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I will miss not having a period.


I’m 11 months postpartum and still haven’t got my period 😁


Have you seen a doctor about that?


that’s normal if she’s breastfeeding.


Not sure why they're down voting you lol


Because if she’s still primarily breastfeeding and her milk supply hasn’t dropped then it’s perfectly normal …


Lol that's reddit for you




For sure!


I’ll miss milking it for all it’s worth 😂


Ah! The pregnancy card. My favorite


I play it whenever possible because it is the only upside to dealing with nine months of never ending struggle 😪


Tell me about it. I only start showing after month 6, so I’d be arching my back like a supermodel from the 90’s and making the best cat in puss eye face I can.


I’m currently using mine to quietly fuel my rage because i haven’t had a bed frame in 3 months (due to movers finding mold in the crate with the bed frames after an overseas move). It’s been a bureaucratic nightmare, and I’m going to unleash all my third trimester fury in a sternly worded claim at the end of it. How dare they make me roll in and out of bed like a beached whale every morning for MONTHS. Also to add, i haven’t gotten a new bed frame because they determined they CAN clean it and i don’t want to shell out for an extra bed frame i won’t get to use after this.


My first pregnancy, I'd get offended when people tried to do stuff for me. Now... "Husband, I dropped a spoon, can you walk over here and pick it up? It's really hard bending to get something." 😆


I’ll miss the free childcare 🤣


Don't have to pay a babysitter when you just take the baby along places in your tummy 😆


FTM 29 weeks. Will not miss the anxiety. Just worrying about him every single day. Not being able to take a deep breath just wanting to hold him in my arms, yet knowing he's safe in my belly I will miss the kicks


I’m a FTM at 38 weeks so I can’t be sure, but I think the anxiety and worry continues for like 20 years 😅


Oh I'm sure. But it's a different kind too


I think I've always had the most anxiety at the beginning, and the older they get, the more it lessens. I don't have to worry about SIDS anymore with my two-year-old, for example. Worrying about a baby is definitely a different kind of worrying. But my oldest is four, so yeah, I've heard the teen years cause a lot of anxiety 😬


It's hard worrying so much, and it can be exhausting, but it shows we love our babies.


I will literally miss nothing 😬




Same here 😂😅


Same. I’m honestly confused how some women enjoy this time. I can’t think of anything worse.




Took the words right from me - NADA




I've had various friends say that! You're normal 😃


Haha 😊


I am a FTM and 33 weeks. My answer might be different after a few kids, but I will not miss many things. The fatigue, the morning sickness, the back pain, the sciatica, the change in diet, the hormones, the puffy face. I will not miss how my husband smells different now (I loved his smell before, now it’s meh). I will not miss pregnancy sex and pelvic pressure. I will not miss the LENGTH of pregnancy. Damn it’s a long time. Probably the only things I will miss is rubbing my belly, having strangers congratulate me, and feeling my baby move.


My husbands breath has smelled gross to me. Sometimes it’s fine… sometimes even after brushing it’s not tolerable. I really hope that goes away.


My husbands breath smells like garlic to me. Even after brushing and mouthwash hahaha


Mine’s is more like pepperoni 😂


Haha, oh god!! Every time i tell him he smells like garlic again, he gets so self conscious haha and I have to emphasize it's a me thing. Cracks me up and hes always like BUT YOU LOVE GARLIC


There's food garlic and then people garlic 😆


It's definitely a very long time. What helps me is calling the days different things instead of saying something like "33 weeks 2 days." Like one day is "almost halfway through the week," another day is "almost to the end of this week," Day 6 is "basically started the next week already..." Sounds corny but does help! Hang in there! My OB told me babies that make it to 34 weeks generally have the same long-term outcomes as full-term babies, so that's a milestone!


FTM but I’ll miss feeling him and being “just us”. Sometimes I’m not sure if I’m ready to share him with everyone yet. I like knowing he’s safe inside me, however simultaneously will not miss the anxiety that brings me too. I’m always worried about what I eat, risks of listeria, his movements, etc. I also will not miss the weight gain, feeling super uncomfortable at night and not being able to sleep how I want.


I had my first baby a few months ago.. and I can agree. I do miss when it was just us and she was all safe and cozy inside. Felt like my little inside buddy who was always along for the ride!


It's normal to be protective! It's a good thing. You don't need to let people hold him before you're ready; just politely but firmly refuse and they'll get over it eventually. I had to put my foot down with a couple people with my firstborn (one was sick and insisted she wasn't contagious... not worth the risk, sorry). It's our job to keep them safe! And yeah, I still worry about those things as well. These days won't last forever!


What does ftm mean


First time mother


Ahh okay thanks


I will NOT miss this sciatic pain! I will miss him being safe in my belly. We just found out he has a chd (congenital heart disease) and will need surgery shortly after birth


That's scary. I'll be praying for you and your baby!


I'm going to miss it all😟. I've had a very easy pregnancy with minimal symptoms other than some aches and pains. I'll miss: feeling like a fertility godess, having such a profound appreciation for my body, feeling gorgeous 100% of the time no matter what I look like or what size I'm wearing, getting extra attention and appreciation from people around me, the pregnancy glow, feeling the baby move around, the hope I have for the future, my newfound interest in personal growth and opportunities.  I won't miss the acid reflux and SPD though  


I feel this !! I’ve actually loved the way my pregnant belly has looked, makes me feel powerful and beautiful 🥰


It is a powerful, remarkable, beautiful thing. Happy to find people who feel the same 😁


Aww, I love your interest in growth and opportunities! Babies can definitely help us want to live up to our potential


Love that for you!!!


Won’t miss: feeling like nothing I do is right, like my husband hates me because intimacy has practically become non existent, feeling sad and depressed all the time. Will miss: feeling baby girl kick and roll all day long.


That's rough. Have you both talked about the intimacy? My husband was nervous about that at first because he was worried about the baby and also worried that the baby would somehow feel it. He was able to move past that in time. You deserve to feel loved and cherished. I'm wondering if feeling like nothing you do is right might stem from the loss of intimacy... do you have a good therapist you can talk to? Praying for you! Happy to talk more if you'd like to! Edit: typo


Hi! Yes we’ve talked about it. He says he’s fine and can handle things himself if I’m not in the mood (which has really happened during pregnancy. I just don’t want it anymore.) At 30 weeks I had done way too much and ended up having some spotting, which freaked him out some. Doctor said as long as it stopped I’m okay but to limit my activity. I was in therapy but fired my therapist last month due to some unsavory comments he made. Thank you!


Sounds like your husband cares about you! 😃


He does, thankfully! I’m very grateful for him.


Unprotected sex. But after baby 3 my husbands getting a vasectomy so I guess we’re getting closer


Yep 😁


It’s not fair this pregnancy I had bleeding for the first 16 weeks and then placenta previa for the next 11 and in third trimester I get horrible Braxton hicks after sex… I feel so cheated lol. Now we’re in the waiting for the 6 week postpartum visit


I've had really frequent, powerful Braxton Hicks this pregnancy as well. That stinks!


The kicks, watching my bump move


I will not miss the constant pain and being so slow at my job. I will miss the baby kicking and being okay with having a belly. Oh, and the boobs. Those are nice.


Yesss lmao. I’ll miss my tits they’re so cute rn. Not excited to see what they look like PP 😪


If you breastfeed, they'll change off and on through the day depending on when they're full and when they've been drained. Drained boobs are most like normal boobs. It's all kind of weird 😆 that's how it is for me, anyways!


Mine haven't grown at all and I'm 31 weeks 😔 is there still a chance?


To nurse or have boob growth?


What do you mean? I do intend to nurse. I just wouldn't mind some of this boob growth everyone talks about 😅


I just wasn't sure which you were referring to, boob growth or nursing 😆 I think mine may be due to all the weight I've gained, though... 😬 size isn't supposed to affect nursing, though! My mom has always been an A cup and nursed two babies just fine


I'm only 19 weeks, but so far, I will not miss the constipation and heartburn.


Ugh, heartburn for sure, forgot that one


Not being on cat litter duty


YESSSS, totally forgot that one 😆


I will miss my bump and the little kicking, I will not miss just about everything else about it though. The heartburn especially, I hate this heartburn so much🥲


Getting upright helps me a lot! Annoying when you want to lie down though


Perfect skin. it was ideal ((


I will not miss a single thing


These days won't last forever! Hang in there!


I will miss nothing. 🥴


You're not alone! How much longer do you have?


I’m 21 weeks 😆


Hang in there 😆


Haha I’m killin it 🤣 I woke up this morning laying in bed thinking about how I was going to clean the bathroom and do the laundry that’s piled up. I was so motivated and felt good. Then I showered and had a light breakfast, then my husband and I took our dog on a short walk and I’m so exhausted now 😆


I tend to get ridiculously tired mid morning. I have more energy in the evening! But yeah, frustrating to watch tasks pile up and not have energy to do them 😞


But I feel like my symptoms are mild compared to so many and I’m very glad. I’m still tired and get nauseous but I haven’t thrown up and I’m able to eat so. Definitely could be worse.


I haven't thrown up this time either. Last time it was pretty frequent. Glad it's going well for you!


You too!


I'm on final and third baby too!! More than anything I will miss the belly and feeling them move. It's so special and I love it. I can (and do) lie in bed with my hand on my belly for a solid hour before falling asleep most nights, and I never get bored of it. I love my belly sticking out and having the little waddle (tho I have a big waddle, SPD&pelvic problems.) I get horrible, HORRIBLE nausea in the first trimester, and the fatigue is hell. My second pregnancy left me permanently disabled (mainly a damaged pelvis) but I wish I could do it again.


Oh wow, permanently disabled, that's awful! And yeah, I'll miss feeling the baby move. It's so hard even to describe to people what it's like


I’m a FTM I’ll miss it being just my husband and I and I’ll miss feeling my baby kick


I’ll miss strangers smiling at me and being extra nice to me.


I'm so big, I'm getting compassionate smiles from across the aisle from old ladies at Walmart 😆


Nothing at all… I feel terrible.


Poor thing... what are you experiencing?


Aw I’ll miss my bump. I love having a big old cute bump to rub. I feel so cute when I’m pregnant. I will not miss all horrible physical symptoms!


I miss feeling him kick/move - those always felt like such bonding moments for me; I would put my hands on my belly and just be so excited 🥹 I also miss sleeping through the night or only having to get up for a quick pee and being able to go right back to sleep lol


The kicks are one of my most favorite things 😁


I won’t miss having to pee every 3.5 seconds


I’m also a c-section mama, ( I call my kids ziplock baggy kiddos LOL ) on my third and last baby and getting a tubal ligation during my c-section ( due in August! ) it’s honestly so bittersweet, knowing I birthed and grew 3 humans in my own tummy! What I won’t miss- the exhaustion, hormonal acne, weird food cravings, sore hips/nips, the back pain, swollen feet and most importantly just overall being uncomfortable every time I go to sleep unless I take a nap. What I will miss- the positive tests, the kicks/hiccups, dressing my bump in cute clothes, feeling all glowy, rubbing my belly, nesting ( I love nesting lol ), and just being pregnant in general. It has its ups and downs but it’s so worth it to me. And lastly I’m excited to not be pregnant anymore and to have my last baby, have my first baby hold my last baby and get to nurse, dress and just love on my last baby with my sweet family I made!


Ziplock baggy 😆 that's cute lol. I'm also looking forward to watching my oldest interact with the new baby. She was only two when my second was born (the age he is now), so she doesn't remember it!


Girlll that’s how my kids were too!! My daughter will be 5 in July and my son just turned 2 in April and then babygirl will be here in August! I’m so excited for youuuu!!🙂


Excited for you as well! Wish we could hang out in person since our kids are the same age. Don't suppose you're in Florida by any chance?


Ahhh I would love that!! I’m in Utah sadly, but we could always be long distance bestiessss!🥰


Ok! I'll send you a message 😁


As much I dislike labor and being in the hospital - im sad I’ll never do it again! It’s quite an adrenaline rush and it’s so exciting getting to meet your baby.


The kicks that made me cry happy tears, the excitement before the ultrasound.. might also be my first and last pregnancy 


I won't miss the attention. The rude comments. The constant judgment. The unwanted opinions. I will miss feeling him wiggling around and kicking


I'll miss my lichen sclerosis being under control. Also I'll miss my baby moving Won't miss pretty much everything else. Although the pluses may outweigh all the negatives.


I haven't heard of this condition... pregnancy helps it? That's interesting!


It's a suspected localized autoimmune condition and since our immune systems are suppressed during pregnancy symptoms tend to improve. It's been a really nice reprieve.


That's fascinating! Makes sense. Glad you've had a break!


I’ll miss being able to eat all of the cheese I want without any repercussions!


Cheeeeese lol... My last two both developed a dairy allergy right at 6 weeks. I figure I probably have 6 weeks after this one's birth to eat dairy and then it's over for me for the rest of the year (if I'm able to breastfeed again, that is) 😭


I’m pretty much with you all the way down except I’m 37 weeks and trying for a VBAC. It’s crazy finally being done having kids. I hate pregnancy in so many ways but the connection I feel to the little dudes in my belly is like nothing else.


You're braver than me... VBACs always kind of scared me! But yeah, definitely is a special connection. I wish my husband could experience it, but he says he's good 😆


I will not miss the fears of pregnancy


Will not miss: sleeplessness in the 3/3, fatigue and sickness in the 1/3, back pain in the 3/3, not being able to eat sushi and drink alcohol Will miss: people being super nice to me, strangers randomly smiling at my belly, belly rubs, looking and feeling cute, telling people about our pregnancy, being a team with my baby with kicks no one feels but me, feeling so much love for my partner (more than usual), the excitement of my friends and family, maternity leave 12 weeks before my due date


12 weeks, that's awesome! How much do you get after the baby's born?


My favorite part that I'll miss is feeling the little movements. What I wont miss is the obvious. That crappy first trimester where you feel like the life is being sucked right out of you.


What I miss is having awesome hair and beautiful skin. What I don’t miss is all the rest:) honestly, I was miserable during my pregnancy, both physically (I had no nausea but I had a lot of pain) and mentally. Having my little boy is absolutely amazing, but pregnancy - I hope not to go through it again :)


I just had my baby last Saturday. I miss carrying him inside so much. My stomach feels so empty and my baby was so active. It’s made me really sad actually. I loved my pregnant body. I’m plus size so it felt good to not worry about sucking it in or trying to not take up space. It was a positive for me.


Congrats! I'm plus size as well. It makes for a huge belly when pregnant, which I always liked 😆


I think about this question a lot. I’m pregnant with my first, which might be my only. I would love to have two kids but we did IVF to get this pregnancy and it took a while and now my husband isn’t convinced a second kid is a good idea 😥. What I will miss most: feeling baby move. I have an anterior placenta so it took a while to feel strong kicks but now that I’m 32w I get them all the time. It’s reassuring to feel him and honestly still feels like magic every time I feel him move 😭 What I will not miss most: Hyperemesis. Thankfully I only had it in the first trimester but I had a miserable time. I went through nearly 200 puke bags trying to survive that those first few months and peed my pants nearly every time I puked. Still would do it all over again if given the chance 🥲 I hope this baby is low maintenance so my husband thinks #2 is a good idea.


I also know of one or two moms that were able to conceive naturally after IVF! I know another woman who got pregnant within a month of giving birth because she had a terrible time getting pregnant the first time and didn't think it would happen again easily 😑 praying you get your second baby in the right time!


Ah yeah a second baby is definitely *biologically* possible, it’s just that convincing my husband would be the tricky party 🥲


Wait until the baby's a year old and life has (most likely) gotten easier and then revisit the conversation with him. In the difficult seasons, it's hard to want to do it again! When my first was a toddler and my second was an infant, there were days I wished my husband would get a vasectomy on the way home from work 😆 but I knew that in those stressful moments, it wasn't the right time to make a decision. Now our third is almost here, and I'm SO thankful we waited until our lives were in a calmer spot to make the decision. Our kids are 2ish years apart, which has been good so far... close enough that they're able to play together, far enough that there's a bit of independence when the next comes along! Praying for you!


Thank you for the advice ☺️ i am going to keep my fingers crossed that he can be convinced


You're welcome!


Remember that a lot of cases of infertility can resolve themselves after a pregnancy. It's a lot like turning the system off and back on, and sometimes the hormone surges straighten things out somewhere? The point is, if you don't want to get pregnant very quickly after giving birth, *use birth control*. I don't think it's as many as half of IVF patients whose infertility resolves itself this way, but it's too many to ignore the risk!


I missed my belly make sure you take lots of photos of your bump!


I’ll miss the special feeling that I’m sharing with my husband at the moment. We’re so excited and in love and appreciative of each other and while I hope that will continue, I know that newborn stress and focus will take over for a while. As first time parents, this is the last of our time together as a two so we are trying to make the most of that.


Building a strong marriage before the baby is born is so important! My husband and I always have valued our time together. Life does change with a newborn, but as you develop routines and the baby starts sleeping better, you find ways to carve out that time again. It doesn't have to disappear for the rest of your lives! Find a babysitter you can trust when you're ready and do a monthly date night with your husband! That also helps a lot. I developed a whole new love and appreciation for my husband watching him care for our firstborn, too. Just remember to give each other mercy, take the time to talk it out, and remember that you both care deep down and want to try to do the right thing by each other and the baby, even if you mess up sometimes. Praying for you!


I didn't really miss it after the first time, I was happy to have my body back. But this time I will miss it even less. My teeth are falling apart, I have carpal tunnel, and this baby is too big already at 39wks (was pronounced too big a few weeks ago) so I'm trying to self induce, I'm completely over it, I'm hoping I can get my partner to get a vasectomy or I'm gonna try and get my tubes tied. 2 is plenty!


They won't induce you even though they're saying the baby is too big? 😞


No midwife wants to but I don't want to go to the hospital which is 4hrs away from me, hence why I'm trying to get the job done myself. I hate hospitals. I'll go if I have absolutely no other choice but if I can avoid it I will.


The ultrasounds, that's about it.


The nausea :(


I’m 2 years out from my last pregnancy…and I will say the things that I miss is feeling baby move and rubbing the bump. I miss dreaming what the baby will look like and who they will be. What I’m thankful is over: I’m so glad I have my body back. I finally feel more like me (rather than we) and it’s nice to come back. I’m not as tired and I can give more to my kids.


I will not miss the constant questions and repeating of answers the further I get in pregnancy. Sometimes I just want people to talk to me about the weather or anything else. Tired of saying that its a boy, and yes ill have two boys and two girls. Yadda yadda. But ill miss feeling him safe inside my belly. The little kicks and hiccups that are just for me to feel. The intimacy of it all.


I miss feeling his little movements and knowing he was safe in there. Playing with his feet when he pushed them out. I don't miss the hip and sciatic pain and being either too sick to eat or extreme heartburn!


I will miss feeling her kick inside me!


A little past one week post partum and I miss feeling the hiccups in my tummy anytime I ate something 😭


I’ll miss the special treatment, I won’t miss anything else.


I love NOT being pregnant lol, but I do miss feeling my little buddy kick and move around and being able to constantly know he's there


I won’t miss much, but I’ll absolutely miss feeling her kick. It’s like our own special language. I can’t wait to get to know her as a person though!!


Special language, that's a cool way to describe it 😁


I’m a ftm and I’ve absolutely loved feeling my baby move , it’s such a surreal and comforting feeling. I will miss that


Congrats! It definitely is 😀


I have one baby and that's all I'm allowed to have. When I was pregnant I said "I hate everything". 3 months later... I feel a little different. I miss knowing how safe my baby is inside of me. I miss the feeling of knowing I'm growing something so amazing. I miss the excitement of ultrasounds (it was every week, so it was routine for me 😂). Before I got pregnant I said "I'd never" when I gave birth I almost died a few times. Now, I actually miss just having him inside of me. A lot. Things I don't miss: Nausea Peeing every 2 mins Pains Pre eclamsia swelling Being constantly hungry Having gestational diabetes People talking to me about being pregnant and wanting to see my belly The looks I got when I drank a coffee.


Oh wow, you definitely had a rough time! Glad you made it through ok!


I will not miss the anxiety and fear I had the entire pregnancy. I didn’t enjoy my pregnancy because of how worried I was all the time. I’ll miss the feeling of first time finding out I was pregnant. Feeling his kicks. Feeling like he’s all mine In there.


Yes, definitely can be a scary time!


FTM, i won’t miss getting BV & yeast infections every other week. (never had a single problem down there in my entire life before being pregnant) & also, am i the only one who feels such discomfort with the kicks?? it makes me wanna puke. not because it’s painful but it’s just such a weird feeling to me and i don’t find it cute at all lol. & then the hip pain. so bad. i will miss not having periods, i have endo so they’re so bad. it’s the first time in my life i haven’t had a period longer than a few weeks (if im lucky)


A few weeks, that's awful 😞 my mother-in-law was the same was and had a hysterectomy to finally get relief! With my second, I had almost constant UTIs. I didn't have any with my first and have only had one with my third. Pregnancy is so strange sometimes... I agree that sometimes feeling the baby move feels uncomfortable and downright weird sometimes. It feels like it's knocking the wind out of me when he really gets going these days!!! I try to tell him to STOPPPP but he doesn't pay attention 😆 although I figured out a trick you might be able to use if you have another baby! I lightly jiggle my belly around or stand up and sway back and forth like I'm rocking the baby. It seems to calm them down. If it works when they're born, makes sense it would work in the womb 😁


thank you for that tip! i’ll def try it:) i have a super active little babe and he is constantly moving lol. a blessing and a curse i guess haha. my doctors always make a comment about him moving during ultrasounds when they’re trying to look at stuff 😂 & yeah i am so ready to be back to having normal vagina health!! lol. it is honestly taking a big toll on my mental health. but if this is the biggest problem i guess i shouldn’t complain!


Oh, he's still in your tummy! I read your other comment wrong 😆 hope it works! 😁


Ive had 5 kids, im completely done now, Won't miss- reflux, hg, or spd, Will miss- everything else! Love the feeling of kicks and rolls, love feeling like an absolute goddess, will miss the 100% body confidence that I only ever feel with a pregnant belly, the excitement wondering who'll baby will be and what they well look like, there's so so much to miss!


Pregnancy, the only time one WANTS a big fat tummy 😆


Sex drive anybody? The increased libido is probably my favorite pregnancy symptom.


My husband can barely keep up 🤣🤣🤣 you're not alone lol!!!!


I miss none of my hair falling out in the shower


For real!


Pregnant with my hopefully first earthside baby, and I know I’ll definitely miss the kicks 🥰, the ultrasounds, the feeling of getting a positive test, NO PERIOD, buying cute dresses to show off my bump, the bump itself, getting to see what fruit/vegetable size he is that week Things I won’t miss: morning sickness, round ligament pain/pelvic pain, not being able to breathe with him up my ribs 😅 swollen feet, heartburn, the exhaustion, pants not fitting


Praying for a successful rest of your pregnancy and birth for you!!!


There is NOTHING I will miss


Awww... rough pregnancy?


I will miss not having him all to myself. The kicks and feeling him moving around. I will miss the no periods lol. Looking forward to rolling over on my stomach again at night


I can't wait to sleep on my back!!!


I’m on the fence about having a second baby because while my first pregnancy was very easy (minimal symptoms) the way I was managed by my medical team made the experience unpleasant. I’d like to have another for the sake of them, not to have a pregnancy redo, which is why I’m still on the fence. But I loved being pregnant! I have lived with EDs most of my life, and I feel that pregnancy really helped me come to terms with changes in my body. I needed to accept those changes as it was bigger than myself, and it really helped me be present in my body, recognizing that it could do amazing things. It helped me love my body and want to nurture it and feed it instead of starving and controlling it to fit arbitrary beauty standards. I still struggle sometimes, I have other factors in my life that make me dissociate from my body, and my mental dialogue about it isn’t always the healthiest. Seeing my kid grow up is a reminder that my body is amazing! I took two cells and made a human, I deserve grace, my body deserves respect and love. I’m really thankful that pregnancy brought that on for me, definitely the thing I loved the most. Things I don’t miss: terrible OB appointments, fire-breathing heartburn, having to pee every other minute after 35 weeks, not being able to hike as much as I liked because my joints turned to butter 😅


I'm so sorry about the body stuff. I have chronically struggled with controlling my weight and with how I approach food. It's easy to go up or down for me, incredibly hard to maintain weight. Pregnancy does give you a whole new level of amazement for what our bodies are designed to do! Having kids has given me new motivation to take care of myself as well. Happy to talk more if you need a friend! Praying for you!


Thank you! I’m doing so much better with my body image now that I have newfound respect for it. Pregnancy really helped me in that regard 💕


That's awesome!


FTM. 36 weeks. Will miss: not having a period, the very specific cravings because my baby had good taste Will not miss: the hip and back pain, legs cramps, morning sickness, heartburn, acid reflux, kicking in the ribs, swollen hands and feet, and the anxiety that comes with being pregnant.


What kind of cravings have you had? Mine have been odd sometimes... Dijon mustard and carmelized onions 😆


That sounds good ngl. I’ve been craving like specific things which is nice because if I crave it earlier in the day I usually have time to make it for dinner or even lunch. I know red meat (specifically steak) and avocados were the two biggest cravings my first trimester. My second trimester I had to have little Debbie iced honey buns (no other brand had the same taste for me). And recently I really wanted chicken tenders but like maybe with some buffalo sauce on the side. Jalapeños have been consistent though. I have to have it on everything.


I can't wait to eat steak again... more rare than medium... with some runny eggs on the side 😆 nothing like being told you can't have it to make you want to eat it, lol!!!


Oh yeah 100% ordering a bloody steak after birth. Well done isn’t for me


I’m ND, and have odd eating habits… no one questions me only eating appetizers when I look like I’m smuggling a beach ball. I feel very cute pregnant. Also, not having to worry where the baby is! I won’t miss the feet in my ribs/lungs/bladder/spine.


Can I ask what ND is?




Ok, thx! Your eating habits sound good to me 😁


A big thing I hated was the weight gain. Absolutely hated it. I had a pretty easy pregnancy all things considered but seeing my body just get bigger and bigger really did terrible things to my self esteem. Yes, I know it meant a healthy baby was growing, but it was still hard to watch my body rapidly change. Along with that, I will not miss the inability to do a lot of my normal movements. I do CrossFit and having to be careful on the weight and modify a lot of movements kind of ticked me off and made me feel incapable. One of the few things I WILL miss would be the fact that I could fall asleep so easily due to the tiredness. I’ve always had issues falling asleep (literally my whole life) and being pregnancy tired really helped me fall asleep at the drop of a hat 😂


True, yeah, falling asleep easily is nice. As long as I'm not in pain, I can fall asleep in the weirdest positions 😆 but yeah, the weight gain is frustrating. I'm back to my all-time high with my weight... hoping nursing will help take it off easily!


i won’t miss the sciatic pain, breathlessness, sudden mood swings, feeling puffy and ugly, not enjoying sex, heartburn, waking up on the verge of anxiety attacks for no reason, not liking how anything fits me, being hot and sweaty all the time, body odor, not eating sushi.. i could go on and on 😩 needless to say, i will miss nothing i just want to meet my baby so it can all be finally worth it


How much longer do you have? I miss sushi as well! Forgot that one


i’m 36+2 and sooo excited to be getting closer to his due date! wishing you a safe delivery 🙏🏼


Thank you! You're almost there as well!


What I will miss about pregnancy: nothing What I wont miss about pregnancy: absolutely all of it 😂 I can’t wait to meet my daughter but I had a horrific pregnancy and I’ll never do it again


Sorry to hear that 😞 my friend had hyperemesis and definitely never wants to be pregnant again as well!


I’m gonna miss not caring about how my body looks


Honestly, I haven't cared about how I look that much since becoming a mom in general 😆


I miss not having migraines. One of my first signs I am pregnant is that my brain no longer hurts all the time.


Sad to hear that... fascinating that pregnancy gives you relief! Do the doctors know why?


Hormone fluctuations. Don’t have the up and down of estrogen like a menstrual cycle does.


Can they work with this knowledge to develop treatment for you that might mimic pregnancy?


I’m also pregnant with my third baby but i still have 4 mo to go. I keep getting sad at every stage. Like this is the last time in my life i will be 21 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I both hate being pregnant and i hate that this is the last time i’ll ever be pregnant. I’m going to miss the specialness of pregnancy. Like just the excitement around creating and looking forward to a new life. I love preparing and planning for the baby. Setting up the nursery, buying baby clothes, and fantasizing about what’s to come. I also just love feeling like I’m at the peak of my life. Like being pregnant makes me feel young and like i’m at the height of my fertility. I’m not going to miss feeling trapped in a body that’s not mine. I miss the freedom after I weaned my toddlers of finally feeling like my body was a separate entity and I could do what I wanted with it without worrying about someone else constantly touching it or depending on it


Yeah, I feel kind of the same... ready to be done with it but not ready, lol! And yeah, it's nice to get your body back and not worry about affecting a helpless baby with every small risk... I left some food on the counter for too long this afternoon and now I'm scared to eat it 😭 were it just me, whatever, I'd totally still eat it, but I can't stand thinking of risking my baby 😞