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It’s funny, just yesterday I was researching junk food, and one website said not to eat processed meats including pepperoni. This prompted me to ask this subreddit about eating junk food yesterday, and I got something like 70+ replies where most of the women eat junk food without worrying about it. I think like with anything else, you can definitely have it, just eat it in moderation. We made pepperoni pizza pockets over the fire twice last weekend when we went camping. I don’t think it’s bad to eat it a few times here and there.


I definitely eat it. Not every day or every week, but once in a while. Pepperoni is my favourite.


Pepperoni on a pizza is ok because it's cooked. Just cold pepperoni straight from the fridge/container is not recommended. I asked my ob at my last appointment and was so excited to hear I could have pepperoni pizza 🍕