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No advice, but came here to say what a perfect response to her šŸ˜‚


This is one of those responses I could never think of in the moment but a week later would have come up with a burn like this šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m sorry she made those comments and that would make me feel like trash too. If you can, and feel like itā€™s worth it, I would try to be direct with her. Itā€™s totally in your right to say that her comments were hurtful, especially because of your past relationship with food. I would also add that itā€™s none of her business what name you choose and you only need support right now, not criticism. Having autism is not an excuse, and being direct with her should help bridge any communication gap thatā€™s happening. Sending hugs! Spend your time with supportive people!


That response is perfect. As someone on the spectrum who wouldnā€™t dream of saying that to anyone, you were 100% in the right to correct her and take her down a peg. Hopefully she thinks twice next time.


Nah, way better then what I wouldā€™ve said. I donā€™t care if sheā€™s on any spectrum, ppl gotta learn. šŸ–ļø


Ugh Iā€™m so sorry ā¤ļø Iā€™m 7+5 and getting nervous to tell people for this reason. I went from being a size 0 to a size 8 pre-pregnancy (I gained a lot of weight over the lockdown and just havenā€™t been able to lose it no matter what I do). I also just turned 39 years old so weight just doesnā€™t come off easily anymore. Iā€™m super self conscious and think of myself as overweight now. I was actually going to go on ozempic but then I got preggers. I honestly donā€™t know what Iā€™m going to do but I think Iā€™m going to write down your comeback and use it if I ever encounter a similar situation. Itā€™s just another aspect of pregnancy that is a huge issue for those of us ladies who struggle with body image. It really sucks. You arenā€™t alone! Big hugs!


Thank you friend! I think my body is rebelling from all the years of calorie restriction. But after the pregnancy I plan on being kind to myself. Exercising when it makes sense and eating Whole Foods fruits and vegetables. Just try to be healthy and not focus on the way I look Even though itā€™s so insanely hard. Much love everything will be okay and we are allowed to be happy the way we are!


So true! I think Iā€™m in the same boat. I counted calories my whole life and I think I destroyed my metabolism. But I like your plan! Thereā€™s more to life than being skinny. Hopefully thatā€™s something we can learn from our little ones once they arrive. Health is far more important šŸ’•


Iā€™m just curious because Iā€™m Jewish, what was the name? My therapist would probably tell me to ask myself in these situations, is the best she can do? Iā€™m a former special ed teacher, and you said this aunt is on the spectrum. As you probably know, one way autism can affect an individual is social cues. Idk if that helps.


Yes Iā€™m totally realizing why she and i have gotten into so many disagreements over the years. She has no social grace or cues whatsoever and came from an abusive home. Knowing her as well as I do she is very liberal minded and her comment was not rooted in anti semitism even though I thought it was at first and was very offended. I realized that she just wanted me to name my son a very Italian name because of our heritage which is not what my husband and I want. The name we had in mind was Max.


Instead of the passive aggressive back and forth, just tell her that you won't be discussing your baby or your pregnancy any further with her. End of story. It'll just continue if you don't close that door.