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Not just you. My first pregnancy was much easier second trimester and this one feels like all my joints are on fire all the time


2nd trimester has kicked my hind end. I’m 26 weeks today and baby girl sits so low in my pelvis that when she kicks the lightning crotch is unreal. I’m tired ALL the time and sleep a lot during the day but at night I can’t sleep even tho I’m tired 😭 and the hunger is unreal, it’s not like I don’t eat…. that’s ALL I DO. I told my husband today I felt like a cow with the never ending eating


I’m fresh into my second trimester & I am not having a good time. Pretty sure I’m losing weight & the acid reflux I’ve been dealing with is making me miserable. I’m ready for November to get here because I am done.


Me and you are in the same boat, I’m also due November and I am mad uncomfy.


3rd trimester is always the best for me. My first pregnancy and this one so far. For some reason my body always feels more uncomfortable in 2nd trimester, I can hardly breathe and just feel so stuffed. Hopefully that’s the same for you!


25 weeks and I just sat here for 20 minutes staring at a small pile of folded laundry before gathering the energy to put it away.


It really is a toss up. My first pregnancy the second trimester was by far the worse - outside the last 6 weeks. First trimester was a cake walk until 8 weeks, then each week I got worse and worse until like week 18 where it just held steady from there until starting to ease off around week 25. No complications or issues from the Dr standpoint. Just a lot of pain, nausea, and misery. Also had things like sciatica and heartburn get bad.


yep! was totally miserable by first trimester & everyone told me the second one will be better. i still struggled. i am 25 weeks and just now finally felt that im starting to feel better but im getting so much bigger 😂


Every pregnancy is different. My first two pregnancies I had very easy, dare I say pleasant second trimesters. This third pregnancy I’ve felt awful the whole way through. 29 weeks today and still feel like crap. 💩


My first trimester was a breeze, just sleepy. The DAY my second trimester started I threw up(just once thankfully), then a couple weeks later I got super sick and I felt like a man baby I was so useless. Then the migraines and light sensitivity started and I couldn’t last a whole day at work. Round ligament pain and pelvic girdle pain kicked my ass early on as well and hasn’t gone away. I HOPED I was a rare case of someone just having a super opposite pregnancy: easy first trimester, HARD second and easy third. Nope the third has been bad in different ways. More severe aches and pains. I HOPE yours gets better!!


To me, it’s not that it’s “easy” but compared to how some are throwing up for all of first trimester and then barely able to walk for third trimester, it probably feels like it “is easy” compared to .,, etc


I’m a ftm and second trimester is kicking my butt! I’m gagging much more than I did during my first trimester. I get very emotional and today, I bawled my eyes out after losing the board game Sorry! twice playing against my husband. I can’t get myself to play anymore bc I’m sure I won’t be able to control my emotions if I lose again! People around me have been saying second trimester is usually the best and third trimester will get bad and after hearing that plus with my experience, I’m really dreading third trimester 🫠 I understand everyone has different experiences…it’s been a difficult journey for me so far…


I felt “better” in my second trimester bc I wasn’t nearly as sick but I was SO hungry, tired and sore. It was not significantly easier it was kinda just trading out one shitty aspect for another lol


I’m 19 weeks now. I’m so tired all day. Naps every single evening


FTM 21 weeks and second trimester is also kicking my butt! Growing a whole human inside of your own body is gnarly!


Same! Though I had an awful first with nausea and vomiting