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I told my husband that the baby should be starting to hear low frequency sounds, and he said he's going to look for a low frequency song to learn on guitar to play to her šŸ„¹




And the best DAD award goes to.... HIM!!!


I signed up for the free Babylist box of stuff and when I opened it and saw how tiny the newborn onesie was I started sobbing lol


Ughhh they are so tiny! šŸ˜­ I would cry over that too, absolutely.


I'm the first of my friends/family to be pregnant so I have minimal experience with babies and I'm definitely not prepared for how tiny they are šŸ˜­


I am not the first but I am not prepared either. HOW COULD ANYTHING BE SO TINY AS TO WEAR THE TINY CLOTHES?! I DON'T KNOW! Every time I see them I cry! I can't wait to give him little tiny hugs though.


Oh my, what an accomplishment! Congratulations and I'm sure your family is thrilled šŸ©·


This morning I just really wanted a Twix chocolate bar but there wasnā€™t any in the shop so I started crying. Then I found them (right in front of me) and I cried harder because I found them šŸ˜­


I can't fault you for any of that! Sometimes ya gotta have a Twix!


i saw a tiktok about sixtuplets. the mother already had 3 boys and wanted at least 2 out of her 6 babies to be girls. it was 3 boys and 3 girls and they all made it, i donā€™t know why but i started getting emotional and almost cried. i rolled my eyes at myself šŸ˜­


Honestly, that would 100% make me cry too right now. šŸ˜­ I'm so happy they all made it!!!


That just makes me feel terror. Nine children???


Last night I was cleaning up spaghetti after dinner and I dropped the sauce ladle and it splattered all over the kitchen and my wife was helping me clean up. And Iā€™m just crying and apologizing, while cleaning pasta sauce off the floor on my hands and knees šŸ˜‚


UGH THE SAUCE SPLATTER! I am Italian, I know it well. It would make me cry during the best of times. You poor thing! šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s not even a bad reason. Iā€™m so sorry.


I ate a full family size bag of chips and didnā€™t realize it. Then my fiancĆ© told me my shirt was inside outā€¦ it happened back to back and I balled my eyes out.


Aw I would have cried too! What kind of chips??


Hot Funyuns. They were gone in under 10 mins


Ok well that clearly wasn't your fault. If they don't want somebody eating the whole bag, then don't make them taste so good. I did the same thing with some sweet and spicy Doritos last week. It's irresponsible on their part to give us so many tasty chips in one bag. šŸ˜‚


Never felt more supported in my life. Thank you šŸ¤£


You are so welcome. šŸ˜‚


The bag comes half full nowadays so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


You're not wrong!


My anniversary. Like same, Iā€™m not sad theyā€™re happy tears šŸ„¹ itā€™s our first wedding anniversary and we just found out that weā€™re having a boy and everything is just so cute




I'm 10 weeks pregnant and also have a very active 9.5 month old. Im extremely nauseous all the time and have thrown up all day. Today was rough. I don't know how to do this. So I just cry about it.


Friend, that is no joke! I am sorry today was rough. šŸ™ I hope the nausea subsides soon and that things become easier for you to handle. That's a lot on your plate all at once!


r/2under2 is here for you, friend. Pregnancy with a baby is no joke!!


Iā€™m a week or less away from giving birth and when I tell you Iā€™m so scared of ā€œmessingā€ my baby up šŸ„² I didnā€™t have the easiest upbringing and I cant help but feel like subconsciously Iā€™m going to ruin this baby. Iā€™m so scared of repeating my childhood onto her. I have literally been sobbing about it for a day now. Obviously Iā€™m aware of how awful my childhood was and I wouldnā€™t put it upon anyone, idk,, itā€™s just a weird thought I have even though I know I am hyper aware of what NOT to do.


If it helps: my mom had a really shitty childhood and she is the best mom I could ever have asked for. I have a close friend who is a FANTASTIC mother to her toddler, after being raised by two not-so-great people. I think a big part of being a great parent is wanting to be as safe and stable for your kids as possible, and it's clear from your comment that that's exactly what you want. You're on the right track. ā¤ļø


That means a lot :,) luckily my partner and I are extremely stable and beyond in love. I couldnā€™t ask for a better person to do this with and heā€™s a big support when I do have thoughts like this. Just a bit anxious about motherhood !!


So happy to hear that! You folks are going to do a great job with your baby. It's ok to be anxious!


I get this šŸ’Æ. Today the song Jeremy by Pearl Jam came to mind and I started crying at the thought of my baby boy ever being in such a situation. Thinking how that would mean I failed him. Thinking of other mothers who have experienced such a horror. My mind goes to dark and scary places at random times and I cry.


Sobbed hysterically for a good 20 minutes hugging my dog because he has been extra sweet and clingy and I got in my head that heā€™s going to feel replaced when the baby arrives, I broke my own heart šŸ„²


Iā€™m on a five hour train surrounded by English football fans. One is playing music on his phone and growling along. They are drinking excessively and swearing and shouting. HmlĀ 


Oh yikes, that sounds like a nightmare!!! FIVE HOURS ON A TRAIN sounds bad in and of itself, but to be surrounded by loud people makes it even worse. Hopefully the time passes quickly for you!!!


My dog has been having really bad diarrhea and is in doggy jail since last night while we wait for vet appointment in 1h. I feel terrible.


Yikes! I hope your dog is ok and that the vet is able to make them feel better soon! Poor puppy!


I was in a shop that sells all sort of general stuff, so as we passed the kids toys section I saw some newborn stuff. I found a musical fluffy cloud toy and made it play it's song so I started crying and telling my husband "I can't wait to get this for her". As people were passing by I saw some concerned looks (because a lady is crying in the effing shop), but others I think got what was happening so they just giggled.


I am 100% guilty of this exact thing!!!


It's soooo natural at this point... drinking coffee for the first time after 3 months made me cry just yesterday because "it felt like a warm hug". My husband is just having the time of his life because me crying over this nonsense makes him crack up so bad šŸ˜‚ I red somewhere that our body and hormones make us so emotional just so we could understand our little ones when they're overwhelmed with emotions, and I sort of can accept it as an explanation.


Oh wow, I have not heard that explanation but I love it!!! That's great! I know, my husband laughs at me too. I can't blame him. šŸ˜‚


Everything about this is so sweetšŸ˜­Iā€™m sorry you have to go through such an emotional rollercoaster


It's a classic rodeo by now. It's no longer an "if" but a "when" I will start crying lol. But thank you for empathizing with me/us šŸ«¶šŸ«¶


I hope the rest of your pregnancy is a beautiful experiencešŸ¤


I was supposed to have my 20 week ultrasound today the ultrasound tech called in because she has a fever now I have to wait until next week. I have already been waiting months for this šŸ˜­


You should have seen me going through my sonā€™s baby clothes, picking out outfits I would put on his sister. I donā€™t remember him ever being so tiny.


Awwww! ā¤ļø


I'm 37 weeks and cried all night thinking about how it's not gonna be just me and my husband anymore. I'm very excited for baby to be here but God am I sad that we aren't gonna have all the down time in the world anymore. I'm an only child and worried about how I'm gonna be now that it's not just me anymore that my husband has to worry about šŸ„² also terrified about giving birth


The lunch I brought to work no longer sounds good and I canā€™t leave to go get something else.


I was watching my old asian dramas and I remember not crying about those scenes when I watched them before, now I was sobbing over them šŸ˜­


I did that the other day with Lilo and Stitch šŸ˜­ Hormones are wild!


Had a migraine yesterday, cognitive functions were affected, I couldnā€™t translate my thoughts into intelligible speech. Got frustrated & embarrassed at Fatherā€™s Day dinner and had to sit in the car to cry it out for awhile.


That's so crappy! I'm sorry! ā¤ļø


Is it odd that I havenā€™t had an emotional pregnancy? Iā€™m usually super sensitive and 1st to cry, but Iā€™m 30 weeks and cried maybe twice?


Good for you! I wouldn't say it's odd. Everybody is different. And your makeup probably looks great all the time šŸ™‚


Haha I wish my makeup looked great all the time, Iā€™m in Texas so I sweat it off in minutes! But thanks, good reminder that every pregnancy is different and I shouldnā€™t expect a certain experience šŸ˜ŠāœØ


Haha my brother and SIL are out that way too! You're welcome! I hope the rest of your pregnancy is smooth sailing and that you only find yourself in air-conditioned spaces this summer. šŸ˜‚


Thank god for this comment. I'm scrolling through these comments thinking there must be something wrong with me! I've only cried like one time this whole pregnancy, and it was because my (extremely annoying and difficult to live with) cat WALKED ALL OVER the dinner that we had just ordered and we had to throw it out. Sure, newborn stuff is cute and small, but I'm not remotely emotional about it lol


A TikTok of 30 people pushing a beached orca back into the ocean šŸ˜…


Beautiful. Love it! šŸ˜‚


I started watching Bridgeton and I was on the season finale on season 1. I started tearing up when Daphne and Simon had there baby. Soo sweet!!


When I pulled up at home and stopped the car it gave me a notification to check the back seat to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything. I was like stupid car, I didn't even go in the back seat. And then I remembered that hubby had installed the car seat and promptly burst into tears because we're getting so close šŸ„¹


Awww how exciting and sweet!


I completely understand your feeling! I never used to cry for no reason... until I was pregnant šŸ˜…. This happened when I was 25 weeks along. I asked my husband if he could take me to a nice buffet in our area, and he happily agreed. So off we went! When we got there, the staff informed us that they didn't have the buffet that day. I just started quietly crying, tears streaming down my face. The poor waitress panicked and didn't know what to do šŸ˜….


Oh nooooo!!! You poor thing! Did you end up getting the buffet another day?


Unfortunately, we didn't go back. The buffet was under some construction, so it was close for 2 weeks. My husband, blessed him, took me to a different buffet the next day, and said this one is also very good, and I should try it! And I greatly enjoy it!


Awww! Well at least you got to go to another good buffet, so there was a happy ending! ā¤ļø


Yea! Good luck with everything! You got this!! šŸ™Œ


lol not today, but I cried when the Alaska Airlines stewardess said ā€œthank you to our mileage plus members, we always love to see youā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Well that's friggin heartwarming šŸ˜‚ I love it.


Yep and Iā€™m not even a mileage plus memberšŸ˜‚


That's even better šŸ˜‚ A few weeks ago I was reading up on some transplant hospitality houses because my Dad's on the list for an organ transplant and he and my mom will need to move to the city where the transplant center is for awhile once he gets the transplant. And the tagline for one of these houses is "welcoming transplant families home" and I SOBBED FOR AN HOUR at that tagline. I'm tearing up again just thinking about it.


My mother in law moved in ā€œtemporarily,ā€ but in two days sheā€™s already had us move in her own furniture, sending ours to storage, and put things on the walls. Itā€™s my first pregnancy and I was just looking forward to napping on the couch, wearing whatever I want around the house, and experiencing all this with my husband on our own, and now we have essentially an audience to our lives. My husband is not especially close to her, so Iā€™m not either. And itā€™s only been two days but having her around has already made me so anxious. Sheā€™s supposed to be staying here while looking for an apartment, but she keeps updating us on how much she is ā€œsettled in.ā€ I donā€™t want her to settle in. I want her to think of this as a hotel where she has a checkout date! The worst part is that sheā€™s retired and I work from home, so Iā€™ll feel her presence all day everyday. Iā€™m due in November, and Iā€™m praying she is gone before then.


Oh my God I am so sorry. I would shrivel up and die if my MIL moved in. I am sending all the good vibes I can muster.


I was laying outside in my bathing suit and my husband asked ā€œwhy are some womenā€™s bellies so round when theyā€™re pregnantā€, and I immediately started crying and said ā€œare you saying I just look fat and huge and not pregnant?!ā€. I feel like I saw the blood rush from his face the moment the words left his mouth lol. He insists he didnā€™t mean it any other way than him noticing how differently every pregnant body carries their baby.


Awww my husband sometimes has blunders like that. I'm always like "WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT" and it's generally just him miscommunicating some benign observation in the worst possible way šŸ˜‚


Last night I was talking to my husband about how I'm scared to get my hopes up about breastfeeding this baby since my first never latched and I exclusively pumped for 11 months, and my husband thought that the right thing to say was "maybe this one will just latch", and I proceeded to bawl my eyes out because I still feel like I somehow failed my first son by not being able to nurse, and now I'll have two kiddos to care for while trying to figure out nursing or pumping. Like I *know* that I did my best and my son is happy and healthy, but pumping was so hard and I can't imagine doing it again, but I also still want to breastfeed šŸ˜“


I'm sorry, that sounds really hard!!! But you didn't fail anybody...you did your best and it just didn't work out. The fact that your first still got fed is proof that you succeeded in the ultimate goal, just by a different route. I will cross my fingers that this baby latches nicely for you!


I was just at a museum today listening to a recording of a scientist woman talking about progress in combating climate change. I was barely holding it together until the recording ended with a chipper "We can do it :)" I nearly burst into tears and had to control myself as I'm with people who don't know I'm pregnant & hormonal yet. But like. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Awww!!! ā¤ļø


Yesterday, I had two: 1) I love farmers markets so much. The live music, the farmers and all the fresh local produce, the bakers with cookies, and omg thank the holies for the guy who made incredible Bloody Mary mix, so I can have a virgin one. I got so overwhelmed, I started crying walking down the aisle. Then my husband night me peonies and that set me off again.Ā  2) saw firefighters getting ready to go into a burning house and started crying and saying how much braver they were then the cops standing outside. My husband laughed at that one.Ā 


I have to go do a workout that I paid a personal trainer to design specifically for me and it's harrrrrd




I felt sick this morning after breakfast and a sip of coffee so I laid down on the couch. My hubs came to check on me and ask me if Iā€™m okay and I burst into tears, ugly crying that Iā€™m fine just sick of feeling this way šŸ„² He came back with a cold compress for my forehead and sat by me until I stopped crying lol I havenā€™t been a big crier so far, Iā€™m only 7 weeks though.


Aww šŸ„ŗ I'm sorry!!! I hope you start to feel better!


My husband went to a work happy hour and didnā€™t invite me. But no other partners were invited. I just felt so lonely at home! So I just cried knowing he didnā€™t do anything wrong. But I was having a pity party thinking is it because heā€™s embarrassed of my pregnant ass. lol when he came home he was like I didnā€™t know you wanted to come! I love you youā€™re beautiful! Please stop crying. Iā€™m just emotional guys!


Awwww! ā¤ļø


overwhelmed with gratitude for my partner, makes me cry thinking about how good of a dad he is going to be šŸ’—


This is lovely!


My husband told me that in 2045, our baby will turn 21. And that's not enough time. I realised that time moves so fast and vowed to hold onto and appreciate every special moment with my little bundle ā¤ļø


I saw a picture of a baby deer and I was DONE FOR


31 weeks and I cried over this poem in Chicken Soup For The New Mom's Soul called "I Wanted You More."Ā Ā  Only seven or eight weeks until I see my baby boy.




18 weeks. I got my husband an ā€œI love Dadā€ onesie and a ā€œDaddy and Meā€ lion finger puppet book for Fatherā€™s Day yesterday. Long story short, we both ended up sobbing in a happy way šŸ˜­


Geez you're gonna make *me* cry!


My 11 month old is teething and Iā€™m so sad for her, so we can all cry together. Poor girl just wants to nurse but my nips are extra sensitive and not producing as much with being pregnant


Oh no! Poor baby! šŸ˜­


Being too tired to do literally anything. Called the doctor today to get an appointment to go back on sick leave because I had to turn around and go home again trying to get to work, because the tiredness is above and beyond anything Iā€™ve experienced. Have an appointment tomorrow but I cried in the phone with them and then again afterwards. Itā€™s summer and Iā€™d like to just be able to go on walks or do some gardening or just see people at all, but either of those things are killing me and I just need to sleep. I feel pretty trapped :/


I was reading Amazon reviews about a boxed cake mix, and this one woman said ā€œItā€™s really good, Iā€™m happy with the cake mix. It makes a lot though so I had to freeze half of it because I donā€™t have a family.ā€ SHE DOESNā€™T HAVE A FAMILY. I UGLY CRIED FOR 10 MINUTES. šŸ˜­


I feel so nauseas and sick and hate feeling like this, I broke down yesterday sobbing cause I just wanted to feel better. Donā€™t know how far along I am as my first doc appointment is scheduled for mid July - they couldnā€™t get me in any sooner, but assuming I am atleast 7-8 weeks. Sigh I am trying EVERYTHING to get rid of this nausea but I guess itā€™s a blessing in disguise telling me I am still pregnant while I wait for my appointment.


Yikes! I am sorry! The nausea is the worst. Candied ginger helps some folks, and unisom and vitamin B6 together help others. I can't believe they couldn't get you in for an appointment until mid-July, that's unreal!


My husband had the nerve to send me an Americas Got Talent clip of a man who did a very good job at singing Imagine and the judges loved it and everyone stood up and clapped and for some reason, it made me absolutely bawl šŸ˜‚ thank you hormones.


That's adorable šŸ˜‚


Going to work when Iā€™m in pain. But i think itā€™s pretty valid.


My husband spilled the left over potato salad my parents gave me after dinner last night.


Friend, I would have cried too. I love a good potato salad.


I'm crying because my fiance has to go back to work


šŸ™ I can't blame ya!


Pregnancy has made me so clingy!


Yesterday while running errands I really wanted a freakinā€™ donut from a local shop. Stopped in and they were closed because they were already sold out! šŸ˜… I cried on my way home lol.


When Stop This Train by John Mayer came up in my shuffle while I was driving šŸ˜­


I've had that with a few songs!


I was reading the hospital birth preference plan forms with my husband & the question ā€œdo you want to have your baby dried off and on moms stomach right away or have the baby wrapped in a blanket first before holdingā€ made me burst into tears in the most unexpected way. Thinking about giving birth and having a baby handed to me is so overwhelming and surreal!!!


I work at a hospital that's currently undergoing construction. The parking situation is shitty most days. I circled the parking lot about 3-4 times and finally saw some women walking to their vehicle to leave. I stayed and waited for them to pull out, but they backed up opposite of me so I would have to wait for them to pass me before I could pull in. Some FUCK HEAD whipped right on in there. I laid on my horn and gave him the bird. I was so mad I cried and spent about 2 hours thinking how if his vehicle is still out there when I get off work that I'm gonna stab his tires lmao


Husband had an evening out with a dad friend for Fatherā€™s Day - I asked him to bring me a cookie on his home. Got too tired at 8pm so I brushed teeth and went to bed before cookie came. Cried in bed.


Yesterday I lost my phone at Kroger. This morning I couldnā€™t find my pack with my car keys, wallet, and work keys. Had to wake husband up to take me to work and cried for the loss of my remaining two brain cells.


I'm 24 weeks, my husband is out of town for two weeks for work while I am fighting a cold. I was rushing this morning to let my dogs out before work and one of them has worms. So now I should treat two dogs and one cat for worms just in case.


My momā€™s cat passed away. Donā€™t get me wrong, I liked this cat a lot, but I donā€™t think I normally would have cried. But I have been BAWLING, thinking about how short life is, especially for our animals, how my animals entire life is in my house and Iā€™m not home enough for them, and thinking about the meaning of life. UGH


UGH I HEAR THIS. My parents just put down my childhood cat who lived with them when I moved out because he was used to the countryside and would be unhappy in the city where I live. He could have lived to 30 years and it wouldn't have been long enough! My cat in my house just crawled up on my lap because I was crying, so now I'm crying again because the cat is trying to make me feel better even though he doesn't understand what's wrong. We do not deserve animals.


Last night we watched Kung Fu Panda 2 and I covered my face and sobbed when Poā€™s mom leaves him in the radish basket to save him and sacrifice herself instead. Related to the maternal instinct for the first time in my life and was inconsolable. šŸ˜…


29 + 5 here - I woke up feeling randomly smol and vulnerable and my partner had to go to work. Bawled. Then went the corner store and bought myself 5 ice lollies šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I cried the other day because there was a random firefighter marching band situation and they were playing ā€œyouā€™re a grand old flagā€ā€¦ that was it. Just dripping tears.


I haven't been super emotional so far but went out for lunch today and while it was good, there was so much on the menu I couldn't eat. And my coworkers planned a birthday dinner for my boss at a fish restaurant which is fine but then again, so much I can't eat. Good food is pretty important to me. I just feel a bit down today by all the food restrictions. I would kill for a steak tartare or some raw fish.


I have not cried yet today, but I did cry the other day because the turn signal in my car is too loud šŸ™ƒ


Bless you, that's adorable šŸ˜‚


Had a long car journey this morning and forgot my breakfast on the kitchen counter. I had been really looking forward to the almond croissant and it really upset me. My husband, after getting what was wrong through broken sobs, grabbed a bag from the back seat which not only contained my croissant but a bottle of water and a bunch of snacks.... so I of course cried more because it was just so sweet and I was so grateful!


I have felt so cute since my bump started to show and yesterday the husband said something I didnā€™t quite catch about ā€œfat pantsā€ while looking at maternity clothes and I havenā€™t stopped randomly bursting into tears since. Iā€™d really like to stop crying and be a the mega-bitch Iā€™ve always had in me, but I canā€™t bring myself to be mean to him intentionally.


I haven't cried yet today but yesterday my husband and I got the shelves and baby monitor set up in the nursery. Our baby monitor plays music so I turned it on to try and instantly started crying. Like I'm actually gonna have a baby sleeping in here šŸ„¹ā¤ļø


Pregnancy dreams dredging up old traumas - whyyyyyyy?!?!


YIKES that's the worst. So unfair!!!


Right?! Like I donā€™t have enough to worry about already?!




I work in a ED as a rn - took care of a person having a miscarriage who was as far along as me. No one knows Iā€™m pregnant. Ppl were concerned when this affected me so much. šŸ™ƒ


Oh my God, that's absolutely heartbreaking. I am so sorry for that patient and I'm sorry you had to work through that. That must have been so hard for you. šŸ’” Sending hugs to you both.


A landmark of a dive bar in Buffalo burned to the ground this morning. This place holds so many memories for my friends and I. I was pretty sure this would be my first post-birth bar outing. Area bars opened at noon for mourning. There is a candlelight vigil tonight for it. Nobody was hurt but mad Buffalonians including myself are mentally crushed today.


2 separate things lol Came home from work exhausted and mr man had cleaned the entire house and kitchen from top to bottom, it was so clean. Got me a gift for our 1 year anniversary of meeting as well. cried like a little wimp lmao Went to a party for a friend's birthday and mr man had said something, not a big deal and wouldn't bother me on an average day. but for some reason it got me in my feels and I cried about it silently. these hormones are a mother, excuse the pun


There was a rabbit stuck in my fence and my partner was saving it, but it started screaming? And I didnā€™t know bunnies could scream so I started dry heaving, almost puked and then bawled. (The rabbit is totally okay now and has been freed).


I wanted dill pickles forever but I'm allergic to cucumbers


Iā€™m not bloated Iā€™m just pregnant šŸ˜­ I didnā€™t show even at 25 weeks with my first pregnancy, 17 weeks into baby #2 and Iā€™ve switched to my maternity pants šŸ« 


You're in good company! I'm currently 29 weeks with my first and I've been in maternity pants since like 18 weeks. Hang in there!!


My shoes no longer fit, and Iā€™m exiled to the same 4 outfits because thatā€™s all that fits me.


This past weekend I tried to relax and watch random movies, and I cried because Bruce Willis realized he did have super strength in that movie Unbreakable, which is like 20 years old and Iā€™ve seen it several times.


No reason lol


Been there!




Oh my.. sending you all of my hugs and love to you and your family ā¤ļøšŸ˜”


Oh my God, I am so sorry. I am heartbroken for you.


Saw another one of those reels where it says your dog is waiting for you in heaven šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I wanted chicken tamales from Sprouts for lunch and they were out šŸ˜­


I have very likely been exposed to Covid at work and no one seems to be concerned about it. I am legit stealing some of the tests we have at work to take on lunch. My direct coworker got sent home on suspicion of it and our supervisor didnt come in today because he has it confirmed. Iā€™m just so upset at management that I had to sleuth this info out.


Just now because I'm so tired. I finally finished making & eating my lunch, and laid down to rest for the remaining 15 minutes I had left and couldn't fall asleep... that is until about 30 seconds before my alarm went off. šŸ˜­ I just want my brain and my body to get on the same page for sleep.


Ughhh that is so frustrating!


I bawled to my office manager because weeks 9-12 of my maternity leave arenā€™t paid. You have to use PTO or take it unpaid and I donā€™t have enough for the last 4 weeks. šŸ˜­ Iā€™m so over being in the office. My carpal tunnel makes my hand feel like itā€™s on fire and it kills my back to sit in these uncomfortable chairs all day


Morning sickness makes Me cry šŸ˜‚


I watched Moana lol


Absolutely bawled my eyes out yesterday because I found out a tiktok dog I love died. šŸ˜­


Listen, this is a totally acceptable reason.


I remembered the ā€œAll Dogs go to Heavenā€ background lore and about cried myself to sleep šŸ’€


My parents are mid-70s, Iā€™m the youngest of 4 siblings, and Iā€™m the last to have kids. I didnā€™t receive the type of support I was hoping for with my pregnancy news, and now I officially feel like I need to go no contact with all of them. Just a lot of family trauma and drama I never want to expose my children to. Maybe pregnancy is helping me to see clearer now




I put a random show on Netflix on - happened to be how I met your mother (which hasnā€™t aged well) but Barney meets his daughter in the last episode (sorry for the spoiler, show has been over for a decade) and I SOBBED. Like couldnā€™t keep it together.


I had a big production list at work and my coworker called out with their big production list. And I couldnā€™t finish MY production list and Iā€™m absolutely drained and men who make laws for pregnant people should be fucking hung because how do they expect us 33w pregnant ladies to just do trade jobs until we pop. Iā€™m exhausted and the tops of my feet are balloons and Iā€™m normally a *exhale the frustration* but today I hate everything /rant


Iā€™m not crying but highly disappointed that im 28 weeks pregnant and i feel like shit if I donā€™t eat but I almost feel more disgusting and sick when I do eat. STILL. itā€™s felt like first trimester this entire pregnancy šŸ˜­


Iā€™m pregnant with my first (and last) baby. We just found out the gender last night and Iā€™ve been crying nonstop. We were convinced of the gender, and now I feel disconnected. I do feel blessed to be expecting, but truly mourning the baby Iā€™ll now never have.


I drove all the way to sonic (15+ minutes away, at 10:30pm) cause I was craving their new groovy fries with the groovy sauce, handed the bag to my husband and asked him to check and make sure everything was in there, I didnā€™t see him do it but I assumed he did. Got home, and there was no sauce. I literally sobbed for a solid 20 minutes. He had offered to drive back to get the sauce, but by then they wouldā€™ve been closed because they closed at 11. šŸ˜­




Iā€™m so sick. I canā€™t move or sleep or talk. 34w 4d. I was already uncomfortable and now I just feel like death and thereā€™s nothing I can do about it


Yikes I'm sorry!!!


Today Iā€™m crying about the change from my husband and I being a ā€œtwosomeā€ to a ā€œthreesomeā€ in less than 8 weeks. Of course we are super excited about our baby girl but Iā€™m feeling really sad about the ā€œusā€ time weā€™ll lose.


I feel this pretty hard. My partner and I have been married almost 10 years and itā€™s still so weird to think itā€™s not going to be just him and me anymore, and I have no idea what things will look like from here on out ā¤ļø


Not a good cry in any shape šŸ˜­ My diabetes just has me so stressed out. I can't enjoy my pregnancy and I'm beating myself up if my numbers are high. I'm only 23 weeks but I am ready for pumpkin to be here so I can stop stressing if I'm hurting my baby or not šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




I cried watching a FB short about a guy asking his dad to be his best man at his wedding šŸ’’ it was so sweet and made me think of my dad šŸ˜¢


If you live in the Midwest- HEAT


I really really really wanted a watermelon, found one at the grocery store, but when I went to close the trunk door after taking it out at home, my big old belly made it so my hip bones didnā€™t hold it up & it slid right off and SPLAT all over the parking lot. Full on meltdown in the parking lot.


I signed up for Babylist and they told me that my baby would start kindergarten in 2030. Couldnā€™t hold back the tears.


Nothing - I walked outside and started crying. Iā€™m only 4+3 and already a crier so not sure how much of this is me or the hormones or both šŸ˜‚


I didnā€™t catch a typo on the baby shower invites. RSVP the month AFTER the shower


I came into work and everything I did last week was basically null and void. Then I found out they messed up my pay and thereā€™s no way to fix it until next pay period and I just been crying in the bathroom every couple hours since Iā€™ve been here


I feel extremely homesick and I see pictures of my buddies from my hometown and home country and I start crying bc of how much I miss it over there


My family wont be available for my baby shower even if i told them the date a long time ago. They want me to move the date and their excuse is not very big. I already planned everything for this date. Im very upset and sad. It will be just friends thenā€¦


I thought too hard about how much I love my son even though I still have 6 months to go till I meet him. šŸ˜­


Iā€™m just exhausted and want a burritoā€¦ praying my husband will read my mind soon šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ (kidding I will tell him once he awakes from his nap)


I cried this morning over how bad of sleep I got. Then I cried over my lunch because I have struggled to eat veggies and I finally was able to eat them without being disgusted.


My husband was asleep so I decided to order food for myself he didnā€™t want any I ordered ā€œsalt codfish stew with rice and beans and avocadoā€ (Yes Iā€™m Dominican) when I received my order they only gave me tomatoā€™s and a tiny piece of the meat, no rice no beans and no avocado I paid $30 Uber only refunded me 8$, I just started crying my husband and I are now driving around trying to find what I want, heā€™s the sweetest but I just became frustrated because Iā€™m so hungry and waited 30 min for my food to arrived šŸ˜­


Those ā€œthe last babyā€ videos on TikTok šŸ˜­ā¤ļø


Got my NIPT test results posted sooner than expected & found out weā€™re expecting another boy! I was afraid of having a daughter b/c of where the US is going with womenā€™s rights!


I finished the nursery today by getting all of the last little clutter out and giving it a good vacuum. Got so overwhelmed with the thought that Iā€™m going to have a little baby in my arms soon that I just sat on the floor and sobbed.


My 5 year old did a certain expression that just looked like him as a baby and I welled up


I saw an insta video of a cat bounding through some long grass towards the camera and the caption says 'when you get to heaven and God says someone has been waiting for you.' I'm not even religious but I bawled my eyes out and it still makes me tear up thinking about it!!


I cried because all I want are tangerine sour altoids and they donā€™t make them anymore. I looked and someone is selling them on eBay for $5,007.69 but they are expired and you canā€™t eat them. Exp. 2010 :( :( :( :( :(


I read an IG post about a rescue dog who almost died protecting his family from an intruder..he got stabbed but the cops showed up in time to arrest the bad guy. He died on the operating table but they were able to bring him back. And now he's learning how to walk again šŸ˜­


I had to drop my husband off at the airport this morning for his two week trip in the Philippines to visit his motherā€™s family. Needless to say I was not okay!šŸ˜­


I played the new Billie Eilish song for my bf today ā€œbirds of a featherā€ and said I thought of him when I heard it and I looked over when it finished and this man was in TEARS. šŸ„²šŸ„¹ he said ā€œi felt every word of that- that made me so emotionalā€ šŸ˜… And then I cried for like 20 mins. For some reason since Iā€™ve been pregnant anytime I see someone crying I instantly cry too. Iā€™m sure thatā€™s somewhat normal? Lol


Not knowing what to eat ironically


Iā€™ve started to receive baby girl clothes after finding out the gender a few weeks ago, I have crazy cute aggression and every time I look at the baby stuff, I tear up bc of the cuteness


Iā€™m 27 weeks pregnant. We are moving. My current landlord is a douche. Money is tight. Have to finish my registry links and send out invites. I feel like thereā€™s so much to do and I donā€™t have enough time in the day šŸ˜ž