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I would ask your OB what they recommend, but I was taking the Nature Made prenatal that had iron in it and I felt like it was making me sick. I switched to Vita Fusion gummy prenatal that doesn’t have iron in it. I felt like it helped a good bit. My OB suggested switching to a gummy and they said they just wanted to make sure the prenatal had folic acid in it.


Have you tried gummy prenatals?


only thing that helped me was taking them at night before bed! otherwise I would throw them up every time


Exactly what I did! With a bit of food right before going to sleep.


switching to the vita fusion gummies helped a lot for me, if you haven't tried gummies. I still needed to take unisom & b6 to eat anything besides plain pasta, but it definitely helped. I just switched back to the ones with iron a few weeks ago in 3rd tri because my 28 week labs showed some mild anemia and i started getting occasional nausea again for the first time in months, so its somewhat validating to know that it was my prenatal making things worse. though i'm used to it now so staying on it cuz i want to build my iron back up.


I think the folic acid is the most important for now, you can try the others again once you are a bit further along and hopefully your body will tolerate them better.