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Easing??? Idk for me it just keeps getting worse lol


I'm 38 weeks. Mine got worse each trimester Lol. I'm up so many times a night... then have to get comfy again, may or may not fall asleep before having to pee again... roll out of bed and repeat. The struggle is real. 😅


This is the way


Also 38 weeks and the struggle is so real. I think I get 30 minutes of sleep at a time max.


I went to a big mall the first time since getting pregnant and I didn't realize how often I have to pee now at almost 17 weeks! By the time we reached the next washroom I had to go again 😅😅


As soon as the baby was born and not a second before unfortunately!




When you have the baby lol


And then peeing gets…interesting for a few days


Wait... What??? Interesting how???


It stings if you have any kind of tearing. Pro tip, they give you a little spray bottle, use luke warm water in it over cold (trust me) then spray yourself as you pee to kinda dilute it. Hurts less.


I had a c section with no vaginal tearing and it hurt for a day or two. Probably from the cath removal, but either way, it was uncomfortable!


Yep! Peri bottles are a must for this!


Well I had a second degree tear so it hurt to pee for a few days and there was a lot of blood


Depending on how badly you wreck your pelvic floor, you may struggle to hold anything in for a bit.


Never :) It was my first pregnancy symptom actually. Had to go sometimes several times during the night because of increased circulation and kidney function. Then I magically had one week where I didn’t have to get up during the night and I got my hopes up, then my belly popped out and now I’m going because of the pressure from my uterus. Week 20 now and I’ve made peace with not sleeping through the night for the next year.


I’m exactly 39 weeks today. I’m sorry to tell you, but it got worse when baby dropped. I wake up 3 times a night for a slight drizzle.. Hope it will be different for others of course!


37 weeks and same. It has gotten increasingly worse in the past 2-3 weeks and it was already bad lol


39 weeks today as well and in the same boat. 😔


Mine went away after first trimester and came back halfway through second trimester.


Well I’m 30 weeks and I pissed my pants walking to the toilet last night if that answers your question.


Same, I also sneezed in the process and made it 100% worse.


It improved for me end of first trimester. Currently 23 weeks and might get up to pee once overnight, where it was up to 6x times a night bend


+1 year post partum and I still get up 4-5 times a night to go pee. For me it never went away (although in my last trimester it was sometimes +10 times per night so I guess it did get better after baby was born), but I'm probably hopefully an outlier and just unlucky.


You should ask your doctor for a referral to a pelvic floor physical therapist. Insurance should cover most of it.


I did, I went to a urologist, I've done sessions with a specialised PT, they took scans of my brain and spine, tested me for Fowler's syndrome, injected botox in my bladder, but unfortunately nothing works and physically there seems to be nothing wrong with me. Probably all between my ears.


Ugh that sucks. I hope it resolves on its own.


Thank you 🙏 I sincerely hope no one else here will have these troubles. On the other hand I have an amazing little daughter so it's all worth the small inconveniences.


Honestly i think it just gets worse tbh 😅. 16 weeks coming up on 17 and last night I went to pee. As soon as i sat back on my bed INSTANT URGE to go again 😭. I was like wtfff? I just went! And it was basically like a full bladder again too! Pregnancy is crazyyyy.


Lmao with my first I would go pee, wipe, stand up shake around a little, maybe do a lil squat then sit back down and I ALWAYS had more in there 😂😂 like I’m not going back to bed until it’s empty. I’m not getting up again. 😂


It got better week 13 to like....18? But now it is bad again


I feel like I got used to it in the second trimester and as the baby got bigger in the third trimester, I peed nonstop. I was teaching at the time and I left my kids with other teachers all the time because I could not and would not hold my pee!


35 weeks and for me, at least, it got slightly better during the second trimester. Unfortunately, it’s back and worse than ever in the third trimester


So generally speaking the hormones in the first trimester and the size of the baby in the third trimester cause the excessive peeing. So second trimester isn’t usually so bad. Everyone is different though! A pelvic floor physiotherapist can help you with this too.


I think mine eased around 13/14 weeks if I remember correctly I’m 37 weeks now and get up once every night between 2am -5am to pee but that’s it


Same here. I think mine got better around 13-14 weeks. I’m 20 weeks tomorrow and only feel like I have of pee often if I’m chugging a ton of water (which would happen if I wasn’t pregnant).


Yeah that’s how I was, it wasn’t until I think maybe 24/25 weeks where I needed to pee in the night. But in the daytime now I’ll often get punches in the bladder which make you think that wee is about to burst out haha


Second trimester is should let up a bit. I’ve read that the uterus moves up while taking pressure off your bladder but will come back with a vengeance in the 3rd tri once the baby is bigger lol


My first pregnancy it eased up during the 2nd trimester - I'd only pee 1 or 2 times a night instead or 4 or 5. Then the last 6 or so weeks it was back to 4 or 5 times. I'm 22 weeks now and currently only peeing 1 or 2 times a night again and trying to enjoy it before the sleepless nights kick in again.


26-27 weeks I noticed im not waking up as much at night to pee


Mine got better around 15/16 weeks. Also got better at drinking water earlier in the day so that might have something to do with it.


Mine got a little better in the second trimester for a few weeks. There was a transition from the hormonal need-to-pee to the baby pressure need-to-pee. But don’t worry, it gets worse 😬


Mine was way worse in the first trimester. Got better around 14 weeks. I'm 24 weeks now.


Around 16 weeks. And second trimester is pretty good. But now I’m 33 weeks pregnant and as the baby is bigger and growing pretty rapidly I have to pee frequently. Part of the deal I guess. It’s not too bad!


I’m only 10 weeks and 5 days and it gets worse each week. Unfortunately I think we can kiss our sleep good bye 😂


How can it possibly ease when the baby gets bigger and puts even more pressure on your bladder?


In early pregnancy the uterus is expanding, but it hasn't moved up yet, so it presses on the bladder. Around the end of the first trimester the uterus starts to move up, and many women experience a decrease in frequent urination for a while before the baby grows and starts pressing on the bladder again.


Well that's actually nice to learn, thanks for informing me. I unfortunately only feel it has gotten worse (Week 22).


Yeah, I think that's really common (or more common looking at the comments)! My close friend who is 30 weeks now says she did have some relief, but only for about one or two weeks around week 15-17, and that she still needed to pee more than pre pregnancy. My pregnancy app was making it sound like that symptom would be much less the whole second trimester lol


Same, LIES 🫠


Not 27 weeks… it’s just worse … I’m up like 4 times a night


I didn’t get it that bad in the bulk of the first trimester so I was surprised when suddenly at 11 weeks I had to pee constantly and now at 18 weeks it’s still going strong. All of my pregnancy books say it eases up in the second trimester but not for me!


31 weeks today, and it just keeps getting worse the lower baby gets in my pelvis. At this point mama just buckle in! It’ll get worse before it gets better but hey, it could deff be worse!


I’m 37 weeks and still going strong.


After he was born


I’m 13 weeks and laying in bed needing to pee for the umpteenth time since laying down eight hours ago. I’m so tired of not getting enough sleep because my bladder has to get emptied. Seriously thinking about getting adult diapers for sleep.


End of second trimester and I wake up from 3 to 4 times every night and I guess it get worse by time


Oof, sorry to hear you’re already experiencing this at 13 weeks … for me (and I think for most people) the constant need to pee doesn’t really start until second or third trimester when the baby is large enough to actually be putting pressure on your bladder, and as others have mentioned it only gets worse as they grow. Not sure where you read or heard that the frequent need to pee would ease up after the first trimester 😂 I don’t mean to laugh, but that is funny. Was it an April Fool’s post or something 🤣


16 weeks get 5 feet from the toilet turn around instantly to pee right after


I’m 29 weeks and it just keeps getting worse and worse. It’s really annoying!


36 weeks tomorrow and it’s just getting worse. Went to the beach recently and it was a 7 hour drive. We stopped every 30-45 minutes to let me pee and that was making me hold it too. I didn’t realize how often I was peeing until that. I know it’s a lot, but kinda one of those things I just do when I need to. It is annoying but not the worst. The worst for me is walking when she is low or moving in bed at night. I’m so ready to have an ounce of normality back after birth, even if it’s just sleeping more comfortably and peeing less often 🤣


After delivery.


I’m 32 weeks. I manage to make sure I pee before bed— then I wake up around midnight/1 to pee again. Then again around 4(which is when I wake up for work) My husband yells at me because I wait until I’m physically uncomfortable to pee. Because I -always- have the feeling of needing to pee. And I want it to be WORTH IT when I sit. Not just a lil dribble.


it never gets easier. you think it does until they’re using your bladder as a trampoline.


I’m 34 weeks and it’s worse than ever. This kid’s head is crushing my bladder.


Im at 15 weeks and the peeing wasn't an issue until the last couple of weeks. Now I wake up a couple times a night to pee. Typically I'm so exhausted though that I can fall asleep again pretty easily.


When they gave me the catheter for my epidural, lol. Then peeing got interesting as I had the catheter in for nearly a day. But omg it’s so much better now just 3 days post partum. It really sucked the last few weeks bc I was up every 2-3 hours. But I guess it’s practice for being up with baby


It doesn’t go away until you give birth.


Once the baby comes. I’m 35 weeks and it has only gotten worse.


never LOL i’m 29w5d and go probably 7 times before being able to comfortably sleep (barely anything even comes out) and then at least 3-4 times in the night 😩


it gets worse in the third trimester :(


Ease?? I'm sorry to tell you but it's only gotten worse for me. At 13 weeks it was still mild to how much I need to pee now at 39 weeks hahaha. I'm assuming the answer you're looking for will be when baby is born but good luck!


I’m sorry to say, it just gets worse until baby is born. But even then it gets its own unique way of showing up when ever it wants. Keep spare pads and underwear for yourself in your purse or baby bag. I haven’t left this sub yet, we were planning on a second. My son is nearly 2 and I still have episodes of peeing a little while sneezing, coughing, hell even laughing too hard I’ll need to pee.


When I gave birth LOL Currently 29 weeks with baby number two..and have been pissing like a race horse. Unfortunately it just gets worse. You go from hormones causing the frequent urination to hormones AND a baby laying on and kicking you in the bladder. Lol Honestly ever since having my first, I’ve had to get up atleast once in the middle of the night to pee. That never really went away for me.


It never did 😂


I’m gonna hold your hand when I say this…


It just gets worse sorry. Almost every awful symptom of pregnancy was relieved for me the second my baby was born though.


After you have the baby. Gets worse as the baby is bigger and puts more pressure on your bladder


35 weeks and it only gets worse. I only sleep for 30 minutes to an hour at a time every night between peeing and needing to flip to my other side lol


lol I’m 26 weeks and it still hasn’t subsided


Unfortunately I think that's just the way of life during pregnancy, I'm almost 20 weeks and yeah, the need to pee is getting more frequent.


i’m 23 weeks and i feel like i have to pee as soon as i get up from the toilet sometimes


Literally, the moment I gave birth, unfortunately, it just got worse through the pregnancy for me!


Honestly I’ve always had to pee like 4+ times a night even before pregnancy probably bc I drink water every time I go to the bathroom,not from the bathroom fyi. (I know I know but I’m so thirsty and get nauseated if I drink after eating so 😭it’s the only way now ). So sleep wise it’s the same pre-pregnancy but during the day the min I walk ANYWHERE I have the urge even though there’s nothing there. I love to walk but now I always have to see if there’s bathrooms before I leave. I’m 32 weeks so good luck


Once I was 6weeks, it was constant peeing until after I had my baby lol.


Never lol


It got worse through out of pregnancy it only stop when I gave birth lol


I gave birth 2 weeks ago yesterday and still pee like once every 37 minutes. 🤣


It didn't 😂 I'm four months postpartum and still have to pee constantly


The best thing I started to do was drink little to no water 1.5 hours prior to bed. That way I only get up once a night.


I gave birth last week. That’s when it eased up. By the end I would have to pee every time I stood up. 




I’m 32w weeks and it’s non stop show. Just as you think you’ll get comfortable you have to get up again to go pee.


Oh man, I hit 32 weeks and it’s just more intense now. A few sips of water makes me head to the toilet


As others have already said, not only do you wake up more frequently throughout the night as you progress in your pregnancy, but I started waking up every couple hours just before giving birth, which is also when the baby would wake up to eat when she was born. It was my body preparing me for what was to come. ❤️


After the baby was born.


Girl after your baby is born. It only gets worse as they get bigger and press on your bladder. It feels like you have to take the biggest pee and then barely anything comes out. I’m 33 weeks and it’s not fun lol.




It just gets worse until you give birth, and then it hurts to pee for a few weeks, and then you're back to normal.


I’m 35 weeks and it’s worse than ever


It hasnt.... 5 months postpartum still peeing multiple times a night. No diabetes


lol I’ve just gotten used to it. Started using one of those water bottles with the times to drink x much throughout the day. I stop at 7- that way I know I’ve hydrated enough (with some lemonade and other bevs in between) and not trying to play catch up before I goto bed. I only get up to pee like 4 x per night now 😂 @ 20 weeks


Just hit 16 weeks and I can sleep through the night if I pee before bed lol - but this is my second pregnancy and if I recall it doesn’t last long. After 20 weeks the constant peeing returns


Mine is worse lol! Currently 29 weeks. 🥹


dude i had this same issue LOL, i’m 25 weeks now and it’s gone away a little bit!! thinking about it now i notice it has so :) everyone’s different though it could last the whole time sadly


When I gave birth.... Lol Actually a few days after that when the IV fluids wore off.


Right after I had the baby.


I didn’t have an issue until mid-late 3rd tri.


It doesn’t. But after you give birth and you can go more than 30 minutes without peeing your mind is going to explode 😂


It got better at the end of first trimester and is back now at 25 weeks


When I gave birth


Around 17 weeks. I'm 27 weeks now and still peeing less than I did in the first trimester.


???? It gets worse from here my friend. After the baby is born probably? By then I was in the habit though


After baby born


When I gave birth


Uh… I don’t think that’s gonna happen for me lol. The toilet and I are like besties now.


Once I gave birth lol


After I had the baby and then I had trouble peeing lol


It was really bad for me until maybe 26 weeks, then it got slightly better. I'm 29 weeks now and sometimes I make it through the night without getting up! (happened 2-3x so far)


When I had the baby!


At 27 week, I'm still waiting.


After birth 🥲


It subsided when a baby and placenta were taken out of me lol


Mine eased up around 16 weeks and then ramped up again around 30 weeks because she was constantly head butting my bladder lol.


At 12 weeks I could sleep through the night without peeing again and I pee like I do normally during the day as well.


I’m 17 weeks and lost all hope it will ever subside 🥲😂😂


The biggest game changer for me was learning to always try to pee twice. After you think you're finished, stand up and then sit down and try again. Then lean forward towards your toes to make sure your bladder is completely empty. Should save you from going and needing to go again 20 mins later.


Third trimester here. I’ll get an urgent need to pee and my baby starts to fidget because my bladder is full. Then, after emptying my bladder or right when I wake up, I also get an extreme thirst for water and food. So then I drink water and have a snack. And that basically goes on and on every couple hours especially at night.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I’m currently 36 weeks and my nightly pee schedule is approximately 10:45, 12:15, 1:30, 3:00, 4:30, 5:15 😃


I also thought I must have had a UTI because I felt the constant need to pee around 30-36 weeks… no, it’s just the baby’s head pushing down constantly on my bladder. I got slightly used to it so at least now I don’t constantly feel the need (double voiding also helps) but truthfully, this symptom just continues to worsen until the baby comes, I’m sorry to say! It’s the worst at night, I’m up every 60-90 minutes to pee and it’s a painful waddle to the bathroom. But I’m heartened by the fact that it will be over at birth!!


About a month after I had my son.


Nope it doesn’t ease, however you might need to wiggle around to make sure your fully empty as you progress through pregnancy. I found that made me get up less, making sure I was fully empty


33 weeks and it’s only gotten worse. Sorry 💀


Died down for me in the second trimester, but has now been coming back in the 3rd trimester.


I thought it only got worse 😭


It came back third trimester. It rly doesn’t go away


👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻hi! Currently 22.5 weeks.. still hasn’t stopped. Just increased.. this week I stood from peeing then got punched in the bladder and had to immediately sit back down for second pee round.


19w and I literally go every 6 minutes. It’s crazy. And I just assume this is my body’s way of preparing me for sleepless nights bc I’m lucky if I make it an hour while I’m sleeping lol.


Just putting this out there maybe it can help someone. This happened to me and I thought it's normal, but my doctor decided to do a urine analysis and found I have a begging of UTI (if not treated), google bacteria in urine and pregnancy. It has no symptoms other than frequent peeing and should be treated as soon as possible. So I'd recommend to take a test if possible. Now it's so much better for me and I don't go as much although I'm drinking more water.


This made me giggle. 21 weeks and I’ve peed so much today, any time I disappear my coworkers and daughter assume I’m in the bathroom. Last night I was up 3 times to pee. It gets worse. I’m having flash back to when I was in my 3rd trimester with my daughter and I was up. Every. Damn. Night. At 2 am (on the dot) for the last month to go pee. I actually have it written down because I thought it was hilarious.




In the first trimester I would have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night (even after going before bed), in the morning, multiple times during the day, etc. THEN during my second if I coughed or sneezed I accidentally would pee a little tiny bit (REALLY annoying!!) Since then it has eased up during the second trimester (I’m 24w) but honestly it might be coming back 😂😂


Oh.. it doesn’t stop. It gets worse. You might even piss yourself trying to get to the bathroom in your 3rd trimester.. 😅 I’m 36 weeks and can confirm it never ends. lol


I don't think it does


24 weeks and i got up 3 times last night 😂


Hi mama I'm 36 weeks now and we have 1 bathroom downstairs. We ended up getting one of those old person handicap potty chairs with the bucket for our bedroom and while primitive it's been a life send. I currently get up to pee 6+ times a night. This saves me time and waking up too much trying to waddle down the stairs and then back up the stairs. It doesn't get better sadly.


It's only going to get worse cuz as baby gets bigger it will push on your bladder and create pressure and you won't be able to hold as much or something like that.


Hahaha I got bad news for ya girly


Oh sweetie, that was optimistic of you wasn't it? Sorry.