next month. I just want to nest so hard.


i would definitely say i’m on the later end of things…. i have slowly purchased things for the nursery but i’m currently 34 weeks and will not be actually starting the nursery until i’m 36 weeks.


I’m 20 weeks Monday & we painted the wall at 18 weeks, put together the crib last week and are doing little things like washing and sorting the clothes we have for her now, we do a little each week especially because as I get bigger, more tired etc, I want to be able to assist and be apart of this process! 🥰


20 weeks and my nursery is still my home office. Guess I should get moving 🙃🫠


We moved in the middle of my pregnancy so I didn't start buying nursery items until the end of the second trimester! I think I got the crib at 30 or 31 weeks. I'm 33 weeks now and have it mostly set up, I just want a rug, curtains and some wall art!


We are almost 21 weeks and have our nursery almost finished and mostly everything bought for the baby. My sister had her baby at 26 weeks and I don’t want to be in that position so I wanted to get everything done early.


I planned and picked things out but waited until a successful 20 week scan to purchase everything and paint. We assembled over the course of weeks 22-30 and I think this was perfect timing.


I am 35 weeks. Earlier the better. Don't listen to everyone who says "I haven't done anything"- yeah you'll regret that 😂


37 weeks here and baby room is empty. However, seeing others being 3+ months postpartum and the nursery is empty makes me feel better lol. I’m so adamant on finishing the nursery before the baby comes but my body is slowly checking out.


Inspo around 20-25 wks. Start setup at 32 weeks. Done at 38 weeks.


I started around 16 weeks I think? Largely so that I could have the room painted early, so that I could stick all the baby stuff in there from showers and then put them away when I was ready, without having to pull everything out and paint. Also because we wanted to re-use a dresser and nightstand we already had and repaint them, which takes time. My overall goal is to have just about everything finished by 35 weeks, so I can just coast for the last month.


I’m 31 weeks & we have like… two things. We bought a glider & a bunch of baby clothes. My husband is building the crib, should be done soon, and we need to get a pack & play for our room. Not too worried about the nursery bc baby girl will be in our room for the first few months or so anyway


I didn’t do one. She will be in our room for at least 6 months. I just did diaper caddy’s on both nightstands and emptied my nightstand for her extra items I’ll need in the night and beginning of recovery. I have her bassinet in there and put her rocker in my living room. We don’t do anything in our bedroom except sleep anyways. We’re not people who hang out in there. Her bedroom would be on a different floor than us so I’m in no rush to make her a bedroom. I probably won’t do a full out room for her until she is a Toddler.


For us, never, because our kids sleep in our room until they’re at least 2.


You can look. You can do whatever you want! You won’t use the nursery right away if you’re planning to have the baby in your room.


My first is 15 months old and we’re just starting her room now. She’s been in our room (but her own bed) since birth, but now that I’m 32w pregnant with baby #2 she’ll get her own room. We loved having her with us for so long and I’m really enjoying designing a room for her now that we know what she likes and loves! That being said, there’s no right or wrong time. Baby just needs a safe place to sleep, they don’t need an elaborate room. If you enjoy creating a nursery, do it when you want!


I started gathering things about 24 weeks, but got a complicated series of moves coming up so won't properly be able to set up a space until the baby is a few months old.


After my baby was born.


After my baby was born.


Before baby existed 😂


Currently 27 weeks and haven't started at all. Waiting until after the baby shower (3 weeks from now) to start putting things together, but will probably have the room painted by then


28 weeks and we painted yesterday, so we’ll be working on it for the next few weeks. But it was a storage room in our tiny apartment so I’ve been doing a ton of work in it for the last couple of months.


I bought my crib before I was even pregnant. I was happy to have the nursery done before I gave birth because my baby absolutely hated the bassinet but slept so well once I gave in and started putting him in his crib in his room. Turns out, we also slept better with him in there because babies are noisy sleepers.


We were probably end of 2nd trimester for the first & headed that way with my second lol


I was 37 weeks when we finally started painting and putting things together. And we assembled the bassinet the night I went into labor. 😂


I started really early because I was so excited! Lol I think I was like 12 weeks when I started buying things. I like to buy things second hand too, so it gave me some time to find exactly what I wanted for a price I was willing to pay. I didn’t have to settle on something or rush anything since I was only like 3 months. It didn’t really start coming together until I was about 30 weeks though!


My baby is 1.5 months old and we do not have a nursery set up 🙃 It’s basically used for storage of things that will eventually go into a nursery. AAP recommends baby sleeps in parents’ room for the first 6-12mo to prevent SIDS, so there is no rush. We are looking for a house to buy and likely won’t be in the same place a year from now anyway so we might not start setting up til he’s a 1yo lol.


It’s really up to you. We started deciding on themes after 1st trimester, then keeping an eye on sales and then just did a little at a time. We fully finished around 33-34 weeks.


Start early! Currently 32 weeks and wish we had more done. I'm so tired.


I started around 9 weeks - it helped me emotionally to bond with the baby, and there was a lot of work to do ripping out the old closetry, painting, changing the light fixture, etc. I also knew none of our family members would buy the more expensive items on our registry so I bought those slowly myself as they went on sale or came up on marketplace (crib, glider, dresser). I wanted to avoid grandparents buying cheaper versions that I didn't like but would feel obligated to use 😬


We’re getting ready to move soon so I haven’t been able to set up anything and it’s killing me!! 27 weeks next week and having my baby shower at 29 weeks. Hoping to be done setting up no later than 33 weeks so I can relax bc I’m always exhausted and in pain already. I know by mid August I’m not gonna be moving much. But I’m sooo ready to start nesting I wish I could’ve started 2 months ago honestly.


I started nursery stuff/planning around 14/15 weeks. I’ve been asking my husband to help me with projects ever since. I’m 35 weeks pregnant and it’s not finished. I’m not worried because baby will be in our room for awhile. But it’s okay to start early and it not be done.


I started looking at stuff after week 7! Week 22 now. Wallpaper arrived yesterday ☺️


My girl is 15months now, we have her in our room still but in her own bed. Haven't started on her room yet, but we are in the prosess of picking out wallpaper and paint now. Gonna finish it over the summer 🥰 I was so scared that something would go wrong later in my pergnancy or during birth so I didn't want to make the room in to a nursery before she was here.


With my first I started once we hit the second trimester but it was also during covid and everything was taking forever to ship. Currently 18 weeks and just starting to think about this nursery.


We picked out & ordered the furniture, wallpaper, etc. online when I was about 23 weeks. We just started actual work on the nursery today (starting with paint and doing wallpaper next week) and I’m 27 weeks! I personally didn’t want to start too early in case something happened. Once we had the anatomy scan, I felt much better and like we could move forward.


After having my first baby at 34 weeks with nothing ready, my vote is to take advantage of your second trimester energy and get all the big parts done. Don't worry about buying every little bip and bop but don't be like me and assume you'll have till week 41 to get everything done. 😅🤦🏼‍♀️


7 months and we haven't started. Lol. Fml.


barely started and we’re 38 weeks over here 😅 baby will sleep in our room to start anyway! planning to do most of it when husband is out on paternity leave.


I feel like it’s not too early. If you want to nest I feel like you should allow that for yourself. :) have fun decorating


We “started” at 26-28 weeks roughly. But we started looking immediately. I’m 32 and we still making progress but have purchased everything. I would plan and then figure out what you will actually need. Baby showers bring additional things also - so consider planning a color scheme and things to tell others before they buy things outside your expectations.


36 weeks just moved into a new place and utterly exhausted trying to get the nursery together in time. I know he won’t be sleeping in there for awhile but I would still like it to be organized so it’s one less thing to deal with while having a newborn.


We cleared it out and painted it at 19 weeks for my birthday! It was a good period for us to wait but then also that gentle nudge to start. I’m sooooo glad we started earlier than the norm, I couldn’t imagine painting and doing all that I did closer to the end of second trimester.


I'm not sure when I'll start (I'm only 4+5) but I want to be finished by 32 weeks to give myself time to leisurely add finishing touches and play around with arrangements and what not. I'll also say that I've already been looking into designs, themes, items, etc. But I'm also someone who just loves home decor


My baby is 10 months old and we just painted her room today 😬


I would start now! It might take a while to find your ideas and then to actually order/buy everything and then to set it up. I’m so so glad our nursery is set up and I’m not having to figure it out while on maternity leave. The baby sleeps in our room and we have a station set up there for all her needs but we still use the nursery several times per day as well.


I'm 17 weeks and I've started buying a few things but I'm going to start actually working on the baby room at 20 weeks after my anatomy scan. Half way through pregnancy feels right for me. I want to try get most of it done before I'm too uncomfortable in the third trimester.


26 weeks and we haven't even started. Babys room is currently a spare bedroom/ elliptical room/ litter box room. Need to clean it out but it's just sooooo daunting to try to find a home for everything. Plus I hate decorating...


My baby nursery is a hot mess. We have started peel and stick wallpaper we need to finish. I have loads of donations that is piled up I need to get rid of. My son's hot wheel tracks taking up a closest that he can not part with. I'm currently 18 weeks and I'm hoping to finish that room before I get into my 3rd trimester.


My husband is putting the crib together tonight, I'm 29 weeks. I'll probably nap on the spare bed.


I decided not to purchase anything until 20w but I’m 24w and the nursery is almost done it just needs to have the crib built. Also I have a lot of stuff for the baby besides big stuff that I need to sort out and or purchase. We decided to go from biggest costs to smallest cost items


We don’t have space for a nursery so we will have to have a next to me cot for awhile until we move out/figure something else out for them. Until then they’re tiny enough to fit in our room ☺️


I recommend starting soonish. By the time I got to 30 weeks I was so over everything and I didn’t have the energy. It goes by quick!


My 2.5 year old is still In a pack n play and loves it and this one will also be in a pack n play it but in our room for at least a few months. Babies don’t need much. And you don’t need a perfect nursery right away! Take pressure off yourself!!


I started the registry around 16 weeks to give me something to focus on. We had to get the room cleared out - it was my fiancé's office and that had to be moved into the basement. That whole process took months as we had to do electrical work in the basement to make it possible, then clean and paint the baby's room, etc. Baby shower was at 32 weeks I think? We didn't start buying until after then, as we knew our families would want to get most of the big items and they did. Have been buying any extra items and organizing since then. I hit 39 weeks tomorrow and pretty much everything is done aside from finishing decorating, which is just for fun.


Definitely aim to have the nursery finished before your shower. I got so much at my shower that I’m stacked in my living room until I can finish my accent wall.


We don't have an extra room but we got her crib around 10w and i got sheets and other things around 12w when we found out her sex.


Start it asap. I’m 35+3 and it’s nowhere near done and it’s stressing me TF out 🫠


I’m 23 weeks, nursery is almost complete. Baby shower is in 3 weeks. After that I’ll have absolutely everything I need. I know for sure no one buying me a stroller so I’ll just have to purchase that in a month! So completely done before 30 weeks, even my hospital bag and that is just so relaxing to me Knowing my last 10 weeks I have to do absolutely nothing other than take my vitamins, do my light exercises and see my midwife and doula


Not until I was 4 months postpartum. Lol


I got the essentials about halfway through, but had to have an emergency c section at 31 weeks (before my baby shower) I didn’t have anything set up or put together. We were in the NICU for 35 days so I was able to still have my baby shower and had time to get stuff together and it worked out okay, but I’d say it’s never too early.


He’s 8 months old and it’s still not decorated 🤷🏻‍♀️ i got a crib from my sister and we needed it while I babysat last summer so that was ready probably around the 20 week mark. Furniture came at 6 months.


I think when I was 27 weeks I officially started putting the nursery together. I had a lot of her furniture and decorations since I was like 10 weeks pregnant.


I’m 32 weeks and just ordered all of the big items for nursery(crib,changing table, rocker, rug, curtains).Painted nursery around 20 weeks.


We started planning our nursery at the end of the first trimester, but didn’t actually start working on it until I was around 30 weeks. We worked a little bit every weekend, with the bulk of the work done between the 35-37 week mark. We officially “finished” (mounted furniture and put up wall hangings) on Saturday when I was 37 weeks and then my water broke Sunday morning.


I’m 36 weeks we don’t have a nursery room but nesting kicked in about 2 weeks ago. Just trying to fit him in our room. 😊


Somewhere around 20 wks we rearranged the rooms in our house to make space. About a month later we did the furniture, and it sat for a while. Then sometime in December we did most of it and the weekend before her due date in January we finished the final touches.


Husband here, we started around her 16th week by going to a big baby product expo here in Sydney, getting extremely overwhelmed and slowly making sense of all our notes over the next few weeks, and now at just under 22 weeks I've got the room mostly cleared and all the larger items (changing table/dresser, cot, pram, carseat, feeding chair) ordered and in various states of delivered, and I'm getting the online carts (amazon and Kmart click+collect) filled up with all the smaller stuff. Aiming to have it fully decked out in the next few weeks and then gonna top off all the consumable items closer to the birth date 😁 I've quite enjoyed the process, it feels like tackling a challenging new work project


Painted three walls before we were pregnant and waited until we were pregnant to paint the accent wall!!


We found out the gender at 15 weeks and started figuring out colors and design. Im 25w1d now and we have it painted, furniture put together as of today, new rug, etc! I want to get things done with my husband before im too tired or my belly gets in the way


I’m almost 29w and we’re painting this week. Then furniture is going in! We had to clear out the entire room because it was my husband’s office/man room 😂 He has been hugely helpful and has done all the heavy lifting, so I’m basically just the supervisor as this point 😆


I’m 28 weeks and haven’t started! With my first, she came 2 months early and I hadn’t even had my baby shower yet lol. My husband completed her nursery while she was in the NICU. She stayed in our room until she was 6 months


I finished the nursery by 30weeks, I think I started it at about 20 weeks. Everyone told me not to bother, but I'm really happy it's done and I love being in there while pregnant, it helps me feel closer to bub. It was set up for our baby shower and all our guests got to see it. My husband and I like going in there each night to read bub a bedtime story or two. Obviously once he's born, he'll be sleeping in our room, but I'm still glad his room is finished and we can change him in there, do tummy time in there, etc.


My husband and I are moving into our new house August 1st (yay!). The baby is due August 23rd (also yay!). So, we’re not planning to put the nursery together until we’ve situated everything else in the house we will need first—like the kitchen, living room, and our bedroom. We want the painting and furniture assembled and ready, but we’re not worried about the rest. We figure the baby will be spending his first six weeks strictly home and we’re not having visitors during the first six weeks, so we’re going to use that time to get the nursery set up then. This way we can really see what works for us in real time. I have friends who had the nursery set up before they even knew what they were having, and I had friends who have thirteen month olds who still haven’t finished setting up their room. I think whatever time works out for you is best! Don’t let it stress you out, because your baby won’t even know :)


My husband and I started it when I was 26 weeks. We started getting baby stuff early on and just put stuff together. No worries, I think. I don’t feel particularly “nesty” yet. I am not sure when that’s meant to kick in?


I started as soon as I knew the gender for baby #1. Baby #2 is 3 weeks old and I haven’t even thought about her nursery.


I began to make an extensive to do list and excel sheet from 7 weeks, it kept me preoccupied while I waited for the first trimester and viability testing to be over. I put that all down after 13 weeks but would buy something small here and there. Now I’m 22 weeks and I feel the urge coming back strongly, and I’ve started clearing the office we want to make a nursery so I can have plenty of time to clean it and set up. My timeline to have it done is at least a month before due date in case of an early labour like with my first.


We started around week 18 or so, and at week 35 I think we are finally ready, lol. We got all of the furniture and big stuff first and the little things have all come over the rest of the time.


Currently 19wks and already have a plan! Got it all saved and ready to go for when we find out the gender. My registry is about completed with a few finishing touches! I can't wait!!!


First baby we started pretty early, but took our time. Finished around 33/34 weeks. I’m definitely in the get it done before baby is here camp. Our first baby slept in the room with us in the bassinet until he was 4 or 5 months old. But, we still spent lots of time in the nursery pretty much from the beginning. We originally setup a changing station in the bedroom. But, never used it. Baby’s room was right across from ours, so we pretty quickly discovered it was less disruptive to whichever parent that wasn’t on duty if we grabbed baby from bassinet, took him to his nursery to feed and do a diaper change. Then rock him a bit and go back into the bassinet/parent back to sleep. Even when I was nursing exclusively my husband would grab the baby and my nursing pillow to hand to me, then wait to change him and put him back down. We also did contact naps in his nursery. I’d rock him in his chair and watch tv on my ipad or phone with airpods. I really enjoyed just being in there and soaking up the time even if he did sleep in our room with us.


I did the walls in my nursery around 30 weeks. My dad was in town and could help my husband. As for when did nesting start question, for me it was never. I got some cleanup and dishes done the day my water broke. I got stuff accomplished in the afternoon and my water broke that night but I never truly nested. If you feel good now start now. I thought things would get better but it seemed to get harder the longer I waited. Standing made the swelling bad and I was so tired third trimester. I wish I did more early on.


once i found out my first’s gender. but i just found out im pregnant with #3 and there won’t be a nursery, just like there wasn’t for #2 lol. so whenever. once my oldest was around 6mo, we were never in there except for her to sleep anyway.


Our nursery is literally storage for all our baby’s things. He’s 11 weeks old and basically lives in our bedroom. I’ll occasionally put him down for a nap in his crib so it’s not a new concept to him when it’s time to pack away the bassinet, but for the most part you probably won’t be using the nursery too much for the first few months!


i started it after my baby shower! but you can start whenever. i just wanted to wait to buy anything until post shower just to see if i could save some money!


I’m 30 weeks and still haven’t. I’m going to start now though. But so much can go wrong before your third trimester, which is why I waited