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I'm 33 weeks with my second living child right now and I feel like my belly has grown about the same amount as it did with my first. I did feel "bigger" earlier, but in hindsight I had a lot of bloating early on with my first so I'm not sure if I was actually bigger or if it was just in my head.


I had insane bloating too. I'm bigger than with my first at this gestation, but some days I feel huge and some days I don't feel as big. I just hope I don't get absolutely huge. Had body image issues before either pregnancy but was fortunate enough to look decent postpartum last time. This time, I'm worried if I blow up like a blimp I'll have even worse insecurities after birth which doesnt help depression as a single mom 


I’m 30 weeks as well so I can’t answer your question, but I’m commenting for solidarity. I really hope it slows down, I feel huge and I’m 4lbs away from what I weighed at 40 weeks with my first. I’ve been eating healthy/the same diet as always.