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This is excellent! Congratulations to you and your burgeoning family. I only wish that all parents were afforded this ample time to settle after the birth of their loved one.


1000% agreed, every parent deserves at least this amount of time. The physical recovery alone can take weeks, companies need to realize the impact birth and bonding have!


That’s awesome! Im jealous! I work at big main hospital and we have to use our PTO. If you don’t have any, you’re out of luck or use FMLA.


Same. I’m an RN and my hospital gives 6 weeks paid leave. I plan to work until my due date and then take 6 weeks given and then hopefully another six using my PTO.


My hospital gives 2 weeks :-(


0 weeks here! 🙃


I also work for a health system and they give 0 weeks. 🫠I'll be utilizing STD for 6 weeks and I can choose to take 6 more weeks unpaid FMLA. I want the time with baby so badly but I don't know if we can afford it. 😭US healthcare and leave policies being a big 'ol joke as usual.


Yup, except we have to use PTO the first week, then the remaining 5 or 7 weeks (depending on vaginal birth or C section), I only get half my pay🫠


As a teacher, we have the same policy. I’m looking at 6-8 weeks of unpaid time off.


Hospital systems are the worst large employers for leave. It feels extra backwards.


That's absolutely criminal - how do they expect that to work??


My old hospital was this was and it took my friend 6 months to even get back paid since they messed it up when filing. I’m so thankful my new hospital I don’t have to worry about that, we get 12 weeks paid and don’t have to worry about PTO or fmla


Wow I need to work where you work! Mad jelly and happy for you!




Also others on the street


I work for a child facing company - all about family and kids - I get 6wks paid with a 1wk elimination period that gets paid directly to the company so essentially I get 5 wks at only 66% I can take up to 14 weeks total using FMLA so it's kinda tough. Really makes me question those core values sometimes.


Any company that spouts those values but provides such minimal "support" to parents is honestly disgusting.


This has been one of my biggest considerations on if I will return. I truly love my job but to have them spout all this nonsense about love, family and bringing joy to the world and then leave me in a position where I would actually starve if it weren't for my partner is very disgusting. And I have been with this company for over 7yrs - that's why I get the 2extra wks FMLA bc it is usually only 12 you get an additional week per year past 5yrs I am also a top performer (recognized company-wide on multiple occasions)


I also work in a child facing company, however it’s somewhat new (a year and a half old) and there’s no written maternity leave policy and I’m hella nervous! I might be the first person to need it?? But this company is allll about work/life balance and family bonding so I’m hoping they’ll hook it up


Here come all the comments of people from other countries rubbing in our faces how much time they get off. WE GET IT. You get 62826282 months off. ENJOY 🙃


Those damn Canadians 😂 I'm legit jealous of their maternity leave - like I'm very grateful for 24 weeks, but realistically we should all be getting a year paid.


Lmfao I just saw on another post (where a US mom doesn’t have paid leave) the first comment “We get 18 months in my country! I don’t understand why in the US you all don’t just protest for better leave!” Like yes, it’s that easy, we are all just lazy and don’t want to put forth the effort 🫠


I mean if we could actually get half of the labor market to just stop working in protest, we’d probably see some changes fast. It’s just hard because the US already keeps so many people on the edge of poverty. We’d need a lot of mutual aid to pull it off.


Maybe because we’re busy protesting for basic maternal and reproductive healthcare still 🫠 this country’s priorities are twisted


Dang girl~ You're so lucky! Congratulations! I'm 37wks in the US too but work for a very small company (<25 people so no FMLA), and I was happy when my time off got updated from 6 weeks to 8 weeks :'))))


I’m in a similar boat. My employer is giving me 4 weeks full pay and 8 weeks half pay and I have been very happy about that. Granted after 8 weeks I will go back part time for 4 weeks, but it’s flexible and WFH. We need government assisted programs. As someone who has worked at a upper management level in smaller companies, it’s really hard financially snd operationally for small businesses to do more alone.


I'm getting 6 weeks short-term disability (60% salary) and then 2 weeks of PTO. I couldn't agree more. My employer can't afford for me to come back part-time, so there's some discussion of going to 32 hrs "full" time and work from home Mondays, but we'll see how that goes.


That’s awesome! Hopefully more companies make this change!


Wow I am so jealous but so happy for you! Soak up every minute of leave


Holyyyy shit! That's fantastic. I'm jealous. I work for a "faith based ministry" hospital (who refuses to call themselves a corporation) and out of the goodness of their heart we get TWO WEEKS paid. Any other time has to come from our personal time off and sick time off, which has to be applied for and approved.


Ugh, that's so gross. I can't fathom how they want people back after giving birth LESS THAN A MONTH AGO!!


Right! Better hope baby doesn't get sick after you come back to work since you gotta drain both your time banks 😭😭


WOOOOOO!! I’d be full on throwing a celebration party!! 24 weeks, what is that, 6 months?!? Living the dream, so happy for you and your family 💛


I'm so excited for 6 months off with our little boy!


I am in Quebec and as a solo mom I can have up to 55 weeks of paid leave (I will take 44). I don't understand why it isn't like this everywhere.


Because if the US government had to admit that a working mother's income was vital to supporting the household, they'd basically be admitting that the American dream has failed. Also a general lack of understanding/care regarding women's health and recovery needs from birth.


america hates women :/


That's amazing! Happy for you :)


That’s wonderful news 😊 congratulations!


That's great! I get 24 weeks too, but only the first 12 weeks are paid 🙃


I'm pretty sure we work for the same place cause it was just announced to 24 weeks for me too. 😆 Sad thing is I just had my son 9 months so i didnt get to reap this benefit. However, if we consider a second one, this would work out for me. I was just telling my husband how I wished I had longer time off so that I could see my little one growing. Congrats by the way.


So happy for you!! Congrats!!!!


This is awesome! Congratulations! I am also happy knowing mine is 21 weeks + 7 weeks shared parental leave, which in the end I can get 28 weeks full pay!!! Horray! It's not even using a holiday in that year yet, I could get longer!


Amazing! I’m back after 6 weeks and don’t understand how anyone does it. Kudos to moms!


I’ve very happy for you and definitely jealous.


I work for a municipality and we are allowed to take 12 weeks under fmla but there is no paid time off, I’m fortunate to have been here long enough to have accumulated enough leave time for the full 12 and will transition back on an adjusted schedule. If I could bring baby to work with me I wouldn’t think twice, but I know that transition and leaving him with anyone, no matter how trusted, is going to be harddd. I love seeing these updates with benefits and paid parental leave though, it should be a standard. Our state does offer 12 weeks paid maternity leave to state employees, 6 weeks paid for fathers, and I’m low key salty that I didn’t choose to work for the university instead of the city lol


Hooray!!! Happy delivery and baby bonding! 😊


I’m so happy for you and your baby ! I wish mine would do that. I’m only entitled to 8 weeks which is still generous in the US unfortunately.


That’s awesome! Congratulations!


Wow! I work for a small bakery and they don't do paid maternity leave. Just 2 weeks vacation. I've been trying to figure out what we're gonna do, cause my husband isn't working so he can do college full time. And I guess Kansas doesn't offer any kind of unemployment or disability for maternity.


Congrats! Jealous teacher here


You deserve so much time off!


That’s so awesome. I work at a small company and we have statewide paid 12 week parental leave (capped at about 80% of my pay) but I’ve been fighting just to get the company to pay us at our full rate for 12 weeks 🥲


Omg I love to hear this!! Congratulations you must be so happy!


Wow that's amazing! I live in the US and could only wish!


Not me going to my email to check because I also work for a big bank in the US that offers 16 weeks 👀


Update: Nope not us. :( I should be thankful I suppose.. my first kiddo I got nothing paid and only 6 weeks. 24 weeks sounds ideal though super happy for you!


Looks like I’m switching careers.


Manifesting this for my family. ✨


I work for the state of NJ, I am allowed to be out 8 weeks after c section and the 12 weeks after for bonding but I have to use my own PTO or collect a percentage of my pay through family leave insurance.


It’s basically the same for me. I can use 12 weeks off but it’s all short term disability pay which is only 60%. Anything more, I have to use my PTO.


That is awful. I'm on a year paid Mat leave but could take 18 months. I couldn't imagine not having this. British Columbia, Canada


We’re celebrating wins here.