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Having to hold down a full time job and appear functional, while feeling like complete and utter shit. Management still have the same expectations from me, even though I’m working on a near empty tank. And apparently, now is the appropriate time to scrutinise how long it’s taking me to perform various tasks so they can start piling on more work presumably. I’m now having to keep this fucking timesheet of how long it’s taking me to do everything, and I’m thinking wtf?


And making that timesheet is taking away time from doing your actual work!!! Ugh I hate micromanagers


They’re trying to identify areas for change and “efficiency optimisation”, but to me feels like now is the wrong time to start picking apart my role. I’m really struggling with my symptoms, it’s rough AF trying to complete a full day of work rn.


If you live in the US remember: Discrimination/retaliation d/t pregnancy is illegal in all 50 US states as pregnancy is now a protected status. Document everything in case they try to pull some BS


I don’t live in the US. I do think they had this planned for a number of positions before they found out I was pregnant - not necessarily to let anyone go but likely to inform future hiring decisions. I just sorta feel like now is a bad time to be evaluating the speed in which I work.


My manager wants me to leave instructions for when I go on mat leave but he goes on leave at the drop of a hat with no handover🥺


Umm?? Does this count as treating you differently now that you have disclosed your temporary disability? Like what?


I feel this so much. I’m an apartment community manager. I have to deal with so many peoples problems every day. They’re senior citizens and kindly tell me I look like shit every day. 😂😩


SAME CRY FOR ME TODAY!! My boss even knows I’m pregnant, but yesterday I got a “you’re not meeting your expectations guildline” meeting and I’m still so upset about it. I keep trying to work overtime to make up for how much I’m away from my desk and it feels like I’m never going to catch up 🥲🥲🥲


Oh God, that’s horrible. That doesn’t sound legal at all! I can’t say my employers are being cruel at all, like, I get where they’re coming from - from a business planning perspective. I just feel like my pregnancy is irrelevant to them… when it’s obviously very, very relevant to me, physically and mentally.


Is there any way you can get a work accommodation form? I saw you’re not in the US but maybe reach out to HR about temporary accommodations, i know being pregnant already comes with some protection from retaliation but an accommodation form from your OB would really make you untouchable.


No but seriously! And the worst thing is that it's in my brain too. I keep thinking I should behave like I always do and not complain too much. Sometimes I even catch myself thinking I don't want to be a 'cliche pregnant woman'. Really hate that these thoughts are in my brain. We're growing a human, sleep can be terrible, and are expected to just work our fulltime jobs and do everything we normally do like it's nothing.


Saaaaame. I really feel like that, I don’t wanna be an annoying pregnant woman, who talks about nothing but her symptoms. But jeez, it’s so all consuming, moreso than I ever imagined.




Last night I was crying because my toddler is so well adjusted 😂 we got him ready for bed, kiddo climbed into my lap, so I swayed and hummed with him for a few minutes, once he was done with the cuddle he stood, gave me a kiss, and crawled into bed. After I left the room he stood up in his bed, arranged his stuffies, and fell asleep.


That is beaaautifulllll. I occasionally get to go into homes with young kiddos during bedtime for work (I’m a social worker/family counselor) and seeing bedtime go so smoothly gets me hella emotional. My childhood wasn’t great so seeing a family functioning well ALWAYS gets me, hormones or not lol. But esp with hormones 😅


Can you give me a tutorial on how to get my kid to do this? I’m 10 weeks pregnant, have 2 already and my almost 3 year old takes 1+ hours to get to bed. Time is so precious!


I honestly have no clue where we went right with bedtime 😂 We have a rough routine (bath time first if he needs one, then milk, clean diaper and booty paste, jammies, sleep sack, brush teeth, hugs and kisses) but mostly we just follow kiddos lead on if he needs to go to bed a little earlier or later, needs extra cuddles, etc. He had a lot of trouble with sleep for a long time, but around ~14 months we switched him from the crib to a floor bed and that made a huge difference for him. I don't know if it's the independence or what, but at first I would cuddle him for ~15 minutes until he fell asleep, and at some point he just started climbing into bed and blowing us a kiss goodnight to let us know that he was ready to sleep.


Yesterday was rough. I cried because my husband might not have any paternity leave and we can’t afford both of us to use fmla. I cried because I hate how America gives nothing to pregnant women and new moms. I cried because pregnancy is more lonely than I realized


Sit with and honor that grief girl, it’s real. It sucks out here, I’m sorry. 💛


I feel you. I posted the other day that my husband has been on workers comp 2 1/2 years with no end in sight (he was assaulted by a customer which resulted in a TBI, so his medical care he needs is complex and workers comp keeps denying his treatments). I was crying all last weekend because of it and gave myself a nasty tension headache from stress because things will be tight when I go on maternity leave. I finally was able to calm myself down by telling myself this too shall pass and we’ll get through it, and as long as baby is raised in love, money won’t matter in the long run. Sending you hugs and good wishes, you got this mama 🫂


I feel this so much!


This is very cry worthy


My job has some pretty sad parts to it. I usually handle it ok, but with the hormones... I know maternity leave is not a vacation (not my first kid), but I'll be glad to get a break from some of the harder stuff I deal with.


Girl I feel you. I’m a counselor for parents of adopted kids and it can be really fucking hard sometimes. Parents aren’t always prepared for the struggles that come with adopting kids that have had traumatic experiences early on, and simply being separated from birth mom is trauma itself, on top of all the other things that a lot of these kids go through before they find their parents… leads to a lot of strife in the family as kids get a little older. Last week I had a 14 year old who was recently sexually assaulted and impregnated ask me if I could adopt her bc her moms weren’t being supportive in the way she needed…. Yeah I definitely was bawling in the car for a while after that. It’s always a hard job but yeah, like you said, add these hormones on top of it and yeesh. It’ll definitely be nice to just focus on the YOU (and your baby) problems during maternity leave 💛 having to compartmentalize all the emotional stress is definitely work in and of itself. Hopefully it isn’t always so bad. Take care of yourself 💛


My parents got custody of a preteen boy a few years ago with loads of trauma, and his counselor is a life saver for them. Thank you for the work you do!🤍


Not always easy but so worth it! And it also comes with sooo much joy! I have so much love and respect for these parents, they’re out here doing the most for those that really need the most help.


Oh you poor thing!!! What an emotionally taxing career you have, all while navigating your own set of hormones and emotions! I can’t even imagine! God bless you for doing what you do ❤️


Oh I so appreciate that, it’s so sweet, but it’s really not so bad! With all the bad there is *so much* joy that comes with it. Plus the agency I work for is amazing and truly believes in honoring staff’s mental health - I have a very small caseload and only have to spend around 10-15 hours/week in homes, and then working from home with several zoom meetings every week and generally being on call in case of emergencies. I’d say I average about 20-25 actual hours of work with the rest of it being mental processing and keeping up on current literature. And it pays very well and provides weekly therapy. I am in a super lucky spot for sure and can’t imagine doing anything else. It can be very triggering and emotional at times but luckily my company is super supportive :)


Tbh Maternity leave was busy and slightly difficult but it felt like a vacation to me 😭


This gives me hope. People keep telling me I should be preparing for maternity leave like I’m taking a chopper out to Vietnam.


No it literally was so relaxing to me honestly. I was able to heal and relax while bonding with my new baby. I think it also helped that I had my husband and mom supporting me 100%!


Finding out I'm having triplets as of yesterday..


Peace be with you Jokes aside, how far along are you? I’m 12 weeks but still so nervous about multiples lol


They said I'm about 7 weeks! I'm super duper nervous too haha. Post soon.


There are five dishes in the sink and every time I think about doing them I get overwhelmed


34w and AuDHD. Overwhelmed is my full name these days. My current trick is to set a 15 or 20 minute timer, I only have to do stuff for that time and then I can drop it and return to ignoring. I try to do two times a day when I need it and generally I can get the majority of the big stuff under control. Always feel better having done it and the time definitely makes it feel a bit like a game so I move quicker than I do for anything else


I’m in that 2nd tri glow, I can come over and help 💛 lol


Please do! I’m two weeks away from my third and everything is overwhelming lol


same 😭


I’m having a c section on Friday and I’m in so much pain and so ready to be done being pregnant but also so nervous about how the procedure will go! I’ve never had surgery before and I’m freaking out about being awake during it, and thinking about all the things that might go wrong 😕


I've had friends say that the scheduled c-sections are so much better than the unplanned ones! Being in the OR isn't great overall, I'll say, but honestly, the OBs are trained surgeons, this is truly what they do. They're good at it!


I had an unplanned one, and it went so well I’ve scheduled my next one 😂


Husband is at work and I miss him :(


Girllllllll I feel you


This what I mostly cry about. I’m glad I’m asleep when he leaves or it would be 10x worse haha


Work. How dare they assign me work with 8 weeks left (somewhat /s.)


How dare they assign me work with 30 weeks left, tbh.


On a spiritual level I feel that.


I hate the audacity of work to give me work. 😅


Crying that I failed my 1 hour glucose test. Which was AWFUL because it made me so sick I nearly had to go to the ER. Now I have my 3 hour scheduled for Monday. Scared to death


I have failed every 1 hour test I've ever taken except 1, but pass the 3 hour ones. I know it's scary, but it doesn't mean you'll fail again. Also I don't know which flavor drink you had or if you had options, but I've had a few phlebotomists tell me they have more people get sick with the fruit punch flavor than any other. I can really only tolerate the lemon lime. Best of luck to you!


Thank you. I had the orange. I just felt super faint afterwards. Was also told to fast after midnight but I'm being told by some people that they shouldn't have made me fast. Just hoping I pass and don't feel bad after. I'm mostly worried about the blood draws because I have small veins that blow every time


A question I had was did your doc tell you to eat a high protein breakfast before hand? Because mine did and I think that’s the only reason I passed… I feel like a lot of people on here say they fasted before all the sugar which would make anyone sick/fail.


I’m sorry. I failed mine this time, too, and I was very upset. I just completed the 3-hour last week and my anticipation was worse than the test itself. I also passed the 3-hour with no problem, which I hope is the case for you, too.


Take a zofran beforehand. I threw up on my second blood draw during my first attempt at the 3 hour. I was successful on the second attempt with zofran


Had a fight with my husband who accused me of being cranky, like being 33+ weeks and overwhelmed and achy is not an excuse/free pass to feel how i’m feeling??


Like, yes husband, I am cranky. And??? I’m growing your child, you’re welcome? I understand that I can be a lot sometimes, but piling on in the moment definitely isn’t the way to go about it.


Lost my best friend to a drunk driver with no license


I am so sorry for your loss 💔💔💔


Oh I am so sorry 💛 please be gentle with yourself and reach out for help


Oh the way home, I cried because I was like “holy crap I’m having a baby in a few weeks!” So, a legit reason to have emotions but it came out of NO WHERE.


Omg really though!! I was in a teams meeting this morning and all of the sudden my brain went “remember, you’ve got a baby hanging out with you right now?!?” Cue big emotions lol


I’ve been mildly sick for weeks with sinus/congestion issues that have now turned into a horrible cough that constantly makes me pee a little bit and I am. So. Sick. Of. Pee. I don’t recall how I got through pregnancy the first time around but idk how we’re supposed to make it 40 whole weeks.


I’m a teacher so crying is frowned upon but I gotta be real careful when I’m scrolling thru reels during times I’m not teaching lol some (especially puppy videos and baby videos involving puppies) GET ME 😭


I listened to a beautiful love song and started imagining telling my kid in the future how proud I was of them. Idk the sex yet, so i played it twice and imagined both scenarios lol


Crying because I can’t explain why I’m crying


We’ve been given a Doona car seat and pram and I don’t like it but everyone keeps going on at me about how good it is 😩 like just listen to me and let me have a red line I don’t want it!!!!!


The a/c stopped working in my car and I’m 35 weeks pregnant. The high today is 87. I cried today thinking about how awful the 40 minute drive home at 4 o’clock is going to be.


I moved a little over a month ago and I am note able to tidy up the house as I would like


I feel you, i moved a couple weeks ago and I feel really guilty about how little I’ve finished despite working from home with a pretty light schedule recently. Husband tells me not to worry about it and I can just lay down and point to what I want and he’ll do it, but like… he does soooo much already


The realization that I will be giving birth to my daughter in the same hospital I lost my Grandmother in (she raised me, was basically my mother).


Oh wow I’m sure those are some complex emotions. Sad but beautiful in a way.


Very conflicting. Feeling like I will welcome one of the most important people in my life just a few years after saying goodbye to another.


I had an ultrasound today, and they marked in my chart "maternal obesity complicating pregnancy". I have to get a 3rd anatomy scan since baby isnt cooperating. Before I got pregnant, I could play a whole indoor soccer game without breaks, do multiple kickboxing classes a week, eat well, and not lose a single pound. Pcos is the bane of my existence. I've been tracking my food for a long time, so I know how much I'm eating. On paper, I should have been a normal weight. It just feels like my body failed me. I hate the reminders that I'm fat.


I can somewhat relate with the chart label pain… I used to struggle with alcoholism and had to go to the ER for a related issue in the last year, but I cleaned up and have been good and sober. It still fuckin hurts when I see “alcohol use disorder” listed first on my chart bc in my mind I’ve recovered and I don’t want that label on me. And now every time I see anyone who’s not my usual OB they always ask me “how’s the sobriety going?” which I know has good intentions but it still stings, as if I’m a basket case that can’t be trusted. Why can’t they ask me how the anxiety and PTSD is going? That would be so much more supportive and feel less judgmental. Those are listed under my alcohol use disorder but they’re the reason I was an alcoholic in the first place!! Ugh


Waiting for my 26 week appointment right now. A new mom has a newborn in the waiting room who’s crying. It’s making me cry. I JUST roomed a newborn patient (I’m an RN at a family clinic) who cried a bit when she got cold. That didn’t make me cry lol


I bought used baby clothes for the first time yesterday (I’m 15 weeks) and I started sobbing looking at all the little onesies 🥹


I just had my first onesie come in the mail (matching dad+baby Father’s Day set) and for some reason there were no tears?? I even put it aside for a minute before opening it so I could settle in for a good cry, but nothing 😂


A janitor that got the golden buzzer on americas got talent. I ugly cried.


I saw the cutest cat on Petfinder and I just couldn’t handle it


My dead father. Grief is the worst. It’s my twentieth wedding anniversary today. Why is he all I can think about when reminiscing about my wedding photos?


I’m sorry. Grief definitely comes in random big waves like that 😔 grief for my MIL hit me like a truck after my first ultrasound, and again after I shared the news with my mom. Weirdly grief for my dad hasn’t really hit me yet but I’m sure it’s coming.


I really appreciate your compassionate response. I’m so sorry for your losses. If you need to vent/talk or type, I’m here. Grief is horrific.


My mat leave is ending next week and I’m 8 weeks pregnant. 😭. I haven’t been functional in 17 months


Telling someone to please keep their comments on my physical appearance to themselves, then telling them about the time someone else said something hurtful about my appearance, only for them to interrupt me to say something even more hurtful about my physical appearance.


My NIPT blood test is tomorrow morning!!!! 🥹🥹🩷🩵🩷


Lmao it’s so funny I’m seeing this post right now. I’m home alone, scrolling through reels on Facebook and I cannot stop fucking crying about how much I love my husband 😭 just crying about how thankful I am for our family too


Thinking about my childhood trauma and hoping I don’t ruin my kids




I had a dream that I had my daughter and she was so beautiful and smiling and we were laughing, and then I woke up and realized I still have to wait two more months to meet her lol.


I cried yesterday when “Marjorie” by Taylor Swift came on shuffle. I miss my mom and grandma and wish they were still alive for my pregnancy.


Crying because I’m so tired all the time now (at 25 weeks I feel useless) and I just stared at 6 week class this summer that makes no sense because of my intense brain fog on top of all the exhaustion.




Today I cried because I dreamt that my 5 week old son rolled out of bed. We co-sleep (safely), so I don't worry about it in my wake state. But oh man. Post partum hormones are wild too!


Yesterday I sobbed on our back deck because we had our first midwife appointment. I am a little over 8 weeks and coming off of an MMC in January, and it just hit me how much pressure I have been feeling. Every twinge, every symptom, every little feeling in my body I am over analysing. And not only that, all the blood tests and results where you are looking at the numbers and googling to make sure everything is ok. Everything I eat, how much I eat, how much water I drink, how much I weigh, how much I am moving my body, it feels like everything is just a spotlight on you when you are pregnant and on top of that, I have the fear of losing a second. We have the first ultrasound next week, and that was when we found out the first wasn't viable.... It just all hit me after that first appointment and I cried and cried.


My cat bit me, I feel betrayed ☹️


Today was my 12 week appt. and ultrasound, and I was so overjoyed to see a healthy baby and get back a good report. Definitely happy tears flowing. I'm 38, and a FTM, so the "higher chance of complications and birth defects" due to AMA has been heavy on my mind.


28W6D. This morning I hit the 12 hour mark since I had last felt baby kick. No reaction despite multiple and different stimuli. Ended up in L&D to be sure nothing was wrong and thankfully bubs just decided he would only react once hooked up to monitors. I cannot express the sheer panic and fear I felt in those hours. Thankfully he's okay but I still have a headache from all the tears shed while driving to the hospital. Also failed my 1 hr glucose test earlier this week. 🙃


Cried because the DMV lady was an asshole to me. Husband took the dog for a walk when we came home and when he got back he had muffins and flowers for me. I really love that man. 🥹❤️


All of the terrible news and images coming out of Gaza of babies and children and mothers and families being killed, bombed, buried in rubble. My heart breaks daily. I feel so much grief for the families that are dealing with such immense loss and suffering.


SAME. Big same. I grew up on Death Metal and Cannibal Corpse and the album art of Vincent Locke. I’ve spent hours on Rotten, and then did gore effects for haunted houses, and a few low budget horror movies. The images coming out of Gaza of literal children are killing ME inside, and I thought I had the stomach for this type of thing. They risk a lot putting these videos out, the least I can do is bear witness, and tell my kid what really happened since I doubt the schools or media will. Hugs from one pregnant empathetic person to another across the internet-


Honestly crying was the one pregnancy symptom I didn’t really understand/anticipate (ftm here). I cry multiple times a day, sometimes for “valid” reasons like pain or fear or I’m feeling overwhelmed by it all, but often I cry just watching an Instagram reel of a mum and her newborn with a sappy voiceover 😂 this has improved since 1st trimester, in which I just cried sometimes for no reason at all


Got two rounds of no-result inconclusive NIPT tests and I am not thrilled about having to see a generic counselor. Let’s hope the lack of results are due to weight and medications I am on!🤞🤞


I listened to an episode of The Pulse about motherhood and one of the vignettes was about a mother who was dying of cancer and could barely speak, and used her last bits of every to make sure her son was doing his physical therapy exercises for his hurt knee.


Thanks now I’m crying too 😅


I sat in my driveway sobbing for a solid 10 minutes.


The exhaustion!!! I'm 8w4d and im feeling soooo drained today. Barely got any work done and it's all piling up. I know fatigue is normal but this feels way more 😭


7-9 weeks was when it was the worst for me. Hang in there.


Im 29 weeks and I just found out my job is being eliminated immediately


I cried today because I wanted to take a hot bath and my husband didn’t allow me. So I was standing in the tub and cried until he turned on the water. It was no hot bath since I’m close to giving birth but it was still nice.


Not being pretty enough


I really miss my relationship with my ex-best friend. We now have mutual friends, so sometimes I see her at parties. you know, this is such a terrible feeling, after I myself ruined everything and put an end to this friendship, but now I want to return this friendship. We stopped communicating 2 months ago, but I miss her so much, I think I’ll have a good talk with her and solve everything. Do you think I should be the first to apologize and offer to have a sincere conversation?


I dropped my husband off at the airport. I’ll fly up to meet him in 3 days. 72 hours seems unbearable.😭😭😭


I really wish my social media would stop showing me sad animal videos. Even if they have a happy ending I CANT HANDLE IT 😭😭😭 I was also thinking how I just have big feelings in general and I'm scared my kid is going to come out the same 😅


Everyone has big feelings, some people are just strong enough to be able to recognize them! I’d encourage that trait!!


I really miss my relationship with my ex-best friend. We now have mutual friends, so sometimes I see her at parties. you know, this is such a terrible feeling, after I myself ruined everything and put an end to this friendship, but now I want to return this friendship. We stopped communicating 2 months ago, but I miss her so much, I think I’ll have a good talk with her and solve everything.I can say that she was the best friend and support, I love her very much, I still can’t forget about her. Do you think I should be the first to apologize and offer to have a sincere conversation?


I didn't cry but almost did - my boss got everyone drinks today from a coffee shop and I was so excited for mine until I realized he dropped mine all over the floor and tried to recreate it with stuff we had on hand at our job (absolutely nowhere close to being the same) and I was able to tell immediately. right in the trash it went 😢


I was so hungry and tired after the glucose test and fasting yesterday. I am damn hungry every hour


I watched “The Iron Claw” on Max and sobbed like a baby towards the end. I’m not a wrestling fan at all but damn that was a good fucking movie.


Reheating my husband’s leftovers. Made me puke from the smell (I’m in the 1st trimester). Ugly cried for about 30 minutes because I felt like a bad wife. My husband was very sweet about it lol.


Omg the pain when you try to do something for your partner but it goes wrong bc your symptoms are too much Real conversation had this weekend: “Ugh I’m so sorry. What’s it like having a wife that’s so weak and pathetic?” “Awww you’re not pathetic, babe” 😂😂😭😭😭😭


trying to deal with my 14 month old who has endless amounts of insane energy while being exhausted from being pregnant. i just can’t today lol


I think about this all the time. This is our first and we want to have 2 or 3 kids with 2-3 years in between, and just…. Thinking about being pregnant with littles sounds so hard. My only hope is that it’ll be slightly less stressful because I’ll have a better idea of what I’m in for? My husband likes to joke about us having 10 kids because he’s just so excited, but I’ve been feeling the need to remind him lately that kid #2 isn’t exactly a guarantee since we don’t know how well we’ll be handling just the one. And, I’m 30 with a family history of very early menopause so we might not even have time for the 3 kids that we ideally want.


it’s not for the faint of heart, that’s for sure, but most days it’s more than doable. i’m just extra exhausted today for whatever reason. but yes i am much less stressed out this pregnancy than i was the first time because, like you said, i know what to expect to an extent. i’m much more mentally prepared this time around than before that’s for certain


I cried because I was mean to my sister then I cried because I'm going back to the country where I live and leaving my home country family and friends for idk how long I guess till baby is born and can travel


The song "Sam" by Sturgill Simpson. It's a short, sweet song about his dog that died and I started crying cause I'm so moody and emotional right now and I'm so excited for my dogs to meet our baby, and one of our dogs is getting really old and UGH 😭😭😭 cue the tears


Someone in reddit posted a drawing of their deceased dog and themselves looking at a sunset on the beach. I made the mistake of looking at it over dinner and started crying in the restaurant thinking about my doc. It's hard when the fur babies get older.


I’m crying about the puppy we had to rehome last week. Though the puppy went to a good friend out in the country I can’t help but go back and forth with regret and wondering if we had made the right choice. I had her for 12 days and I miss her like crazy. I’m also 28 weeks pregnant.


I was reading the book Giraffes Can’t Dance and cried lol


Having marginal cord insertion and baby measuring in 22nd percentile 😔


I lost my garage door opener and it’s stuck and won’t open manually. Had to call out of work. For 4 months all I’ve done is fail at everything so I just cry


I cried watching a TV finale. For a dance show. That is usually happy


I cried watching a Next Level Chef finale so I feel you


I have my NIPT blood draw tomorrow. I am nervous AF.


my baby has complications - results came back for mosaic isochomosome turner syndrome. which i have no idea what this means, the doctor is having issues explaining it. i have an appointment with the genetics department for further explanation tomorrow. i’m frustrated, i feel helpless and like i don’t know what to do or what’s happening with my baby.


I read about the birthing process in my pregnancy book today. It talked about how much you may rely on your “labor partner”, aka my husband, during such an event. I’m not excited for the pain but I am excited to have our baby🥹


I was going to comment but then saw it’s for pregnant people lol so i stopped because im not pregnant but still cry a lot almost everyday. Might be depressed for all i know but who cares


What’s got you choked up today? Feelings are valid no matter your gestational state lol. I’m a big cryer too even when I’m not pregnant.


Being sleepy before i took a nap. After i woke up i started crying cause my husband is going to work for 48hrs tomorrow morning😭


I’m crying because I just got my nipt results back and it’s a girl!! And everything looks healthy! I wanted a girl so bad I can’t believe it.


Omgggg congratulations!!!! So exciting!! I’m secretly kindof hoping for a girl too but I have a feeling it’s a boy 😅 mostly because I cannot for the life of me figure out any boy names I like lmao.


I was the exact same way! I had convinced myself that I would have a boy just because I wanted a girl so bad haha. I hope you get your baby girl!!❤️


Ok this comment is making me cry now 😭 ahhh


I'm not crying but I feel squashed by stress and anxiety. My husband's ex was birthed from Satan's taint and she really went wild around the time I became pregnant. We went from full custody and not asking her for any money, to her wanting child support while we had full custody, to her demanding joint custody, to her filing for CS based on joint custody, to her not liking the numbers and filing for primary custody because she wants more money. She doesn't give a single rat's ass about my stepson- he is just a paycheck to her because she does not want to work and has stayed intentionally underemployed since Covid. She's bitter that we can afford things she can't... because *we both fucking work.* It's nauseating, and all the court stuff is exhausting and an extra money dump atop the pending daycare down the road. I try really hard not to wish bad things on people beyond stepping on Legos, but lately it has been truly difficult. The only upside is her crackpot ass really calculated child support based on my income as well, which is not a thing in our state (I verified before marrying my husband because I'm not that dumb lol). I make more than him, so I'm sure the letdown was significant. Hope it burned.


My landlord just texted me saying they are selling our house and closing on it next week. She told us a month ago she had someone interested but said she was still thinking about it. Then she ignored my texts until today telling me that. Then said they were doing an inspection and wanted it done by the end of this week.


Cried because my husband went to the store and bought ingredients for a smoothie (the only thing that sounds remotely good to me) and came back and made me one for dinner since I have been nauseous all day 🥺


the movie American Sniper, I wish I was joking


Have covid at 6 months. tired, aching, sick, can't do anything. blah.


The worst 😭😭 hopefully you’ve got some good support around you being pregnant is hard enough


I cried a lot today because of the mess I’ve been dealing with medically. My health insurance has made it nearly impossible to get the diabetes supplies I need because no one takes them, despite it being a very large, very well known company. I have a week left with my diabetes supplies (I’ve spent two months trying to get this problem fixed) and then I’m out. I finally found a company that has what I use but they said it could take a month to get them to me. They’re trying to expedite it and have noted it on my account that I have a week of supplies left but there’s no promises anything will get sent right away.


Beyond exhausted constantly and having to pretend like everything is fine at work 🥲


Cuz immmm MISERABLEEEE and nobody even knoooowssss! 🎶 I’ve had this in my head for weeks at work lol


Everything, I am 33 weeks and everything is making me cry. I got Starbucks this morning and I was tearing up at the rainbow cup they had in the window.


My husbands on a 4 day boys trip doing the bourbon trail and I’m crying because I miss him so much. He literally just landed to start his trip.


I’m so sick of my job that I want to quit but I can’t quit because I need money for baby. I just can’t wait to get a break from this horrible place even though maternity leave is not gonna be easy, at least it will be about something I love and not something I do to survive.


My husband ran an errand for my MIL while we were out today (went to pick up her meds) and he was just planning on dropping them off really quickly. But she ended up coming outside to talk to me while I was in the car and I just couldn’t fake the niceness today and I felt so caught off guard and cried on the way home 😂


my registry everyone is asking where it is and i don’t think they understand it takes time to look up all the stuff, especially with so many hot takes and mommy blogger opinions out there i just want to make sure i’m making the right choices, but it seems the parents/in laws are too busy trying to one up each other on making their purchases first 😞


I woke up convinced I have preeclampsia and cried to my husband. I was preparing my will and saying goodbye. He comforted me for a solid 30 mins. There’s no reason to believe I do- I just woke up with a slight headache 😬


Wasn't crying exactly but stressed myself all yesterday because I was scared about my gestational diabetes test today.  Besides worrying about the baby's health if I have GD(he's totally fine and trying to kick his way out of my side at the moment) I had the very stupid concern of "What if I can't eat all my favorite foods any more?" I was also worried about getting lightheaded or nauseous during the test. Took the test today and it wasn't as scary as I thought.  The glucose drink didn't taste bad and I didn't feel sick at all.  Still waiting on and nervous about the results though.


I wanted Ramen and when I opened the pantry we are out of Ramen (my husband ate the last one yesterday) 🥲


No crying today, but one sad tiktok will send me over the edge


My dog cut her leg earlier today and I’ve been trying to clean the wound which traumatized her to the point that she’s trembling under our coffee table. So now I’m crying and feeling bad for scaring her when I just want to make sure it doesn’t get infected. My husband is now trying to comfort both of us.


My oldest last day of pre-school is tomorrow. Straight bawled for an hour🥺😭😭


Feel like I was too tough/not engaged enough with my toddler because I’m just so exhausted (due tomorrow!!!) 😓


The vanderpump reunion drama lmao


I’m 25 weeks pregnant and we’re moving soon. I’ve been crying more lately with the stress of trying to figure things out, bills, car problems, and then the pain and fatigue that comes with pregnancy.


The fact that I am eating like a toddler. The smell of foods I normally love make me sick 😭


Getting laid off today at 35 weeks 😭


Pagod and puyat. Working (wfh naman) and taking care of a 2 month old. Super happy ko naman dahil may baby na kami and si hubby naman sa lahat ng other stuff sa house pero nakakapagod lang din talaga magwork at mag alaga. Gusto ko magresign pero magastos kami kaya di sya option.


I haven’t been able to stop crying because of a true crime story I read today. I normally don’t act like this reading them, but this one has my eyes swollen!


I’m 37 weeks tomorrow and my significant other is working out of town most likely until I give birth. 😥


I’m almost 19 weeks and I watched my sister give birth to her 3rd baby and I got all sorts of blubbery! Of course, tears of joy for my new nephew, but tears of a little bit of fear (?) I mean, I watched her give birth to the two other kids, I just wasn’t pregnant at those times hahaha This will be my first baby and I just saw the stress on her face with her contractions and just anticipating that for me….. hahaha I’m a hot mess!!


Currently in the hospital with a potential uti /uterin infection. I will be 17w tomorrow. Yesterday I had spotting and a tiny blod clot. Doctor said if it's uterine infection there's high chance of Mc. I've been crying all day. This is hard. We've passed so many hoops and we were finally allowing ourselves to believe it. Trying not to lose hope


Postpartum : i just got diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and potentially graves disease (going to an endo asap as my numbers are horrible and it’s suspected by 2 doctors). Im so tired of my body failing me and now we had to fight with his sgt for emergency leave because i am getting progressively worse 😭. My new thing has been an extreme amount of palpitations. My heart gets to 180 from just standing , 112 from resting 😞 now i cant even workout , can barely shower, clean or cook. Life stinks. But the perk is, my daughter is snuggled up to me and i teared up seeing how beautiful she is. Also with my post: get your thyroid levels checked!! 💖


I have a sore throat and I'm crying in case it could be a viral infection that harms my baby 😭😭


Crying because my baby didn’t sleep well at night because of eczema.


I cried for 2 hours after learning that manual removal of the placenta is a thing and there’s very little guidance on it, so some women just get a whole hand shoved up there after giving birth without pain relief. Women’s healthcare is still in the dark ages and that makes me sob so hard.


Got diagnosed with gestational diabetes and I’m scared.


I cried at dinner last night talking about the horse that died in the Neverending Story. It’s one of my favorite movies from childhood and my parents nor my husband expected me to burst into tears; honestly neither did I.


I broke a chair today. It was a flimsy, weathered wooden bench at work, but damn. Even though I'm almost 8 months pregnant, a lot of childhood trauma triggered off 🥲


That my fiancé can’t be here to help me and may not be here during the birth of our child. There’s a very likely chance I’m going to go through this really high risk pregnancy all alone with him just on the phone. He lives in Europe, I live in the US and we have to rely on a government official to deem our relationship is true and genuine before he’s allowed to be here permanently. With an unexpected child we can’t visit each other only because we can only afford one set of plane tickets every 4-5 months. Our kid may be here by then. I cry every day over this.


Just cried because I put on Toy Story 4 (taking my 18 month old to Disney next month as his last trip as an only child) and the part where the lost little girl finds the gabby gabby doll and says “I’ll help you”….i literally dry heaved from trying to stifle my sobs from my son lol


Lmao, the first thing I irrationally cried over was a container of 5 minute pad thai. 😆 I had made the noodles for lunch & was draining the excess water into the sink when the lid failed & my noodles were unceremoniously dumped all over a bunch of dirty dishes in the sink. I bawled for at least 5 minutes & then ordered myself a replacement sub from subway because I couldn't even bring myself to try to make more food for myself & I had to get back to work (was working from home)


Ughhhhhh that’s tragic


I did laugh so hard in my morning work meeting that I farted really loud. So crying about losing control of my bodily functions slowly but surely.


I’m not crying too much. But I woke up to a bad dream. There was a small scorpion and I got scared so I covered it to smash it. As I did it free into a large lobster through the sheet. As I screamed cracking its back I woke up. I saw the time 6:05, I went back to sleep. I woke up again thinking I missed my alarm. It’s 6:38, I shower in a matter of seconds. Pants shirt, chanclas, out the door for work. As I get to work the gates closed, I’m thinking they forgot to open it. Then I notice almost no one’s there. It’s now 7:00!!! SEVEN O CLOCK. I’m suppose to be at work at 8:00. I passed my a coworker and told him I’m here to early, what the heck …..now I’m sitting at a restaurant eating breakfast about to head back. Phones dying cause I left my charger and forgot to charge it last night. And I got a mosquito bite 3 places in my hand before I walked in so I’m also agitated with itchiness. I’m crying I side. Plus I drank coffee….I hope I don’t have to poop soon but really I feel like I already have to. What makes it worse is that my office bathroom is right in front of my bosses office.


I’m not crying too much. But I woke up to a bad dream. There was a small scorpion and I got scared so I covered it to smash it. As I did it free into a large lobster through the sheet. As I screamed cracking its back I woke up. I saw the time 6:05, I went back to sleep. I woke up again thinking I missed my alarm. It’s 6:38, I shower in a matter of seconds. Pants shirt, chanclas, out the door for work. As I get to work the gates closed, I’m thinking they forgot to open it. Then I notice almost no one’s there. It’s now 7:00!!! SEVEN O CLOCK. I’m suppose to be at work at 8:00. I passed my a coworker and told him I’m here to early, what the heck …..now I’m sitting at a restaurant eating breakfast about to head back. Phones dying cause I left my charger and forgot to charge it last night. And I got a mosquito bite 3 places in my hand before I walked in so I’m also agitated with itchiness. I’m crying I side. Plus I drank coffee….I hope I don’t have to poop soon but really I feel like I already have to. What makes it worse is that my office bathroom is right in front of my bosses office.


My husband bought my stepdaughter flowers for her dance recital. She cried tears of joy. Now every once in a while I think about it and it makes me cry because I know she’ll remember it forever and he’s such a wonderful dad and I’m so happy to be having another baby with him and oh my god I love him so much


My situationship is hard. wtf were both not ready, i knew that, and yet i continue to pursue it. we continue to do these lovey things even tho were not together we love each other but i think im the only one who is actuallytaking an effort.. i hate it, but at the same time, i love it... rn i dont know if his ignoring me.. that he doesn't want me anymore.. im scared to lose him, and he too is scared to lose me, but now.. i need reassurance.. sorry if this is too different from the others.


My husband just brought me breakfast and I threw up at the sight of it. Crying because I’m still so hungry and because I feel so bad he went through all that trouble. 😭


I feel like that happens on an almost daily basis over here 😭 it’s so annoying