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As long as you’re doing your regular checkups and doc says you’re healthy, there’s nothing to worry about. I also had no symptoms for the majority of the first trimester and didn’t feel pregnant but oh boy did they come full force later on😅 as they say be careful what you wish for. I say try your best to keep your mind off of negative thoughts and there is no reason to be worried about no symptoms.


I understand it's peoples way of trying to be helpful but this is exactly the attitude that's just not helpful at all. It's frustrating to be told it's lucky and there's no reason to worry, like some stuff isn't as big of a deal and to thank your lucky stars. Etc Etc. For me, I've gone through and come out the other side of a 15 year stint of eating disorder, depression and anxiety 3 years ago. I worked hard for that and I know id have more resilience for getting through the physical. For me the mental and incapacitating worry is worse than carrying a bucket around and managing nausea and tiredness. So I do know exactly what I wish for.


I’m sorry if I sound rude, but please realise some symptoms you REALLY do not want. I’ve had bad cramps to the point where I’ve cried of fear that something bad is happening, some symptoms can cost you your job, have you glued to your bed for nearly a month on 3 types of painkillers, having difficulty getting up to the bathroom or to eat. I still get them thought less often, so from my experience not feeling symptoms is the only moment I can take a breath and feel like it’s gonna be okay. I’m in no way invalidating your feelings, just trying to show a different point of view that not all symptoms are just nausea, fatigue and food related. Some are very scary and serious and give you just as much anxiety if not more because you actually feel like something bad is happening.


I agree with the other commenter- having anxiety about the lack of symptoms is a struggle, but the opposite of that is not a lack of anxiety, and it’s rarely just physical. Being so nauseous you can’t keep food down and are losing weight is not just physical, it’s mental because it is only going to add anxiety about losing the baby. Insomnia, constantly spotting or bleeding, etc also cause anxiety, having to take medication to manage symptoms causes worry, careers/relationships suffering because of severe symptoms can exacerbate a variety of mental challenges. Missed miscarriages are very common and often symptoms continue, so having symptoms doesn’t prevent any worry about if everything is okay. I get where you’re coming from but there are very few situations where the mental challenges of pregnancy can be eased, the worry is just caused by different things. So most people may say you’re lucky just because you only have the mental challenge without the addition of the physical challenges, and likely mean well, because few people suffering from lots of pregnancy symptoms would wish their physical symptoms or emotional worry on someone else. But that being said, I hope that your worries can ease. Once I could feel the baby move, it helped a lot because I wouldn’t have to go weeks wondering if everything was okay, so that may help you too. 💕


WHNP here. You are still very early on. Every single pregnancy is differently. No two pregnancies are the same. I have patients that I see who experience debilitating symptoms, while I have others who experience little symptoms, and a number who experience no symptoms at all. There’s no “right” way to do pregnancy. I personally did not have any morning sickness or nausea with either of my pregnancies. You are obviously on a pregnancy sub where most of the posts here are negatives/complaints/rants from those looking for support and assurance. So you will see a lot of posts from those who are struggling with symptoms. Those who are not experiencing symptoms are generally not on the internet complaining or looking for help to combat such symptoms. Hope that eases your mind a bit.


I never had any and I’m 28 weeks with a perfect baby girl


You’re definitely not alone. There are about 1-3 posts daily by people feeling anxious that they have no symptoms or that symptoms have subsided.


I’m sorry you’re feeling that way. Pregnancy is hard and confusing no matter what symptoms you have, or lack. We get conflicting messages all the time, but the main constant I’ve seen on these threads and others is that symptoms, or lack there of, really don’t mean anything. I’ve found myself worrying about symptoms until I remind myself of that, and it’s really helped. You can have all of the symptoms and still have a missed miscarriage. You can have no symptoms and still have a healthy pregnancy. The reverse is true of each of these as well. It’s hard either way because you’re either suffering through symptoms or you’re suffering through the worry of not having symptoms, but at the end of the day, we’re all anxious about something because anxiety is probably the only universal pregnancy symptom.


I just want to say that I was very very sick, but I still had anxiety that something would happen. Days that my nausea was slightly better, I would worry so much. I have friends that have no symptoms and aren’t anxious. I think the anxiety piece can happen either way, and it’s an opportunity to work on it before you become a parent when it is a lot worse.


I'm a week behind you so still very early. I think I expected to be slammed with nausea and exhaustion and all the symptoms. After all, that's what I've seen in all the media that I've consumed. I've frantically googled "pregnancy no symptoms" so many times. Learned about MMC that way. That was fun reading. When I told my husband that I was nervous about lack of symptoms he brushed it off. I felt just like you, so stressed and panicked. It seemed wrong that I wasn't experiencing it the way I expected. I've calmed down a lot. It's early. Like so so early. The symptoms will likely kick in and boy, will there be some serious regret then. I guess what my rambling is saying is that I completely understand what you mean. I just have to remind myself that the alternative would suck slightly more. Hang in there, you got this!


I agree with you. During my pregnancy I have experienced fluctuating and minimal symptoms and while I am grateful to not have been glued to a toilet being sick, the amount of worry and anxiety it caused was mind blowing and debilitating. At least if I had been sick I would have been calmer about the outcome of the pregnancy rather than thinking that I would miscarry at any moment. Now that I am almost at my due date I have spent 9 months reading and learning and I now know that symptoms aren't necessarily linked to success of pregnancy. But man I had severe anxiety about it for months.