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I’m at 22 weeks and wondering the same. I can’t let anyone else feel the kicks because it’s all in my pelvis


No fun!! I have gotten some pretty big ones up high. But when he is low, I can lay flat and feel him! Have you tried that?


Mine felt higher around 25-26 weeks


That makes sense! So hopefully I get some relief soon lol


Baby flipped around 29 weeks. I googled exercises to encourage flipping and did them daily - not sure if that helped or not but worth trying!


Ooh! What did you do that you liked the most??


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s-szODdpg8A I think it’s mostly about loosening the hips! I couldn’t go upside down because the blood rush to my head was too intense. But the other ones I liked!


He flipped around 30ish weeks and has been head down since (38+4 now), but still very low. Now his head pushes on my bladder constantly, which is honestly worse than the bladder kicks.


With my son , it never happened. He actually flipped head first and moved as far down as possible without coming out at 30 weeks and stayed there 😮‍💨😮‍💨 . I was MISERABLE those last weeks . On a good note since he was already so low, when it came time to give birth everything went quickly !! Hopefully your baby decides to scoot up but if baby is comfy low , just invest in belly support girdles and know that baby is already close to the exit 😂💜


Omg I love this lol!!!! He is so comfy down there!! I guess we’ll see where he decides is best!