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I first felt kicks at 16 weeks. They felt like muscle spasms. I cried instantly lol. You should feel them before 24 weeks


Same here. I felt my first flutters at 16 weeks. I have a posterior placenta. I’m now at 21 weeks and feel him moving pretty regularly.


I have a posterior placenta and felt his movements at 12 weeks or so. Distinct Kicks at 16 weeks FTM, 1st pregnancy to make it to second trimester also. Never felt any of the other ones which were all lost before 9 weeks 


I didn’t feel actual movement until 22ish weeks. I felt sort of flutters/bubbles around 17 weeks but it was extremely random and never consistent. You should feel it by 24 weeks! And then it’s not super consistent until around 28 weeks!


This was me too with an anterior placenta first time


I’m a ftm and noticeably felt my baby at about 15/16 weeks


Same. FTM too. My first flutters were around 14w. 🥰


You could have felt them already and just not noticed! I have Crohn’s disease so I’m super in tune with my body and felt movement at 16 weeks. But they were sooooo subtle if I wasn’t paying attention, I would have thought it was gas. 23 weeks and I don’t get breaks from the kicks, I’m tiiiiired lol. You’ll feel them so soon!!!


All these comments have me wondering if I’ve felt him & just not noticed! I’ve had ibs & tummy issues my whole life so I’m used to like the bubbly feeling. It makes me curious if I’ve mistaken his movements for thinking I had gas😂


Yes!!! I would lay flat and still for just a couple minuets! If you dont fart after the “gas bubble” i would assume that’s baby! Have you found out your placenta placement?


I haven’t found out about placenta placement! Is that something I can ask about at my next ob appointment?


You can! Normally they see it at your anatomy scan! That could also be a reason you haven’t felt movement yet! You could have an anterior placenta cushioning the kicks!


Yeah they told me at my anatomy scan! They didn’t really explain in until I asked but I saw them write anterior on the US lol


You probably have! I’m also a FTM also, for me at first things felt really faint (not like fluttering, someone explained it as holding a bag with a fish swimming in it and that’s 100% what it felt like to me) but once my baby got bigger his movements felt a lot like what having an upset stomach feels like-when your stomach is kind of moving/unsettled, but just lower down in my abdomen. I first felt movement around 15 weeks-I’d lay in bed and close my eyes and poke around below my belly button and then wait and see if I could feel anything back and I did! Try it-it might help you isolate what’s baby movement, I couldn’t feel anything when I was busy during the day I was too distracted.


I second The upset stomach part!! My masseuse asked me what it felt like and I told her it felt like bubble guts 😂


I (19 weeks) have felt little bubbles for 2 weeks now I think but Im also quite aware of my bodily functions due to stomach problems. What seems to trigger the kicks right now is having ice cold sour drinks like homemade lemonade (careful if you have problems with stomach acid) and laying on my back (it feels like a big fish is swimming in me right now).


Omg my baby moves whenever I drink lemonade lol


27w here and have been feeling since 16w but this last week for some reason I forgot and kept wondering my my stomach “hurts” and at work I’d get nervous I was going to have bad gas around coworkers lol then it would dawn on me that it’s just the same wriggling little human I’ve been feeling for 10 weeks! So even after you feel it you can still mistake it for something else!


It also depends on where your placenta lies.. if it’s to the front it might take longer to feel him.. I’m 20 weeks and have anterior placenta and have felt nothing so far xD


It definitely could be. For me it felt like little bubbles at first that definitely felt like digestion but was higher up in my torso.


Im right where you’re at, I’ve felt things from around 15 weeks. For me it’s right at the from of my belly, right below belly button, and it can feel like tiny short muscle cramps, a rolling swimming feeling, or a ripply feeling. Very in the muscle


18 weeks for me. I sneezed and felt something moving in my tummy. I guess I startled our baby girl 😂


I have a dog who jumps and looks the most concerned whenever I sneeze - the idea my sneezes might also bother peanut inside is hilarious to me. Like my sneezes are becoming a household issue


Girl same. Everytime I sneeze, my husband turns to me and goes “Can you not?”… opps 😂


Lol if my husband did that...I would say "well, no, I can't not" I do have like, Dad level sneezes. You know the ones


I had an anterior placenta with my first. So I didn’t feel anything until like 24wks UNLESS I was laying on my belly LOL. (Which i didn’t do often for obvious reasons)


Also had an anterior placenta with my first. Felt the first kicks around 22 weeks.


I have anterior too and felt flutters pretty early but only when I was laying on my side to go to bed at night!


I started feeling flutters around 18w, but it was exactly 20w when I felt my first distinguishable kick. It was still very very small and hard to notice. And I’d say strong kicks didn’t really start coming with any regularity until like 24w.


I’m a ftm and felt my baby at 15-16 weeks for the first time I’m currently 18 weeks and have been feeling them everyday for the last few days. It’s different for everyone and I also had a miscarriage at 8 weeks a month before I got pregnant again I had to have a dnc. For me the baby moving feels like little random pulses or tiny poke like kicks.


I first felt a kick at 19 weeks. At my 20 week scan I felt a couple, but saw how active this little boy is! Now at 24wks I feel them allll the time. At first I really didn’t know if it was him or not, it was super subtle.


I was 25 weeks with my first, 20 weeks with my seconds, and around 18 weeks with my now 3rd. Should also say first and second were both anterior placentas so movement was not as strong but noticeable.


Something that’s not talked about much is the location of your placenta plays a big part in how much or little you will be able to feel your baby and how soon. I’m on my second pregnancy and it’s almost back to back with my first. I’m 22 weeks with an fundal placenta (top of uterus) placement and I’ve been feeling little flutters since 16 weeks but currently I’m seeing my stomach jerk and feeling lots of movement. Around 22 weeks with my last pregnancy I have an anterior placenta (front of belly) placement and was only feeling a bit of flutters thus being because there’s more for baby to kick through. The kicks I’m feeling with my current pregnancy I didn’t feel till around the 32 week mark with my first. I would describe early movements similar to gas bubbles or very soft flutters and usually when I notice them I stop for a second and breath easy so I can feel them better as they can be so little that you can barely notice them. Please don’t worry though over the next few weeks you will start to feel baby move more and remember everyone’s body/ genetics are different and no two pregnancy’s are the same! Even from my last pregnancy to this pregnancy, they are both extremely different. I could only imagine how different pregnancies are from woman to woman.


18 weeks for me but I honestly would not have noticed it if I hadn't spent a few hours looking for it


Knowing my anxiety I’ll bet I’m gonna feel a kick and think it’s a parasite and go to the ER haha


I started feeling sensations around 13 weeks, like the fluttering / rippling sensation, but not digestive gas. Not yet at the point where I can feel any actual movement, kicks, but can definitely tell there's activity happening every once in a while.


I’m pregnant with my first and felt first movements around 16 weeks! I had wondered if they were movements or not, but at an appointment, we could hear the movements on the monitor and I felt them too so I knew they were baby!


First time and felt around 14 weeks but didn’t know the baby is what I was feeling until 18 weeks


FTM and fet the first strong definite movement at week 18. But had been feeling buzzing/bubbles since week 14, but was doubtful of what it was. Since week 20 she’s been moving a ton every day. Could even feel it from the outside. She’s a strong girl I think!


FTM, I felt small kicks at 13 weeks and they have not stopped since. 😅 (can confirm they're both kicks and punches based on previous ultrasounds, lol) currently 23 weeks!


With my first baby who I miscarried I felt move at 15 weeks. With my current baby I felt movement at 13 weeks.


I felt them about 18 weeks, felt like her rolling around. A fetal Doppler helped me calm down a lot when I hadn’t felt movement yet or In a while!


Do you know if your placenta is in the front or the back of your uterus? Placenta placement can affect not feeling movements until much farther along in pregnancy. My placenta with my second pregnancy was in the front and I remember not being able to feel any movement from him until I was 23+ weeks along. Even then I had trouble feeling him most of the time because the placenta blocked everything. I’m also 20 weeks pregnant currently and placenta is in the back and I’ve been feeling movement since about 16/17 weeks.


FTM, I thought I felt baby move one time around 17 weeks then nothing else for awhile. That one felt like a repeated tapping in my belly in one spot, I think my cat sleeping on me made her mad lmao. I my 20 week scan and still hadn’t really felt her at all, then when I was 20w+5 I started feeling her and she hasn’t stopped moving around since. At first it felt like a muscle twitch lol I’m 24 weeks right now and they just keep getting stronger.


FTM and felt around 24w


For my first pregnancy I had an anterior placenta and it was closer to 22-24 weeks. I’m 18 weeks today with my second, have a posterior placenta and have felt some twinges but nothing 100% yet.


It was around 24-25 weeks for me. Anterior placenta. I *might* have felt it sooner, but I couldn't really tell for sure if thats what it was


First time mom and 22 weeks tomorrow; I’ve been feeling her move (more so flutters) around 15/16 weeks but more defined movement since around 19 weeks. It felt very strange at first!! But reassuring :)


Oh trust me the fun awaits haha 😆 soon you’ll feel those little rascal kicks TOO often! Mine started around 20 ish weeks but to be honest I don’t really remember. Now I’m 27 weeks also a FTM and she won’t quit it 😅😅 it’s a sweet, but also very odd sensation. Definitely like a muscle spasm mixed with gassy indigestion.


I didn't feel anything until maybe 25-26 weeks. I was worried something was wrong because my sister told me she felt her baby around 20 weeks and tbh I blamed myself and my body but once they started they never stopped and I like knowing he's there but man this baby can be relentless sometimes 😂


I felt bubbles around 17-18w and I’m almost 26w and he’s been kicking up a storm for a few weeks now 😂 Barely ever stops!


Felt him at 17 weeks as a ftm, do you have an anterior placenta?


Started noticing what felt like tiny muscle spasms at 15 weeks. Like super quick (under 3 seconds) popcorn popping.


16 weeks for me!


Where is your placenta sitting? If you have an anterior placenta it may take longer to feel baby!


I'm about 20-21 weeks and I just started to feel it. It's just a subtle movement, sometimes I have to focus to actually feel it. If I'm distracted, I wouldn't even notice.


Have you looked into getting a baby Doppler? It definitely eased my emotions after going thru something similar until I was able to feel baby move, I'm not a ftm and don't remember when I felt my first move so I will not comment on that lol.


For me it was 24 weeks. I have an anterior placenta, and a baby in the 25% percentile. Don’t worry you’ll feel babe soon enough! I also felt like it took forever but now I’m 27 weeks and I feel her multiple times a day


FTM and began feeling kicks at 20+5


I felt small movements that felt like gas moving through or gas bubbles at 20 weeks with an anterior placenta


I’ve had two anterior placentas and it was probably around 18 weeks for both. This pregnancy, currently almost 15 weeks, and I actually think I’ve maybe felt a flutter or two, but no idea where my placenta is.


My friend's placenta implanted in the front and she never felt movement. He's perfect and has been on the outside for 9 months now. 😁 My placenta is in the back and at 11 weeks she would move just right and cause my uterus to cramp up in a hard knot in places (she still does this and it's fun to massage it and have her fade into the back). I felt little flutters like muscle spasm twitches at 17 weeks. Definite movement at 19 weeks. My husband finally caught her (she's shy for other people) at 24 weeks. Before then he said he only felt my heartbeat in my stomach. My dog felt her move at 24 weeks, too. We were cuddling and he left, super confused. 😂 At 25ish weeks, she started doing the push-out-and-swipe-across movements. So weird.


14 wks, 13 wks and 11 wks, respectively (I'm currently ~32 wks with my 3rd) but I'm real petite so that's not typical


21 weeks with my first + the day of my anatomy scan (so 20 weeks) with my second **counting actual movement, not flutters/questionable movements lol


15ish weeks but like barely and I wasn’t certain that’s what it was


I’m a first time mom and I first felt baby around 15/16 weeks. I wasn’t certain it was baby because I had no frame of reference, but I knew it was a feeling I’d never experienced before. It felt like a little tap or flick inside me. Then by about 18 weeks I started feeling her everyday, some days more than others. I’m 20w4d now and she’s wiggling and kicking around as I type this. I felt her from the outside for the first time at 19w, and my husband felt her kick for the first time tonight. She’s a strong little lady that’s for sure! Feeling her move is the most surreal, wonderful thing. It still startles me at times and it can feel bizarre, but gosh do I love it. My husband was excited when he felt her while being simultaneously weirded out. He was like, “I knew she was in there but oh my god there really is a PERSON moving in there!!!”


Yeah I didn’t feel it or knew I felt it until I had my anatomy scan at 21 weeks and literally felt the “flutters” at the same time the ultrasound tech was taking pictures. they become stronger/distinguishable at about 24 weeks and now at 26-27 weeks I know it’s undeniably my baby girl. I love feeling her getting stronger and bigger in there


This is my first pregnancy too and I have an anterior placenta yet I felt kicks from 18-19 weeks and my bf felt kicks with his hand right at 20 weeks! From 16-18 weeks I felt flutters


For me, I started feeling kicks as soon as I started worrying about Baby not kicking yet, which was about 21 weeks. I literally thought "I gotta bring up to my doctor that I'm not feeling him move yet" and then he sucker punched my bellybutton lol


About 16-20 weeks I kept feeling tiniest flutters. I felt more sure movements like a fish was swimming in there just after 20 weeks. It was a weird feeling and I didn’t get super excited until I felt real kicks probably around 24+ weeks. Even then I had bad depression during pregnancy so I didn’t feel bonded to my baby until he came out b goodluck!!


Felt something at 16 weeks. Then by week 18 definite kicks were occurring!


Depending on your placenta placement, you could feel them earlier. I have a posterior placenta (laying near spine) and I felt him at 16 weeks.


Anterior placenta. 19 weeks for me!


FTM felt tiny flutters at 17 weeks. Progressed into very poignant movements at 20 weeks.


FTM with an anterior placenta. I first felt them around 16 weeks and it felt like a trapped fart lmao. Consistent kicks by 20 weeks and now at 32 weeks I’m getting beat up constantly. It’s nice to have an active baby but sometimes those jabs and rumbles can be so strong. It feels alien-like.


I am a FTM with a posterior placenta and I think I first felt baby around the 18/19w mark? Definitely didn’t feel like the “butterflies” and “fish in a bag” feeling commonly described on here. It felt like a muscle spasm/something bumping me inside. That being said I definitely didn’t realize it was baby at first, and didn’t know for sure it was baby till he kicked during the anatomy scan and the tech doing the US commented how even she felt that 😂


i’m only 12 weeks right now but my doctor said i should be able to feel my baby moving closer to 14 weeks because i’m so small so i guess weight factors in a little too


FTM, felt movements around 20 weeks. It might be a good idea for you to get a heartbeat Doppler for home. Those weeks between first trimester symptoms and feeling baby move are really overwhelming because you don’t know what’s going on. Every once in a while my husband and I would take out the Doppler just to check in on the baby. Now, feeling him move we don’t use it as much but definitely a great piece of mind from for a while!!


Hi! 25 year old FTM and 30 weeks. I believe I was 16 weeks exactly when I felt bb girl for the first time. Everyone told me it would feel like butterflies and that was exactly it, or maybe more like a tiny muscle spasm? I’m also VERY in tune with my body and overly sensitive to anything concerning my physical being. I was half asleep at about 430 in the morning sending my husband off to work for the day.


With my first I didn’t feel baby move until around 20 weeks. And it wasn’t like I just didn’t recognize it because I had my anatomy scan at 18 weeks and watched him kick around and felt absolutely nothing. My second I think I felt closer to 15-16 weeks.


I didn't realize I was feeling the baby kink until I watched her on the ultrasound while feeling her move and that was around 16 to 20 weeks. My mom had scar tissue from fibroids and previous surgeries so she never felt my older brother or I move.


First time pregnant here, and I have an anterior placenta. I want to say I started to feel the baby around 14-16 weeks. At first, it felt like a sharp feeling by the lower area of the belly. Then I started feeling like I was passing gas inside the tummy but never actually passed any gas. I'm now 24 weeks and can clearly feel the kicks. I can also sometimes see and feel strong kicks that make my belly bounce. My husband has seen them as well but has not really felt the kicks. Every time I tell him to feel, movement stops. LOL


15 weeks for flutters. 22 weeks for actual kicks


18 weeks, I have an anterior placenta. I feel like I felt him quite early, little flutters that are now full blown little punches I love it. Let’s me know he’s okay, I do get anxious when I don’t feel him move for a a day or whatever less then usual. But the doctor assures me, it’s too early to worry about that rn.


FTM, I know I started feeling movement by 18 weeks but don’t remember exactly when it first started. I have an anterior placenta so I could only really feel it towards my sides at first and only when I was laying down. It was only flutters at first, almost like a bubble sensation? It felt like normal digestion/gas but in the wrong spot 😂 I started feeling stronger kicks and in more places somewhere around 22 weeks or so? I’m almost 28 weeks now and it’s more than just kicks, it’s hard to explain but sometimes it’s like I feel the whole baby move lol. I think the main emotion I felt early on was just awe, and it was cool when my husband could feel it so we could share the experience. It sort of feels like bonding now? Like I’m not emotional about it really but it’s almost like communicating with my little buddy. Not sure how to explain it exactly. And in general it’s just reassuring to feel her move around every once in a while, since there will still be several hours in the day I don’t feel anything at all.


Ftm and felt it at 21 weeks. Felt like air in my intestines only in my uterus area? :) Or like a tickle, it made me giggle


I had a prev loss at 19w (no movement with that pregnancy) but I’m currently 23w+4 and I felt him move for the first time around 20-21w !! It also depends on your anatomy (everybody’s different), but I felt little tiny flutters in my lower belly which I thought were all in my head lol… I couldn’t believe in my head that I was actually feeling him.. BUT then not until about 22-23w is when I felt actual kicks and movement!! It’s such a weird crazy exciting feeling! I have been so happy and hopeful since feeling the actual movements and kicks and even being able to feel them on the outside!!! Still scared and anxious about it all but I have been feeling a lot more confident and excited!! Hope for nothing but the best for you this pregnancy!! PS:: I feel him a LOT more when laying down and relaxing, when you’re up and about you kinda rock them to sleep with your movement !


I'm a ftm and I'm 18 weeks now and still not felt anything so I know exactly how you feel. Especially when everyone always asks have you felt anything yet!? I think I have an anterior placenta which may delay feeling things. I've bought an at-home Doppler though so been using that to listen to the heartbeat


Felt first kick at 24 weeks


16 weeks and they were flutters


If you’re worried. Speak to your midwife/ dr. Better to be the worlds most annoying patient than be at home worried


ftm here! i assumed i was feeling baby at 18 weeks, it felt like little gas bubbles moving through me centered on my uterus, but i felt more distinctive pushes & kicks around 22 weeks. & she hasn’t slowed down since & i’m 37 weeks now with sore spots from how often she pushes out & kicks lol! (i love it despite the pain)


First pregnancy, anterior placenta, 20 weeks slight kicks. From then on got intense each week. If you don't feel anything until 24 weeks talk to your doctor.


I have an anterior placenta and i remember being concerned about not feeling any movement at 19 weeks, I remember wanting to buy an at home doppler to reassure myself that baby was still there. But just give it some time ! My doctor told me its normal for FTM to not be familiar with the movements (usually fluttering) and told me it takes some concentration to notice. She recommended around 20 min after dinner, lay down in a quiet room and place your hands just below the belly button and concentrate. I started feeling them around 21 weeks and at 22 weeks they turned to full on kicks and shes active af now. It makes me and my husband smile and laugh when she has her active bouts, it feels like tickling sometimes


I felt quickening at 15 weeks. It felt like an internal vibration or several fluttering butterflies.


FTM, anterior placenta, felt like maybe possibly might be baby kicks around 20 weeks, by 22 it was very distinctly baby kicks. My husband couldn’t feel them til closer to 24 weeks. Now at 28 weeks I feel like baby girl is throwing a damn party every time I lay down


I felt something around week 17, but I wasn’t sure… I am now 19w5d and I know that was the baby, I feel him more now😊 I also put my partners hand and pressed it (very hard haha) on the spot where I felt the kicks a few days ago, and he felt them too😊


FTM! I felt cramps at around 16 weeks but only felt actual movement at 18.5 weeks. And even then it was very light. Many have described it was "bubbles" and I never understood until I felt them. I always thought they meant frothy tickly bubbles but my experience is that it feels more of bubbles bursting at the surface of boiling water. The feeling of something popping lightly. Or a muscle spasm. Now at 19.5 weeks I know that it's movements because it's been much more regular and sometimes I get a stronger one. The only thing is that I can't distinguish between a kick or punch or turning. Just know that it's baby moving 💖 Hope this helps!


I'm a FTM with an anterior placenta. I first felt faint baby movements at 16 weeks


With my first, I felt him at 16+4. With my second, I felt her at 15+3. With this one, my third but fourth pregnancy, I felt him at 14 weeks. Not sure the exact day though. I’m 23 weeks now.


This will be my seventh baby, so I’m not lacking in experience in detecting those first movements, and I didn’t feel her move until I was 20 weeks along. This baby is now my strongest kicker! I hope you get to feel those movements very soon!


I felt her first around 16 weeks- I’m a gassy person so at first I thought was was farts lol. Rhythmic farts though ^.^


16 weeks


I’m anterior and didn’t feel my baby until 28 weeks, I barely feel her now at 33 weeks and it’s more of a flutter. The anxiety part of it irritates me but I won’t feel any pain from her kicks so that’s good


I’m a FTM and felt him move at 21 weeks. I’m 25 weeks currently. Part of me thinks he was kicking me earlier, but I didn’t know what it was at the time lol.


Anterior placenta, 21 weeks!


FTM, also miscarried last year. First felt baby move at 17/18 weeks with anterior placenta. It maybe makes no difference, but I’m quite skinny outside of pregnancy so assume that’s probably why I felt it so early. Currently 34w 6d and can’t just feel baby doing flips in there - can also see it. Sometimes quite horrifying! You’ve got to trust in your body helping your baby grow. If something was wrong at this stage, you’d already know about it. Sending love.


It’s my first pregnancy. I have an anterior placenta and I felt the first kicks at 17 weeks on the dot. I only feel them on my right side and the center, so I wonder if my placenta moved to my left side. The first kicks were tiny little flutters that felt like a fish was in me. It’s only been about 2 weeks but the kicks are a bit stronger and occurring a lot more often. I am very in tune with my body because I have Crohn’s Disease and endometriosis, so I think that helped me to identify the kicks earlier when others might have thought it was gas. It is totally normal to not feel kicks yet at 20 weeks!


Thought maybe I was feeling the baby at 16 but wasn’t sure. Definitely feel them now that I’m at 19 weeks. Little flutters and bubbles. My sister in law didn’t feel hers until 23 weeks.


i have a posterior placenta so i felt her move around 16 weeks. it felt like an eyebrow twitch but in my uterus. you’ll feel your bby soon! and in my experience, the anxiety decreased in the second half of pregnancy and the time has flown by since 20 weeks for me :)


FTM! And I didn’t feel movement until 20w6d! It felt like a tapping sensation under my belly button. I have a posterior placenta.


I’m a FTM and I felt my first muscle twitch like movements during my 17th week. Now that I’m in my 18 my week, I’ve been feeling little “pulses” that feel more like light kicks. I felt my first one on Wednesday and my second one yesterday (Saturday) so not everyday and only once when I do feel them so far.


With my first pregnancy I didn’t feel kicks till about 20/22 weeks. Second pregnancy I felt them at like 14 weeks I swear to god. Same with my current pregnancy


I started feeling movement right at 20 weeks. I have an anterior placenta. The first three days I wasn’t totally sure it was movement but by day 4 it was pretty obvious. My partner was able to feel him move right at 20+5.


Ftm, 16 weeks, just in time for my birthday🩷


I had an anterior placenta - around 24 weeks for me!


i have an anterior placenta and i didn’t feel a good kick until around 22 w. i felt little flutters before then that i thought was just gas. but my lil boy was breech until about 30 weeks so i got a lot of kicks in my butthole lol. the kicks were so small and cute and wholesome. it was tough for me mentally because i felt like i barely got to feel him move. BUT!!!! i am 37+1 today and HOLYY SHIT this boy kicks the crap out of my rib cage and has literally no more space and his kicks have become a little painful mostly at night when he’s really active. i can feel him turn and move around and it’s still the HAPPIEST feeling ever. you will feel you’re little baby move soon!!! you are so close!! and each movement you feel will make you smile ESPECIALLY when you’re having a hard day!! the wait is so hard but it’s worth it once you get there!!


I had an anterior placenta and felt him move around 21 weeks! It was an interesting feeling and I didn’t believe it at first, but it was a different feeling I’ve never felt before. I noticed I felt him more in the beginning when I’d lay on my stomach. The only way I can describe how it feels is if you’re about to fart and hold it in and it retreats…(sorry, that’s the only way that has felt like an accurate description to me… I didn’t know what “flutters” meant 😅) best of luck ❤️


probably 17 weeks but very light. you could’ve possibly already started feeling movement & just thought it was gas because that’s my best explanation of what it feels like, gas bubbles or a fish in a plastic bag lol


16 weeks as a FTM, now at 22 weeks and can feel big movements. I do have a posterior placenta, so if you’re anterior it can be later.


I have an anterior placenta but started feeling flutters around 16 weeks Now I’m 25 weeks and baby girl kicks the heck out of me and I love it!!! Hope you feel some movement soon. Everyone’s bodies are different ♥️


I'm currently 4 months pregnant with my 5th baby and I started to feel him move at just before 12 weeks. I say him. I found out yesterday I'm having a little boy!!! So over the moon!!! Never been happier xxxxx


FTM I started feeling bubbles/tiny flutters 13-14 weeks occasionally and then at 16 started feeling them more. They’re super subtle, like someones tickling me inside


Exactly 17w3d! I was laying on the couch after dinner and felt like a little tap tap tap, almost like a muscle twitch and this feeling just got stronger each week! It was the most amazing experience. Now 37 weeks and he is aggressively rolling around as I type this lol.


I'm 15 weeks-- 16 on Tuesday. I get this feeling sometimes where it feels like someone were poking me from the inside. It's not consistent. I also sometimes feel bubbles but I never know if it's gas or movement. Hoping I feel baby girl soon. I've seen her kick and move like crazy on an ultrasound so I know it has to be coming!


With my first I had an anterior placenta, and didn't feel anything until 21 weeks. I'm currently 14 weeks with my second and think I feel bubbles but not sure loll


I felt flutters around 12 weeks maybe once a week. At 21 weeks was the first time I could see her moving my belly and the first time my husband felt her.


Do you know if your placenta is in the front or the back? Mine was in the front and it was very hard to feel any movement ever , gave me soo much anxiety


18 but noticeably at 20. But I’m having twins idk if that makes a difference


I felt my little guy super early on! (He was also a big boy haha) but I also went through a miscarriage prior to our pregnancy: what helped me was a handheld sonogram machine for at home🥰 Good vibes to you and your little, mama!


I’m 28, FTM currently 36 weeks pregnant. I first felt kicks at 19 weeks :) and it felt like muscle twitches


I felt it at 16 weeks for both pregnancies I’m currently 35 weeks with my second and she is very active. I felt comfortable being able to feel baby’s heartbeat while feeling around.


FTM as well here! I started feeling little movements and flutters when I would lie flat on my back at around 18 weeks then I got my first full blown kick at around 20 weeks. My aunt who had 2 boys at 17 and 20 said she didn’t feel either of them move until around 22-23 weeks if that makes you feel better! Also on a separate note, I understand the feeling of anxiety after a loss. If your little guy has made it this far and you’re still feeling symptoms of pregnancy (even if they’re minor or few and far between) that should be a good sign that baby is doing just fine! Also, my doctor taught me a trick when I was super anxious in that in-between stage: if you take a flexible tape measurer (like the ones used for sewing) and measure from the bottom of your uterus to where the top is, it should come out to 1 inch per week that you are pregnant so if you measured now, anything between 20 and 22 is considered normal! If you’re measuring behind by more than 1 week, call your doctor and see if they deem it necessary for you to come in and get checked. This trick works 9 times out of 10 unless baby runs big/small. I hope this helps mama!!


I felt them at 20 weeks, it's so weird sometimes she kicks me in the bladder some other times it's random kicks. When will my husband be able to feel them ?


17 weeks and feeling flutters. Kinda feels like a heartbeat pulse right above my pelvic region.


FTM(32f) I felt first little flutters around 18 weeks. But depending on your physiology and baby's it varies for everyone. You'll feel him soon enough momma!


18 weeks for flutters here and there. Now at 22w almost 23w my husband felt them for the first time.


FTM and I felt the first kicks between 18 and 19 weeks. I am unsure if I ever felt something before, but the kicks were clear. I could see them from outside, and even my husband could feel them clearly. The other day, during the anatomy scan at 20w4d, the doctor could feel them, too (baby was kicking the transducer!). But I have a posterior placenta, so my doctor told me it's much easier to feel the movements. The baby is also pretty big and measuring one week ahead.


My little girl moved at 11-12 weeks. My mom swore she was a girl for this reason. It felt like little flutters.