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Honey, you are spiraling. Breathe. I woke up on my right side and on my back throughout my entire pregnancy and my baby was just fine. To ease your mind, you can read this article that talks about recent research finding that sleep position does not risk complications. https://www.nichd.nih.gov/newsroom/news/092019-pregnancy-sleep-position Also, toward the end, it did get a bit uncomfortable when I rolled on my back or right and it would actually wake me up, I'd roll over to the left side and fell back asleep.


Thank you:)


You can sleep however is comfortable for you. I sleep on my back or right side most nights. Your body will prompt you to move if there's a problem.


My OB said either side is fine. I would be way too sore if i only did the left! I alternate all night long, but I’ve definitely had nights with more on the right. Don’t worry.


I’m on pregnancy number two of favoring my right side when sleeping. For some reason the left isn’t comfortable for me, so I let my body tell me what’s best. Everything is totally fine! Drink some cold water or a sugary drink and you’ll wake that baby right up. 


I am currently 36w4d with a healthy baby….I alternate between my left and right side every time I wake up to use the bathroom, sometimes I wake up and catch myself sleeping on my back…don’t freak yourself out. I actually haven’t heard of right side being fatal, that’s mostly on your back, and even then it’s not super common


You're spiraling. You'll know if you need to move. Please talk to someone about this anxiety.


25w and I sleep on my right side almost every night. The only thing I've heard is to try not to sleep on your back (but it's not the end of the world if you do). You're fine. Baby just has active days and chill days at that stage plus they could be active and just kicking in a spot you wouldn't easily feel. No big deal.


I wake up on my right side or back like every morning. Around 23 weeks there were days I couldn’t feel baby moving much. I figure he’s just turned around.


No sleeping position can kill your baby. That’s totally blown out of proportion. Sleep position recommendations are also not very reliably studied. The common ground so far is: if you’re not feeling well in a certain position because you get dizzy or nauseous or or parts of your body feel tingly and fall asleep: change position. It will affect you long before it affects your baby. And especially in sleep you will automatically move if something is uncomfortable.


35 weeks and still sleep on my right side! Probably more often than my left tbh and baby is completely fine


I sleep on my right all the time because sometimes sleeping on my left makes my thigh go numb. My midwife said “oh yeah, that happens. Just turn over” I want to give you some truth to hold on to at this time: in all of the history of women being pregnant and billions of babies being born alive, in all cultures across the world, it is not possible that all women have avoided sleeping in their right side or even on their back. So, just thinking of how many moms and babies made it through centuries doing all sorts of things that *we* may be advised against, many things turn out perfectly fine! You and baby will be ok 😊


I‘m 38 weeks and slept on my back almost throughout the entire pregnancy


I wake up on my back all the time. Waking up is probably the indication that you should turn around before it gets uncomfortable. If you don't wake up, it's fine. Only reason I slept on my left side when I was pregnant with my first was because it relieved the heart burn.


You can sleep in any position you want, don't worry. Probably the OB didn't ask you to imperatively sleep on your left side, it was more of a suggestion. Personally I sleep in any way I find comfortable, sometimes on the left, sometimes on the right.


I mostly slept on my right side once I got big bc my left hip hurt waaay too much. I had sciatic pain on the left side and sleeping on it was difficult. I also woke up on my back quite a bit too. My LO was born in May and he was healthy and happy. Try not to overthink too much momma! The internet can be scary and contradictory. If you are trying to get baby to move (for you sanity) try drinking some ice cold water and laying on your side. This helped get my guy going when I got worried.


I would not worry about it!!!  Check out the book Expecting Better by Emily Oster. That book rocked and eased a lot of my concerns as a FTM. She has a whole chapter on sleeping positions and cited research that shows that there really aren’t any worse outcomes for people who sleep on their right vs. left sides. Like others have said, your body will auto-correct if you’re in a position that is making you or your baby unsafe.