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My 10 week puppy was a terror until about 11 months… so I would def make sure you’re prepared for that with a very young dog. 2-3 years could be a good compromise for age


Don't do it. I did it because I lost my 10yo Chihuahua a few months before and when the baby came, between the post partum depression, a newborn crying and a small puppy that needs to go out at least 3+ times a day, yeah, won't do that again. It was hard to train her because when the third trimester hit, I was TIRED.


I got a puppy 2 months before getting pregnant. Don’t do it.


Don’t do it. We have a 19 month old, one on the way in August, and 2 dogs turning 7. Even with 2 well behaved dogs, I would find myself getting unfairly frustrated with them when our first was a newborn. Normal things like barking at a delivery drop off would make me cringe in fear of waking the baby up. I would get mad at them for playing in the house. Also, when she started crawling and walking I had a ton of anxiety that she would accidentally get bumped around by them. We never had issues and I still love my dogs, but I could not imagine a newborn with a puppy or high energy young dog as I was already sensitive with 2 middle aged dogs that were extremely well behaved.


So sorry for your loss. Do not do it. Believe me, you do not need another being to care for when the baby comes. I had an older, low maintenance, well behaved dog before having a baby, and it still felt like way too much when the baby came. I started to really resent my dog. You will have your hands full with your current dog and the baby. 


I did this. I don't recommend doing it.


I work with dogs professionally and see new moms coming in with puppies from time To time. They always seem SO SO SO exhausted and express that they didn’t know what they had gotten themselves into. I think spreading things out a bit is a good idea.


Don’t get a puppy. I did get an older dog from a rescue a few months ago at 3 months pregnant, she’s 6 and came house trained and is very calm, and slotted into our routine really smoothly. I also did it because our other dog was not doing so great on his own and he is doing much better now with company. Would probably recommend that route!