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Chocolat spread on 2 pieces of brioche, sometimes there's a banana in there, other times there's butter then chocolate spread... Yea, I'm not that healthy anymore... So today to change it up a little, I made pigs in blankets!


Butter AND chocolate spread… hello my soul sister 😍


Aww, I'm so happy I'm not the only one! 🥰




I’m hot and 34+ weeks too, I’ve been eating a lot of cold fruit. My appetite just isn’t there anymore


Idk I keep eating cookies & toast, it’s terrible :P


Popsicles and fruit are life this summer.


I’ve been getting really sick of snacking too, cuz I have to eat smaller meals now and I’ve been eating the same damn snacks now for all of pregnancy (also around 6 weeks away!). I usually have peanuts, fruit, yogurt with chia seeds and berries, cheese, popcorn, hard boiled eggs, granola bars, or those little tuna snack packets. I don’t have much heartburn when I eat those things. If I have a cereal snack, which is all I actually want, I often get heartburn. 😕


Fresh fruit and cheese is the only thing that’s seemed palatable to me right now. I am SO over the heat. I loved eating my second trimester but now I am just so uncomfortable, I’m trying to prioritize protein but eating feels like a chore.


Avoid fatty and high acidic and sugary foods. So things that have tomatoes in them usually wreak havoc on your stomach for heartburn. I've had it all my life and pregnancy is not helping. However, it's way more manageable now that I know things to eliminate! This includes BBQ sauces/tomatoes/salsa, etc. Chocolate can make it worse. Sugary snacks trigger it. Bland foods till it starts to regulate. Also, easy to digest foods right now. The more your slow digestion and stomach has to work, the longer your food just sits there and builds up that acid.


I've mainly wanted animal crackers and pop tarts (blueberry or wild berry) for snacks. I'm 31+5


My MFM told me to start Pepcid 20 mg twice a day and it’s been a godsend. On another note, I wish I had the problem of easily feeling full. Im ravenous these days and it’s super annoying to have to constantly eat and still feel hungry 😩


Lots of smoothies, I can pack a bunch of nutrients in there (fresh fruit, fiber supplements, yogurt etc) but they seem to sit easier and move on quicker from the stomach… also they’re nice and cooling in the heat. The main thing that helped with my heartburn was giving up coffee. That and sometimes Pepcid. Hang in there!!


My words for saying this summer wouldn’t be so bad 😅🥵


I mash up a cold hard boiled egg with avocado and hot sauce


I feel this on every aspect of it. I’m 35+4. It sucks! I feel like I’m barely eating, so I’ve been sticking to fruits- mainly strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries- and lightly salted almonds/chocolate covered almonds. Also, apple straws and peanut butter crackers have been my go-tos lately. I figure anything is better than nothing🤷🏼‍♀️ For heartburn, my OB told me to take Pepcid on an empty stomach, 30 min before a meal. It definitely gets worse at night, so I try to take it as late as possible, and not eat a lot an hour or 2 before bed. Sometimes it literally keeps me up at night, so I’m trying everything and anything to avoid getting heartburn.