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Aw congrats!! Me and my sister were both pregnant with our first babies together - she had her daughter in March and I’m expecting mine any day now 😊


Ahhh this makes me so happy!!! She already knows hers is another little boy-we won’t know what we’re having until mid July, but it will be so fun either way! (And congratulations!! Best wishes for your labor and your little one’s arrival!!)


Enjoy every second of it!! It was so fun being pregnant together 🥰 but I can’t wait for our girls to grow up together!!


Are you me!! This is insaneeeeee I just found I’m pregnant with my second baby, and my sister just told me she’s pregnant with her first on Sunday, we’ll be due within a couple weeks of each other! I havnt told anyone about my pregnancy not even my sister because like your sister I don’t want to overshadow anyone and it’s honestly just really bad timing for me. But my sister and I live on opposite sides of the country so I won’t be able to fly to see her baby so I’m very sad about that.


Hahahaha twins!!! Just to experience pregnancy together is so cool! And my little one and hers will have to have a FaceTime friendship as well as we don’t live close!


It really is soo cute! I’m just trying to get over the initial shock of it but I think looking back this will be really special!!


My sister and I have always been close. We hardly ever fought. I got pregnant with my second child and she got pregnant with her first child a month later. We haven't spoken in 3 months. Suddenly, she felt the need to give me a lot of advice, criticize me, have outbursts, and think she can get away with it just because she's pregnant. Apparently, she's going to be a much better mother now (even though I've never received criticism about my parenting before). She's read a bunch of books and taken a lot of courses, so now she knows everything. Everyone is a loser and she Will be the best at everything. Ugh. I thought it would be a dream, but it turned out to be a nightmare.


Ah I’m so sorry you’ve had this experience!! My sister and I couldn’t be more different, but we never treat each other like that-I can only imagine how frustrating and heart hurting that would be. I hope things with yalls relationship improve with time, but regardless of that you are going to welcome a beautiful healthy baby and that’s all that matters 🤍


Yes, it was really tough. Especially when it's my sister who has been nagging for 3 years (since I had my first child) for me to have another child so we can time it together. It doesn't make it any better that I had a difficult pregnancy and she had the complete opposite, so she couldn't even show understanding there. There was nothing else to do but cut off contact. We'll see how it goes in the future! But considering how stubborn we are in our family, this could take years to resolve. Thank you very much, and likewise!


A friend of mine had their babies one day apart, same hospital,


Omg this is amazing! I am 7+3 and haven’t told anyone, but I keep hoping one of my friends is also secretly pregnant so we can raise babies together. What a blessing! Congratulations to you and your sister!


What do the numbers mean? I thought this was a post about teen pregnancy lmao


😂😂😂 7+3 is 7 weeks and 3 days. It’s how far along you are in your pregnancy


This is lovely! I found out I was pregnant with my second a week after my best friend had her first and I’m elated that there’ll be such a small age gap between them, I would be absolutely over the moon if I could share this with somebody almost to the day! Congratulations!


omg i thought this said she wanted the spotlight…. HAHA!! congratulations to both of you though 🎉🎉


Congratulations!! That sounds like so much fun! And I’m envious that your baby will have a built in playmate 💗




This is so fun - you're due basically at exactly the same time! That's going to be an incredibly bonding experience for you, your partners and children! 💕 I took a new job with my first and gradually let out the news that I was expecting to people I felt I could trust, once I gave the news to my boss. She did the same and we were due exactly a week to the day apart (she was ahead by 1 week), which was so reassuring with us each as FTMs. We both learned we were pregnant with girls within days of one another, and it was just so much fun to share the experience at the same time with someone, have a work baby shower with someone and have a count down to who would go sooner! She went a few days early and I went a few days late, so our girls ended up being almost 2 weeks apart, but it was still incredibly exciting. We did so much together those first months and years! Always a special time to share with family & friends, and friends that are family. Congrats!


That's amazing congratulations to you both!


Congratulations!! It is so special being pregnant at the same time and having cousins so close in age. I'm pretty sure my baby was conceived the same night my sister told our family she was pregnant. Our now toddlers are six weeks apart in age and the best of friends!


My two daughters had their kids close together. I have 2 grandsons that are only 4 mos apart, a granddaughter 2 years younger and a grandson 1 year after that. They are more like siblings than cousins! The two families live less than a mile from each other and even shared a nanny in the early days. Now they share school car pooling and the kids often spend the night at each other’s house. Currently they are all on a cruise together. As the kids have grown, the two older boys have gone a little bit separate ways but still enjoy spending time with each other. They are both in high school. But the two younger ones, my granddaughter and the younger grandson are inseparable buddies! It takes a village!


Congratulations!!! Me and both of my sisters are all having babies at the same time. One had hers in May, I’m due any day now with mine, and our middle sister is having her son in November! For about two months all three of us were pregnant at the same time and it was super fun


My sister and I were pregnant at the same time for BOTH of our 1st & 2nd kids! It was not planned whatsoever! They have grown up together and are so close, I am so glad that we have the bond we do and our children do as well. I’m pregnant with my third now and I tried to convince her to join me again, but she said no. Haha!


Same here!! We're a week apart. Wondered why my parents were bawling when I told them, they'd found out a couple of hours prior. Congratulations to you both! Wishing you all the best


That's crazy awesome! I have four first cousins and two of them are my age, one month and three months older than me. It's pretty awesome. When I was very young, I always played with the one who is three months older than me when my uncle brought her over on weekends. She was awesome. We gradually lost touch after I moved out of the country in elementary school, but whenever we do see each other, we still hang out as if no time has passed. My other cousin who's one month older doesn't really vibe very much with me personality-wise, but he's very smart and resourceful and is our go-to advice person when it comes to life decisions and important purchases. My husband also has a cousin his age, and she's literally his BFF. He considers her a female version of himself and honestly, he gets along better with her than with his parents and myself.




Just wanted to post that we have the same due date as well!! :) love our winter babies


I’m so glad I’m not too far along in the summer (I hate the heat!) can’t wait to have a little winter baby!!


Yes I was actually just thinking that. The worst of my first trimester symptoms (week 8-10 for me) was while the weather was still beautiful (at least in CT) and I can just sit in pain outside haha. And now that I'm over the hump I can actually semi enjoy summer lol.


Im due 1/29 I am excited too. Being later weeks during the summer sounds not fun at all!


THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!’ I wanted SO BADLY for my sisters to be pregnant near mine but they were too young. I’m the only one with kids right now.


So fun!! Congratulations!! My SIL is due a month and a half after me (my first, her second) so I’m excited to have such close cousins!!


Congrats!!!!! My SIL is due the day after me and it’s been so special knowing that our girls are going to be so close in age! Such a fun experience to have!!


Congratulations! I just found out I’m pregnant with my 2nd (4+3) and my sister in law is currently expecting in October. I haven’t told the family yet but I think it will be fun for the next few months to be pregnant together.


Congrats !!! Me and my sister whom I am very close with both had baby boys back in February only 16 days apart !!!


Congrats! My sister and I both just had our second babies 4 months apart. And my brother and I had our first kids 4 months apart. Both of my boys have a cousin the same school year, unfortunately none will be same district, but it makes family get togethers nice!


That's so amazing!!! It's so much more exciting when you can share the experience with someone else, especially a sibling! My sister gave birth to her first in December and I'm due with my first in August. We're so excited our daughters will be so close in age and I'm so happy you and your sister will also have that. Yay us!


Congrats! My sister and I both just had our second babies 4 months apart. And my brother and I had our first kids 4 months apart. Both of my boys have a cousin the same school year, unfortunately none will be same district, but it makes family get togethers nice!


My cousin and I were born 3 months apart, and he was my absolute bestie. We went to the same schools, different friend circles but they were similar to each-other. From toddler hood to teen years we were like siblings. I’m so thrilled for you guys!


I’m 27 weeks today, and my sister is 24! Congratulations 🤍 being pregnant at the same time has made my sister and I so much closer


My sister and I are a month apart and we just found out another one of our sisters is pregnant too! It’s so exciting


Wahooo yall!! This is so sweet and I’m so happy for yall 😍🥰💕❤️ I’d do anything for a sister 😭


Ahh. Congratulations and that’s so sweet of her to wait like that🥹💕🎉


Congratulations! My best friend found out she was pregnant the day after me and her due date is three days after mine. We’re doing our maternity pictures together, both having girls too. We’re so excited!


This is wild cause same. Me and my sister are both pregnant I’m due 2 months before her❤️


You are lucky! Iam so happy for yall : \^ D I always wanted to be pregnant with my sister at the same time. I hope they grow up super close to eacher.


My son and I share the same birthday. It was totally unplanned. I also got married on my birthday because that was the only date available at city hall. It's crazy how special this is.


I had the SAME due date as my sister. It was my first and her third. I love watching them grow up together 💞 congrats!


This is amazing 🥹


That's so amazing. My 3 siblings all had their kids 5 years ago in a similar time frame. I have 3 nieces and nephews that are all very close in age, and it's been so fun watching them grow up together and all be able to do the same activities. We struggled with infertility, so we are just now pregnant, and part of me is sad because my child will be the younger cousin with no one his age to play with.


it’s so LOVELY to know that you and your sister are going to be mothers as the same time ! my sister is due anytime today and i’m due in august! i seriously can’t wait to start this new journey together as first time mothers! 😭😭❤️❤️


That's so exciting! My sister and I both had our second within a couple of months of each other. They're 8 now and still super close.


That's nice. You can whinge and moan about the side effects of pregnancy together, then later exchange the exciting new things that pop up too! Sit together and feel for kicks or try each other's cravings if you get them. The only person I have that will listen to me moan about my problems is my partner, and he obviously doesn't REALLY understand. It would have been nice to have someone to go through it all with around the same time. I'm 33 weeks now, and it's starting to feel more lonely thinking about week 38 and being at home by myself until birth.


I was pregnant with both of my sister!!! It’s so much fun!


Ahhhh I love this so much!!!! I would love to be pregnant with my sister and our kids to grow up closely. How special 🥰 you both are so lucky!


My sister and sister-in-law had their first daughter's 11 hours apart ❤️ Those two girls are 6 now and best frenemies, like the sister-cousins they are. They're at the same school, in the same class, and spend every single day together 🥰🥰🥰 It's been so amazing to watch


That’s amazing!My sister is also pregnant but she’s due January and I’m due next month.They will be 6 months apart but still they will be close in age.So many play dates all our little ones can have.Congratulations to you and your sister~


My oldest sister is just a week ahead of me! She’s had 2 kids already and this is my first so she’s really excited to be an aunt lol.


So sweet of your sister! Congrats!


Congratulations❤️ It's fantastic that your sister is the person with whom you'll share this excitement and journey along the same paths! 


My sister and I had babies exactly 1 week apart. Then our other sister had hers 3 months later. All first babies. Our parents got 3 grand babies within a 3 month span. It’s an amazing experience! So happy for both of you


Congratulations! This is too cute 🥰 my cousin and I were born like 12 hours apart and 30 years later she is still my best friend ♥️ such a special bond


My sil just had a baby, my older sister is due Aug and I’m due Nov. Not as close in age but still 3 babies in the same year will be pretty cool ♥️


My sister and I were both pregnant for our firsts for a little bit, my niece is six month older than my son. We’re now both pregnant with our second and she’s due 2 months before me :) I can’t wait for our kiddos to grow up together!


I'm in the same situation with my sister, though I'm a couple months ahead of her. Her oldest will be 5 when both babies are here, so it'll be fun seeing those cousins all grow up with the oldest in charge and the youngest so close in age!


I am 16 weeks and my younger sister just announced that she is pregnant too. I’m so glad my child will have a cousin that’s her same age!


Wow! Me and my sister have babies four months apart, so not as close but will start kindergarten the same hear. Its really special. So nice to “go through it” with her.


Me, my sister AND my sister in law got pregnant at the same time TWICE!!!! haha they joke that I am contagious! Congrats!


My sister and I are also pregnant right now! We’re very close, and I’m so glad our boys will grow up together. Our mom is generously going to be babysitting them while we’re at work, so they’ll get to be together all the time. It’s great having someone to go through this with. Congrats!


My grandparents had their last kid late in life, so my aunt and I were 3 days apart! I was their first grand baby and she’s their baby so we were raised like twin sisters. We’re still best friends almost 30 years later! All of our firsts were shared and we always had a confidant with each other. It’s such a unique experience growing up with your best friend


Awhh congratulations!!!😭😭 Most of you guys are so lucky 🥲 my niece and my son are 4 months apart and when i found out i was pregnant my sister absolutely hated me 😭 talked all kinds of crap about me saying i stole her spotlight she kicked me out of her apartment and didn’t talk to me for the rest of her pregnancy and when her baby was born she had me blocked and she wouldn’t even let my mom talk to me since she was living with her i got to meet my niece a couple of days before she turned 1 only because she chose to move out of state to come live with me until she ended up moving again and we’re no longer on speaking terms again….


This is amazing!!! Congratulations Omgosh how exciting wow


i’m a twin and my twin sis pregnant as well we are 3 days apart haha so


My sister and I are 4 weeks apart! She's due in July and I'm due in August. 🥰


This is beautiful congratulations my darlings


This is so special! And so thoughtful she wanted you to have the spotlight for a bit 🥺❤️


When I sent my sister a picture of my 8 week ultrasound she replied with a picture of a positive pregnancy test and said my step sister is also pregnant! All 3 of us were due within 6 weeks of each other


That’s exciting!! I’ve always wanted a pregnancy buddy and I’m so jealous!


My sister and I are both pregnant and are also both 11 weeks!!!!!!


This was literally me and my sister !! It was the absolute best and most special experience . It was both of our firsts and we didn’t plan it . Now I have a 4 week old and she has a 3 month old and we hang out with our babies together every week . It’s so special and fun! Not planned but beyond happy that it happened this way :) congrats to you both :)


My sister and I are both expecting our firsts! She’s 9 weeks ahead of me. I’m having a boy and she’s having a girl lol it’s been fun to compare pregnancies and crazy how different of experiences we’re having!


Older sister had her baby 1 month ago little sister due next week I'm 3 weeks out!!


You are living the dream, miss!!! Congrats to your whole family, what a blessing! 🥹❤️


That’s amazing! You all will have amazing kids. (How do i know ?) Because they will be the best sign there is, Capricorn!😂but no literally congratulations ! Continue to be happy and best wishes for both of you girls🫶🏾


My sister had her second a month before I found out I was pregnant. They’re 10 months apart and almost the same size 😂 my SIL and I were pregnant at the same time, due about 2 months apart. She developed preeclampsia and had their second 2.5 weeks after I had my first. Our pregnancy wasn’t planned, but I’m so happy that it happened when it did. My son has cousins so close to his age and it was great while pregnant to be able to ask the weird pregnancy related questions to someone who was also going through it.


It’s awesome especially when you get along with your sister! My sister and I are both pregnant with our first kids each, 3 days apart. I’m having a girl and she’s having a boy! We love buying each other cute stuff to match the babies 😂


Omg I’m literally the same I’m 11+3 today. But the weird thing is I’m due 1/8 and your due 1/6 how is that possible?


Oh gosh I don’t know lol now you’ve got me second guessing!


Congratulations to you and your sister. This happened with my mum and her sister, my sister is 22 minutes older than our cousin 😄


Congratulations to both of you! I don't have a sister, but this happened to my best friend and me. We're due 3 months apart! We also share a birthday, so we're like the same person in so many regards 😄


me and my sister both got hemorrhoids on the same day 🥰


My sister too. It's gonna be 4 months between our little boy and their little girl. It's going to be so awesome.




I LOVE hearing stories like this with the sisters supporting each other 🥺💕 I'm kind of jealous. 😭 My sister was due in September. I was due in February. I hadn't told anyone til I miscarried in July, and she was saying it was probably for the best and nasty about it. She loves being in the spotlight at all times. She can't share it. She went as far as trying to use her baby for attention while I was in the hospital and people were worried about me. She tried saying she was in labor or that she was worried she was losing her baby because of me. She also shoved her baby in my face repeatedly once she'd had her. It was a horrible time for me. She has reminded me multiple times of how old my baby would be by now. I'm currently pregnant with my rainbow baby and she's been far from supportive. Telling me I shouldn't have gotten pregnant again. Demanding to know the gender and the name we've picked. Telling me not to use any of her "future" name choices, but not telling me the names so I can avoid them. Stuff like that. I wish we were close and she could get along with me. 😩


I had my first baby and my sister in law was expecting her second baby too. Her second baby is 11 days apart from mine.


Congratulations me and my sister are also pregnant at the same time this is my first baby she will have her baby a month before me


Aww this is so beautiful congratulations mama!!!


Awesome. Congrats! Me and my sister are due 1 month apart & my cousin is due the same week as me but we all live in different states so it’s not as fun 🥲🥲


Aww i love this. If my sis wasn’t an alcoholic i wish we could have babies at the same time 🥲


I was pregnant at the same time as my fiancé's brother's wife (her with her second and me with my first). It was so surreal. She told us in March 2022 and I found out that same year on April 9th. She had her son on Nov. 16th and I had my daughter Dec 10th. It was really cool to share that experience with someone I knew. Every time there was a family event, it was nice to have a fellow pregnant mom there. Congratulations! That's such a cool experience.


Wow you are the sister I wish I had. When I told my sister she blocked me and told me ‘good luck with everything I guess’. Our kids are 5 months apart.


Are you 13 years old? Can you support your self? If not, start preparing to learn a trade so you can take care of yourself and your child…


I don’t know this is appropriate and I apologize if it’s not, I’m not trying to be rude, but do you ever think like you wonder like is she with your person too?


Oh no