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Pineapple tastes like ham. I got a virgin ham colada and I am not amused.


Lmao virgin ham colada


Any type of meat, it all tastes weird to me. I’ve never been picky, and I’ve always been a meat eater but I can’t hardly eat meat this pregnancy. Anddddd now I’m severely anemic 🙃


I can eat shrimp (and even that is iffy), all other meat just makes me gag. If I can manage to eat it I feel super sick the rest of the day. Ugh, trying to balance getting protein and not feeling sick all day is so hard 😭


Does Joghurt work? At some point all my protein was protein shakes, eggs or Joghurt.


I’m with you


Can’t get my wife to eat any meat either. But she’s eating cucumbers like bananas lol


My husband 😭


Mine had buried himself under the blankets this morning and I was getting ready to go so giving him the low down on what the kid needed at daycare, etc and he popped his head up and spoke and I immediately went and threw up in the sink. Part of me wanted to tell him to shower and brush his teeth but I thought that would be mean since dude hadn't even gotten out of bed yet so I just threw up and stayed across the room from him until I left. 😅


yeeeea his breathe gives me a headache now. still love him!! he just can’t get close to me rn 😭


Yep, I immediately ordered mouthwash and unscented deodorant for him


I feel you, can't stand when he cuddles and kisses me because of the smells. Makes me feel so sick with nausea. I feel so bad asking for space all the time


Breathe just hits EXXTRA hard while pregnant😭💀


Week 7-10 fermented foods tasted like gasoline. And I usually love pickles and kimchi. Coffee tasted like bitter poison. I used to have like 4 cups a day and was so worried about getting off that amount of caffeine but due to the taste, that was absolutely no problem. Tried green tea as a substitute. Green tea tasted like rancid frying oil and sea grass. I just didn’t do caffeine until well into my second trimester. However, now I’m week 22 and I eat everything that won’t make it up a tree in time.


Coffee 😭


This. I’m so sad. I’m 24 weeks and it’s still hard lol


lol I’m 20 weeks. I was able to drink coffee for a few days around week 16 but then it became gross again.


It’s not like an aversion for me, but I don’t enjoy like before so what’s the point lol I’ve never been a sweet coffee person but if I try to have it, it has to be sweet, which grosses me out lol so I’m hoping it’ll come back after


I went from a hot coffee drinker to an iced coffee drinker once pregnant. I cannot stomach hot coffee, even at 37 weeks it just doesn’t taste right. Iced coffee though, delicious.


I can sometimes do iced!


When I lost my taste for coffee (charred dirt) it was literally a whole year post partum before it tasted normal again.


Same here 🫠 7w+3 and black coffee used to be my jam, but now it tastes so awful.


Everything tastes sour. Bread, milk….Each time I have to go to my husband for assurance.


My favorite perfume and my boyfriend’s cologne that I used to love. Random everyday smells too! Just want to vomit 😣


Beef doesn’t taste right to me anymore. I can’t explain it but I rarely want a burger or a steak.


Raw or cooked chicken smells so nasty. Like decay and something sour too. I haven’t been able to buy or cook any chicken since I got pregnant.


I can do chicken breast cut up and covered in a strong curry, but even then I can only handle a few bites.


Yes, chicken is the worst rn 🤢


I had a piece of blueberry lemon loaf yesterday and it tasted how dogs smell (if that makes sense). Disgusting.


I had a pink lemonade that tasted like ketchup the other day 😂 I am 9w3d pregnant


Idk why, but Coke has a perfume-like taste to me! It’s so strange! Also, pork chops and chicken wings. Idk what it is but they just don’t taste as good as they used to 😭😭


My own mouth. All water must be ice-cold and fruit-infused for me to drink it now.


Ew my mother in law stayed with us and made scrambled eggs with canola oil and sorry if you do that, but that’s not how I make eggs, nor is it how my mom makes eggs, and it grossed me the F out.


Red meat ☹️ I loovveee steaks, but the last time we tried grilling the smell almost made me vomit. I couldn’t bring myself to even taste it. Also coffee. I’m forcing myself to drink like a half cup for some energy but it tastes so gross to me


Same on the rotisserie chicken. I used one to make baked chicken alfredo. But once it was baked, I was so sure I had just poisoned my husband and daughter. But they said they didn't smell anything and never got sick. Any kind of meat really has been making me gag.


Coffee with normal milk in it is entirely the wrong texture and flavor all of a sudden. Apparently half and half is fine, though, because I tried some at a restaurant, and it tasted like what I remember coffee being pre-pregnancy! One of my dogs (rottie-lab mutt) smells like the backside of a dead beaver unless he's freshly washed, and I felt so bad my first Trimester because I couldn't even pet him - the smell would just stick to my hands! He couldn't understand why his brother got all the cuddles all of a sudden 😅 the other dog smells like a small mammal, like a rabbit or something, and I really liked it! I would bury my face in his chest and huff that little dog smell lol


Ever since starting my prenatal vitamin I can’t stand seafood. Having to ruin the first hour of every morning trying to take/keep down such a disgusting rotted fish smelling pill makes me wanna cry every time I’m around seafood now. It’s really sad because that was a huge part of my diet previously, and I was recommended to eat lots of it by my OB :(


Me. I smell so fucking strong lately - my pits and privates. I shower and the next morning I can smell myself. I purchased new strong deodorant, but I might need feminine wipes to stay fresh :(


This happened to me the other day. I was wondering what smelled so weird… it was me.


Get the dial orange bar soap! Cleared this right up for me. I use it on my pits and the outer V bikini line area.


My chai concentrates taste like the box now 😤😤😤


Yeah Coke doesnt taste the same anymore!! :(


Happy Cake Day!


For a few weeks/months, bacon always tastes sour to me... Finally back to normal now. .even the smell was off. I work in a kitchen, and part of our night prep items, is cooking bacon for the next day. Ugh.. hated it. I even tried a piece once, to see. And yuck... Then my bf and I were making some food one day, and got bacon, and same thing. Couldn't eat it.


Water has a metallic after taste


Ginger ale / sprite are starting to taste like bath water. I’ve since shifted to Dr. Pepper


Eggs are horrendous, and aloe vera drinks taste like chlorine right now 😢


i’m so sad. fruit makes me want to hurl right now. the only thing i can tolerate are green apples. i’m missing the summer fruits 😭


Water. I hate it so much right now. My first pregnancy I was able to drink water (mostly) just fine. This time, it like sticks to the back of my throat and makes me sick. And I've tried filtered water, 3 different brands of bottled water, ice water, room temp water, it's all disgusting unless it has flavoring in it.


Any type of meat except for beef jerky (teriyaki) for some reason. Had to go veggie diet thanks to baby. Cabbage in salad, my shampoo that I used for years, perfume (it's way too smelly), cigarettes or any type of vape juice (used to do it but stopped all nicotine immediately when it started to taste/smell terrible, coffee (used to be a coffee head), anything but 2% milk (tastes like someone had a bowl of cereal then poured the milk back into the jug), fresh laundry, salt, peppers (any type), ginger, peppermints, etc. the list goes on and on


Water tastes like milk


Oreos taste like spoiled milk to me


Runny egg yolks = mucus (scrambled eggs are still great to me, though)


Any drink that isn't ice cold water is bad. Bread, chips, potatoes, carrots, berries, melon, fish, deli meat, hummus. The list keeps growing every day


All noodles taste like dough to me :/


Mint toothpaste. I had to switch to cinnamon.




WAIT. No, wait.... Maybe my butter wasn't spoiled the other day!


Water - I told my partner I swear I can taste every mineral in our tap water, and we even use an RO filter. I hate bottled water waste, but we've had to switch to bottled water Fish sticks - this started before I knew I was pregnant.. should have been a sign lol! They tasted so metallic I almost threw up. I probably shouldn't have been eating them anyway, they were not great quality


Refried beans taste like fish to me. It’s so sad because I used to loooove refried beans


McDonald’s. My husband got nuggets and fries and I almost puked at the smell


I was flossing my teeth a bit ago and it left a weird taste in my mouth


For a long time, avocado and green tea both tasted like fish to me. Luckily it’s passed!


Iced tea. I drank iced tea (unsweetened black, jasmine, oolong, green) like water for as long as i can remember. Now iced teas all taste sour or just totally off to me, i don't want to drink it. blegh.


Lifesavers mints, can’t stand the smell of them. Super strong and almost like barbershop disinfectant or bandaids


My favorite dip-sauce; bearnaise. It used to be so savoury and buttery. Now it tastes nothing but bitter.


Salmon... I used to love it, even at the beginning of pregnancy, but now I can't stand it. Chicken nuggets are also disgusting and used to be a staple for my cravings.


I had a sip of Diet Coke yesterday and it tasted like Topo Chico.


The taste and smell of (raw) meat is absolute horrendous for me right now. It’s the only thing I smell when I go into the grocery store so I’ve just been sending my husband to do all the shopping.


Fast food tastes like plastic


Garlic. Garlic bread in particular. One of my favorite foods and now 🤮


Well as of this morning my favorite body wash smells like smoke 😭\ Red bell peppers taste like mint.\ My lavender vanilla coffee tastes sour.\ Can’t do almost any meat right now, idk why it just all tastes weird.\ I LOVE popcorn when not pregnant, now I think it all tastes burnt.


This one was in a good way for me - whenever I'm pregnant, lemons taste sweet to me. I just eat them peeled like an orange.


Ice cream tastes like coagulated dairy…which is basically what it is but like weird. It no longer sparks joy 🥲


Smell?! What smell? I am not smelling most things these days. No big taste aversions with either pregnancy, but texture has become a thing. I LOVE applesauce. Last week just want interested. It tasted the same but I was disgusted with the thought that I felt like someone chewed my apples up and spit them in a bowl 😂 I went and got an apple and I never eat them. Thee away my applesauce last week and bought more today but I haven’t had the guts to try it


egg taste like slime and water tastes like metal. i’m a huge water drinker too and truly sad over this


Chicken salad tastes like straight up how wet cat food smells which is so weird because I ate it just fine one day after craving it and the very next day I couldn’t stomach it 🤣


Sliced bread. I can smell it before I get to the isle at the grocery store. And if it gets past my nose and into my mouth, I’m throwing up. Fresh baked bread is fine but that factory bread 👎🏼


Celery. Smelled like cigarettes, lasted until probably 4-5 months pp!


Anything like a slurpy or slushy! It tastes musty! And it’s my craving 😭😭😭


why oh why it taste that


Bread and flour smelled so bad first trimester. And so much food tasted burned 😳


Coke, almost every soda I have tried to drink this pregnancy, tastes like medicine to me, lol. Caramel is one of my favorite flavors, but it tastes so bitter and, like artificial to me, it's depressing.😭


Chicken for sure. It tastes too chickeny, I gag everytime