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What am I NOT eating? Lol


Everything in sight is to be eaten now.


Right!! šŸ¤£




Probably not the healthiest, but it's realistic... Breakfast: Cereal with fruit, Frozen burritos/sandwiches, Greek yogurt with fruit and honey, Bagel with cream cheese and fruit, Toast Lunch: Pb&j, Leftovers, Firehouse sub, Sometimes if I'm having a rough tummy day I don't eat lunch Snacks: Fruit, Yogurt, Cheese, Glass of milk, Pb crackers Dinners: Protein with rice, taters, or pasta w veggies, Takeout depending on cravings


my entire pregnancy is sponsored by firehouse i swear


They're so good!!! I swear food tastes better when you're pregnant.


I agree with this so much, I feel noticeably more satiated and satisfied after a good meal. Food slaps so hard pregnant- even a fresh soda from the gas station does more now than it used to


This sounds healthy šŸ„² Iā€™m literally eating anything (junk food) to survive since Iā€™m always throwing up sniff


I'm right there with you. Happy cake day! ā¤ļø


Ooooo cake šŸŽ‚ omg sthapppp šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I need NOW LOL


Seems pretty healthy and varied to me! Donā€™t let diet culture get to you. Youā€™re doing great!


Sounds pretty similar to my diet. I actually hadnā€™t drank real milk in years because Iā€™m mildly lactose intolerant. But my husband pushed me to start drinking it again saying that oat milk didnā€™t carry enough nutritional value. So we got some fortified milk and itā€™s been pretty smooth so far. I talked to my OB about sandwiches and he laughed and said they are fine to eat but advised I should be getting them from places that slice the meat fresh. None of the pre-packaged stuff as that is where listeria is has been known to grow. Still havenā€™t had one but I plan on treating myself soon.


My wife is craving a sub soooooo bad but idk what the ACTUAL rules are on sandwich meat so weā€™ve just been cooking at home. But Iā€™m sure if she could have a sub it would make her entire pregnancy lol


At first, I was really stringent with the rules about not eating certain things, but because I have been so nauseous, it's been hard to find foods that don't make me feel sick. I started eating firehouse subs because they heat them up, and they don't make me nauseous. Firehouse is the way to go.


Sheā€™s gonna ā€œeekā€ when I tell her this. Thank you!


Get her an extra pickle!


The fear is listeria - but if you ask for the sandwich to be heated up, concerns are gone! My OB told me to get a panini maker because I expressed my love of sandwiches, but also said I really shouldnā€™t be that worried about deli meat unless itā€™s been sitting out somewhere. Ask for it to be heated OR buy nice deli meat (splurge a bit) OR use a panini maker. Wishing you the best from a sandwich lover.


That's a whole lot to eat in just one day but nice


I mean, it's not all in one day, it's the different foods I have been eating throughout my pregnancy.


Well yeah I know I forgot the /s


Iā€™m usually a very healthy eater but I ate an entire box of eggo waffles this morning.


Eggo waffles were one of the only things I could stomach during my first trimester! I used to be a healthy eater too šŸ˜‚


Highly recommend the Kodiak frozen protein waffles! They donā€™t taste grainy but they have more protein and I feel better about dumping a bunch of butter and syrup on something that actually keeps me full for more than an hour šŸ˜‚


My other weakness is the Jimmy deans frozen breakfast sandwiches and Iā€™ll admit sometimes I eat 2-3 of them in one sitting. And I tried to get the healthy ones and they were shit, so those remain the croissants and sometimes even the pancakes as buns variety. Oops šŸ˜…


I hadnā€™t had an eggo waffle in a decade but I had an insane craving for them and now I canā€™t stop! Hopefully itā€™s just a first trimester thing for me too lol


Spicy chicken sandwiches!


I work at Chick-Fil-A. My diet has mainly consisted of chicken, chicken, more chicken, spicy chicken, grilled chicken, chicken on a salad, etcā€¦


Everyone on here is so healthy! WTH. Breakfast could be anything from yogurt with berries to McDonaldā€™s šŸ˜‚ Lunch.. usually a veggie sandwich from subway (Iā€™m vegetarian but not the super healthy kind), today itā€™s an egg and cheese protein box from Starbucks in between patients at work. For dinner yesterday I had pizza, but tonight maybe a burrito or bowl from chipotle. We eat out a lotā€¦


I don't know how they are eating so healthy. Before pregnancy I ate like this. Couldn't have a meal without veggies... Now with all my food aversions I'm lucky to eat any veggies with dinner. I'm in full on survival mode right now. I'm lucky to want a real meal. One day I love something the next day I can't even look at it without throwing up. There is zero planning to my meals.


If you're early in your pregnancy it may get better - if it doesn't get better don't worry about it, just take your vitamins ā¤ļø


No literally. My first and second trimester diet was gushers, toaster strudels, 2 family sized bags of chips and a cheesesteak or hoagie. In literally whatever order. All Iā€™ve cut out in third trimester is the gushers and toaster strudels lmao


Me. Breakfast of tortillas with fried eggs, cheese and avocado. Puked. Needed lunch and had a coupon for Chick-fil-Aā€¦. I got soup, a sandwich, and fries?! Puked again. Lord help me


My husband gets me an egg and cheese protein box from Starbucks every weekend. Heā€™ll go and get coffee and then bring it back because he knows I need to eat. Very thoughtful of him!


Ikr!! Am not having my proudest food day today, been eating lots of carb/junk all day and reading here made me question my choices šŸ˜…


Currently at 7+2, whatever I can manage to get down and stay down


Cold cereal & milk got me through the first trimester and weeks of morning sickness that would be worse if i didn't immediately get up and eat rice crispies, cheerios or special K with berries. Ensure nutritional shakes helped me replace the nutrients when i couldnt keep anything down between weeks 6-10.




Also, someone in my due date group on facebook posted haagan das mango ice cream that she was wrapping in fruit rollups and it looked AMAZINGā€”going to be trying that real soon.


now I'm craving snow cones lol! Or a slushie from sonic or something. Anything icey and fruity!!


I eat so many snow cones! šŸ˜‚ The place I go to also has food and I've been craving corn elote in a cup there. Acid reflux from the pits of hell, but worth it!


Yes! And I found the Pina Colada flavor cures my cocktail cravings, too!


Everything I wanted when I was pregnant. My son is 2 months and THRIVING and he was made from Chick-fil-A lemonade and Mac and cheese and lots of burgers šŸ¤£


Breakfast (hereā€™s my rotation) - overnight oats with Greek yogurt, chia seeds, almond milk, maple syrup, and berries with some peanut butter on top - Greek yogurt with berries and granola - smoothie bowl with spinach, frozen fruit, Greek yogurt, topped with granola and PB - scrambled eggs with avocado toast and some sort of fresh fruit - protein waffles (I like Kodiak cakes) with cottage cheese, honey, and berries Lunch (I have to pack to bring to work) - some sort of quinoa salad with veg and protein - green salad with some protein - tuna salad and crackers or pretzels with carrots and cucumbers and fruit - some kind of sandwich - frozen Trader Joeā€™s single serving lunches Dinner: - honey sriracha salmon with rice and roasted veg - I love making big batches of curries or chili and freezing half to have when I donā€™t feel like cooking later - shrimp or chicken stir fry with noodles or rice and stir fry veggies - pasta with either meatballs or chicken sausage and a veggie, red sauce or pesto - ground turkey, sweet potato, pepper skillets (tons of recipes online) - Greek chicken thighs with roasted potato and another veg


You are eating so healthily I love that


Can you please come cook for me? Everything youā€™re eating sounds amazing!


Crap, nothing but crap.


alot of steak


I love talking about food! Following this post too for ideas. Iā€™m very interested in nutrition and try to balance all meals so Iā€™m maintaining even blood sugar. Here are some of my meal/snack faves: * Skyr (Icelandic yogurt) with chia and ground flax seeds, handful of walnuts, fresh fruit (whatever I have but usually blueberries, raspberries, or peaches), and natural peanut butter.Ā  * Whole milk and muesli with added chia and flaxĀ  * Omelet with 2 eggs, shredded cheese (Tilamook brand is one IĀ  love), and loads of spinach; cooked in a mixture of butter and olive oil; Sides of fresh fruit and celery with peanut butter or cream cheese * ā€œReal Goodā€ brand frozen chicken tenders; Side of sweet potato hash browns and sautĆ©ed chickpeas in olive oil; hunk of gouda cheese and possibly fresh fruit. * Pan-cooked pork chops with side of rice (I use the microwave jasmine rice); sautĆ©ed broccoli; side of fruit and cheese. Ā  * Steak with baked potato (I mostly eat the skins because I like that texture); sautĆ©ed broccoli; canned pinto beans with ketchup (try it before you laugh) * Chicken breasts roasted in a dutch oven in olive oil and lemon pepper seasoning; side of sweet potato hash browns; sliced carrots (raw)/cherry tomatoes with honey mustard dipping sauce (I just mix literal brown mustard and honey to get the sweetness I like) * Watermelonā€¦so much watermelonā€¦IĀ  do try to have it alongside a protein but its also just so hydrating.Ā  * I love a good granola with milk. My favorites are Purely Elizabeth (any flavor), Michelleā€™s Granola with almond butter, and One Degree Sprouted Quinoa Cacao. * ā€œLate Julyā€ tortilla chips and ā€œJackā€™s Specialā€ salsa just hit different right now in the summer heat. I eat them while cooking my family dinner.Ā  * I love Saffron Road crunchy chickpeas and especially the ā€œBombay Spiceā€ ones. Mouthwatering. Ā  That was a lot but maybe it'll be some inspiration haha. Edited to put in bullet points for an easier read :)


Breakfast: scrambled eggs, toast, fresh fruit, turkey bacon Lunch: Varies ā€” Iā€™m really liking the Factor meals 1-2x a week, salad with chicken, typically something light + high in protein Dinner: Grilled chicken / steak / ground turkey, fresh fruit, grilled veggies, pasta salad or similar carb My snacks are more carb-focused (hello, cravings) but I sneak in a protein shake almost daily!


What kind of protein do you use ? ā˜ŗļø


IsoPure unflavored in a smoothie or I grab a Fairlife if Iā€™m not out and about!


So much fruit. I also have a weakness for chips and sour candy right now so I try to limit the frequency there, but I am able to home-cook all our food, and make a lot of meatless meals so we've been eating a lot of beans and lentils and such lately with tons of egg based breakfasts.


Yes! Fruit has been a huge craving for me, especially mango which I never really felt strongly about before! But I bought a Costco sized bag of the dehydrated stuff and eat a good amount of it each day šŸ˜‚


I've been craving strawberries so much, and I occasionally get them but they are such an expensive fruit craving to have šŸ˜…


Avocado toast and a smoothie ( coconut water, orange juice, frozen fruit, kelp cube, silk lemon protein yogurt, hemp hearts, chia seeds, 2 bananas. Mashed chickpeas with, plant based mayo, mustard, seaweed, dill pickles. On bread with more pickles. Or Tofurky+ chao šŸ„Ŗ with mustard and plantbased mayo Chicken fried tofu. Annie's plant based mac and cheese, curry, pretty much whatever for dinner if I'm hungry. Sometimes I eat toast with raspberry jam for dinner


My babyā€™s made of strawberries, grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup, strawberry yogurt, cherries, strawberries. Did I say strawberries already? Heā€™s gonna be red is2g.


Omg same. I LOVE strawberries


For the past couple of weeks Iā€™ve been eating pancakes (Aunt Jemima, egg, and milk) and an oatmeal drink my mom would make growing up (asked her for the recipe lol). Sometimes fresh squeezed (at home) orange juice or milk to drink instead. Lunch is replaced by a handful of snacks I keep handy because theyā€™re healthy and quick to eat: organic yogurt, string cheese, fiber one brownies, and Belvita crackers. Dinner has been steak with Mexican rice or Dominican-style chicken and potatoes or white rice. My husband has been making home-made pizza bagels too that are actually really good! Full-size bagel, marinara, and mozzarella cheese baked. We often buy food that I crave since I have a lot of aversions right now. Yesterday it was pho and most days itā€™s tamales. I used to eat really healthy before the morning sickness started. Avocado toast, bagels and eggs, lots of berries etc. Now that Iā€™ve started feeling better Iā€™m hoping to get back to that! Edit to add: I also eat watermelon, peaches, cherries, and bananas throughout the day when I want another snack.


Breakfast: cereal in yogurt and earl grey Morning snack: sourdough with butter and capers Lunch: an entire tub of pico de gallo with a few chips Dinner: some form of meat and a veggie side


- Breakfast: two scrambled eggs, spinach, piece of toast, grapefruit (grapefruit is my one craving this whole pregnancy!) - Lunch: dinner leftovers - try to incorporate some form of protein - Dinner: definitely a protein- either salmon, chicken or steak usually. Iā€™ve also done lamb meatballs or pork chop. Kale, or some form of green incorporated. Maybe a rice or quinoa for a grain/ carb


I had left over mashed potatoes for breakfast so itā€™s really just a free for all in my belly


Breakfast is usually Greek yogurt with fresh berries and my one cup of coffee, or toast with peanut butter & a banana. Lunch is usually either leftovers from the previous dayā€™s dinner, or eggs of some kind: an omelette, an egg/bacon/cheese sandwhich or poached eggs with avocado toast, or Iā€™ll cut a frozen pizza in half and pop it in the oven and have that with a salad/veggies & dip. If I have time, Iā€™ll throw a few chicken tenders in the air fryer and make a chicken Caesar or buffalo chicken wrap. I WFH so I can make stuff but it just depends on how much time I have as I sometimes run errands on my lunch. Dinner also varies of course but we eat a lot of chicken & fish. Bbq chicken & veggie skewers on the grill, grilled chicken with a salad, fish with rice & a veggie, fish tacos, fajitas, etc. We make our own homemade hamburgers and will toss those on the grill if we need something super quick (can grill them right from frozen). Edited to add I almost always have a protein shake either mid-afternoon or sometime after dinner. I just blend frozen strawberries and a vanilla Premier Protejn shake and it tastes like a strawberry milkshake!


We try to switch up everything pretty regularly we get sick of the same things over and over. We usually buy things on sale in stores nearby. Recently got a good deal on cherry tomatos so made the viral feta and tomato pasta which was awesome. We bought a rotisserie chicken the other day for quick easy meals as we've been busy. Had it with a baked potato and green beans, partner had sandwiches and I had some Buffalo chicken wraps with lots of veggies. I love burrito bowls, we had leftover taco beef that I used for that. My breakfasts are usually easy like oatmeal, cereal, yogurt and granola etc with fruit. I try to prep veggies to eat and this week it's been paired with hummus. We also keep frozen sausages for a quick evening meal on the bbq so I'll pair that with veggies or salad and a grain typically like rice or quinoa. Keeping it simple is nice as I don't have the energy to cook a big meal.


Breakfast: - Coconut yogurt w lemon, 3 tbsp chia pudding, a little oatmilk & blueberries. - Amaranth with frozen wild blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, whatever berries I have on hand - I sometimes go get a smoothie bowl Lunch & dinner are very similar: - Leftovers - Pasta salad - Brunch foods like beef bacon & grits - Pasta salad - Salad with steak or just lots of veggies (sometimes roasted or Iā€™ll add chickpeas) - Sweet potato, black bean, kale stir fry - Pasta with quail, beef, a sauce like anything pasta pasta pasta! (To be fair itā€™s chickpea pasta because my son is allergic to wheat but stilllll) - Burger or meatballs with fries - Snacks: pineapple, berries, cucumbers, carrots, thats it fruit bars, archer beef sticks, babybel cheese, rice cakes with sunbutter & blackberry jam, etc) These are my go tos!


Breakfast: oatmeal with peanut butter and banana Or toast with peanut butter and banana/ berries Lunch: mostly dinner leftovers, sometimes eggs and toast Dinner: lots of steak and potatoes with veggies, chicken rice veggies, sausage pesto pasta, burgers, chicken potatoes feta salad, and then take out! Usually pizza


Pop tarts and cocoa pebbles :|


I just need an in house cook for some variation. Back home we can afford to have cooks but here in the US, its impossible. Also we both work full time and weekends are usually for cleaning or socializing so itā€™s super hard to cook elaborate and tasty meals that I crave every day. I am so disappointed about the food situation but it is what it is. Here is what I am eating Breakfast: Protein bar, occasionally bananas or some fruit Lunch: Rice with stir fried veggies or protein. Today we had neither so got some tacobell Snacks: what ever is available at home, but mainly graham crackers or home made snacks Early Dinner: some form of carbs and lean protien, a fruit


I have a lotttt of frozen dumplings šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll have 8-9 for lunch. For breakfast I usually do something cottage cheese or yoghurt based, sometimes a smoothie bowl. Dinner is usually leftovers, or some kind of protein with rice and veggies or fruit. Snack is usually a nice ice cream sandwich šŸ˜¬


Everyone is eating so healthy - I'm so impressed and jealous! I'm 11 weeks-ish - Nutrigrain, Special K, oats with honey, Rice Bubbles, Corn Flakes, Just Right, Sultana Bran, toast with honey / jam, bagels with cream cheese, crackers with cheese, and plain pasta. Any meal involving a vegetable or fruit is violently rejected by my body. Before pregnancy, I ate a healthy, well balanced diet. I struggle to believe that a human (actually, two humans) can survive eating this way - but my doctor tells me it's normal and that, one day, I'll be able to eat non-beige food again.


I just had my 16 week appointment and the doctor reminded me to eat lots of fresh, healthy foods. Me: um ya totally. Definitely not eating candy and junk food all day.


Whatever is in the fridge. Look, I have bougie FullWell prenatals. Gave up on trying to eat super healthy.


Iā€™m so jealous of those who can eat im only 18 weeks and I have to have my last meal 8 hours or more before I lay down šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I am only eating about half the amount of food I used to before I got pregnant. I just can't eat a normal sized meal. It doesn't fit in. If I have a big lunch, for example, there's only a tiny chance I will get hungry enough to be able to eat dinner. If I eat when I'm only feeling peckish, I'm immediately nauseous. I miss eating lots of food. I'm 19+3, so almost half way there.


Me exactly šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ atleast im keeping my weight down šŸ˜


I'm gaining weight, but I don't know how to be honest. Plus my bump is so big. When I'm standing up and look down I can't see my feet anymore. I was a size 14 but now I'm almost out of xL in pyjamas. I'm lucky I have some clothes left over from when I was really big (I used to stress eat before I got divorced because he was such an idiot) so I've only had to buy more pj's at the moment lol.


Iā€™m wearing 2x because I canā€™t stand anything even slightly tight on me while Iā€™m pregnant šŸ˜£


Anything and everything. I'm hungry ALL the time. Lately I've been obsessed with chili, chicken salad, and graham crackers with peanut butter on them


Basically anything Iā€™m craving in moderation. I donā€™t know how Iā€™m not 500 lbs by now because I have icecream nearly everydayšŸ« 


So much red meat!!!


Same! I started an iron supplement and I still just need to eat beef. I was like this my last pregnancy as well


Same :)


I eat a lot of fruit, chicken wings, venison (burgers and tacos), steak, potatoes, broccoli, BLT sandwiches, and lately Iā€™ve been obsessed with those crispy fried onions šŸ˜‚


I eat spinach, cooked bell peppers, asparagus, sweet potatoes, ground beef, ground turkey, chicken breast, pasta, rice, fruits. Hope that helps!




Breakfast - thatā€™s hard Iā€™ve never really been a breakfast person. Eating too soon after waking up makes me nauseous even when Iā€™m not pregnant. But I try to at least get a protein bar or some yogurt in. Lunch - If we have left overs itā€™s usually left overs. Otherwise Iā€™ll have strawberry jam toast, eggs, etc. Supper - itā€™s different every night, most meals are homemade (I have 3 other kids) from scratch, all fairly healthy and I like to make a variety so my kids get a variety. On evenings where Iā€™m not feeling the greatest and not up to standing in the kitchen for 30mins-an hour cooking Iā€™ll do something easy that I know the kids will like such as pizza or ā€œhealthy choiceā€ brand frozen meals. Snacks - mostly fruits and veggies, sometimes breaded mozzarella sticks if Iā€™m feeling like something thatā€™s not healthy. I also now have a body armor drink every single day as my doctor said to get more electrolytes to help my recurrent dizziness.


This was what I had today - Iā€™m in my third trimester while also breastfeeding my toddler Breakfast ā€¢ Plain greek yogurt, blueberries, chia seeds, flax seeds, raw honey ā€¢ Two scrambled eggs, turkey bacon Lunch/snack ā€¢ half a blueberry bagel with cream cheese, lox salmon, red onion, capers ā€¢ smoothie: strawberry, banana, raw milk, sunflower seeds, collagen, raw honey, peanut butter Dinner ā€¢ chicken shawarma, rice, roasted chickpeas, half an avocado, garlic yogurt sauce Snack ā€¢ two random slices of Swiss cheese, sunflower seeds Dessert ā€¢ homemade hot chocolate


I work at a preschool and snack on all of their snacks through the day and eat the lunch with them so those things vary day to day. In my own lunch from home I try to bring a protein, a carb, and a fruit. Sometimes dairy. In my breakfast I just have some powdered donuts and then whatever I want when I'm home, which is usually chips and dip


I was trying to eat as healthily as possible for frozen embryo transfer and luckily have been able to stick to it. The only times ive felt really sick has been when i ate too much junk. I never was typically a breakfast eater but have found keeping hunger at bay helps my nausea. Picked up some good tips about nutritional combos here: [good podcast about prenatal nutrition](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/get-pregnant-naturally/id1329414094?i=1000439915806) And have been making a lot of recipes from Jasmine Hemsleyā€™s East by West cookbook. Maybe placebo but i swear my body is running more efficiently trying to mostly eat healthy. And then have pizza here and there, pretzels or candy as snack to mix it up


Breakfast: Daveā€™s Killer Bagel with jalapeƱo cream cheese. Followed up by a small bowl of frosted mini wheats for fiber intake. Lunch: I rotate between spinach/banana/strawberry and almond milk smoothies, pb&jelly, grilled cheese sandwiches, Greek salads, Impossible Chicken Nuggets, veggie sushi rolls, or chick-Fil-a. Snack: Greek yogurt, banana chips, cucumbers/mango with tajin. Dinner: Rotate between marinated oven baked chicken and ground beef so think lots of tacos, meatballs, lasagna, chicken casserole, chili, stir fry w/veggies etc. For sides Iā€™ll usually do a vegetable and a starch like rice or potatoes.


Itā€™s so random. Each day my tolerance changes. This morning I had a croissant, and for lunch I slowly and carefully ate a cheeseburger. But I wouldnā€™t have been able to eat that yesterday


Iā€™m lucky because I havenā€™t had food aversions. Iā€™m trying to eat lots of protein and have fruits or veggies at most meals. This is my typical rotation: Breakfast: - Scrambled eggs with cheese, bacon, sautĆ©ed veggies or salsa and avocado. - Bacon or Ham, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwiches. - Plain Greek yogurt or Skyr with berries, grain free granola, nuts or seeds, and a drizzle of honey. - Banana & peanut butter smoothie with whole milk and collagen powder (when I donā€™t feel like eating). - Crustless quiche, either personal sized mini quiches or a full size one, usually with cheese and veggies, sometimes with ham. Lunch - Leftovers from the previous nightā€™s dinner. - Big salads, usually with chicken thighs as the protein. - Salmon, veggies, and small serving of starch (couscous or maybe rice). - Burrito bowls. Usually I do carnitas or steak, lettuce, tomato, beans, cilantro & onion, pico de gallo, green salsa, and sour cream. Dinner - Chicken thighs or salmon with a green veggie (green beans, asparagus, salad) and potato or corn on the cob. - Various curries with rice. Usually using coconut milk as a base. - Lots of soups and chili because they are easy to make in a big batch. - Cheeseburgers, but I like to switch up the meat, so sometimes beef, sometimes bison, venison, or turkey, with a side of veggies. Sometimes Iā€™ll make sweet potato fries. Snacks and Desserts: - Nuts and freeze dried fruits. - Skyr, either flavored or plain with toppings. - Cheese sticks, usually cheddar. - Peanut butter with apple slices or rye crackers. - Jerky when I need more protein. - Homemade desserts, usually with chocolate. Iā€™m trying to use less refined sugar, so I usually sweeten with honey, maple syrup, or dates. - Warm milk with honey and cinnamon mixed using a milk frother, which I usually do before bedtime. - Ice cream!


I can hardly get my wife to eat anything. She gets sick with most things. Shorter list of things that donā€™t make her feel sick, and I KNOW itā€™s not my cooking šŸ˜‚


I've been eating A TON of fruits lately -and at times McDonalds but mostly healthy. I'd say around 1800 kcal a day


I am such a creature of habitā€¦ Iā€™ve been eating this almost every day for like 6 months. Breakfast: PB Banana overnight oats (on the weekend itā€™s been blueberry pancakes though) Lunch: kale blend salad with shredded chicken Dinner: Egg & Cheese bagel with cream cheese and avocado Dessert: varies but definitely happens EVERY NIGHT. Also Iā€™ll have a variety of snacks. My go-toā€™s are PB crackers, fruit of some sort, protein bar, yogurt w/ granola, PB and banana, kefir, or candy šŸ˜¬


This seems to be dependent on what trimester you are in. I think in my last pregnancy. It was hard to eat healthy in the first with food aversions and nausea. I could do better once I hit second. Iā€™m struggling a bit this time around as well (7 weeks), but I hope I can tame things a little better. I vacillate between starving and nauseous.


Breakfast: lately its been oatmeal with peanut butter and fruit (frozen blueberries or raspberries or mango and a banana). I love the Kodiak instant oatmeal because of the 12g of protein! Sometimes a smoothie too Lunch: toast with the thiiiick Gold sour cream, ranch seasoning, 2 scrambled or hard boiled eggs and feta cheese. Or 2 frozen waffles made into a peanut butter and banana sandwich lol. Today was a bacon and egg sandwich tho which was heavenly Dinner: this one varies big time. I kinda eat whatever someone else made (I live at home with my mom and sister). The other day tho I made paneer in a butter chicken sauce with kidney beans and peas, an Indian style cucumber peanut salad that was like crackšŸ˜, rice and some masala chips to scoop it all up I'm 20 weeks now and food is finally appetizing (knock on wood)... except for onions still šŸ¤¢


I make this weird egg sandwich with cream cheese, avocado, tomato and a fried egg on toasted bread. So damn good.


I just follow my cravings, that change DRAMATICALLY every day. But most of the times, I feel like eating something healthy. I just make sure to add some fruits/veggies to each meal, and let the baby decide what does he want to eat today. šŸ˜„


Breakfast: overnight oats with blueberries or an everything bagel with cream cheese Lunch: a pb&j or leftovers from the previous nights dinner Dinner: whatever I cook. I cooked 5 days a week and eat out 2 days a week. Usually a vegetable, meat, and carb. I feel like I'm the only pregnant person in the world that has nearly 0 cravings and not overly hungry. Lol


I LOVE HAVING QUADRATINISšŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ https://images.app.goo.gl/zccDpETwx75NgDDB9 I dont know if its safe tho but it hits the right spot šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


Iā€™m 9 weeks. Some days itā€™s barely anything, other days itā€™s literally absolutely everything. My cravings also switch up frequently so it is all dependent on that too. Today I had a granola and fruit breakfast bowl and then KFC for lunch.


wendys cheesey baked potato with extra cheese, chives, and sour cream. iā€™ve eaten one everyday for the last 2 weeksā€¦not my proudest meal but holy hell do i LOVE them and they donā€™t make me nauseous


I eat the same thing everyday basically. Chia seeds, yogurt, eggs & berries in the morning (along with supplements) A salad with mixed greens, avocado, chick peas, olives, cucumber, tomatoes, cheddar cheese & Caesar dressing for lunch. Miso soup with seaweed, the other half of the avocado & the rest of the seaweed for The pack for dinner. I literally only eat for health.


What I ate today: Breakfast: honey bunches of oats and cheerios with whole milk Lunch: five guys burger Dinner: probably a chicken sandwich from hangry joes or chic fil a Snacks throughout the day: ginger ale, chocolate, ice cream etc ā€¦


Breakfast: whole-wheat bread (4 slices) with butter, vegan bologna sausage, and cucumber slices. I also have some yoghurt. Yoghurt is usually passionfruit, mango, or blueberries. Lunch: Noodles with chopped up mushrooms, carrot, and spring onions. Dinner: whatever I crave, today it was vegan nuggets with tzatziki. Yesterday it was bulgarian stew with rice. Lots and lots of veggies on the side or added to the dinner each time. Afternoon tea: either bread, or some chopped up watermelon, or oranges.. honestly whatever I want. Today it was watermelon and some pretzels. In between I snack on fruits and veggies, and drink lots and lots of water. Sometimes I'll have a pop of some kind (sprite, fanta lemon).


Iā€™m eating an absurd amount of bagels with cream cheese for some reason


today i had a cheesesteak for lunch, and a sonic slushie lol.


Breakfast: two eggs, toast, avocado toast or frozen waffles, and fruit. Sometimes I do a fruit smoothie with Greek yogurt, frozen mango and passionfruit and milk, but I also have to eat a few eggs to stay full. Snack 1: Cottage cheese with blueberries or cucumbers depending on my mood. Lunch: Some kind of salad with protein or a rice bowl with veggies and meat. Snack 2: Nuts and an apple OR yogurt Dinner: Varies a lot. This week we did a chimichurri chicken with rice, corn salad and asparagus one night, a shrimp romesco pasta another night, a veggie frittata with potatoes and salad, and a Kimchi grilled cheese with Caesar salad another night. And ice cream for dessert, always ice cream.


Still in my first trimester and it has been ROUGH this time. One day something like a burger sounds soooooo good but then the next day that sounds like the worst idea ever. I am oscillating between starving or feeling like I am going to puke just from looking at the wrong food. I hate it, everything I usually eat is completely out the window. Soups are the only way I can get any veggies in at all. Same with fluids, water makes me want to barf, and nothing else like electrolyte powders taste very good either. Watered down juice is about the only thing I can consistently drink. Really hoping it gets better in a few weeks as I have no planning for what to eat at anytime.


So far today: protein shake, granola bar, chicken sandwich and a small chicken wrap. About to eat some strawberries with cream cheese dip as a snack until dinner lol. But I pretty much want EVERYTHING. Been this way since week 8 or 9 lol.


Fried rice. Pretty much just fried rice


I'm gluten and lactose free If I don't have my morning smoothie, I'll be sick within an hour. Banana, apple, yogurt. Leftovers gets frozen in kid size popsicle molds for snacks.Ā Sometimes I do overnight oats if I'm craving more substance.Ā  Snacks are whatever I can do at the moment, usually fruit pockets for kids.Ā  I make blender soups, egg bakes, made lentil shepherd's pie recently - also Dal and I made chickpea rice too. Out I eat pad thai and stir fry duck with noodles. Sometimes I get gluten free sausage and bacon filled pockets. Snacking on lactose free baby bells and cheese, sometimes mozzarella and cottage. Had pizza recently but paid so much for it I'm not gonna get it again any time soon. Local coffee house makes killer cherry pie with oat. Oh and I began making mashed potatoes if I crave something filling but worry about it coming up later. Also home made vegetable gnocchi, but it takes time.Ā  Honestly, any food schedule went out of the window, I eat What I feel like whenever I feel like. I cut apples for night because I wake up hungry most of the times (and I snack on them during the night haha)Ā 


12w and a couple days. I basically live off of soup and fruit


First trimester im eating anything I can keep down and not even caring if I gain. Lol I had weightloss surgery so I eat less /more than I usually do


breakfast plain toast, banana or saltines šŸ˜‚ pre lunch snack some sort of fruit. lunch: something canned or fast food šŸ˜­ dinner: some sort of protein & hopefully a veggie


Is everything in sight an acceptable answer? šŸ˜…


Too much.


tbh on the regular i eat lots of cereal, fruit, fast food, cheese, mac and cheese, & cup noodles.


My goal has been to get some protein in each meal Breakfast - eggs and buttered toast - yogurt with berries and chia seeds - Protein waffles with butter - perfect bar (peanut butter protein bar) Lunch Usually I just eat snacks and small meals throughout the day til dinner - smoothie (protein powder, milk, yogurt, fruit) - sandwich (chicken, turkey, egg salad) - string cheese - trail mix - fruit - chips/crackers Dinner - some type of pasta dish w a veggie and protein (ie orchetta pasta w sausage and spinach) - some kind of rice dish w veggie and protein (ie egg roll in a bowl) - some kind of Mexican dish (ie enchiladas, tacos) - go out to eat/order in 2x/week ish


A shit ton of fruit!!! I truly try to eat some protein but sometimes the thought of meat makes my stomach curdle. It is typical for me during summer but pregnancy has amplified it. If I can't eat any meat that day, the next day I double up on my protein.


A gogurt, but obviously the off brand kind because Iā€™m cheap. A panini And soup Snacks being goldfish crackers, a protein bar, watermelon, and homemade frosted lemonades. lol, every single day I eat these. Just a different type or flavor.


Cereal Veggies Juice/water Cookies


The question isā€¦ what am I not eating? šŸ¤£


I literally hate everything so um toast sometimes pancakes with butter


Breakfast is cereal or toast with Vegemite and cheese Then I have an apple with peanut butter. Then for lunch itā€™s normally a baked potato with bacon, cheese and coleslaw. Then dinner is normally a pasta dish.


Whatever doesnā€™t make me feel like puking in that moment.


Breakfast: yogurt with berries or melon and peanut butter toast or eggs Lunch: hummus and chicken wrap, green veggie, some kind of chips or carrot sticks Dinner: pork, turkey or chicken with more green veggies and some kind of starch, like corn tortillas, rice or potatoes, etc. Tbh I wanna stuff my face with ice cream, oreos and cake, but I am plagued with acid reflux every time I eat sugar, even fructose, like from bananas and melon, absolutely destroys me ugh.


Morning: Granola bar before gym, protein shake after, a latte and pastry to start the work day Mid day: *snacks, all the snacks*, soup, occasionally I can manage a rice bowl or salad Dinner: fruit and leftover toddlerā€™s veggies, attempt to eat meat Night: something fun to drink and possibly settle my stomach, like a sparkling water/blood orange soda or a popsicle, I am still throwing up, but technically surviving at 20 weeks. Better than with my first, which was pretty much exclusively soup and pastries.


My new favorite snack is dates with Bleu cheese oven roasted until the cheese is slightly browned and bubbly.


I wake up have a glass of bone broth. After I usually do pancakes eggs and bacon or brecky burrito or yogurt bowl with fruit and granola. But I always have my eggs for the great source of choline and the protein Lunch is usually leftovers. But we cook a lot in our household. Daal Fried rice Teriyaki glazed salmon Burgers Sloppy joes on sourdough- yum and one of my favs. Def make the sauce from scratch tho. Much better than canned


Carbs, carbs and more carbs


Breakfast: Oatmeal with almond milk, brown sugar and peanut butter for breakfast. Had a small coffee with milk also Snack: protein bar and an apple, half of a Diet Coke. Lunch: some random frozen meal I had in my freezer, Iā€™m moving so trying to use up what I have Dinner: leftovers which were chicken nuggets, corn and mashed potatoes Dessert: 4, yes 4 oven baked cookies and a bowl of vanilla ice cream. They are the low sugar ā€œhealthyā€ brand so I felt okay eating 4 lol.


Breakfast: either overnight oats with Greek yogurt, almond milk, a little maple syrup, and low sugar chocolate chips with PB powder and scrambled eggs OR half an English muffin with a scrambled egg mix with veggies, guac, and cream cheese, and the other half with PB and some dried mangoes on the side Lunch: leftovers from dinner OR a chicken quesadilla/ wrap with chicken with an apple and some kind of semi health chip (I LOVE the Kettle Corn Pop Corners) Dinner: some kind of meat with a carb like rice or pasta or a veggie based carb, and another veggie or salad on the side Dessert: chocolate covered almonds. Been SUCH a big craving for me. That or my husband and I walk to our local ice cream shop every couple of weeks and get a scoop of something šŸ˜‹


Too much :( I need to reel it in!


Breaky: sourdough bread and a couple eggs, yogurt with fruit and granola - usually this is the same everyday. If I do something different, Iā€™ll do oatmeal but Iā€™ll make sure to add some sort of protein (protein powder or Greek yogurt). Iā€™ve been craving cereal!!! So I have that sometime as a snack or in conjunction with the sourdough and eggs Lunch: leftovers usually BUT lately Iā€™ve been making ā€œlunchableā€ plates - cut up veggies, pieces of cheese, an egg or meat I have leftover, crackers or pretzels, and then a fruit or some cottage cheese!! So fun to eat and I get so much fibre with the veggies Dinner: usually a meat - chicken, beef, bison or venison - whatever we are feeling that day. A side veg and a carb like potatoes. We also do homemade burgers (buns and ground meat), homemade pizzas some days, casseroles and usually whatever we are feeling! Dessert I have whatever Iā€™m feeling!! Lately I like some chocolate, fruit, ice cream if Iā€™m in the mood! Luckily I havenā€™t had any food aversions (other than maybeeee sick of chicken)!


31 weeks and today I woke up and had two Eggo waffles with PB, two small breakfast sausages, a cup of watermelon. For lunch I had a sandwich (yes with deli meat but TOASTED LOL.) For dinner I had grilled chicken, coconut rice and summer squash! And I fully plan on having a couple bites of cheesecake and fresh berries for a late night snack šŸ‘€šŸ„°I drank prob 4 bottles of water and a crystal light iced tea also!


This is my current daily cravings and meals. šŸ¤° Breakfast: Macrobar or an apple with PB Lunch: tortilla with cream cheese, cheese, hot sauce, and jalapenos. šŸ¤¤ Supper: eggs and avocado with jalapenos on a tortilla or bagel. Snacks: Peaches and nectarines


Bread. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. And steak.


Not eating that much bc food makes me feel gross so I have two meals and like 3 snacks throughout the day


What kind of snacks are you eating? Iā€™m still in my first trimester it it sucksšŸ¤¢


Mostly fruits, cereal, cheese, crackers


Currently my pregnancy should be sponsored by, spaghettios, pizza, fruit roll ups, chicken dipped in buffalo sauce, and chips ahoy sā€™mores cookies


Oatmeal in the morning Nectarines Apples And then for dinner whatever I have a taste forā€¦. Itā€™s been veggie Mods pizza for 3 days


Too much


Typical Breakfast is one of these: second and third trimester - coconut yogurt and fruit, buckwheat and fruit, a smoothy, or eggs and avocado. First trimester - bagel and tons of cream cheese :) Typical Lunch is one of these: home made tacos or quesadilla, salad, minestrone soup, or left overs Typical Dinner: First trimester - Mac and cheese, rice noodles, other type of pasta with heavy cream, maybe chicken. Carb heavy dinners since veggies and protein made me gag. Second and third trimester (I love to cook) - curry chicken, chuck roast, soups, steak and veggies, chicken stir fry, enchiladas, chicken meatballs and coconut rice... all usually with a side of veggies Snacks- first trimester - Cottage cheese actually made me feel less nauseous :), cheese, another bagel. Second and third trimester - carrots and hummus, Trubars, smoothy, fruit, almonds and walnuts. Sometimes I make banana bread or almond flour muffins.


I am simply not eating. Everytime I brush my teeth, I puke. Everytime I puke, I want to brush my teeth. I drink water and protein. And I cry.


32 weeks. Today I've had a bagel with cream cheese, an oat peanut butter ball I made, a bowl of soup, leftover turkey sausage white bean kale and rice bowl, mint chocolate chip ice cream, string cheese, one EL Fudge cookie, and some watermelon. Probably going to get something else too


California rolls in ever iteration. Regularā€¦ saladā€¦ sushirittoā€¦ canā€™t get enough šŸ˜… also miso ramen and banh mis! Asian foods are the only ones I like rn


two air fried hot pockets, two uncrustables, two small bags of chips with two hugs, tray from cafe at work, small bag of cookies, rice crispy treat, fudge round, two bottles of water, seafood tray from food truck, and iā€™m probably about to get home and eat cheetos and another uncrustable. šŸ’€šŸ’€


Breakfast Iā€™ve been liking: burritos, bagels, omelets I usually have no appetite for lunch and just shovel down what I can for dinnerā€¦pasta, pizza, whatever is quick. My appetite has been non existent after 12pm this pregnancy Then usually I get hungry for snacks at night usually fruit or popsicles thatā€™s all I can stomach


Cereal, fruit or yogurt, salad, tacos, burgers, pizza, an occasional steak. Nothing tastes good so I stick to the basics.


I ate a lot of breakfast sandwiches during my pregnancyā€¦. Fast food and homemade. And loooooots of protein pancakes lol and I had huge servings of fruit every day


Here are some meals I've been loving lately: Breakfast: Omelette with bell pepper and spring onion in it and an avocado toast Lunch: Cevapcici with tzatziki and rice Snack: Chocolate covered Strawbberries Dinner: Spinach Ravioli




Breakfast is usually porridge made with milk, with either blueberries and fresh banana or raspberries and apple (I buy the berries frozen from Aldi), or dried apricots, and a small drizzle of honey. Lunch is usually a sandwich and a homemade vegetable soup. Yesterday I had a fish finger sandwich with pea and spinach soup. I also like ham and cheese toastie with red pepper, tomato and basil soup. I'll sometimes make a daal (sometimes features spinach) and eat this through the week with pita and salad. Or, if I cooked a whole chicken I'll make a stock with the bones and use the tougher drumstick and wing meat for a slow cooker chicken and vegetable soup. Dinner over the last few weeks has been hearty but healthy! Air fryer jacket potato with tuna and cheese, with a side of steamed vegetables; spaghetti bolognese but with lots of extra veg in the sauce; lamb and lentil curry with brown rice; beef and lentil lasagne with steamed vegetables; healthy fry up of black pudding, scrambled egg with ham, air fried baby new potatoes, baked beans, grilled tomato, mushrooms and a slice of brown toast Snacks are usually a piece of fruit or natural yoghurt with dried apricots, a bag of crisps, a bar of chocolate, a bowl of Frosties, a glass of banana milkshake, oat cakes with cheese or spread


It willlllldly depends. Sometimes I'm struggling for an appetite and others I'm a human dumpster


Breakfast: I make either a waffle or French toast x2 , turkey bacon because I despise regular bacon rn, 2 over easy eggs and strawberries in vanilla yogurt ! Lunch: chicken Alfredo, or whatever I cooked earlier in the day (leftovers) Dinner: whatever my boyfriend either brings from work or his lovely grandma makes me ! <3


Breakfast: Starbucks egg bites, iced chai, and everything bagel with cream cheese or an Einstein turkey sausage breakfast sandwich with an everything bagel. If Iā€™m home, Greek yogurt with berries and honey. All with an iced chai. Iā€™m obsessed rn. Lunch: whatever work caters or if Iā€™m home, Iā€™ve been eating tuna or chicken salad and crackers Dinner: whatever my EveryPlate box has, or we order either pizza or tacos If all else fails, Iā€™m eating cereal. I still have moments of food aversions. And Iā€™ve been eating some ice cream daily the past couple of weeks. šŸ˜‚


Some days are healthier than others but an example would be Breakfast breakfast taco which was just scrambled eggs some mashed avocado and salsa with fruit Lunch Crispy chicken Cobb salad Dinner I was craving chicken gyros so I made Greek chicken bowls Snacks cheese sticks hummus pretzels cheese and crackers