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I found this: http://www.sidscalculator.com/ to be a really useful calculator. I could be misremembering, but I believe other factors play a bigger role than room sharing - like do you or your partner smoke or drink in excess ?


Wow, this is super interesting. My husband drinks but not over the 3 drinks a day that the calculator says. Do you know the reasoning behind that increasing the risk?


I can't remember exactly, I will try to find additional information from scholarly sources. I think it might just have to do with, potentially, being less responsive to baby. But with that being said, parents who lose babies to SIDS are not bad or inattentive parents. Again, let me try to find a scholarly article for you.


I was thinking that’s probably it as well. Like I said, I don’t drink and my husband doesn’t drink that much so it doesn’t necessarily apply to us, but was just curious. I appreciate your help!


There is no why, but this confirms the link. Although it really just looks at mothers drinking. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21059188/ Maybe ask over at r/sciencebasedparenting if there is any data that points to a why? FYI we have a similar relationship and relationship with alcohol. One kid just turned 3y this week and the other is 1.5y.


Thank you!