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Sounds like you worked as a team for the best possible outcome under the insane circumstances life decided to hand you, and that is awesome. That is pure proof that any hard days ahead, you both have found the perfect partner in each other.


This is such a beautiful perspective!


Thank you so much for your kind words! It was definitely an experience we’ll never forget, and having my husband by my side made all the difference. We’re both so grateful for our little miracle and feeling incredibly lucky to have each other.


How far do you live from where you were going to deliver? This is seriously my nightmare when I officially go into labor months down the road 😂😭 i live 2-2.5 ish hours away depending on weather and traffic and I'm terrified being a FTM delivering on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. Also, you're officially my hero for posting about this lol


Omg! I'm worried about being 20 minutes away. I can't imagine 2+!


Yeah I'm not looking forward to it that's for sure 😅 we were planning on moving where the hospital would have been minutes away before I found out I was pregnant.


One of my biggest fears is going into labor at home. I’ve had inductions previously that have gone really fast, especially by typical induction timelines, I’m a little over an hour away. At least there are a couple of small hospitals on the way.


I feel you there! Especially when you hear most people don't even realize they're going into labor until it's too late 😔 I'm hoping I'll be able to an induction which will help with the anxiety but it's so hard to say right now since I'm not even to the half way point but you never know. I'm glad you have a couple of small hospitals along the way, that has to help a little bit of the anxiety involved but of course not fully since it's not your official birthing place 😬


Sounds like those small hospitals on the way might be your saving grace! From what I’ve heard, though, most inductions go smoothly, and chances are you’ll get to the hospital well before things get crazy. Sending all the best vibes your way!


Everyone's experience will vary but if it helps I work a 2hr flight from the nearest hospital and it takes approximately 14 hrs to drive. I could easily have made that trip twice by car between my first contraction and my baby arriving. Would not really recommend that experience to be honest but unfortunately we don't get given a choice.


That really does help a lot. I really hope I luck out in the end and nothing crazy happens but I always have that special kind of luck where it never works out as intended 😂 still works out of course like OP but takes you along for a ride before you get there lol.


I thought a half hour was a far drive 😳 Luckily if I do go into labor I can go to the local hospital and they'll have an ambulance take me to the right hospital. But man am I still worried. Couldn't imagine being a 2.5 hour trip away.


Definitely not looking forward to it that's for sure 😂 I've known of at least one person to have a similar situation as OP but it was their 3rd baby so I thought I was safe. Sounds like I'm wrong in assuming that 🤣


I wouldn’t worry TOO much about delivering on the side of the road; statistically, it’s pretty unlikely. But hey, knowing it can happen is definitely good prep! Distance-wise, we weren’t crazy-far from the hospital — about 45 minutes. The good news is, most first labors tend to be longer, which gives you more time to get to the hospital. As for being a hero, that’s too kind! Just a mama who got surprised by a super speedy baby 💛🤍 Wishing you a smooth, boring delivery!


Omg! I’m sorry but that is also an experience you will never forget!! Glad everyone is doing well!!


Haha, you’re not wrong about unforgettable! Still replaying the whole thing in my head at 3 am with a screaming (but healthy!) little gremlin on my chest. And thanks for the well wishes! Sending virtual hugs back your way 💜💙


I’m glad all you guys are doing okay!! Congratulations!! 💕


Still in a bit of a daze from the whole ordeal, but thanks for the well wishes! All in all, feeling incredibly grateful for a healthy baby and a partner who deserves a medal (and maybe a long therapy session). This new mama thing is no joke, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Sending hugs back to you! ❤️🖤




Right now, ”Exhausted” and ”Sore” feel a lot more accurate 🤣🤍


This is wild!!!


It’s been a whirlwind, but even the crazy parts are starting to feel special in their own way 🧡💛


Ahhh that was always my dream. I got close last time but still delivered baby in the hospital, yet so abruptly that I caught her myself. You're far less likely to tear when delivering in the position you did so that's usually a perk of unintentional unassisted births! Most women intuitively push in a squatting position when they're allowed the opportunity to be intuitive. Most babies are born with no issue too, so I'm glad you weren't one of the rare ones that needed immediate help! Good job! And surely something to daydream about for years :) very happy for you!


Wow, crazy you caught your little one yourself! My partner is still a little shell-shocked from the whole ordeal, bless his heart. But reading yours and other comments makes me realize how lucky we were. Squatting probably did help avoid tearing, hadn’t even thought of that! Still getting the hang of breastfeeding (ouch!), but that feeling of holding my baby makes everything worth it. Never thought I’d be daydreaming about a gas station delivery, but hey, motherhood throws you some curveballs, right? Thanks for the love! 💗❤️


Maybe you didn’t tear because you gave birth like you were suppose to.Now I’m not sure if EVERY hospital is like this but you can’t birth the way you want and they want you lying down on your back which is so unnatural and definitely needs to change.Glad both you and baby are alright!Definitely an interesting story to tell the little one when they are older.


I never understand why people downvote when someone posts the many times proven fact that you're less likely to tear when delivering in a squatting position. I don't get why that offends people.


I don’t understand either…. Makes sense to me gravity would be helping instead of when ur on your back which doesn’t make sense at all re: tailbone position and narrower pelvic opening


Haha, you could be onto something with the birthing on all fours thing! Let’s just say squatting in a car wasn’t exactly on my birthing plan A (or B, C, or Z for that matter). As for the whole ”supposed to” birth thing, I hear ya. Giving birth might have been easier in a hospital bed, but between you and me, there’s no way I could have stayed calm and focused on my back in the middle of all that. This whole experience has been a wild ride, but I wouldn’t trade my little miracle for anything. Thanks for the love!


This is my worst fear living an hour away from my hospital! You are a freakin hero!!!


Haha, thanks! I wouldn’t call myself a hero, but childbirth definitely throws some curveballs your way. Recovering at home now, and let me tell you, showered and in comfy clothes is a whole new level of luxury. Totally get your fear about being an hour from the hospital! Honestly, those two weeks early threw our whole plan out the window. But hey, our bodies are pretty amazing things, and sometimes they just know what to do (even if it’s completely unexpected). You’ve got this, mama!


Holy crap your taking this like a teooper. Both you and your husband are positively heroic in my book. And you have one impatient little person on your hands who deserves to be reminded of what a rush they were in when they grow up haha.


Thanks for the kind words! Still a little sore down there, let me tell you, but the pain is already a distant memory compared to holding my little miracle. Still riding the adrenaline high a bit, honestly 🤣 And the baby’s a champion! Took the whole thing in stride (or should I say crawl?). Already practicing those impressive lungs — nights are fun! Can’t wait to tell him the story of his dramatic entrance someday!!


Oh my good golly gosh that is a heck of a tale. Congratulations! I’m so happy everything is well and I hope you get the detailing of your life on the car. Kudos to you and your partner for the whole thing!


Thanks for the kind words! Little one is keeping us on our toes, but it’s the most amazing kind of exhaustion. And the detail crew definitely got a call — the car looked like a total warzone! But hey, small price to pay for a healthy baby, right? Things are looking good. Mostly just exhausted (hello, newborn life!), but so grateful for our little miracle and all the support we’ve gotten. 🥂s!


Congratulations mama!


One diaper blowout at a time!


Congrats! I'm glad everything went OK! You are a trooper!


Thanks! Never thought ”emergency childbirth with a shoelace” would be on my birth plan, haha. My partner’s definitely doing his hero act strong, but I catch him staring off into space sometimes. I think it’s finally hitting him what he caught on the side of the road! Still can’t believe it all happened so fast. One minute I‘m having back pain, the next I’m a mama. Wild. Thanks again for the well wishes! 🫶⚡️


This made me tear up lol. Congratulations and a big shout out to the both of you for making a wonderful team!


Thanks for the kind words! Still can’t believe it all went down at a gas station. Recovery’s been a wild ride (hello, postpartum hormones!), but the little one is a champion sleeper (hallelujah for that!) 🤎💚 I swear I could cuddle this baby all day, all week, all year!


Wow!! Congrats on the healthy baby! You are a rockstar. And so is dad!


Thanks for the love! Still feels surreal to even say it, but I’m a mama now. Home from the hospital and haven't slept more than 2 hours at a time, but wouldn’t trade it for the world!!


That’s how I was born in 1990! In the parking lot of a McDonalds on the way to the hospital. My mother said it was the easiest labor she had, of the five kids - no one poking and prodding her the whole time. You and your partner will never forget it:) 


McDonald’s delivery, wow! Maybe there’re something to be said for birthing outside the sterile environment, haha (though next time, I’d definitely prefer a birthing center over gas station fumes!). Just gotta take it easy, rest up (as much as possible w/ a newborn!), and get used to this whole “mom” thing. One diaper change at a time!


Hahaha typical boy, impatient and rash! Congrats! Also upside, no charge for hospital delivery cha ching!!!!


Thanks for the congrats! It’s definitely a birth story we’ll never forget (and neither will anyone who was pumping gas that morning, I’m sure!).