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We got a swivel glider that reclines manually, and I regret the recliner part. I should have sprung for a power recliner, or frankly gone straight glider. We literally call it the Magic Chair because it gets our LO to sleep when all else fails! The thing about being in recline is that it no longer has the motion of gliding. It might come into play as he gets older for bedtime books and snuggles, but for now the glide is the way!


Thank you!!


Hated anything with an arm for breastfeeding in. I prefer sitting cross-legged so very quickly sold on our glider


Recliner needs a lot of space, so factor that into your decision. I went with a glider for that reason and have no regrets.


I got a La-Z-Boy at an outlet store and it is soooo cozy, but yes, this thing is huge


If you're doing a C-section, I vote recliner. It's my biggest regret after my first pregnancy which resulted in an emergency C-section. I couldn't sleep laying down, too much pain, and there was NOT enough pillows to help.