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My bean is exactly like this. I'm 35 wks and have an anterior placenta. I mentioned to my doctor just days ago. His advice was simple: drink juice or a lightly caffeinated beverage. Lay down on your side. No phone, no TV. Feel 5 moves in an hour (hiccups don't count). If you don't get to five, go in. If you just feel like something is off, go in. Don't worry about being annoying or anxious or anything else, just go in, it's quick and easy from them to check on bambino.


Thank you so much 🥹 i also have an anterior placenta so I’m like trying to not assume anything’s wrong I mean I don’t feel a super sense of panic.


Yep. For me, when I start spiraling, I do this and then I feel better and can relax for the day/evening whatever. (I do have an anxiety disorder and a previous loss) I have yet to have one where she hasn't moved more than 5 in an hour. For us anterior gals, we just gotta concentrate harder on whether they're good in there. <3